15 Beholde, yf he witholde the waters, they drye vp: Yf he let them go, they destroye the earth.
Job 12:15 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 6:13
13 Than sayde God to Noe: the ende of all flesh is come before me, for the erth is full of their myschefe. And lo, I wyl destroye them with the erth.
Genesis 6:17
17 For behold, I wyll bryng in a floud of water vpon the erth to destroye al flesh from vnder heauen, wherin breth of lyf is: so that all that is in the erth shal perysh.
Genesis 7:11-8:2
11 In the .vi. hundred yere of Noes lyfe, in the seconde moneth, in the .xvij. daye of the moneth, that same day were al the founteynes of the great depe broken vp, & the wyndowes of heauen were opened,
Deuteronomy 11:17
17 & then the wrath of the Lord waxe whote vpon you, & shut vp the heauen that ther be no raine, & that your land yeld not hyr frute and that ye peryshe quyckly from of the good land, which the Lord geueth you.
1 Kings 8:35-36
35 Yf heauen be shut vp, that there be no rayne, because they haue synned against the: yet yf they praye in thys place, and prayse thy name, and turne from theyr synnes, thorowe thy skourgynge of them:
36 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes & of thy people Israel, that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in, & geue raygne vpon thy lande that thou haste geuen vnto thy people to enheret.
1 Kings 17:1
1 And Eliah the Thesbite whyche was of the enhabiters of Galaad saide vnto Ahab: as truly as the Lorde God of Israel lyueth, before whome I stande, there shal be neyther dewe nor rayne these yeares, saue as I appoynt it.
Job 12:10
10 In whose hande is the soule of euery lyuynge thinge, & the breth of all men.
Psalms 104:7-9
Jeremiah 14:22
22 Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen? Doest not thou it O Lorde oure God, in whom we trust? Yee Lorde, thou doest all these thinges.
Amos 5:8
8 The Lorde maketh the seuen starres and the Dryons, he turneth the nighte into daye, and of the daye he maketh darcknesse. He calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them oute vpon the playne grounde: the Lorde is hys name:
Nahum 1:4
4 When he reproueth the sea, he drieth it vp, and turneth all the floudes to drye lande. Basan is desolate, Charmel & the pleasure of Lybanus wasteth awaye.
Luke 4:25
25 But I tell you of a truthe, manye wydowes were in Israel in the dayes of Helias, when heauen was shut thre yeares & syxe moneths when great fanishment was through out all the lande,
James 5:17-18
Revelation 11:6
6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the daies of they: Prophesiyng, and haue power ouer waters to turne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth wyth al maner plages, as often as they will.