John 9:40 Cross References - Matthew

40 And some of the Pharises whiche were with him, hearde these wordes, and sayde vnto hym: are we then blynde?

Matthew 15:12-14

12 Then came hys disciples, and sayde vnto hym: Perceyuest thou not, how that the Phariseis are offended in hearing thys saying? 13 He aunswered and sayd: al plantes whiche my heauenly father hath not planted, shalbe plucked vp by the rootes. 14 Let them alone, thei be the blynde leaders of the blynd. If the blynd leede the blynde, both shall fall into the dytche.

Matthew 23:16-28

16 Wo be vnto you blynde guydes, whyche say whosoeuer sweare by the temple, it is nothing, but whosoeuer sweared by the golde of the temple: he offendeth. 17 Ye fooles and blind, whither is greater, the golde, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? 18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aultare, it is nothynge: but whosoeuer sweareth by the offeryng that lyeth on the aulter, offendeth. 19 Ye fooles and blynde, whither is greater the offerynge, or the aulter whiche sanctifieth the offeryng? 20 Whosoeuer therfore sweareth by the aultare, sweareth by it and by all that thereon is. 21 And whosoeuer sweareth by the temple, sweareth by it and by hym that dwelleth therin. 22 And he that sweareth by heauen sweareth by the seate of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. 23 Wo be to you Scribes and Phariseis, hypocrites, which tythe mynte, anyse and commen, and leaue the wayghtyer matters of the lawe vndone: iudgement, mercy, and faythe. These ought ye to haue done, and not to haue lefte the other vndone. 24 Ye blynde guydes whiche strayne out a gnat, and swallowe a cammell. 25 Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites, which make cleane the vtter side of the cuppe, & of the platter: but within they are ful of bribery and excesse. 26 Thou blynd Pharisei, clense first the ynneside of the cup & platter, that the outside of them may be clene also. 27 Wo be to you Scribes and Phariseis hypocrytes, for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes, whiche appeare beautifull outwarde, but are within full of dead bones and of all filthines. 28 So are ye, for outwarde ye apeare righteouse vnto men, when within, ye are full of hypocresie and iniquitie.

Luke 11:39-54

39 And the Lorde sayde to hym: Now do ye pharyses make cleane the outsyde of the cup, and of the platter: but your inward parties are full of rauenyng and wickednes. 40 Ye foles, dyd not he that made that which is without: make that whiche is within also? 41 Neuerthelesse geue almose of that ye haue, and beholde all is cleane to you. 42 But wo be to you Pharyses: for the tyth the mint and rew, and al maner herbes, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God. These ought ye to haue lefte the other vndone. 43 Wo be to you Pharises, for ye loue the vppermost seates in the synagoges, and gretynges in the markettes. 44 Wo be to you scribes and pharyses, hypocrites, for ye are as graues which appere not, and the men that walke ouer them, are not ware of them. 45 Then aunswered one of the lawyers, and sayed vnto hym: Mayster, thus saiyng, thou puttest vs to rebuke also. 46 Then he sayde: Wo be to you also ye lawyars, for ye lade men wt burthens greuous to be borne, and ye youre selues touche not the packes with one of your fyngers. 47 Wo be to you: ye buylde the sepulchres of of the Prophetes, and youre fathers kylled them, 48 truelye ye beare witnes, that ye alowe the deedes of youre fathers: for they kylled them, and ye buylde theyr sepulchres. 49 Therfore sayde the wysdome of God: I wyll send them Prophetes and Apostles, and of them they shall slea and persecute, 50 that the bloude of all Prophetes which was shede from the beginnynge of the worlde, maye be requyred of thys generacion 51 from the bloude of Abell vnto the bloude of Zacharye, whiche peryshed betwene the aulter and the temple. Verelye I saye vnto you, it shalbe requyred of thys nacyon. 52 Wo be to you lawyers: for ye haue taken away the keye of knoweledge, ye entred not in your selues, and them that came in, ye forbade. 53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawyers, and the Pharyses began to wexe busye aboute hym, and to stop hys mouthe with manye questyons, 54 layinge wayte for hym, and sekynge to catche some thynge of hys mouthe, whereby they myghte accuse hym.

John 7:47-52

47 Then aunswered them the Phariseis: are ye also deceyued? 48 Doth anye of the rulers or the Phariseis beleue on hym? 49 But the commune people whiche know not the lawe, are cursed. 50 Nicodemus sayed vnto them. He that came to Iesus by night, and was one of them. 51 Doeth our lawe iudge anye man, before it heare him and knowe what he hath done? 52 They aunswered and sayed vnto hym: art thou also of Galile? Searche and loke, for oute of Galile aryseth no Prophete.

John 9:34

34 They answered, and sayde vnto hym: thou arte all together borne in synne, and doest thou teach vs? And they cast hym oute.

Romans 2:19-22

19 and beleuest that thou thy selfe arte a guyde vnto the blynde, a lyght to them which are in darknes, 20 an infourmer of them whiche lacke discrecyon, a teacher of vnlearned, which haste the ensample of that whiche ought to be knowen, and of the trueth, in the lawe. 21 But thou whiche teachest not another, teacheste not thy selfe. Thou preachest, a man shoulde not steale, and yet thou stealest. 22 Thou sayst, a man shoulde not commyt aduoutrye: and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorreste ymages, and robeste God of hys honoure.

Revelation 3:17

17 because thou art ryche and increased wyth goodes, and hast nede of nothinge, and knowest not howe thou art wretched and miserable, poore, blind and naked.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.