Jeremiah 44:18 Cross References - Matthew

18 But sence we left, to offre, and to do sacrifice vnto the Quene of Heauen, we haue had scarcenes of all thynges, and peryshe wyth the swerde and honger.

Numbers 11:5-6

5 we remembre the fysh whych we should eate in Egypt for noughte and of the Cucumbers and melouns, lekes, onyouns and garleke. 6 But now oure soules ar dryed a waye, for oure eyes loke on nothyng els, saue vpon Manna.

Job 21:14-15

14 They say vnto God: go from vs: we desyre not the knowledge of thy wayes. 15 What maner of felow is the Almightye, that we shoulde serue him? What profyt should we haue, to submitte oure selues vnto hym?

Psalms 73:9-15

9 They stretche forth their mouthe vnto the heauen, and their tongue goeth thorow the worlde. 10 Therfore fall the people vnto them, and thereout sucke they no small auauntage. 11 Tush (saye they) howe shoulde God perceiue it? is there knowlege in the most hyest? 12 Lo, these are the vngodly, these prospere in the worlde, these haue ryches in possession. 13 Shoulde I then clense my herte in vayne (thougt I) and washe my handes in innocency? 14 Wherefore shoulde I be then punyshed dayly, & be chastened euery mornynge? 15 Yea, I had almoost also sayd euen as they: but lo, then shoulde I haue condemned the generacion of thy chyldren.

Jeremiah 40:12

12 All the Iewes (I say) returned out of al places where they fled vnto: and came into the lande of Iuda to Godoliah vnto Mazphah, and gathered wine & other frutes, and that very much.

Malachi 3:13-15

13 Ye speake harde wordes agaynst me, sayeth the Lorde. And yet ye saye: What haue we spoken agaynst the? 14 Ye haue sayed. Is it but lost labour, to serue God? What profyt haue we for keping his commaundementes, and for walkinge humbly before the Lorde of Hostes? 15 Therfore maye we saye, that the proude are happye, and that they whiche deale with the vngodlynesse, are sette vp: for they tempte God, and yet escape.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.