Ezekiel 14 Cross References - Matthew

1 There resorted vnto me certayne of the elders of Israel, and satte doune by me. 2 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, sayeng: 3 Thou sonne of man, these men beare theyr Idols in their hertes, and go purposly vpon the stomblynge block of their owne wyckednesse: how darre they then aske councell at me? 4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: Thus sayth the Lorde God. Euerye man of the house of Israell that beareth hys Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in hys owne wickednesse, and commeth to a Prophete, to enquere any thynge at me by hym: vnto that man will I the Lorde my self geue aunswere, accordynge to the multytude of hys Idoles, 5 that the house of Israell maye be snared in theyr owne hertes, because they be cleane gone from me, for theyr Idoles sakes. 6 Wherfore, tell the house of Israell: thus sayeth the Lorde God: Be conuerted, forsake youre Idols, and turne youre faces from all youre abhomynacyons. 7 For euery man (whether he be of the house of Israell or a straunger, that sogeourneth in Israell) whiche departeth fro me, & caryeth Idols in hys herte, purposynge to go still stombling in his owne wickednesse, & commeth to a Prophete, for to aske councell at me thorowe him: vnto that man wyll I the Lorde geue aunswere, by myne owne selfe. 8 I wyll set my face agaynste that man, & will make him to be an example for other, yea & a comon by worde, and wyll rote hym oute of my people, that he maye knowe how that I am the Lorde. 9 And yf that Prophete be deceyued, when he telleth hym a worde: then I the Lorde my selfe haue dysceyued that Prophete, & wyl stretche forth myne hande vpon hym, to rote hym out of my people of Israel, 10 and they bothe shalbe punished for theyr wyckednesse. Accordinge to the sinne of hym that asketh, shall the synne of the Prophet be, 11 that the house of Israel be led nomore fro me thorow erroure, & be no more defyled in theyr wyckednesse: but that they maye be my people, & I their God, sayeth the Lorde God, 12 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayinge: 13 Thou sonne of man, when the lande synneth againste me, & goeth forthe in wyckednesse: I will stretche oute myne hand vpon it, & destroye all the prouysyon of theyr bread, and sende derth vpon them, to destroy man & beast in the lande. 14 And thoughe Noe, Daniel & Iob these thre men were amonge them, yet shal they in their rightuousnesse delyuer but theyr owne soules, sayeth the Lorde God. 15 If I brynge noysome beastes into the lande, to waste it vp, and it be so desolate, that no man maye go therein for beastes: 16 yf these thre men also were in the lande, as truelye as I lyue (sayth the Lorde God) they shall saue neither sonnes nor doughters, but be only delyuered them selues: and as for the lande, it shall be waste. 17 Or yf I bring a swearde into the lande, & charge it to go thorow the land, so that I slay doune man and beast in it, 18 and yf these thre men were therein: As truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde God) they shal delyuer neyther sonnes nor doughters, but onelye be saued them selues. 19 If I sende a pestilence into the lande, & poure oute my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote oute of it bothe man & beast, 20 & yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: as truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde GOD) they shall delyuer neyther sonnes nor doughters, but saue their owne soules in theyr ryghtuousnes. 21 Moreouer thus sayth the Lord god: Though I sende my foure troublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous, beastes and pestilence, to destroye man and beaste oute of it: 22 yet shall there be a remnaunte saued therin, whiche shall bryng forth theyr sonnes and doughters. Beholde, they shall come forthe vnto you, & ye shall se theyr waye, and what they take in hande, and ye shall be comforted, as touchynge all the plages that I haue broughte vpon Ierusalem. 23 They shal comforte you, when ye se theyr waye and worckes: and ye shal knowe, howe that it is not wythoute a cause, that I haue done so agaynste Ierusalem, as I dyd, sayeth the Lorde God.

Genesis 4:13

13 And Cayn sayd vnto the Lorde: my synne is greater, then that it may be forgeuen.

Genesis 6:7

7 And sayd: I wyl destroy mankynde whych I haue made, from of the face of the erth: both man, beast, worme and foule of the ayre, for it repenteth me that I haue made them. 8 But yet Noe founde grace in the syght of the Lord.

Genesis 7:1

1 And the Lorde said vnto Noe: Go in to the arcke bothe thou and all thy houshold. For the haue I sene ryghteous before me in this generacyon.

Genesis 8:20-21

20 And Noe made an aulter vnto the Lord, & toke of all maner of cleane beastes, & all maner of clene foules, & offred sacrifice vpon the aultare. 21 And the Lorde smelled a swete sauour, & sayd in his hert: I wyll henceforth no more cursse the earthe for mans sake, for the imagination of mans herte is euyll, euen from the very youth of him. Moreouer I wyl not destroy from henceforthe all that lyueth as I haue done.

Genesis 17:7

7 Moreouer I wyl make my bonde betwene me & the, and thy seed after the, in their times to be an euerlastyng testament, So that I wyl be god vnto the & to thy seed after the.

Genesis 18:22-33

22 And the men departed thence & went to Sodome ward. But Abraham stode yet before the Lorde, 23 & drewe nere and sayde. Wylt thou destroy the rightwes wt the wyked? 24 If there be .l. ryghtwes wyth in the cyte, wylt thou destroy it & not spare the place for the sake of .l. rightwes that are therin? 25 That be farre from the, that thou shuldest do after this maner, to sley the rightwes wt the wicked, & that the rightwes shuld be as the wicked: that be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordynge to ryghte? 26 And the Lorde sayde: If I fynde in Sodome .l. ryghtwes wythin the cytie, I wyll spare all the place for their sakes. 27 And Abraham answered & sayd: behold I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lord, & yet am but dust and asshes. 28 What though there lacke .v. of .l. ryghtwes, wylt thou destroy al the cyte for lacke of .v.? And he sayde: If I fynde there .xl. and .v. I wil not destroy them. 29 And he spake vnto hym yet agayn and sayd: what yf there be .xl. founde there. And he sayde: I wyll not do it for fourtyes sake. 30 And he sayde: O let not my Lorde be angry, that I speake. What yf there be founde .xxx. there? And he sayde: I wyll not do it, yf I fynde .xxx. there. 31 And he sayd: Oh, se, I haue begonne to speake vnto my Lorde, what yf there be .xx. found there? And he sayd: I wyll not destroye them for twenties sake. 32 And he sayde: O let not my Lorde be angrye, that I speake yet, but euen once more oulye. What yf ten be found there? And he sayde: I wyll not destroy them for .x. sake. 33 And the Lorde went hys waye as soone as he had left commimyng wyth Abraham. And Abraham returned vnto hys place.

Genesis 19:29

29 But yet when God destroyed the cyties of the region, he thought vpon Abraham: & sent Lot out from the danger of the ouerthrowinge, when he ouerthrewe the cyties where Lot dwelled.

Exodus 12:48

48 If a straunger dwel among you, and wyl holde Passeouer vnto the Lorde, let him circumcyse al that be males, and then let hym come and obserue it, and be taken as one that is borne in the lande. No vncircumcised person shal eate therof:

Exodus 20:10

10 but the seuenth day is the Sabbath daye of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, neither thy man seruaunte nor thy mayde seruaunt, neither thy cattel neither yet the straunger that is within thy gates.

Leviticus 16:29

29 And this shalbe an ordynaunce for euer vnto you. And euen in the tenth day of the seuenth moneth, ye shall humble youre soules and shall do no worke at all: whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger that soiourneth among you,

Leviticus 17:10

10 And whatsoeuer man it be of the house of Israel or of the straungers that soiourne amonge you that eateth any maner of bloude, I wyll sett my face agaynst that soule that eateth bloud, and wil destroy him from amonge hys people,

Leviticus 20:2

2 tell the chyldren of Israel, whosoeuer he be of the chyldren of Israel or of the straungers that dwell in Israel, that geueth of hys seed vnto Moloch he shall dye for it: the people of the lande shall stone him with stones. 3 And I wyl set my face vpon that felowe, and wyll destroy him from among hys people: because he hath geuen of hys seed vnto Moloch, for to defyle my sanctuary & to polute my holy name. 4 And thoughe that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from that felowe, when he geueth of hys seed vnto Moloch, so that they kyll hym not: 5 yet I wyll put my face vpon that man and vpon hys generacyon, and wyll destroy hym and all that goo a whooryng wyth him and commyt hordome wyth Moloch from amonge their people. 6 If any soule turne him to enchaunters or expounders of tokens and goo a whooryng after them, I wyl put my face vpon that soule & wyll destroy him from among his people.

Leviticus 22:3

3 Saye vnto them: whosoeuer he be of all youre seed amonge youre generacion after you, that goeth vnto the halowed thynges whyche the chyldren of Israel shall haue halowed vnto the Lorde, hys vnclennes shalbe vpon hym: and that soule shall peryshe from oute of my syghte. I am the Lorde.

Leviticus 24:22

22 Ye shall haue one maner of lawe amonge you: euen for the straungers as well for one of youre selues, for I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 26:17

17 And I wyll sette my face agaynst you & ye shall fal before youre enemyes, & they that hate you shall raygne ouer you, and ye shall flee when no man foloweth you.

Leviticus 26:22

22 I wyl send in wyld beastes vpon you, whyche shall robbe you of your chyldren & destroy your cattell, & make you so fewe in numbre that your hye wayes shal grow vnto a wyldernes.

Leviticus 26:25

25 I wyl send a swerd vpon you, that shall auenge my testament wyth you. And when ye are fledde vnto your cityes, I wyll sende the pestilence amonge you, ye shal be deliuered into the handes of your enemies. 26 And when I haue broken the staffe of your bread: that .x. wyues shall bake your breade in one ouen and men shall deliuer you youre bread agayne by wayght, then shall ye eate and not be satisfied.

Numbers 5:31

31 and the man shalbe giltlesse, and the wyfe shal beare her synne.

Numbers 14:12

12 I wyll smyte them wyth the pestilence and destroy them, & wyll make of the a greater nacion & a myghtier then they.

Numbers 14:28-29

28 I haue hearde the murmurynges of the chyldren of Israell whych they murmure against me. Tel them that the Lorde sayeth. As truely as I lyue, I wyl do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares. 29 Your carkesses shal lye in thys wyldernesse, nether shal any of these nombres whych were nombred from .xx. yere & aboue of you which haue murmured agaynste me

Numbers 15:15

15 One ordinaunce shall serue boeth for you of the congregation, and also of the straunger. And it shall be an ordinaunce foreuer among your children after you, that the straunger and ye shalbe lyke before the Lord.

Numbers 15:29

29 And both thou that art borne one of the chyldren of Israel & the straunger that dwelleth among you shal haue both one law, if ye synne thorow ignorancy.

Numbers 16:46-50

46 And Moses sayd vnto Aaron: take a censer, and put fyre therein out of the alter, and poure on cense, and go quickely vnto the congregation and make an atonement for them For there is wrath gone out from the Lord and ther is a plage begone. 47 And Aaron toke as Moses commaunded hym, and ran vnto the congregation, & beholde, the plage was begonne amonge the people, and he putt on cense, & made an atonemente for the people. 48 And he stode betwene the deade, & them that were a lyue and the plage ceased. 49 And the numbre of them that dyed in the plage, were .xiiij. thousand and seuen hundred: beside them that dyed about the busines of Corah. 50 And Aaron wente againe vnto Moses vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and the plage ceased.

