18 Then as hyr soule was a departynge, that she must die, she called his name BenOni. But his father called him BenIamyn.
Genesis 35:18 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 30:1
1 When Rahel sawe that she bare Iacab no chyldren, she enuied hyr sister, and sayd vnto Iacob Geue me children, or els I am but dead.
Genesis 42:4
4 for Beniamyn Iosephs brother woulde not Iacob sende wyth hys other bretheren: for he sayde: some misfortune myght happen hym.
Genesis 42:38
38 And he sayde: my sonne shall not go doune wyth you. For his brother is dead, & he is left alone. Moreouer some mysfortune myght happen vpon him by the way whych ye go. And so shuld ye bring my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue.
Genesis 43:14
14 And God almightye geue you mercy in the syghte of the man and send you youre other brother and also BenIamin, and I wylbe as a man robbed of his chyldren.
Genesis 44:27-31
27 Then sayde thy seruaunt oure father vnto vs. Ye knowe that my wyfe bare me two sonnes.
28 And the one went out from me and it is sayde of a suertye that he is torne in peaces of wyld beastes, and I sawe him not sence.
29 If ye shall take thys also awaye from me and some mysfortune happen vpon him, then shall ye bryng my gray head with sorow vnto the graue.
30 Now therfore when I come to thy seruaunt my father, yf the lad be not with me: seyinge that hys lyfe hangeth by the laddes lyfe,
31 then as soone as he seeth that the lad is not come, he wyll dye. So shall we thy seruauntes brynge the gray hedde of thy seruaunt oure father wyth sorow vnto the graue.
Exodus 12:7
7 And they shall take of the bloud & strike it on the two side postes & on the vpperdore post of the houses, wherin they eate hym.
1 Samuel 4:20-21
20 And about the time of her death, the wemen that stode about her, said vnto her: feare not, for thou hast borne a sonne. But she aunswered not nor regarded it
21 And she named the child Ichabod, saiyng: honoure is departed from Israel. Because the arcke of God was taken, & her father in law and her husband were dead.
1 Chronicles 4:9
9 And Ieabes was nobler then hys brethren. And his mother called his name Ieabes saying: because I bare him with sorow.
Psalms 16:10
10 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, neither shalt thou suffre thy saincte to se corrupcion.
Psalms 80:17
17 Let thy hande be vpon the man of thy right hande, and vpon the man whome thou madest so much of for thyne owne selfe.
Lamentations 2:12
12 Lamed. Euen when they spake to their mothers: where is meate and dryncke? for whyle they so sayde, they fell downe in the stretes of the cytye, lyke as they had bene wounded, and some dyed in their mothers bosome.
Luke 12:20
20 But God sayed vnto hym: Thou fole, thys nyghte wyll they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall these thinges be which thou haste prouyded?
Luke 23:46
46 And Iesus cryed with a great voyce, and said: Father, into thy handes I commende my spirite. And when he thus had sayd: he gaue vp the ghoste.
Acts 7:59
59 And they stoned Stephan calling on & saiyng: Lord Iesu receiue my spyryte.