Ezekiel 16:38 Cross References - Matthew

38 Moreouer, I will iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, & recompence the thyne owne bloud in wrath and gelousy.

Genesis 9:6

6 so that he whych sheadeth mans bloud shal haue his bloud shed by man againe: for God made man after hys owne lykenesse.

Genesis 38:11

11 Than sayde Iudas to Thamar hys daughter in lawe: remayne a wydow at thy fathers house, tyll Sela my sonne be growne: for he feared lest he should haue dyed also, as hys brethren dyd. Thus went Thamar & dwelt in hyr fathers house.

Genesis 38:24

24 And it came to passe that after .iij. monethes, one tolde Iuda sayinge: Thamar thy daughter in lawe hath played the whoore, & wyth playinge the whoore is become greate wt chylde.

Exodus 21:12

12 He that smiteth a man that he dye shalbe slain for it.

Leviticus 20:10

10 He that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe shall dye for it, because he hath broke wedlocke with his neighbours wyfe, and so shall she lykewyse.

Numbers 35:31

31 Moreouer ye shall take none amendes for the lyfe of the murtherer whyche is worthy to dye: But he shall be put to death.

Deuteronomy 22:22-24

22 If a man be founde lyinge with a woman, that hath a wedded husband, then let them dye ether other of them: both the man that laye with the wyfe and also the wyfe: so thou shalt put away euel from Israel. 23 If a maid be hand fasted vnto an husband, and then a man fynde her in the towne & lye wyth her, 24 then ye shal brynge them both out vnto the gates of the same cytie & shall stone them wt stones to death: The damsel because she cryed not beyng in the citie: And the man, because he hath humbled hys neyghbours wyfe, & thou shalt put away euell from the.

Psalms 79:3-5

3 Their bloude haue they shed lyke water on euery syde of Ierusalem, and ther was no man to bury them. 4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemyes, a verye scorne and derysyon vnto them that are rounde aboute vs. 5 Lorde, howe longe wylt thou be angrye? shall thy ielousy burne lyke fyre for euer?

Jeremiah 18:21

21 Therfore let their chyldren dye of hunger and lett them be oppressed with the swearde. Let their wyues be robbed of their chyldren, and become widdowes: let their housbandes be slayne, lett their yonge men be kylled with the swearde in the felde.

Ezekiel 16:20-21

20 Thou haste taken thyne owne sonnes & doughters, whom thou hast begotten vnto me, and these haste thou offered vp vnto them, to be theyr meate. Is this but a smal whordome of thine (thinckest thou) 21 that thou slayest my children and geuest them ouer, to be brent vnto them?

Ezekiel 16:36

36 thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so much as thou hast spent thy moneye, and discouered thy shame, thorow thy whordome wyth all thy louers, and wyth all the Idols of thy abhominacions in the bloude of thy children, whom thou hast geuen them:

Ezekiel 16:40

40 yea they shal bryng the comen people vpon the, whiche shall stone the, and slaye the doune with their sweardes.

Ezekiel 23:25

25 I will put my gelousy vpon the, so that they shall deale cruelly with the. They shall cut of thine nose and thyne eares, and the remnaunte shall fall thorow the swerde. They shall carie awaye thy sonnes and doughters, and the residue shalbe brent in the fyre.

Ezekiel 23:45-47

45 O ye all that loue vertu & ryghteousnes, iudge them, punish them, as aduoutrers and murtherers ought to be iudged & punished. For they are breakers of wedlocke, and the bloude is in their handes. 46 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: bringe a great multitude of people vpon them, & make them be scatred and spoyled: 47 these shall stone them, & gore them with their swerdes. They shall slaye their sonnes and doughters and burne vp their houses with fyre.

Nahum 1:2

2 The Lorde is a gelous God, & a taker of vengeaunce: yee a taker of vengeaunce is the Lorde, and wrathfull. The Lord taketh vengeaunce of hys enemyes, and reserueth dyspleasure for his aduersaries.

Zephaniah 1:17

17 I wyl brynge the people into suche vexacyon, that they shal go aboute lyke blyndemen, because they haue synned agaynste the Lorde. Theyr bloude shalbe shed as the duste, & theyr bodyes as the myre. 18 The byrth of Iesus Christe was ou thys wise. When hys mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph, before they came to dwell together, she was founde with chylde by the holye Ghost. 19 Then Ioseph her husbande beinge a perfecte man and loth to make an ensample of her, was mynded to put her awaye secretly.

John 8:3-5

3 And the Scribes and Phariseis brought vnto hym a woman taken in aduoutrye, and set her in the middest, 4 and sayed vnto hym: Mayster, thys woman was taken in aduoutrye, euen as the dede was a doynge. 5 Moyses in the lawe commaunded vs that suche shoulde be stoned. What sayest thou therfore?

Revelation 16:6

6 for they shed out the bloud of sainctes, & prophetes, & therfore hast thou geuen them bloud to drinke, for they are worthy.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.