Numbers 19:20

20 If any be vncleane & sprinkle not him selfe the same soule shalbe destroied from among the congregation: for he hath defiled the holy place of the Lorde & is not sprinkeled wyth sprynling water, therfore is he vncleane. And this shalbe a perpetual lawe vnto them. And he that sprynkeleth the sprinkelyng water, shal wash his clothes.

Numbers 26:10

10 And the earth opened hir mouth & swalowed them and Corah also, when the multitude dyed, what tyme the fyre consumed .ij. hundred & fyfty men, & they became a sygne:

Deuteronomy 4:31

31 For the Lord thy God is a pitiful God, he wil not forsake the neyther destroy the, nor forget the appoyntment made wt thy fathers whyche he sware vnto them.

Deuteronomy 8:2

2 And thinke on all the waye whych the lord thy God ledde the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse, for to humble the and to proue the, to wete what was in in thyne herte, whether thou wouldest kepe his commaundements or no,

Deuteronomy 13:1-10

1 If there aryse amonge you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames, and gyue the a sygne or a wonder, 2 and that signe or wonder whyche he hath said come to passe and then say: let vs go after straunge Goddes whyche thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them: 3 herken not vnto the wordes of the prophete, or dreamer of dreames. For the Lord thy God tempteth you to wete whether ye loue the Lord your God wt all youre hertes & wyth all your soules. 4 For ye muste walke after the Lord your God & feare him & kepe hys commaundementes & herken vnto his voyce, & serue him & cleaue vnto him. 5 And the prophete or dreamer of dreames shal dye for it bicause he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lorde your God whyche brought you out of the land of Egipt & deliuered you out of the house of bondage, to thrust the out of the waye whiche the Lord thy God commaunded the to walke in: and so thou shalte put euyl away from the. 6 If thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thine own sonne or the daughter of the wife that lieth in thy bosome or thy frende which is as thyne owne soule vnto the, entyce the secretely saying, let vs go & serue straung Goddes which thou hast not knowne nor yet thy fathers of the gods, 7 of the people which are round aboute the, whether they be nye vnto the, or farre of from the, from the one end of the lande vnto the other. 8 Se thou consente not vnto him, nor herken vnto him: no let not thyne eye pity him nor haue compassion on him nor kepe hym secrete, but cause hym to be slaine. 9 Thine hande shall be first vpon him to kyl him, & then the handes of all the people. 10 And thou shalte stone hym wt stones that he dye, bicause he hath gone about to thrust the away from the Lorde thy God which brought the out of Egypt the house of bondage. 11 And all Israel shal heare and feare and shal do no more any suche wyckednes as thys is amonge them.

Deuteronomy 17:2-7

2 If ther be found among you in any of the cityes whych the Lord thy God geueth the man or woman that hath wrought wyckednes in the syght of the Lord thy God, that they haue gone beyond his appoyntment, 3 so that they haue gone & serued straung Gods and worshypped them, whether it be the sunne or mone or any thing contayned in heauen which I forbade, 4 and it was told the and thou hast heard of it: then thou shalt enquire diligently. And if it be true and the thynge of a suretye that suche abhomination is wrought in Israell then 5 thou shalt bryng forth that man or that woman which haue committed that wicked thing, vnto the gates and shalt stone them with stones, and they shal dye. 6 At the mouth of .ij. or .iij. wytnesses shal he that is worthy of death dye: but at the mouth of one witnes he shal not dye. 7 And the handes of the witnesses shal be fyrst vpon hym to kyll hym, & afterwarde the handes of all the people: so shalt thou put wickednes away from the.

Deuteronomy 19:20

20 And other shall heare & feare and shal henceforth comyt no more any soche wickednesse among you.

Deuteronomy 28:21-22

21 And the Lorde shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto the, vntyll he haue consumed the from the land whether thou goest to enioye it. 22 And the Lord shall smyte the with swellynge, with feuers, heet, bunrynge, wetherynge, with smytynge and blastynge. And they shall folowe the vntyll thou peryshe.

Deuteronomy 28:37

37 And thou shalt go to waste & be made an ensample, & a iestynge stocke vnto all nacyons whether the Lord shall carye the.

Deuteronomy 28:59-61

59 the Lorde wyll smyte both the and thy sead with wonderful plages and with greate plages and of longe continuaunce, 60 and with euell sekenesses and of longe duraunce. Moreouer he wyll brynge vpon the al the diseases of Egypt which thou wast afrayed of, and they shall cleaue vnto the. 61 Therto al maner sickenesses and all maner plages which are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe, wyll the Lord brynge vpon the vntyll thou be come to noughte.

Deuteronomy 32:15-16

15 And Israel waxed fat and kycked. Thou wast fat, thycke and smothe. And he let God goo that made him & despised the rocke that saued him. 16 They angred him with straunge Goddes, and with abhominations prouoked him,

1 Samuel 7:3

3 And Samuel spake vnto al Israel, saying: yf ye become agayne vnto the Lorde wyth al youre hertes, then put awaye the straunge Goddes from among you, & Astharoth, & prepare your hertes vnto the Lorde, & serue hym alone, & so shal he rydde you out of the handes of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 28:6

6 And Saul asked councell of the Lorde: But the Lord answered hym not, nether by dreame nor by Vrim, nor yet by Prophetes.

2 Samuel 12:11-12

11 Thus saith the Lorde: beholde I wyl stere vp euyl against the euen of thyne owne house & wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and geue them vnto thy neyghboure, which shal slepe with them in the syght of the sonne. 12 And thou dyddeste it secretely, yet wyll I do this thinge before al Israel and in the open sonne lyght.

2 Samuel 24:13

13 And Gad came to Dauid and shewed him and sayde vnto hym: whether wilt thou haue seuen yeares hunger in thy lande, or that thou flee thre monethes before thyne enemies, and they folowyng the, or that there be thre daies pestilence in thy lande. Now vnderstand and se, what worde I shal brynge agayne to hym that sent me.

2 Samuel 24:15

15 And the Lorde sent a pestylence in Israell from the morninge vnto the ende of the tyme appoynted. And there dyed of the people betwene Dan and Bethsabe .lxx. thousand men.

1 Kings 8:37

37 If there chaunce death in the lande, pestylence, blastynge, or wytheryng of corne, or that the frutes be deuoured of Grashoppers or Caterpyllers, or yf theyr enemyes besege them in the lande & in theyr owne cytyes, or whatsoeuer plage or sycknesse chaunce:

1 Kings 8:47-49

47 yet yf they turne agayne vnto their hertes in the lande where they be in captiuite, and returne and praye vnto the in the lande of them that holde them captiue, sayinge: we haue synned & haue done wyckedlye & haue trespaced, 48 & so turne agayne vnto the with all their hertes and all their soules in the land of their enemyes which holde them captyue, and praye vnto the, towarde the land which thou gauest vnto their fathers, & towarde the cytie which thou hast chosen, and house which I haue buylt for thy name: 49 then heare thou their prayer & supplicacion vp to heauen thy dwellyng place, & iudge their causes,

1 Kings 14:4

4 And Ieroboams wyfe dyd so: she arose and went to Siloh, and came to the house of Ahiah. But Ahiah coulde not se, for hys eyes were waxen dymme for age.

1 Kings 20:36

36 And he sayde, because thou hast not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde: beholde, as sone as thou arte departed from me, a lyon shal slaye the. And as sone as he was departed from him, a lyon found him and slue him.

1 Kings 21:20-25

20 And Ahab sayd to Eliah: hast thou founde me thine enemy at any time? and he saide: ye, because thou art vtterly geuen to worcke wyckednesse in the syghte of the lord. 21 Beholde, I will brynge euyl vpon the, & wyl make cleane ryddance of the, and wil destroy vnto Ahab all that pysseth agaynste the wal, and yf ought be presoned or forsaken in Israell: 22 and will make thyne house, lyke the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat, and lyke the house of Baasa the sonne of Ahiah, for the angerynge wherwith thou hast angered, and made Israel synne. 23 And therto against Iezabel came the word of the lorde sayinge: dogges shall eate Iezabell, vnder the walles of Iezrael. 24 And he that dyeth of Ahab in the towne, hym shal dogges eate: and he that dyeth in the feldes, him shall the foules of the ayre eate. 25 For there was none at all lyke Ahab, that was so vtterly geuen to worcke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and that because Iezabel his wyfe prycked hym forwarde.

1 Kings 22:20-23

20 And the Lorde sayd: who shal deceiue Ahab that he maye go and be slaine at Ramoth in Galaad, and one sayde on this maner and another on that. 21 Then came forthe a spyryte & stode before the Lorde and sayde: I wyll deceyue him. 22 And the Lorde saide: wherwyth? And he saide: I wil go out and be a false spirit in the mouthes of all his Prophetes. And the Lord sayde: thou shalt deceyue hym, and also preuayle, go forth and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde, the Lord hath put a lyinge spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophetes: when in very deade the Lorde hath spoken euyll towarde the.

2 Kings 1:16

16 And he sayde vnto the kinge, thus sayth the Lorde: for as muche as thou sentest messengers to aske thorowe Beelzebub the God of Akaron, as though there had bene no God in Israel to aske thorow this worde? therfore thou shalt not come of the bed on whiche thou art ascended, but shalt surely dye.

2 Kings 3:13

13 And Elizeus sayde to the kynge of Israel: what haue I to do with the? Get the to the prophetes of thy father and of thy mother. And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto hym: Oh naye, but hath the lord called these thre kynges to delyuer them into the handes of the Moabites?

2 Kings 6:32

32 And as Elizeus satte in hys house, and the elders wt hym, the kynge sente one from hym. But yer the messenger came at hym, he sayd to the elders: se you not howe the sonne of thys murtherer hath sent, to take of myne head? be circumspecte therfore when the messenger cometh, & shutte the dore, and thrust hym backe therwyth: for the sound of hys maysters fete foloweth him.

2 Kings 8:8-15

8 Then sayde the kynge to Hazael: take a present wyth the and go againste the man of God, and aske the Lorde by hym whether I shal recouer of thys my dysease or no. 9 And Hazael went to mete hym, & toke presentes wyth hym, euen of al the good thinges of Damasco, as muche as fourtye Cameles coulde beare, and came and presented himselfe before hym and sayde: thy sonne Benhadad Kynge of Syrya hath sent me to the, sayinge: shall I recouer of thys my dysease. 10 And Elizeus sayde to hym: go, and saye to hym: thou shalte recouer, howe be it the Lord hath shewed me that he shall surelye dye. 11 And the man of God beganne to loke earnestlye, in so muche that he was ashamed: and the man of God wept. 12 And Hazael sayd: why wepeth my Lorde: And he aunswered: for I knowe that thou shalte do euyll vnto the chyldren of Israel: theyr stronge cytyes thou shalte set on fyre & theyr younge men thou shalte sleye with the swerde, and shalte dashe oute the braynes of theyr suckynge chyldren, and all to teare their wemen wyth chylde. 13 And Hazael sayde: what is thy seruaunte which am but a dogge, that I shulde do thys great thyng? And Elizeus sayde: for the Lord hath shewed me, that thou shalte be kynge of Syrya. 14 And so he departed from Elizeus and came to hys mayster, whiche sayde to hym. What sayde Elizeus to the? And he sayd: he tolde me that thou shuldest recouer. 15 And on the morowe he toke a rough clothe and dypte it in the water and sprede it on hys face, & he dyed, and Hazael raygned in hys steade.

