Isaiah 41:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Be styll (ye Ilandes) and herken vnto me. Be stronge ye people, Come hether, and shewe youre cause, we wyll go to the lawe together.

Job 23:3-7

3 O that I might se him, and fynde hym. O that I myght come before his seat, 4 to pleat my cause before him, & to fill my mouth wt argumentes. 5 That I might know, what answer he would geue me: & that I might vnderstand, what he woulde saye vnto me. 6 Wyl he pleate against me with his greate power & strength, or will he leane him selfe vtterly vpon me? 7 Oh no, let him not do so with me. But let him geue me lyke power to go to the lawe, then am I sure to winne my matter.

Job 31:35-36

35 O that I had one whiche woulde heare me. Lo, this is my cause. Let the almighty geue me answere: and let hym that is my contrary party, sue me with a lybell. 36 Then shal I take it vpon my shoulder, & as a garlande about my heade.

Job 38:3

3 Gyrde vp thy loynes lyke a man, for I wyl question the, se thou geue me a dyrecte aunswere.

Job 40:7-10

7 Gyrd vp thy loynes lyke a man, & tell me the thynges that I wyl aske the. 8 Wilt thou disanulle my iudgemente? Or wilt thou condempne me, that thou thy selfe mayest be made righteous? 9 Is thyne arme then lyke the arme of God? Maketh thy voyce such a sound as hys doeth? 10 Then arme thy selfe with thyne owne power, vp, decke the in thy ioly araye,

Psalms 46:10

10 Be styll then and confesse that I am God I will be exalted amonge the Heythen, and I will be exalted vpon earth.

Isaiah 1:18

18 Nowe go to (sayth the Lorde) we will talke together. Is it not so? Thoughe youre synnes be as reade as scarlet, shal they not be whyther then snowe? And though they were lyke purple, shall they not be lyke white wolle?

Isaiah 8:9-10

9 Go together ye people, and gather you, herken to all ye of farre countreyes. Mustre you, & gather you: mustre you and gather you, 10 take your councel together, yet must youre councell come to nought: go in hand with all, yet shall it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with vs.

Isaiah 11:11

11 At the same tyme shal the Lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of hys people (whiche are left alyue.) From the Assirians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Ealdeyes, Antiochiaus, and Ilandes of the sea.

Isaiah 34:1

1 Come ye Heithen & heare, take hede ye people. Herken thou earth & all that is therin: thou rounde compasse & all that groweth there vpon

Isaiah 41:6-7

6 Euery man hath exorted hys neyghboure, and brother, and bydden him be stronge. 7 The Smyth conforted the moulder, and the Ironsmyth the hammerman, sayenge: It shalbe good, that we fasten this cast worcke: and then they fastened it with nayles, that it shulde not be moued.

Isaiah 41:21-22

21 Stande at your cause (sayeth the Lorde) & brynge forth your stroungest grounde, counceleth the Kynge of Iacob. 22 Let the goddes come forth them selues, & shewe vs the thynges that are past, what they be: let them declare them vnto vs, that we maye take them to herte, and knowe them herafter.

Isaiah 48:16

16 Come nye and heare this, haue I spoken anye thynge darcklye sence the begynnynge? when a thing begynneth, I am there. Wherfore the Lorde God with his spryte hathe sent me,

Isaiah 49:1

1 Ye Iles, herken vnto me, & take hede ye people from farre. The Lorde hath called me from my byrth, and made mencion of my name from my mothers womb:

Isaiah 50:8

8 Myne aduocate speaketh for me, who wyl then go with me to law? Let vs stand one agaynste another: yf there be any that wyll reason with me, let him come here forth to me.

Joel 3:10-11

10 Make you sweardes of youre plowshares, and speares of youre sycles & sythes. Let the weake man saye: I am stronge. 11 Mustre you, and come, all ye heathen round about: gather you together, there shall the Lorde laye all thy gyauntes to the grounde.

Micah 6:1-3

1 Herken now what the Lorde sayeth: Vp reproue the mountaynes, and let the hylles heare thy voyce. 2 O heare the punishment of the Lord, ye mountaynes, & ye myghtie foundacions of the earth: for the Lorde wyll reproue hys people, and reason with Israel: 3 O my people, what haue I done vnto the? or wherin haue I hurte the? geue me answere.

Habakkuk 2:20

20 But the Lord in his holy temple is he, whome all the world shuld feare.

Zechariah 2:13

13 Let all fleshe be styll before the Lorde, for he is rysen oute of hys holy place.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.