Leviticus 3:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 If a man brynge a peace offerynge of the oxen: whether it be male or female, he shal bringe such as is without blemish, before the Lorde:

Exodus 20:24

24 An aulter of erth thou shalte make vnto me and thereon offer thy burntofferynges & thy peace offeringes, and thy shepe and thyne oxen. And in all places where I shall put the remembraunce of my name, thither I will come vnto the & blesse the.

Exodus 24:5

5 and sent yonge men of the children of Israel to sacrifice burntoffringes and to offre peaceoffringes of Oxen vnto the Lorde.

Exodus 29:28

28 And it shalbe Aarons and his sonnes dutye for euer, of the chyldren of Israel, for it is an heueoffeynge. And the heueoffrynge shalbe the Lordes dutye of the children of Israell: euen of the sacrifyce of their peaceofferynges whyche they heue vnto the Lorde.

Leviticus 1:3

3 If he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall brynge a male wythout blemysh, & shal brynge hym to the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, that he maye be accepted before the Lorde.

Leviticus 7:11-34

11 Thys is the lawe of the peaceofferinges which shalbe offered to the Lorde. 12 If he offer to gyue thanckes, he shal bryng vnto hys thanke offeringe: swete cakes mingled wyth oyle and swete wafers anoynted wyth oyle, & cakes mingled wyth oyle of fyne flower fryed, 13 & he shal bring his offeryng vpon cakes made of leuended bread vnto the thankeoffering of his peace offeringes 14 and of them al he shal offer one to be an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde, and it shall be the Priestes that sprynkeleth the bloude of the peaceofferynges. 15 And the flesh of the thankeoffering of his peaceofferinges shalbe eaten the same day that it is offered, and there shal none of it be layed vp vntil the mornyng. 16 If it be a vowe or a fre wyloffringe that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it it shal be eaten, & that which remaineth may be eaten on the morowe: 17 but as much of the offered flesh as remaineth vnto the third day shalbe burnt with fyre. 18 For if ani of the flesh of the peaceofferynges be eaten in the thirde day, then shal he that offred it optayne no fauour, neyther shall it be rekened vnto hym: but shall be an abhomination, and the soule that eateth of it shal beare the sinne therof. 19 The fleshe that toucheth any vncleane thing shall not be eaten, but burnte wyth fyre: & all that be cleane in theyr flesh, may eat flesh. 20 If any soule eat of the flesh of the peace offrings that pertaine vnto the Lorde, & his vncleannesse yet vpon hym, the same Soule shal peryshe from amonge hys people. 21 Moreouer if a soule touch any vncleane thing, whether it be the vnclennes of man or of any vncleane beast, or of any abhomination that is vnclene and then eat of the fleshe of the peaceofferynges which pertaine vnto the Lord, that soule shal peryshe from his people. 22 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying: 23 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye: Ye shal eate no maner fatte of oxen, shepe or gotes, 24 neuerthelater that fatte of the beast that dyeth alone & the fatt of that whych is torne with wylde beastes, maye be occupied in all maner vses: but ye shall in no wyse eat of it. 25 For whosoeuer eateth the fat of the beast of which men bryng an offeryng vnto that Lord, that soule that eateth it shall perish from his people. 26 Moreouer ye shall eate no maner of bloud, wherso euer ye dwel, whether it be of foule or of beast. 27 Whatsoeuer soule it be that eateth anye maner of bloude the same soule shall perysh from hys people. 28 And the Lord talked with Moses saying: 29 speake vnto the children of Israel & say: he that offereth his peaceoffring vnto the Lord, shal bryng his gyfte vnto the Lord of hys peaceofferynges, 30 hys owne handes shal bring the offeryng of the Lord: euen the fatt vpon the breast he shal bryng with the breast to waue it a waueofferynge before the Lord. 31 And the priest shal burne the fatt vpon the alter, & the breast shalbe Aarons & his sonnes. 32 And the right shoulder they shal geue vnto the priest, to be an heueoffringe, of their peaceofferinges. 33 And the same that offereth the bloude of the peace offerynges and the fatte, amonge the sonnes of Aaron shall haue the ryght shoulder vnto hys parte, 34 for the waue breast, & the heue shoulder I haue taken of the chyldren of Israell, euen of theyr peaceofferynges, & haue geuen it vnto Aaron the priest and vnto hys sonnes: to be a dutye for euer of the children of Israel.

Leviticus 17:5

5 Wherfore let the chyldren of Israel bryng theyr offerynges that they offer in the wyde felde, vnto the Lorde: euen vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse and vnto the preast, and offer them for the peaceofferynges vnto the lord.

Leviticus 22:19-21

19 to reconcyle them selues, it must be a male without blemysh of the oxen, shepe or gootes, 20 let them offer nothyng that is deformed for they shall gett no fauoure therwyth. 21 If a man wil offer a peace offryng vnto the Lord and separate a vowe or a frewyll offeryng of the oxen or the flocke, it must be wtout deformyte, that it may be accepted. There maye be no blemysh therin:

Numbers 6:14

14 & he shal bryng his offeryng vnto the Lorde: an he lambe of a yere old wyth out blemyshe for a burntofferynge & a she lambe of a yere old without blemysh for a synofferynge, a ram without blemysh also for a peaceofferynge,

Numbers 7:17

17 and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of a yere olde: and this was the gyfte of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab.

Judges 20:26

26 Then the chyldren of Israell and all the people went vp and came vnto Bethel, and wepte and sat there before the Lorde, & fasted the same daye vnto euen, and offered burntofferinges and peace offeringes before the Lorde.

Judges 21:4

4 And on the morow the people rose vp by tyme, and made there an altare, and offered burntofferinges and peace offeringes.

1 Chronicles 21:26

26 And Dauid buylt there an aulter vnto the Lorde & offered burntofferinges & peaceofferinges, & called vnto the Lorde & he hearde him from heauen in fyre vpon the aulter of burntofferyng.

Proverbs 7:14

14 I had a vowe to paye, & thys daye I perfourme it.

Ezekiel 45:15

15 And one lambe from two hundreth shepe out of the pasture of Israel, for a meatoffringe, burntofferynge and healthoffryng, to reconcyle them, sayeth the Lorde God.

Amos 5:22

22 And though ye offre me brentofferynges, and meateofferynges, yet haue I no pleasure therein. As for youre fat thanckeofferinges, I wil not loke vpon them.

Malachi 1:8

8 Yf ye offre the blind, is not that euill? And yf ye offre the lame, and syck, is not that euyll? Yea, offre it vnto thy prince, shal he be content with the, or accepte thy personne, sayeth the Lorde of hostes.

Malachi 1:14

14 Cursed be the dissembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spoted one vnto the lord. For I am a great king (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heathen.

Romans 5:1-2

1 Because therfore that we are iustifyed by fayeth we are at peace wyth God thorowe oure Lorde Iesus Christe 2 by whom we haue a waye in thorowe fayeth vnto thys grace where in we stande & reioye in hope of the prayse that shalbe geuen of God.

Colossians 1:20

20 and by hym to reconcile all thinge vnto him selfe, and to set at peace by him thorowe the bloude of his crosse, both thinges in heauen, and thinges in earth.

Hebrews 10:22

22 let vs draw nye wyth a true herte in a full fayth, sprynkeled in our hertes from an euyl conscyence, and washed in our bodyes wyth pure water,

1 John 1:3

3 That whyche we haue sene and hearde declare we vnto you, that ye maye haue felowshyp wyth vs, and that our felowshype may be wyth the father and hys sonne Iesus Christ.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.