2 Kings 17:25

25 But at the begynnynge of theyr dwellynge, they feared not the Lord. Wherfore the Lorde sente lyons vpon them which slue them.

2 Chronicles 6:28

28 If there chaunce darthe in the lande, pestilence, burnynge or smytynge of corne, grashoppers or caterpyllers, or that theyr enemies besege them in the cytyes of theyr owne land, or what soeuer plage or syckenesse it be.

2 Chronicles 7:13

13 Moreouer yf I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne, or yf I commaund the locustes to deuoure the lande, or yf I send pestilence among my people:

2 Chronicles 20:9

9 when euyll cometh vpon vs, as the swerde of iudgement, pestilence or hongre: then yf we stande before this house and before the (for thy name is in thys house) and shall crye vnto the in oure trybulacyon, thou shalt heare and helpe.

2 Chronicles 29:6

6 For oure fathers haue trespaced & done euel fauoredly in the eyes of the Lord oure God: and haue forsaken hym, and turned awaye theyre faces from the habitacion of the Lorde and turned to theyr backes.

2 Chronicles 36:20

20 And he caryed awaye them that had escaped the swerde, to Babilon, where they were seruauntes to him and his chyldren, vntill the kyngdome of Persia beganne to rule,

Ezra 9:6

6 and sayde. My God I am ashamed, and darre not lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the my God: for our wyckednesses are growne ouer our heade, & oure trespaces are waxen greate vnto the heauen.

Nehemiah 1:8-9

8 Yet call to remembraunce the word that thou commaundest thy seruaunt Moses, and saydeste: Yf ye transgresse, then wyll I scater you abroade among the nacyons. 9 But yf ye turne vnto me, and kepe my commaundementes and do them: though ye were caste oute vnto the vttermost parte of heauen yet wyll I gather you from thence, and wyll brynge you from thence, euen vnto the place, that I haue chosen for my name to dwel ther

Nehemiah 9:33

33 Thou arte ryghteous in all that thou haste broughte vpon vs, for thou haste done ryghte.

Job 1:1

1 In the lande of Nus there was a man called Iob: an innocent & vertuous man, soche one as feared God exchued euell.

Job 1:5

5 So when they had passed ouer the tyme of their banckettynge rounde aboute, Iob sent for them, and clensed them agayne, and gat vp early, & offered for euery one a brentofferynge. For Iob thought thus: peraduenture my sonnes haue done some offence, and haue bene vnthankfull to God in their hertes. And thus dyd Iob euery daye.

Job 5:19-24

19 He delyuereth the oute of syxe troubles so that in the seuenth there can no harme touch the. 20 In the middest of honger he saueth the from death: and when it is warre, from the power of the swearde. 21 He shal kepe the from the perlous tonge that so when trouble commeth, thou shalt not nede to feare. 22 In destruccion & derth thou shalt be mercy, & shalt not be afrayed for the beastes of the earth: 23 But the castels in the land shal be confederate with the, & the beastes of the felde shall geue the peace. 24 Ye thou shalt knowe, that thy dwellinge place shalbe in reste: thou shalt beholde thy substaunce, & be nomore punished for synne

Job 12:16

16 With hym is strength and wysdome: he knoweth bothe the disceyuer & hym that is disceyued.

Job 22:20

20 that their encrease shall be hewen doune, and their posteryte consumed wyth fyre.

Job 42:8-9

8 Therfore take .vij. oxen & .vij. rammes, and go to my seruaunte Iob: offre vp also for your selues a brentofferynge: & let my seruaunte Iob praye for you. Hym wyll I accepte, & not deale with you after youre folishnesse: in that ye haue not spoken the thynge whiche is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done. 9 So Elephas the Themanite, Baldad the Suhyte & Sophar the Naamathite went their waye, and dyd accordynge as the Lorde commaunded them. The Lorde also accepted the personne of Iob,

Psalms 33:18-19

18 Beholde, the eye of the Lorde loketh vnto them that feare hym, & put their trust in hys mercy. 19 That he maye delyuer their soules frome death, & to fede them in the deare tyme.

Psalms 34:16

16 But the face of the Lorde beholdeth them that do euell, to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth.

Psalms 37:22

22 Such as be blessed of hym, shall possesse the lande: and they whome he curseth, shalbe roted out.

Psalms 44:13-14

13 Thou makeste vs to be rebuked of oure neyghboures, to be laughed to scorne & had in derision, of them that are rounde about v 14 Thou hast made vs, a very by word among the Heathen, and that the people shake their heades at vs.

Psalms 66:18

18 If I enclyne vnto wyckednesse wyth my herte, the Lorde wyll not heare me.

Psalms 81:11-12

11 But my people wolde not heare my voice and Israel wolde not obey me. 12 So I gaue them vp vnto their owne hertes luste, and let them folowe theyr owne ymaginacions.

Psalms 91:3

3 For he shall delyuer the from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestylence.

Psalms 91:6

6 For the pestilence that crepeth in the darkenesse, nor for the sikenesse that destroyeth in the noone daye.

Psalms 101:3

3 I wyl take no wycked thynge in hande, I hate the synne of vnfaythfulnesse, it shal not cleaue vnto me.

Psalms 119:67

67 Before I was troubled, I wente wronge but now I kepe thy word.

Proverbs 11:4

4 Riches helpe not in the day of vengeaunce, but rightuousnes deliuereth from death.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The Lorde aborreth the sacryfyce of the vngodlye, but the prayer of the rightuous is acceptable vnto hym.

Proverbs 15:29

29 The Lorde is farre from the vngodly, but he heareth the praier of the rightuous.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifyce of the vngodly is abhominacion, for they offer the thyng that is gotten with wickednes.

Proverbs 26:2

2 Like as the bryd and the swalowe take their flyght and fle here and ther, so the curse that is geuen in vayne, shall not lighte vpon a man.

Proverbs 28:9

9 He that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe, his prayer shalbe abhorred.

Isaiah 1:4

4 Alas for thys synfull people, whiche are ouerladen with blasphemyes, a frowarde generacyon, wicked chyldren. They haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell vnto anger, and are gone backwarde.

Isaiah 1:15

15 Though ye holde oute your handes, yet turne I myne eyes from you. And though ye make manye prayers, yet heare I nothynge at all, for youre handes are full of bloude.

Isaiah 2:20

20 Then then, shall man caste awaye hys Goddes of syluer and golde (whiche he neuerthelesse had made to honoure them) vnto Moles and Backes:

Isaiah 3:1

1 Euen so shall the Lorde of Hostes take awaye from Ierusalem & Iuda, all possessyons and power, al meate and drincke,

Isaiah 3:10

10 Then shall they saye. O happye are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of theyr studyes. 11 But wo be to the vngodlye & vnryghtuous for they shall be rewarded after theyr worckes.

Isaiah 5:25

25 Therfore is the wrath of the Lorde kyndeled also agaynst his people, and he shaketh hys hande at them: yea he shall smyte so, that the hylles shall tremble. And theyr karcases shall lye in the open stretes, lyke myre. After all thys, the wrathe of God shall not ceasse, but he shall stretche hys hande wyder.

Isaiah 6:13

13 Neuertheles, the tenthe part shall remayne there in, for it shall conuerte and be frutefull. And lykewyse as the Terebyntes and Oketrees brynge forthe theyr frutes, so shall the holye sede haue frute.

Isaiah 9:12

12 that the Sirians shall laye holde vpon them before, & the Philistines behinde, and so deuoure Israell wyth open mouth. After all thys, the wrath of the Lord shall not ceasse, but yet his hande shall be stretched oute styll.

Isaiah 9:16

16 For al they whiche enfourme the people that they be in a righte case, suche be disceyuers. Suche as men thyncke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye. 17 Therfore shall the Lorde haue no pleasure in their yonge men, neyther fauoure their fatherlesse and wyddowes. For they are all together ypocrytes and wicked, and all their mouthes speake foly. After all this shall not the Lordes wrathe ceasse, but yet his hande shalbe stretched oute still.

Isaiah 9:21

21 Manasses shall eat Ephraim and Ephraim Manasses, and they both shall eate Iuda. After al this shall not the Lordes wrath cease, but yet shall his hande be stretched oute styll.

Isaiah 10:4

4 that ye come not among the presonners, or lye amonge the deade? After all this shall not the wrath of the Lord cease, but yet shall hys hande be stretched out styll.

Isaiah 10:20-22

20 After that daye shall the remnaunt of Israel, & suche as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke no more comfort at him that smote them, but shall comforte them selues wyth faythfulnesse and truthe in the Lorde, the holy one of Israell. 21 The remnaunt, yea and the posteryte of Iacob, shall conuerte vnto God the myghty one. 22 For thoughe thy people (O Israel) be as the sande of the sea, yet shall but the remnaunt of them onely conuerte vnto hym. Perfecte is the iudgement of hym that floweth in ryghteousnesse,

Isaiah 17:4-6

4 At that tyme also shal the glory of Iacob be very poore, and his fatnes leane. 5 It shal happen to them, as when one sheareth in haruest, which cutteth his handfull with the sickle, and when one gathereth the sheaues together in the valley, of Raphaim 6 there remaineth yet some eares ouer: Or as when one shaketh an olyue tre, whiche fyndeth but two or thre olyue beries aboue in the toppe, & foure or fyue in the braunches. Thus the Lorde God of Israel hath spoken.

Isaiah 24:13

13 For it shall happen vnto al landes & to all people, lyke as when a man smyteth donne the olyues, that are left vpon the tree: or seketh after grapes, when the wyne gatherynge is oute.

Isaiah 24:20

20 The earth shal stacker lyke a drocken man, & be taken awaye like a tente. Her mysdedes shal lie so heauy vpon her, that she must fal, and neuer ryse vp agayne.

Isaiah 29:13

13 Therfor thus sayth the Lord: For so much as thys people draweth nye me with theyr mouthe, and prayseth me hyghlye wyth theyr lyppes (where as theyr herte neuerthelesse is farre from me, & the feare which they owe vnto me, that turne they to mens lawes and doctrynes)

Isaiah 30:22

22 Moreouer yf ye destroye the syluer worckes of youre Idoles, and caste awaye the golden coppes that ye deckte them wythall (as fylthynes) & saye get you hence:

Isaiah 33:15

15 He that ledeth a godly lyfe (saye I) and speaketh the trueth: He that abhorreth to do vyolence and dysceyte: he that kepeth his hande that he touche no rewarde: which stoppeth hys eares that he heare no councel agaynste the innocent: which holdeth doune hys eyes, that he se none euyll.

Isaiah 37:36

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoste, an .clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose, vp earlye (at Ierusalem:) Beholde, all laye full of deed bodyes.

Isaiah 40:1-2

1 Be of good chere my people, be of good chere (sayeth youre God) 2 conforte Ierusalem, and tell her: that her trauayle is at an ende that her offence is pardoned, that she hath receyued of the Lordes hande sufficient correccyon for all her synnes.

Isaiah 55:6-7

6 Seke the Lorde, whyle he maye be founde, & call vpon hym whyle he is nye. 7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes & the vnrighteous his ymaginacions, & turne agayne vnto the Lorde: so shall he be mercyfull vnto him: & to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Isaiah 58:1-2

1 And therfore crye now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce like a trompet, and shewe my people their offences, and the house of Iacob their synnes. 2 For they seke me daylye and wyll knowe my waies, euen as it were a people that did right & had not forsaken the statutes of their God. They argue with me concerninge right iudgement, and wil pleate at the lawe with their God.

Isaiah 63:16

16 Yet art thou oure father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, neither is Israel acquainted with vs. But thou Lorde art oure father and redemer and thy name is euerlastinge.

Isaiah 65:8-9

8 Moreouer thus sayeth the Lord: lyke as when one would gather holy grapes, men say vnto him: breake it not of for it is holy: euen so wyll I do also for my seruauntes sake, that I wyll not destroye them all. 9 But I wyl take a sede oute of Iacob, and out of Iuda one, to take possession of my hyl. My chosen shal possesse these thinges, and my seruauntes shal dwell there.

Isaiah 65:15

15 Youre name shal not be sworne by amonge my chosen, for God the Lorde shall slay you, and cal his seruauntes by another name.

Isaiah 66:4

4 Therfore wyll I also haue pleasure in laughing him to scorne, & the thing that they feare wyll I brynge vpon them. For when I called, no man gaue answere: when I spake, they woulde not heare. But dyd wickednesse before myne eyes, and chose the thynges that displease me.

Jeremiah 2:5

5 Thus sayeth the Lorde vnto you. What vnfaythfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye from me, fallinge to lightnesse, and beynge so vaine?

Jeremiah 2:11-13

11 whether the Gentiles them selues deale so fastly and vntruly with their goddes (whiche yet are no Goddes in dede.) But my people hath geuen ouer their hye honoure, for a thinge that maye not helpe them. 12 Be astonished (O ye heauens) be afrayde and abashed at such thinge, sayeth the Lorde. 13 For my people hath done two euyls. They haue forsaken me the well of the water of life and dygged them pyttes, yea vyle & broken pittes, that holde no water.

Jeremiah 2:31-32

31 Yf ye be the people of the Lorde, then herken vnto this worde: Am I then become a wyldernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a lande that hath no light? Wherfore sayeth my people then: we are fallen of, and we wyl come no more vnto the? 32 Doth a mayden forget her rayment, or a bryde her stomacher? And doth my people forget me so long?

Jeremiah 3:21-25

21 And therfore the voyce of the chyldren of Israel was heard in euery side, wepinge & waylinge: for they haue defyled their waye, and forgotten God their Lorde. 22 O ye shrinkynge chyldren, turne agayne, (sayinge: lo, we are thyne, for thou arte the Lorde oure God:) And so shall I heale your bacturnynges. 23 The hylles fal, and al the hye pryde of the mountaynes, but the healthe of Israel standeth onely vpon God oure Lorde. 24 Confusion hath deuoured oure fathers laboure from our youth vp: yea their shepe and bullockes, their sonnes and doughters. 25 So do we also slepe in oure confusyon, and shame couereth vs: for we and oure fathers from oure youth vp vnto thys daye haue sinned agaynste the Lorde oure God, and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord oure God.

Jeremiah 4:10

10 Then sayde I: O Lord God, hast thou disceyued then thys people and Ierusalem, saienge: ye shall haue peace, & now the swerde goeth thorowe their lyues?

Jeremiah 4:27

27 For thus hath the Lorde sayde: The whole lande shalbe desolate, yet will I not then haue done.

Jeremiah 5:19

19 But yf they saye: wherfore doeth the Lord our God all this vnto vs? Then answere them: because, that lyke as ye haue forsaken me, & serued straunge goddes in your owne lande, euen so shall ye serue other Goddes also in a straunge lande.

Jeremiah 6:14-15

14 And besyde that, they heale the hurte of my people with swete wordes, sayinge: peace peace, when there is no peace at all. 15 Therfore they must be ashamed, for they haue committed abhomynacyon. But howe shulde they be ashamed, when they knowe nothinge, neither of shame nor good nurtoure? And therfore they shall fall amonge the slayne, and in the houre when I shall vyset them, they shall be brought doune, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 7:8-11

8 But take hede, yea trust in councels, that begyle you & do you no good. 9 For when ye haue stolen, murthered, committed aduoutrye, and periury: When ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowyng straunge & vnknowne Goddes. 10 Then come ye, and stande before me in thys house, whiche hath my name geuen vnto it and say: Tush, we are absolued quite, though we haue done all these abhominacions. 11 What? thincke you thys house that beareth my name, is a denne of theues? And these thinges are not done priuelye, but before myne eyes sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 7:16

16 Therfore thou shalt not praye for this people, thou shalt nether geue thankes, nor byd prayer for them: thou shalt make no intercessyon to me for them for in no wyse wil I heare the. 17 Seyst thou not what they do in the cyties of Iuda, and wythoute Ierusalem? 18 The chyldren gather stickes the fathers kyndle the fyre, the mothers kneade the doughe, to bake cakes for the quene of heauen, They poure out drincke offerynges vnto straunge goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath: 19 Howe be it they hurte not me (sayth the Lord) but rather confounde, and shame themselues. 20 And therfore thus saith the Lorde God: beholde, my wrath and my indignacyon shalbe poured out vpon this place, vpon men & catel vpon the trees in the felde & all frute of the lande, and it shall burne so, that no man maye quenche it.

Jeremiah 7:20-28

20 And therfore thus saith the Lorde God: beholde, my wrath and my indignacyon shalbe poured out vpon this place, vpon men & catel vpon the trees in the felde & all frute of the lande, and it shall burne so, that no man maye quenche it. 21 Thus sayth the Lorde of Hostes, the God of Israel. Ye heape vp youre burntofferinges with youre sacrifyces, & eate the fleshe. 22 But when I broughte youre fathers out of Egipt I spake no worde vnto them of burntofferynges & sacrifyces: 23 but this I commaunded them, sayinge: herken & obeye my voyce, & I shalbe youre God, and ye shall be my people: so that ye walcke in all the wayes, whiche I haue commaunded you, that ye maye prospere. 24 But they were not obedyent, they inclined not theyr eares there vnto, but wente after theyr owne ymagynacyons and after the mocyons of theyr owne wycked herte, & so turned them selues awaye, and conuerted not vnto me. 25 And thys haue they done, from the tyme that youre fathers came oute of Egypte, vnto thys daye. Neuertheles, I sente vnto them my seruauntes all the Prophetes. I rose vp earlye & sente them worde, 26 yet wolde they not herken, nor offre me theyr eares, but were obstynate and worse then theyr fathers. 27 And thou shalt now speake all these wordes vnto them, but they shall not heare the: thou shalte crye vpon them but they shall not aunswere the. 28 Therfore shalte thou saye vnto them: This is the people that neyther heareth the voyce of the Lord theyr God, nor receyueth hys correccyon. Faithfulues & trueth is cleane roted oute of theyr mouth.

Jeremiah 8:5-6

5 Wherfore then is this people and Ierusalem gone to farre backe, that they turne not agayne. They are euer the longer the more obstynate, & wyl not be conuerted. 6 For I haue loked, & consydered: but there is no man that speaketh a good worde: there is no man that taketh repentaunce for hys synne, that wyll so muche as saye: wherfore haue I done thys? But euerye man (as sone as he is turned backe) runneth forth styl, lyke a wylde horse in a battayle.

Jeremiah 8:11-12

11 Neuertheles, they heale the hurte of my people with swete wordes, saying: peace, peace wher there is no peace at all. 12 Fye for shame, how abhominable thinges do they? and yet they be not ashamed, yea thei knowe of no shame. Wherfore in the tyme of theyr vysytacion they shall fall among the dead bodyes, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 11:4

4 whiche I commaunded vnto youre fathers, what tyme as I brought them oute of Egypte, from the yron fornace, sayinge: Be obedient vnto my voyce, & do accordynge to all that I commaund you: so shall ye be my people, & I wilbe youre God,

Jeremiah 11:11

11 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll sende a plage amonge you, whiche ye shall not be able to escape: and though ye crye vnto me, I wyll not heare you.

Jeremiah 11:14

14 But praye not thou for thys people, byd neyther prayse nor prayer for them, for thoughe they crye vnto me in theyr trouble, yet wyl I not heare them.

Jeremiah 13:27

27 thy aduoutrye, thy deedly malice, thy beastlinesse and thy shamefull whordome. For vpon the feldes and hylles I haue sene thy abhominacions. Wo be vnto the (O Ierusalem) when wylt thou euer be clensed eny more?

Jeremiah 14:11-12

11 Yee euen thus sayde the Lorde vnto me: Thou shalt not praye to do this people good. 12 For though they fast, I wyll not heare theyr prayers. And though they offre burntoffringes & sacrifices, yet wyll not I accepte them. For I will destroye them with the swearde, honger and pestilence.

Jeremiah 14:12

12 For though they fast, I wyll not heare theyr prayers. And though they offre burntoffringes & sacrifices, yet wyll not I accepte them. For I will destroye them with the swearde, honger and pestilence.

Jeremiah 14:15

15 Therfore thus saieth the Lorde: As for those prophetes that preache in my name (whom I neuertheles haue not sent) and that saye: Tush, there shall nether batell ner honger be in this lande: Wyth swearde and with honger shall those prophetes perysh,

Jeremiah 15:1

1 Then spake the Lorde vnto me, & sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to thys people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my syght. 2 And yf they saye vnto the: Whyther shall we go? Then tell them: The Lorde geueth you thys answere: Some vnto death, some to the swearde, some to honger, some in to captyuyte. 3 For I will bryng foure plages vpon them sayeth the Lorde. The swearde shall strangle them, the dogges shal deuoure them, the foules of the ayre, and beastes of the earth shall eate them vp, and destroye them.

Jeremiah 15:3

3 For I will bryng foure plages vpon them sayeth the Lorde. The swearde shall strangle them, the dogges shal deuoure them, the foules of the ayre, and beastes of the earth shall eate them vp, and destroye them.

Jeremiah 17:1-2

1 Youre synne (O ye of the trybe of Iuda) is written in the table of youre hertes, and grauen so vpon the edges of your aulters wyth a penne of yron and wyth an adamant clawe: 2 that youre chyldren also maye thincke vpon youre aulters, woddes, thicke trees, hie hylles, mountaynes & feldes.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 Amonge all thynges lyuinge, man hath the moste disceytfull and vnsercheable herte. Who shall then knowe it?

Jeremiah 21:1-2

1 These are the wordes that the Lord spake vnto Ieremye what time as Kynge Zedekiah sent vnto hym Pashur the sonne of Melchiah, and Sophoniah the sonne of Maasiah preaste, saying: 2 Aske councell at the Lorde (we praye the) of oure behalfe, for Nabuchodonosor the Kynge of Babylon besegeth vs, yf the Lorde (peraduenture) wyll deale wyth vs, accordynge to his maruelous power, and take hym from vs.

Jeremiah 21:6

6 and wyll smyte them, that dwell in this cytye: yee both men and catell shall dye of the pestilence.

