5 whiche priestes serue vnto the ensample and shadowe of heauenly thynges: euen as the aunswer of God was geuen vnto Moses when he was aboute to fynyshe the tabernacle. Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thynges accordynge to the patrone shewed to the in the mounte.
Hebrews 8:5 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 25:40
40 And se that thou make them after the facyon that was shewed the in the mounte.
Exodus 26:30
30 And rere vp the habytacyon accordynge to the facyon thereof that was shewed the in the mounte.
Exodus 27:8
8 & make the aulter holow wt bordes: euen as it was shewed the vpon that mount, so let them make it.
Numbers 8:4
4 & the worke of the candelstyck was of styffe golde: both the shaft and the floures therof. And accordyng vnto the visyon whyche the Lord had shewed Moses euen so he made the candelstyck.
1 Chronicles 28:12
12 and the example of all that was in hys mynde, bothe of the courtes of the house of the Lord and of the treasure houses rounde aboute, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasure of the dedicate gyftes,
1 Chronicles 28:19
19 All was geuen me by wrytynge of the hande of the Lorde, whiche made me vnderstande all the worckemanshippe of the paterne.
Acts 7:44
44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in the wildernes, as he had apoynted them speaking vnto Moyses, that he shoulde make it accordynge to the fashyon that he had sene,
Colossians 2:17
17 whyche are nothinge, but shaddowes of thinges to come, but the bodye is in Christe.
Hebrews 9:9
9 Whyche was a simylytude for the tyme then present, and in whyche were offered gyftes and sacrifices that coulde not make the mynyster perfecte, as pertaynynge to the conscience,
Hebrews 9:23-24
23 It is then nede that the simylytudes of heauenly thinges be puryfyed wyth such thinges but the heauenly thynges them selues are puryfyed with better sacryfyces then are those.
24 For Christe is not entred into the holye places that are made wyth handes, whiche are but simylytudes of true thynges: but is entred into verye heauen, for to appere nowe in the syghte of God for vs:
Hebrews 10:1
1 For the lawe whyche hath but the shadowe of good thinges to come, and not the thynges in theyr owne fashyon can neuer wyth the sacrifyces whych they offer yere by yere continuallly, make the commers thereunto perfect.
Hebrews 11:7
7 By faythe Noe honoured God, after that he was warned of thynges whiche were not sene, and prepared the arcke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whiche arcke, he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the rightuousnes that commeth by faythe.
Hebrews 12:25
25 Se that ye despyse not hym, that speaketh. For yf they escaped not whiche refused hym, that spake on earth: muche more shall we not escape, yf we turne awaye from hym that speaketh from heauen: