James 1:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Iames the seruaunte of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ sendeth gretyng to the twelue trybes whiche are scattered here and there.

Exodus 24:4

4 Then Moyses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde & rose vp early and made an aulter vnder the hyl, & .xij. pyllers according to the numbre of the .xij. trybes of Israell,

Exodus 28:21

21 And the stones shalbe grauen as signettes be grauen: wyth the names of the children of Israell euen wyth .xij. names euerye one wt hys name accordinge to the .xii. tribes

Exodus 39:14

14 And the .xij. stones were grauen as sygnettes with the names of the chyldren of Israel: euery stone wyth hys name, accordyng to the .xij. tribes.

Leviticus 26:33

33 And I wyl strawe you among the Heathen, and wyl draw out a swerde after you, and youre land shal be waste, and your cityes desolate.

Deuteronomy 4:27

27 And the Lorde shal scatter you among nations, & ye shalbe left fewe in numbre among the people whyther the lord shal bryng you,

Deuteronomy 28:64

64 And the Lord shall scater the amonge all nacions from the one ende of the world vnto the other and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes, whyche nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wood and stone.

Deuteronomy 30:3

3 Then the Lorde thy God wyll turne thy captiuite and haue compassyon vpon the, and goo and fet the agayn from all the nacyons, amonge which the Lord thy God shal haue scatered the.

Deuteronomy 32:26

26 I haue determined to skatter them thorowoute the worlde, and to make awaye the remembraunce of theym from amonge men.

1 Kings 18:31

31 And he toke .xij. stones accordynge to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of the sonnes of Iacob, vnto whom the word of the lord came sayinge: Israel shalbe thy name.

Ezra 6:17

17 and offered at the dedycacion of the house of God, an hundred calues, two hundred lambes, four hundred goates: and for the synofferinge for all Israell twelue he goates, accordinge to the nombre of the trybes of Israel,

Esther 3:8

8 And Haman sayde vnto kyng Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abroade & dispersed amonge all people in all the landes of thyne empire, & their lawe is contrary vnto all people, & they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profet to suffre them after this maner.

Ezekiel 12:15

15 So when I haue scatred them amonge the Heathen, and strowed them in the landes, they shall knowe, that I am the Lorde.

Matthew 10:3

3 Philip and Bartlemew. Thomas and Mathewe the publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe, and Lebbius otherwyse called Taddeus.

Matthew 13:55

55 Is not thys the carpenters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? and hys brethren be called Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas?

Matthew 19:28

28 Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: when the sonne of man shall sit in the seate of hys maiestie, yea, which folow me in the second geueracion, shall sitte also vpon .xij. seates, and iudge the .xij. tribes of Israel.

Mark 3:18

18 and Andrew, and Philip, & Bartelmew, and Mathew, & Thomas, & Iames the sonne of Alphey & Taddeus, & Symon of Cane,

Luke 6:15

15 Mathewe and Thomas, Iames the sonne of Alpheus, and Simon called Zelotes,

Luke 22:30

30 that ye maye eate and drinke at my table in my kingdome, and syt on seates, and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel.

John 7:35

35 Then sayd the Iewes amonge them selues: whither wyll he go, that we shall not fynde him? Wyll he go amonge the gentyls which are scattered all abrode and teache the gentyls:

John 12:26

26 If any man minister vnto me, let hym folowe me, and where I am, there shal also my minister be. And yf any man minister vnto me, hym wyll my father honoure.

Acts 1:13

13 And when they were come in, they went vp into a parler where abode bothe Peter, and Iames, Iohn and Andrew, Philip & Thomas, Bartlemew and Matthewe, Iames the sonne of Alpheus and Simon zelotes, and Iudas Iames sonne.

Acts 2:5

5 And there were dwelling at Hierusalem Iewes, deuout men, whyche were of all nations vnder heauen.

Acts 8:1

1 Saul had pleasure in hys death. And at the tyme ther was a great persecution agaynste the congregation, whiche was at Ierusalem, & they were all scattered abroade thorowout the regions of Iury & Samaria, excepte the Apostles.

Acts 12:17

17 And he beckened vnto them with the hande to holde theyr peace, and tolde them by what meanes the Lord hath brought hym out of the pryson. And he sayde: go shew these thynges vnto Iames, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into another place.

Acts 15:13

13 And when they helde theyr peace, Iames aunswered, saiynge: Men and brethren herken vnto me.

Acts 15:21

21 For Moses of olde tyme hath in euerye cytie that preache hym, and he is reade in the synagoges euerye saboth daye.

Acts 15:23

23 and gaue them letters in theyr handes after thys maner. The Apostles, elders, and brethren sende gretynges vnto the brethren whiche are of the gentyls in Antioche, Syria, and Celicia.

Acts 21:18

18 And on the morowe Paule wente in wyth vs vnto Iames. And all the elders came together.

Acts 23:26

26 Claudius Lisias to the moste myghtye rular Felix sendeth gretynges.

Acts 26:7

7 vnto whyche promys our .xij. trybes instantlye, seruynge God daie and nighte hope to come. For whiche hopes sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Iewes.

Romans 1:1

1 Paule the seruaunte of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle, put aparte to preache the Gospel of God,

Galatians 1:19

19 no nother of the Apostles sawe I, saue Iames the Lordes brother.

Galatians 2:9

9 and therfore when they perceyued the grace that was geuen vnto me, then Iames, Cephas, and Iohn, whiche semed to be pyllars, gaue to me & Barnabas the ryght handes, & agreed with vs, that we should preach amonge the Heathen, and they amonge the Iewes,

Galatians 2:12

12 For yer that certayne came from Iames, he eate with the Gentyls. But when they were come, he withdrue and separated hym selfe, fearyng them which were of the circumcysyon.

Philippians 1:1

1 Paule and Tymotheus the seruauntes of Iesu Christe. To all the sainctes in Christe Iesu, which are at Philippos, wyth the Bishops and Deacons.

2 Timothy 4:21

21 Make spede to come before wynter. Eubolus greteth the, and Pudens, and Linus, & Claudia, and all the brethren.

Titus 1:1

1 Paule the seruaunt of God and an Apostle of Iesu Christ, to preache the faythe, of Goddes elect, & the knowledge of that truethe, whiche is after Godlynes,

1 Peter 1:1

1 Peter an Apostle of Iesu Christe to them that dwell here & there as straungers thorowout all Pontus, Galacia, Capadocia Asia, and Bithinia, elect

2 Peter 1:1

1 Simon Peter a seruaunte, and an Apostle of Iesus Christe, to them whyche haue obtained lyke precyous faith wyth vs in the rightuousnes that commeth of oure God and sauiour Iesu Christ.

Jude 1:1

1 Iudas the seruaunte of Iesus Christ, the brother of Iames. To them whyche are called & sanctyfied in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christe.

Revelation 7:4

4 And I heard the numbre of them whyche were sealed, and there were sealed an .C. and .xliiij.M. of all tribes of the chyldren of Israell.

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