Jeremiah 21:9

9 Who so abydeth in this cytie, shall perish: ether wt the swearde, with honger, or with pestilence. But who so goeth out to holde on the Chaldees parte, that besege it, he shall saue hys lyfe, and, shall wynne hys soule for a praye. 10 For I haue sett my face agaynst this cytie (sayeth the Lord) to plage it, and to do it no good. It muste be geuen in to the hande of the kynge of Babylon, and be brent with fyre.

Jeremiah 22:8-9

8 And all the people that go by this cytie, shall speake one to another: Wherfore hath the Lorde done thus vnto thys noble cytye? 9 Then shall it be answered: because they haue broken the couenaunt of the Lorde their God, & haue worshipped & serued straunge goddes.

Jeremiah 23:15

15 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wyll fede them with wormwod, and make them dryncke the water of gall. For from the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sycknes and ypocrisye come in to all the lande.

Jeremiah 24:9

9 And wyll make them to be a reprofe, a comen by worde, a laughinge stocke and shame, in all the places, where I shall scatre them. 10 I wyll sende the swearde, honger & pestilence amonge them, vntyll I haue cleane consumed them out of the lande, that I gaue vnto them and their fathers.

Jeremiah 25:9

9 lo, I wyll sende out, call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will bringe them vpon this lande, & vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, & will vtterly rote them oute. I wyll make of them a wyldernesse, a mockage and a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 29:22

22 And all the presonners of Iuda that are in Babylon, shall take vpon them thys terme of cursynge, and saye: Now God do vnto the, as he dyd vnto Zedekiah & Ahab, whome the kynge of Babylon rosted in the fyre,

Jeremiah 30:11

11 For I am wyth the, to helpe the, sayeth the Lorde. And thoughe I shall destroye all the people, amonge whome I haue scatred the, yet wyll I not destroy the but correcte the, and that with dyscrecion. For I knowe, that thou arte in no wyse wythoute faute.

Jeremiah 31:17-21

17 Yea euen thy posterite shall haue consolacion in thys, (saieth the Lorde) that thy children shall come agayne into theyr owne lande. 18 Moreouer I hearde Ephraim, that was led awaye captyue, complayne on thys maner: O Lorde, thou haste correcte me, and thy chastening haue I receyued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou arte my Lorde God:

Jeremiah 31:18-21

18 Moreouer I hearde Ephraim, that was led awaye captyue, complayne on thys maner: O Lorde, thou haste correcte me, and thy chastening haue I receyued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou arte my Lorde God: 19 Yea as sone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstande, I shall smyte vpon my thyghe. For verelye I haue committed shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confusyon.

Jeremiah 31:19-21

19 Yea as sone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstande, I shall smyte vpon my thyghe. For verelye I haue committed shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confusyon. 20 Vpon this complainte, I thoughte thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the chylde, with whom I haue had all myrthe and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I fyrst commened with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my verye herte dryueth me vnto hym, gladly and louynglye will I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 31:20-21

20 Vpon this complainte, I thoughte thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the chylde, with whom I haue had all myrthe and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I fyrst commened with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my verye herte dryueth me vnto hym, gladly and louynglye will I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lorde. 21 Get the watchemen, prouyde teachers for the set thyne herte vpon the right waye, that thou shuldest walcke, and turne agayne (O thou doughter of Israell) turne agayne to these cytyes of thyne.

Jeremiah 31:33

33 But thys shall be the couenaunte that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, sayeth the Lorde: I wyll plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, & wryte it in theyr hertes, and wilbe theyr God, and they shalbe my people.

Jeremiah 32:38

38 And they shalbe my people, and I wilbe their God.

Jeremiah 32:43

43 And men shall haue their possessions in thys lande, whereof ye saye now, that it shall neyther be inhabited of people nor of catell, but be delyuered into the handes of the Caldees:

Jeremiah 33:12

12 Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: It shall come yet therto, that in this lande, whiche is voyde from men and catel, and in al the cities of the land, there shalbe set vp sheperdes cotages:

Jeremiah 36:29

29 And tell Iehoakim the kinge of Iuda: thus sayeth the Lorde: thou hast brente the boke, and thoughtest within thy selfe: Why haste thou written therin, that the kynge of Babilon shall come, and make this land waste, so that he shall make bothe people and catell to be oute of it.

Jeremiah 37:1-3

1 Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah, whiche was made kyng thorow Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babylon, reygned in the lande of Iuda in the head of Cononiah the sonne of Iehoakim. 2 But neyther he, nor hys seruauntes, nor the people in the lande woulde obeye the wordes of the Lord, which he spake by the Prophet Ieremye. 3 Neuerthelesse Zedekiah the Kynge sent Iehucal the sonne of Selemiah and Sophoniah the sonne of Maasiah the pryeste to the Prophet Ieremy, sayinge: O praye thou vnto the lord oure God for vs.

Jeremiah 37:9-10

9 For thus sayeth the Lord dysceyue not your owne myndes, thinckinge on thys maner: tush, the Caldees go now their waye from vs: No, they shall not go their waye. 10 For though ye had slayne the whole hoste of the Caldees, that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tente, yet should they stande vp, and set fyre vpon this cytie.

Jeremiah 37:17

17 Then Zedekiah the kinge sent for him, and called him, and asked hym quyetly in hys owne house, sayinge: thynkest thou this busynes (that now is in hande) commeth of the Lorde? Ieremye answered: yea that it doth: and thou (said he) shalt be delyuered in to the kinge of Babylons power.

Jeremiah 38:14-23

14 Then Zedekiah the king sent & caused Ieremy the Prophete be called vnto him, into the thirde entrye, that was by the house of the Lorde. And the kinge sayde vnto Ieremy: I wyll aske the some what, but hyde nothinge from me. 15 Then Ieremye answerde Zedekiah: Yf I be playne vnto the thou wilt cause me suffre death: yf I geue the councel, thou wylt not folow me. 16 So the king swore an oth secretly vnto Ieremye, sayinge: As truely as the Lorde lyueth, that made vs these soules, I wil not slay the, nor geue the into the handes of them that seke after thy lyfe. 17 Then sayde Ieremye vnto Zedekiah: Thus sayeth the Lord of Hostes the God of Israel: Yf case be, that thou wylt go forth vnto the kynge of Babilons Princes, thou shalt saue thy lyfe, and thys cyty shall not be brent, yea both thou and thy housholde shal escape wyth youre lyues. 18 But yf thou wylt not go forth to the kynge of Babylons prynces, then shall this cytye be delyuered into the handes of the Caldees whiche shal set fyre vpon it, & thou shalt not be able to escape them. 19 And Zedekiah sayde vnto Ieremy: I am afrayde for the Iewes, that are fled vnto the Caldees, lest I come in their handes, & so they to haue me in derysyon. 20 But Ieremye answerde: No, they shall not betraye the. O herken vnto the voyce of the Lord (I beseche the) whyche I speake vnto the, so shalt thou be wel, and saue thy lyfe. 21 But yf thou wylt not go forth, the Lord hath told me this planely. 22 Beholde al the wemen that are left in the kynge of Iudaes house, shall go out to the kyng of Babylons princes. For they thincke, that thou art disceyued: and that men in whome thou diddest put thy truste, haue gotten the vnder, & set thy fete fast in the mire, and gone their waye from the. 23 Therefore al thy wyues with their children shall fle vnto the Caldees, and thou shalte not escape their handes, but shalt be the kinge of Babylons presoner, and this cytie shalbe brente.

Jeremiah 42:20-21

20 els shall ye begyle youre selues. For ye sent me vnto the Lorde oure God, and sayde: O praye thou the lord oure God for vs: and loke what answere the lorde oure God geueth the, that brynge vs againe & we shall do therafter. 21 Now haue I shewed and declared vnto you the voyce of the Lorde youre God, for the whiche cause he hath sent me to you.

Jeremiah 44:11

11 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: I am stedfastlye aduysed and determed, to punysh you, and to rote out al Iuda.

Jeremiah 44:16-18

16 As for the wordes that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lorde, we will in no wyse heare them: 17 but whatsoeuer goeth oute of oure owne mouth, that wyl we do. We wyl do sacryfice, and offre oblacions vnto the Quene of Heauen: lyke as we & our forefathers, our kinges and oure heades haue done in the cities of Iuda, & in the stretes, & feldes of Ierusalem. For then had we plenteousnesse of vytayles, then were we in prosperytie, and no mysfortune came vpon vs. 18 But sence we left, to offre, and to do sacrifice vnto the Quene of Heauen, we haue had scarcenes of all thynges, and peryshe wyth the swerde and honger.

Jeremiah 47:6

6 O thou sweard of the Lord? Turne agayne into thy sheeth, reste, and leaue of.

Jeremiah 50:4-5

4 In those dayes & at that time sayeth the Lorde, the children of Israell shall come, they and the children of Iuda, wepyng & makinge haste, and shall seke the Lord their God. 5 They shall aske the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne theyr faces, & come and hange vpon the, in a couenaunte that neuer shall be broken. 6 My people hath bene a lost flocke, my shepherdes haue disceyued them, and haue made them go astraye vpon the hylles. They haue gone from the mountayne to the litle hyl, and forgotten their folde.

Jeremiah 52:27-30

27 and the Kynge of Babylon caused them to be put to death at Reblath in the lande of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captyue, out of hys owne lande. 28 Thys is the summe of the people, whom Nabuchodonosor ledde awaye captyue. In the seuenth yeare of hys reygne, he caried awaye of the Iewes, thre thousand and thre and twenty. 29 In the .xviij. yeare. Nabuchodonosor caryed awaye from Ierusalem eight hundreth and .xxxij. personnes. 30 In the .xxiij. yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne, toke awaye seuen hundreth .xlv. Iewes presoners. The whole summe of all the presoners, is foure thousand and syxe hundreth.

Lamentations 1:8

8 Heth. Ierusalem synned euer more & more, therfore is she come in decaye. All they that had her in honour, despyse her: for they haue sene her fylthynesse. Yee she sygheth, and is a shamed of her selfe.

Lamentations 1:20

20 Res. Consydre (O Lorde) how I am troubled, my wombe is dysquyeted, my herte turneth about in me, and I am full of heuynes. The swearde hurteth me without, and within I am lyke vnto death.

Lamentations 3:39-41

39 Wherfore then murmureth the lyuynge man? let hym murmure at hys owne synne. 40 Nun. Let vs loke well vpon oure owne wayes, and remembre oure selues, and turne agayne to the Lorde. 41 Let vs lyft vp oure hertes with oure handes vnto the Lorde that is in heauen.

Lamentations 4:9-10

9 Teth. They that be slayne with the swearde, are happier then soch as dye of honger, and perishe awaye famyshyng for the fruites of the felde. 10 Iod. The wemen (which of nature are pitieful) haue sodden their owne children with their handes that they might be their meate, in the miserable destruccion of the daughter of my people.

