Joshua 7:3 Cross References - Matthew

3 And returned vnto Iosua, and sayde vnto hym, let not all the people go vp, but let as it were a two or thre thousande men go vp and destroye Ai, and make not all the people to laboure thether, for they are but fewe.

Proverbs 13:4

4 The slogarde woulde fayne haue, and can not get his dsyre: but the soule of the diligente shall haue plenty.

Proverbs 21:25

25 The voluptuousnesse of the slouthfull is hys owne death, for hys handes wyll not laboure.

Luke 13:24

24 stryue with your selues to enter in at the strayte gate: For manye I saye vnto you wyl seke to enter in, & shal not be able.

Hebrews 4:11

11 Let vs study therfore to enter into the reste, leste anye man falle after the same ensample, into vnbelefe.

Hebrews 6:11-12

11 Yea, and we desyre that euerye one of you shew the same dylygence, to the stablyshynge of hope euen vnto the ende: 12 that ye faynt not, but folowe them, whiche thorowe fayth & pacience inheret the promyses.

2 Peter 1:5

5 And herunto geue al diligence, in youre fayth, mynyster vertue, and in vertue knowledge,

2 Peter 1:10

10 Wherfore brethren, geue the more diligence for to make your callinge and eleccion sure. For if ye do suche thinges, ye shal neuer erre.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.