8 God chose new fashyons of warre, for when they had warre at theyr gates: there was not sene amonge fourtye thousande, eyther shyld or spere in Israel.
Judges 5:8 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 32:16-17
Judges 2:12
12 & forsoke the Lorde God of theyr fathers, whiche brought them out of the land of Egypt, and folowed straunge Goddes, euen of the Goddes of the nacyons that were rounde aboute them, and bowed them selues vnto them, and angred the Lorde.
Judges 2:17
17 and yet for al that they wold not harken vnto theyr iudges: But wente a whorynge after straunge Goddes & bowed them selues vnto them, and turned quicklye oute of the waye which theyr fathers walked in obeyinge the commaundementes of the Lord and dyd not so.
Judges 4:3
3 And the chyldren of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charettes of yron, he oppressed the chyldren of Israel wyth power .xx. yeares.
1 Samuel 13:19-22
19 But there was no smyth thorowout al the lande of Israel. For the Philistines thought that then the Ebrues myght make them swerdes or speres.
20 And therfor must al Israel go doune to the Philistines, to mende euery man his share, hys mattok, his axe, or hys cyckle:
21 as ofte as the edges of the cyckles mattockes, doung forckes, & axes were blunte, and also to mende theyr goodes.
22 And so in tyme of battell there was nether swerde nor spere founde in the handes of any of the people that were wyth Saule & Ionathas: saue for Saule and Ionathas hys sonne was there som what founde.