Ezekiel 2:7

7 Se that thou speake my wordes vnto them, whether they be obedyent or not, for they are obstynate.

Ezekiel 3:4

4 And he sayde vnto me: thou sonne of man, get the soone vnto the house of Israel, and shewe them the wordes, that I commaunde the:

Ezekiel 3:17-21

17 Thou sonne of man I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israell: therfore take good hede to the wordes, and geue them warnyng at my commaundement. 18 If I sayde vnto the, concernynge the vngodly man: that (wythout doute) he muste dye, and thou geuest hym not warnynge, ner speakest vnto hym, that he maye turne from hys euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shalll the same vngodly man dye in hys owne vnryghtuousnes: but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hande. 19 Neuertheles, yf thou geue warnynge vnto the wycked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his owne wyckednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule. 20 Now yf a ryghtuous man go from his rightuousnesse, and do the thynge that is euell: I will laye a stomblynge blocke before hym, & he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warning: yee dye shall he in hys owne synne so that the vertue, which he dyd before, shall not be thought vpon: but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hande.

Ezekiel 3:20-21

20 Now yf a ryghtuous man go from his rightuousnesse, and do the thynge that is euell: I will laye a stomblynge blocke before hym, & he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warning: yee dye shall he in hys owne synne so that the vertue, which he dyd before, shall not be thought vpon: but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hande. 21 Neuerthelesse, yf thou exhortest the ryghtuous, that he synne not, & so the ryghtuous do not synne: then shall he lyue, because he hath receyued thy warnynge, and thou hast dyscharged thy soule.

Ezekiel 4:16

16 And he sayde vnto me: Beholde thou sonne of man, I wyll mynishe all the prouisyon of bred in Ierusalem, so that they shall wepe theyr bred, and eate it with scarcenesse. But as for water, they shall haue a verye lytle measure therof, to dryncke.

Ezekiel 5:12

12 One thirde parte within the, shall dye of the pestilence and of honger: Another thirde parte shall be slayne downe rounde aboute the, with the swearde: The other thirde parte that remayneth, will I scatre abroade towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out the swearde after them.

Ezekiel 5:15

15 so that when I punishe the in my wrath, in myne anger, & with the plage of my whote displeasure: thou shalt be a very abhominacion, shame, a gasynge & wondrynge stocke, amonge the Heathen that lye aboute the. Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it, and it shall come to passe, 16 when I shute amonge them the perlous dartes of honger, which shalbe but death: Yee therfore shall I shute them, because I wyll destroye you I will encrease hunger, & mynishe all the prouisyon of bred amonge you. 17 Plages and mysery wyll I sende you, yee and wylde beastes also to destroye you Pestilence & bloudshedynge shall come vpon you, and the swearde will I bringe ouer you. Euen I the Lorde, haue sayde it.

Ezekiel 6:7

7 Youre slayne men shall lye amonge you, that ye maye learne to knowe, how that I am the Lorde. 8 Those that amonge you haue escaped the swearde, will I leaue amonge the Gentyles, for I wyll scatre you amonge the nacyons. 9 And they that escape from you, shall thyncke vpon me amonge the Heathen, where they shalbe in captiuyte. As for that whorysh & vnfaythfull herte of theirs, wherwyth they runne awaye fro me, I wyll breake it: yee and put oute those eyes of theirs, that commytte fornicacyon with their Idols. Then shall they be ashamed, and displeased wyth their selues, for the wyckednesses & abhomynacions, which they haue done:

Ezekiel 6:9-10

9 And they that escape from you, shall thyncke vpon me amonge the Heathen, where they shalbe in captiuyte. As for that whorysh & vnfaythfull herte of theirs, wherwyth they runne awaye fro me, I wyll breake it: yee and put oute those eyes of theirs, that commytte fornicacyon with their Idols. Then shall they be ashamed, and displeased wyth their selues, for the wyckednesses & abhomynacions, which they haue done: 10 and shall learne to knowe, how that it is not in vayne, that I the Lorde spake, to brynge soch mysery vpon them. 11 The Lorde sayde moreouer vnto me: Smyte thyne handes together, and stampe wyth thay fete, & saye: Wo worth all the abhominacions and wickednesses of the house of Israel, for because of them, they shall perishe wyth the swearde, with honger & wyth pestilence. 12 Who so is farre of, shall dye of the pestilence: he that is nye at hande, shall perish with the swearde: and the other that are beseged, shall dye of honger. Thus wyll I satisfye my wrothfull displeasure vpon them.

Ezekiel 7:8

8 Therfore, I will shortly poure out my sore displeasure ouer the, and fulfyll my wrath vpon the. I will iudge the after thy wayes, and recompence the all thy abhominacyons.

Ezekiel 7:19

19 their syluer shall lye in the stretes, and their golde shalbe despysed: Yee their siluer and golde maye not deliuer them, in the daye of the fearfull wrath of the Lorde. They shall not satysfye their hongry soules, nether fyll their emptye belyes therwith: For it is become their owne decaye thorowe their wickednes:

Ezekiel 8:1

1 It happened, that in the syxte yeare the fyfth daye of the syxte moneth I sat in my house, & the Lordes of the councell of Iuda with me: and the hande of the lord God fell euen there vpon me.

Ezekiel 8:6-18

6 And he sayd further more vnto me: Thou sonne of man, seist thou what these do? Seyst thou the great abhomynacyons that the house of Israel commytte in this place? which oughte not to be done in my sanctuarye? But turne the aboute, and thou shalte se yet greater abhomynacyons. 7 And with that broughte he me to the courtegate, & when I loked, beholde, there was an hole in the wal. 8 Then sayd he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, dygge thorowe the wall. And when I dygged thorow the wal, behold, ther was a dore. 9 And he sayde vnto me: Go thy waye in, & loke what wycked abhomynacions they do there. 10 So I wente in, & sawe: and beholde, there were all maner ymages of wormes & beastes, all Idoles and abhominacions of the house of Israel paynted euery one round aboute the wall. 11 There stode also before the ymages .lxx. lordes of the councell of the house of Israel, and in the myddeste of them stode Iaazamah the sonne of Saphan: and euerye one of them had a censoure in hys hande, and out of the incense, there wente a smoke, as it had bene a cloude. 12 Then sayde he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, haste thou sene what the Senatoures of the house of Israel do secretly euerye one in hys chambre: For they saye: Tush, the Lorde seyth vs not, the Lord regardeth not the worlde. 13 And he sayde vnto me: Turne the yet agayne, and thou shalte se the greate abhomynacyons that they do. 14 And with that he broughte me to the dore of the port of the Lordes house, towarde the north. And beholde there sate women mournynge for Thamus. 15 Then sayde he vnto me: haste thou sene this thou sonne of man. Turne the about & thou shalte se yet greater abhomynacyons. 16 And so he broughte me into the inward court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twentye men, that turned theyr backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the east & these worshipped the sonne.

Ezekiel 8:16-18

16 And so he broughte me into the inward court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twentye men, that turned theyr backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the east & these worshipped the sonne. 17 And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene this, thou sonne of man? Thyncketh the house of Israel, that it is but a tryflle, to do these abhomynacyons here? Shulde they fyll the lande full of wyckednesse, & vndertake to prouoke me vnto anger? Yea and purposelye to caste vp their noses vpon me: 18 Therfore wyll I also do some thynge in my wrothfull displeasure, so that myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them. Yea and though they crye in myne eares with loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them.

Ezekiel 9:8-9

8 and I yet escaped: I fell doune vpon my face, and cryed sayinge: O Lorde, wylte thou then destroy al the resydue of Israel, in thy sore displeasure, that thou hast poured vpon Ierusalem? 9 Then sayde he vnto me: The wickednesse of the house of Israel and Iuda is very greate: so that the lande is full of bloude, and the citie full of vnfaythfulnesse: For they saye: Tushe, the Lord regardeth not the earth, he seyth vs not.

Ezekiel 9:9-9

9 Then sayde he vnto me: The wickednesse of the house of Israel and Iuda is very greate: so that the lande is full of bloude, and the citie full of vnfaythfulnesse: For they saye: Tushe, the Lord regardeth not the earth, he seyth vs not.

Ezekiel 11:18-20

18 and thyther shall ye come. And as for all impedymentes and all youre abhomynacyons: I wyll take them awaye. 19 And I wil geue you one herte, and I wyll plante a newe sprete wythin youre bowels. That stony herte wyll I take oute of youre body, & geue you a fleshy herte: 20 that ye maye walke in my commaundementes, and kepe myne ordynaunces, & do them: that ye maye be my people, and I youre God. 21 But loke, whose hertes are dysposed to folowe theyr abhomynacyons & wicked lyuynges: those mens dedes wyll I brynge vpon their owne heades, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 12:16

16 But I wyll leaue a lytle nombre of them from the swearde, hunger and pestilence: to tell all theyr abhomynacyons amonge the Heathen, where they come, that they maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde.

Ezekiel 13:23

23 therfore shall ye spye oute no more vanite, nor prophecye youre owne gessinges: for I wyl delyuer my people oute of youre hande, that ye maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde.

Ezekiel 14:3-4

3 Thou sonne of man, these men beare theyr Idols in their hertes, and go purposly vpon the stomblynge block of their owne wyckednesse: how darre they then aske councell at me? 4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: Thus sayth the Lorde God. Euerye man of the house of Israell that beareth hys Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in hys owne wickednesse, and commeth to a Prophete, to enquere any thynge at me by hym: vnto that man will I the Lorde my self geue aunswere, accordynge to the multytude of hys Idoles,

Ezekiel 14:4-4

4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: Thus sayth the Lorde God. Euerye man of the house of Israell that beareth hys Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in hys owne wickednesse, and commeth to a Prophete, to enquere any thynge at me by hym: vnto that man will I the Lorde my self geue aunswere, accordynge to the multytude of hys Idoles,

Ezekiel 14:7

7 For euery man (whether he be of the house of Israell or a straunger, that sogeourneth in Israell) whiche departeth fro me, & caryeth Idols in hys herte, purposynge to go still stombling in his owne wickednesse, & commeth to a Prophete, for to aske councell at me thorowe him: vnto that man wyll I the Lorde geue aunswere, by myne owne selfe.

Ezekiel 14:7-8

7 For euery man (whether he be of the house of Israell or a straunger, that sogeourneth in Israell) whiche departeth fro me, & caryeth Idols in hys herte, purposynge to go still stombling in his owne wickednesse, & commeth to a Prophete, for to aske councell at me thorowe him: vnto that man wyll I the Lorde geue aunswere, by myne owne selfe. 8 I wyll set my face agaynste that man, & will make him to be an example for other, yea & a comon by worde, and wyll rote hym oute of my people, that he maye knowe how that I am the Lorde. 9 And yf that Prophete be deceyued, when he telleth hym a worde: then I the Lorde my selfe haue dysceyued that Prophete, & wyl stretche forth myne hande vpon hym, to rote hym out of my people of Israel, 10 and they bothe shalbe punished for theyr wyckednesse. Accordinge to the sinne of hym that asketh, shall the synne of the Prophet be,

Ezekiel 14:13

13 Thou sonne of man, when the lande synneth againste me, & goeth forthe in wyckednesse: I will stretche oute myne hand vpon it, & destroye all the prouysyon of theyr bread, and sende derth vpon them, to destroy man & beast in the lande. 14 And thoughe Noe, Daniel & Iob these thre men were amonge them, yet shal they in their rightuousnesse delyuer but theyr owne soules, sayeth the Lorde God. 15 If I brynge noysome beastes into the lande, to waste it vp, and it be so desolate, that no man maye go therein for beastes: 16 yf these thre men also were in the lande, as truelye as I lyue (sayth the Lorde God) they shall saue neither sonnes nor doughters, but be only delyuered them selues: and as for the lande, it shall be waste. 17 Or yf I bring a swearde into the lande, & charge it to go thorow the land, so that I slay doune man and beast in it, 18 and yf these thre men were therein: As truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde God) they shal delyuer neyther sonnes nor doughters, but onelye be saued them selues. 19 If I sende a pestilence into the lande, & poure oute my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote oute of it bothe man & beast, 20 & yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: as truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde GOD) they shall delyuer neyther sonnes nor doughters, but saue their owne soules in theyr ryghtuousnes. 21 Moreouer thus sayth the Lord god: Though I sende my foure troublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous, beastes and pestilence, to destroye man and beaste oute of it:

Ezekiel 15:7

7 & set my face against them: they shall go out from the fyre, & yet the fyre shall consume them. Then shall ye knowe, that I am the Lorde, when I set my face agaynst them, 8 and make the lande waste, because they haue so sore offended, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 16:27

27 Beholde, I will stretch out mine hande ouer the, and will minishe the stoare of fode, & deliuer the ouer into the willes of the Philistines thine enemies, whiche are ashamed of thy abhominable waye.

