Hebrews 8:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Of the thynges which we haue spoken this is the pythe: that we haue suche an hye prieste that is sytten on the ryght hande of the seate of maiestye in heauen,

1 Chronicles 29:11

11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatenesse, power glorye, vyctorye and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in earthe is thyne, and thyne is the kyngedome (O Lorde) and thou arte lyfte vp an head aboue all.

Job 37:22

22 Goulde is brought oute of the Northe, but the prayse & honoure of Gods feare commeth from God hym self.

Psalms 21:5

5 His honour is great in thy sauing health, glory and great worship shalt thou laye vpon hym.

Psalms 45:3-4

3 Gyrde the with thy swerde vpon thy thyghe (O thou mightye) with worshippe and renowne. 4 Good lucke haue thou with thyne honor, ryde on with the trueth, mekenesse & righteousnes: and thy righthand shall teach the wonderfull thynges.

Psalms 104:1

1 Prayse the Lorde O my soule: O Lord my God, thou art become excedinge glorious, thou arte clothed with maiesty and honoure.

Psalms 110:1

1 A Psalme of Dauyd. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lord: Syt thou on my ryght hande, vntyll I make thyne enemies thy fotestole.

Psalms 145:12

12 That thy power, thy glory & mightinesse of thy kyngedome myghte be knowen vnto men.

Isaiah 24:14

14 And those same (that remayne) shall lyft vp their voyce, and be glad, & shal magnifye the glorye of the Lord, euen from the sea,

Micah 5:4

4 He shall stande fast, and geue fode in the strength of the Lorde, and in the vyctorye of the name of the Lorde hys God: and when they be conuerted, he shal be magnifyed vnto the farthest partes of the worlde.

Ephesians 6:20

20 wherof I am a messenger in boundes that therin I may speake frely, as it becommeth me to speake.

Colossians 3:1

1 If ye be then rysen agayn with Christ seke those thinges which are aboue where Christe sitteth on the right hand of God.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Whyche sonne beyng the bryghtnes of hys glorye, and verye Image of his substaunce, bearinge vp al thinges wyth the worde of hys power, hath in his owne persone pourged our synnes, and is sitting on the right hand of the maiestie on hygh,

Hebrews 1:13

13 Vnto which of the Angels sayed he at anye tyme? Sitte on my ryghte hande, tyll I make thyne enemies thy fote stole.

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherfore in al thinges it became him to be made like vnto his brethren, that he myghte be mercyfull and a faythful hye prieste in thinges concerninge God, for to pourge the people synnes.

Hebrews 7:26-28

26 Suche an hye Prieste it became vs to haue which is holy, harmlesse, vndefyled, separate from synners, and made hyer then heauen. 27 Whiche nedeth not dayelye (as yonder hye priestes) to offer vp sacrifyce, fyrste for hys own synnes, and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he at once for all, when he offered vp hym selfe. 28 For the lawe maketh men priestes, which haue infyrmytye: but the worde of the othe that came sence the lawe, maketh the sonne pryeste, whiche is perfecte for euermore.

Hebrews 10:12

12 But thys man after he had offered one sacryfyce for synnes, satte hym downe for euer on the right hande of God,

Hebrews 12:2

2 lokynge vnto Iesus the author and fynysher of our fayth, whiche for the ioye that was set before hym, abode the crosse, and despised the same, and is set doune on the ryght hande of the throne of God.

Revelation 3:21

21 To hym that ouercommeth, wyl I graunt to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten wyth my father, in his seate.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.