Ezekiel 16:54

54 that thou mayest take thyne owne confusion vpon the, and be ashamed of all that thou hast done, & to comforte them.

Ezekiel 16:63

63 that thou mayest thyncke vpon it, be ashamed, and excuse thine owne confusyon no more: when I haue forgeuen the, all that thou hast done, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 17:18-20

18 For seyng he hath despysed the othe, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his hande thervpon) and done all these thynges, he shall not escape. 19 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: As truely as I lyue. I wil bring myne othe that he hath despised, & my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne heade. 20 I will cast my net aboute hym, and catche him in my yarne. To Babylon wil I carye him, there wyll I punyshe him, because of the greate offence that he made me.

Ezekiel 18:20

20 The same soule that synneth, shall dye. The sonne shal not beare the fathers offence, neyther shall the father beare the sonnes offence. The ryghteousnes of the righteous shalbe vpon him, and the wickednes of the wycked shalbe vpon him selfe also.

Ezekiel 18:22

22 As for all his synnes that he did before, they shall not be thought vpon: but in his ryghteousnes, that he hath done, he shall lyue.

Ezekiel 18:30

30 As for me I will iudge euery man, accordynge to hys wayes, O ye house of Israel, sayeth the Lord God. Wherfore be conuerted, and turne you cleane from all youre wickednesse, so shall there no sinne do you harme.

Ezekiel 20:1

1 In the .xvij. yeare the .x. day of the .v. Moneth, it happened, that certayne of the elders of Israel came vnto me, for to aske councell at the Lord, and sat them doune by me.

Ezekiel 20:3

3 Thou sonne of man: speake vnto the elders of Israel, and say vnto them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Are ye come hytherto to aske any thinge at me? As truely as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde)

Ezekiel 20:16

16 and that because they refused my lawes, and walcked not in my commaundementes, but and vnhalowed my Sabbathes, for their herte was gone after their Idoles.

Ezekiel 20:25

25 Wherfore I gaue them also commaundementes not good, and lawes thorow the whyche they shoulde not lyue,

Ezekiel 20:27

27 Therfore (O thou sonne of man) tell the house of Israell, thus sayeth the Lorde God: Besyde all this, youre forefathers haue yet blasphemed me more, and greatly offended agaynst me.

Ezekiel 20:31

31 In al youre Idoles, where vnto ye bring your oblacions, and to whose honoure ye burne your children: ye defyle youre selues, euen vnto this day: howe darre ye then come and aske any question at me? O ye housholde of Israel? As truly as I liue (saieth the Lord God) ye get no answere of me:

Ezekiel 20:43

43 There shall ye call to remembraunce your own wayes and all your ymaginacions, wherin he haue bene defiled, and ye shalbe displeased wyth your own selues, for al your wickednes that ye haue done.

Ezekiel 21:3-4

3 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, I wil vpon the, & wil drawe my swerde out of the sheath, and rote out of the both the righteous & the wycked. 4 Seinge then that I will rote oute of the both the righteous and wicked, therfore shall my swerde go oute of his sheath againste all flesh from the North to the south:

Ezekiel 21:9-15

9 Thou sonne of man, prophecye and speake: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: speake, the swearde is sharpened and well scoured. 10 Sharpened is it for the slaughter, & scoured that it may be bright. O, the destroyinge staf of my sonne, shall bringe doune all wod. 11 He hath put his swerd to the dighting the good holde may be taken of it. This swerd is sharpened & dight, that it may be geuen into the hande of the manslayer. 12 Crie (O thou sonne of man) and howle, for this swerde shall smyte my people, & all the rulers in Israel, which with my people shall be slayne doune to the grounde thorow this swerde. 13 Smyte thou vpon the thyghe, for wherfore shoulde not the plage & staf of iudgement come? 14 Prophecy thou sonne of man, & smite thine handes together: make the swerd two edged, yea make it thre edged, that manslayers swerde, that swerde of the greate slaughter, whiche shall smyte them, euen in their preuichambres, 15 to make them abashed & faynt at the hertes, and in all gates to make some of them fall. O how bright and sharpe it is, how well dight & mete for the slaughter.

Ezekiel 23:49

49 And so they shal lay your filthinesse vpon your owne selues, & ye shalbe punished for the sinnes, that ye haue committed with your Idols, & ye shall know that I am the Lorde.

Ezekiel 25:13

13 therefore thus sayeth the Lorde: I wyll reache oute myne hande vpon Edom, and take awaye man and beast oute of it. From Theman vnto Dedan will I make it desolate, they shalbe slayne wt the swearde.

Ezekiel 28:3

3 Behold, thou thinckest thy self wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from the.

Ezekiel 29:8

8 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: beholde, I wyll brynge a swearde vpon the, & rote oute of the bothe man and beaste.

Ezekiel 33:11

11 Tell them: As trulye as I lyue, sayeth the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but moch rather that the wicked turne from his waye and lyue. Turne you, turne you from your vngodlye wayes, O ye of the house of Israell. Oh, wherfore wyll ye dye?

Ezekiel 33:27

27 Saye thou these wordes vnto them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: As truelye as I lyue all ye that dwell in thys wyldernesse, shalbe slayne with the sweard: what so euer is vpon the feld, will I geue vnto the beastes to be deuoured: those that be in stronge holdes & dennes shall dye of the pestylence.

Ezekiel 33:30-32

30 And thou sonne of man, the chyldren of thy people that talcke of the, by th walles and in the dores of theyr houses, sayinge one to another: Come, let vs hear what worde is gone forthe from the Lorde: 31 These come vnto the, after the maner of a great people: yea my people syt doune before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not there after: for in theyr mouthes they shewe them selues, as though they were feruent, but their herte goeth after theyr owne couetous lucre.

Ezekiel 33:31-32

31 These come vnto the, after the maner of a great people: yea my people syt doune before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not there after: for in theyr mouthes they shewe them selues, as though they were feruent, but their herte goeth after theyr owne couetous lucre. 32 And as a balet that hath a swete tune, and is pleasaunt to synge, so shalte thou be vnto them: thy wordes shall they heare, but they wil not do thereafter.

Ezekiel 34:10-31

10 Thus sayth the Lord God: Beholde, I my self wyll vpon the shepherdes and requyre my shepe from theyr handes, and make them ceasse from fedynge of my shepe: yea the shepherdes shall fede them selues no more: For I wyll delyuer my shepe oute of theyr mouthes, so that they shall not deuoure them after this. 11 For thus sayth the Lord god: Beholde, I will loke to my shepe my selfe, & seke them. 12 Lyke as a shepherde amonge the flocke seketh after the shepe that are scatered abroade, euen so wyll I seke after my shepe, & gather them together oute of all places, wher they haue bene scatred in the cloudy & darcke daye. 13 I wyll brynge them oute from all people, and gather them together oute of all landes. I wyll brynge them into theyr owne land, and fede them vpon the mountaynes of Israel, by the ryuers, and in all the places of the countre. 14 I wil fede them in ryght good pastures, and vpon the hye mountaynes of Israell shal there foldes be. There shall they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shall they fede, euen vpon the mountaynes of Israel. 15 I wil fede my shepe my selfe, and brynge them to theyr rest sayeth the Lorde GOD. 16 Suche as be loste, wyll I seke: suche as go astraye, wyll I bryng agayn: suche as be wounded, wil I bynde vp: suche as be weake, wyll I make stronge: suche as be fat and well lyking, those wil I preserue, and fede them with the thynge that is laufull. 17 And as for you (O my shepe) sayeth the Lorde God: I wyl put a difference amonge the shepe, amonge the wethers & the goates. 18 Was it not ynough for you to eat vp the good pasture, but ye must treade downe the residue of your pasture with your fete also? Was it not ynough for you to drink cleare water, but ye must trouble the resydue also with your fete? 19 Thus my shepe muste be fayne to eate the thynge, that ye haue troden doune with your fete, & to drincke it, that ye with youre fete haue befyled. 20 Therfore, thus saieth the Lorde God vnto them: Beholde, I wyll seuer the fatte shepe from the leane: 21 for so muche as ye haue shot the weake shepe vpon the sydes & shoulders, and runne vpon them with youre hornes, so longe tyll ye haue vtterlye scatred them abroad 22 I will helpe my shepe, so that they shall no more be spoyled: yea, I wyll discerne one shepe from another. 23 I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onelye shepeherde: euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall fede them, and he shall be theyr shepherde. 24 I the Lorde wyll be theyr God, and my seruaunte Dauid shall be their prince: Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it. 25 Moreouer, I wyll make a couenaunte of yeare with them, and driue al euyl beastes out of the lande: so that they maye dwell safelye in the wyldernes, and slepe in the wooddes. 26 Good fortune and prosperyte wil I geue them, and vnto all that be rounde aboute my hyll. A prosperous shower and rayne wil I sende them in due season, 27 that the trees in the wood maye brynge forthe theyr frutes, & the grounde her increase. They shalbe safe in theyr lande, & shall knowe, that I am the Lorde, whiche haue broken theyr yocke, and delyuered them oute of the handes of those, that helde them in subieccyon. 28 They shal no more be spoyled of the Heathen, nor deuoured with the beastes of the lande: but safely shall they dwell, and no man shall fraye them. 29 I wyll set vp an excellente plante for them, so that they shal suffre no more hunger in the lande, neither beare the reprofe of the Heathen any more. 30 Thus shal they vnderstand that I the Lorde theyr God am with them, & that they (euen the house of Israel) are my people, sayeth the Lorde God. 31 Ye men are my flocke, ye are the shepe of my pasture: and I am youre God, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 36:18

18 Wherfore I poured my wrathfull dyspleasure vpon them, because of the bloude that they had shed in the lande, and because of their Idoles, wherwith they had defyled them selues.

Ezekiel 36:25

25 Then wyll I poure cleare water vpon you, & ye shalbe clene: yee from all your vnclennesse and from all your Idols shal I clense you.

Ezekiel 36:25-29

25 Then wyll I poure cleare water vpon you, & ye shalbe clene: yee from all your vnclennesse and from all your Idols shal I clense you. 26 A new herte also will I geue you, and a new sprete wyll I put into you: As for that stony herte, I wyll take it out of youre body, & geue you a fleshly herte. 27 I will geue my sprete amonge you, and cause you to walcke in my commaundementes, to kepe my lawes, and to fulfyll them. 28 And so ye shall dwell in the lande, that I gaue to youre forefathers, and ye shalbe my people, & I wilbe youre God. 29 I wyll helpe you out of all youre vnclennesse. I wyll call for the corne, & will increase it, & wyll let you haue no honger.

Ezekiel 36:31-32

31 Then shall ye remembre your, owne wicked wayes, & youre ymagynacyons, whiche were not good: so that ye shall take displeasure at youre owne selues, by reason of youre synnes & abhominacyons.

Ezekiel 36:31

31 Then shall ye remembre your, owne wicked wayes, & youre ymagynacyons, whiche were not good: so that ye shall take displeasure at youre owne selues, by reason of youre synnes & abhominacyons. 32 But I wyll not do this for youre sakes (sayeth the Lorde God) be ye sure of it. Therfore, O ye house of Israell, be ashamed of your synnes.

Ezekiel 37:23

23 they shall also defile them selues nomore with their abhomynacyons, Idoles, & all their wicked doinges. I will helpe them out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: and will so clense them: that they shalbe my people, & I their God.

Ezekiel 37:27

27 My dwellynge shalbe wyth them, yea, I will be their God, and they shal be my people.

Ezekiel 38:21-22

21 I wyll call for a swearde vpon them in all my mountaynes, sayeth the Lorde God: so that euerye mans swearde shall be vpon another. 22 Wyth pestylence and bloude will I punysh hym: stormy rayne & hayle stones, fyre & brimstone, wyl I cause to rayne vpon him & all his heape yee & vpon al that greate people that is with hym.

Ezekiel 38:22

22 Wyth pestylence and bloude will I punysh hym: stormy rayne & hayle stones, fyre & brimstone, wyl I cause to rayne vpon him & all his heape yee & vpon al that greate people that is with hym.

Ezekiel 39:22

22 that the house of Israell maye knowe, how that I am the Lorde theyr God, from that daye forth.

Ezekiel 44:10

10 No ner the Leuites that be gone backe frome, and haue dysceyued the people of Israell wyth all erroures, goinge after their ydoles: therfore shall they beare their owne wyckednes.

Ezekiel 44:12

12 seynge the seruyce that they do them, is before their Idoles, and cause the house of Israell to stomble thorowe the wyckednes? For the whych cause I haue pluckte out myne hande ouer them (sayeth the Lorde) so that now they must beare their owne iniquyte,

Ezekiel 44:15

15 But the Prestes the Leuytes the sonnes of Sadoch, that kepte the holye ordynaunces of my Sanctuarye, when the chyldren of Israell were gone fro me: shall come to me, to do me seruyce, to stande before me, & to offre me the fat & the bloude, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 48:11

11 Yee this same place shalbe the prestes that are of the children of Sadoch, and haue kepte my holy ordynaunce: which wente not astraye in the erroure of the chyldren of Israel lyke as the Leuites are gone astraye:

Daniel 1:6

6 Amonge these nowe were certayne of the chyldren of Iuda: namely Daniel, Ananias, Misael & Azarias.

Daniel 9:5

5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue ben disobedient and gone back: yea we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes.

Daniel 9:7

7 O Lorde, ryghteousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame, as it is come to passe this day vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yea, vnto all Israell, whether they be farre or nye thorow out all landes: wherin thou haste strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the.

Daniel 9:10-12

10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes: 11 yea all Israel haue transgressed, & gone back from thy law, so that they haue not herckened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the cursse & othe, that is written in the lawe of Moses the seruaunte of God (agaynst whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs. 12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, whiche he spake against vs, and against oure iudges that iudged vs: to brynge vpon vs suche a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, lyke as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem.

Daniel 9:14

14 Therefore hathe the Lorde made haste, to brynge this plage vpon vs, for the Lorde our God is ryghteous, in all his worckes which he doeth: for why, we woulde not herken vnto his voyce.

Daniel 9:21

21 yea, whyle I was yet speakinge in my prayer, beholde the man Gabrel (whome I had sene afore in the vision) came flying to me, and touched me about the offeringe time in the eueninge.

Daniel 10:11

11 sayinge vnto me: O Daniel, thou well beloued man: take good hede of the wordes, that I shal say vnto the, and stande ryght, for vnto the am I now sent. And when he had sayde these wordes, I stode vp tremblinge.

Hosea 4:3

3 Therfore shall the land be in a miserable case, & al they that dwel therin, shall mourne: the beastes in the felde, the foules in the ayr, & the fishes in the sea shal dye.

Hosea 4:14

14 I wyll not punishe youre doughters for beynge defyled, & youre brydes that became whores: seinge the fathers them selues haue medled wt harlottes & offered wt vnthriftes: but the people that will not vnderstand, must be punished.

Hosea 9:10

10 I founde Israel lyke the grapes in the wildernes, & saw their fathers as the fyrst figges in the top of the fygge tre. But they are gone to Baal Peor, & runne away from me to that shamefull Idoll, and are become as abhominable as their louers.

Hosea 10:2

2 Their herte is deuyded, therfore wyll they be destroyed. The Lorde shall breake doune their Images, he shall destroye their aulters.

Hosea 10:12

12 that they myght sowe vnto righteousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoynge that they might plowe vp their fresh lande, & seke the Lorde, tyll he came, and learned them ryghteousnes.

Hosea 14:1-3

1 O Israel, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednes. 2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the Lorde, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all our sinnes, receyue vs gracyouslye, and then wyl we offre the bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. 3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether wyl we ryde vpon horses any more. As for the worckes of our handes, we wil no more cal vpon them: For it is thou that arte oure God, thou shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse.

Hosea 14:8

8 O Ephraim what haue I to do wt Idols anye more? I wyll graciously heare him, and lede hym forthe. I will be vnto the as a grene Fyrre tre, vpon me shalt thou find thy trute.

Amos 3:7

7 Nowe doth the Lorde God no maner of thynge, but he telleth hys secrete before vnto hys seruauntes the Prophetes.

Amos 4:6-12

6 Therfore haue I geuen you ydle teeth in all youre cytyes, and carnesse of bread in all your places, yet wil ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 7 When here were but thre monethes vnto the haruest I wythhelde the rayne from you: yea I rayned vpon one cytye, and not vpon another, one pece of grounde was moystured wyth rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon was drye. 8 Wherfore two, yea thre cytes came vnto one to dryncke water: but they were not satisfyed, yet wyll ye not, turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 9 I haue smiten you with drouth & blasting: and loke howe manye orchardes, vineyardes, fyggetrees & olyue trees ye had: the caterpyller hath eaten them vp. But yet wil ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 10 Pestylence haue I sente amonge you, as I dyd in Egipt: youre yong men haue I slayne with the swerd, and caused youre horses be taken captyue: I made the stynkynge sauoure of youre tentes to come vp into youre nostrels: Yet wyll ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde.

Amos 4:10-12

10 Pestylence haue I sente amonge you, as I dyd in Egipt: youre yong men haue I slayne with the swerd, and caused youre horses be taken captyue: I made the stynkynge sauoure of youre tentes to come vp into youre nostrels: Yet wyll ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 11 Some of you haue I ouerthrowen, as I ouerthrew Sodome and Gomorre, so that ye were as brand plucte oute of the fyre. Yet wyll ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 12 Therfore thus wyl I handle the agayn, O Israel, yea, euen thus wyl I handle the. Make the ready then to mete thy God, O Israel.

Jonah 3:7-9

7 And it was cryed and commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the king and hys lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beast, oxe or shepe taste ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drinke water: 8 but put on sack cloth both man and beast, and crye myghtely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne from hys euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande. 9 Who can tell? God maye turne, & repente & cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.

Micah 5:7

7 And the remnaunt of Iacob shalbe amonge the multytude of people, as the dewe of the Lorde, and as the droppes vpon the grasse, that tarieth for no man, & wayteth of no body.

Micah 7:9

9 I wyl beare the punyshment of the Lorde (for why? I haue offended hym) tyll he sit in iudgement vpon my cause, and se that I haue ryghte. He wyll brynge me forth to the lyght, & I shall se hys ryghtuousnesse.

Zephaniah 1:3

3 I wyl gather vp man and beast: I wil gather vp the foules in the ayre and the fyshe in the sea (to the greate decaye of the wycked) and wyll vtterlye destroye the men out of the lande, sayeth the Lorde.

Zephaniah 2:3

3 yea or the daye of the Lordes sore dyspleasure come vpon you. Seke the Lorde all ye meke herted vpon earth, ye that worcke after hys iudgemente, seke ryghtuousnesse: seke lowlynesse, that ye maye be defended in the wrothfull daye of the Lorde.

Zephaniah 3:11

11 In that tyme shalte thou no more be confounded, because of all thy ymagynacyons, where thorow thou haddest offended me: for I wyll take awaye the proude boasters of thyne honoure from the, so that thou shalte no more tryumphe because of my holy hyll.

Zechariah 7:11-14

11 Neuertheles they would not take hede, but turned their backes, & stopped their eares, that they should not heare: 12 yea, they made their hertes as an Adamant stone, least they should hear the law & wordes, whiche the Lorde of hostes sent in his holy spirite by the Prophetes afore tyme. Wherfore the Lorde of hostes was verye wroth at them. 13 And thus it is come to passe, that like as he spake, & they woulde not hear: euen so they cryed, and I woulde not heare, (sayeth the Lord of hostes)

Zechariah 7:13-14

13 And thus it is come to passe, that like as he spake, & they woulde not hear: euen so they cryed, and I woulde not heare, (sayeth the Lord of hostes) 14 but scatered them among al Gentiles, whom they knew not: Thus the lande was made so desolate, that there trauayled no man in it, neyther to, nor for for that pleasaunt lande was vtterly layed waste.

Zechariah 11:8

8 Thre sheperdes destroyeth I in one moneth, for I might not away wt them, neither had they any delyte in me.

Zechariah 13:9

9 And the same thyrd part wil I bring thorow the fyre, & wil clense them, as the siluer is clensed: yea, & try them like as gold is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name and I wyll heare them: I wyl saye: it is my people. And they shal say: Lorde my God.

Matthew 3:8-10

8 Bringe forth therfore the frutes belonging to repentaunce. 9 And se that ye once thinke not to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to our father. For I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones rayse vp children vnto Abraham. 10 Euen now is the axe put vnto the rote of the trees: so that euerye tre which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen doun & cast into the fire.

Matthew 18:19-20

19 Agayne I say vnto you, that if two of you shall agre in earth vpon any maner thyng whatsoeuer they shall desire: it shalbe geuen them of my father whyche is in heauen. 20 For where two or thre are gathered together in my name, there am I in the middes of them.

Matthew 24:7

7 For nacion shall ryse against nacion and realme against realme: and ther shalbe pestylence, honger and earth quakes in certayne places?

Mark 13:20

20 And except that the Lord shoulde shorten those dayes, no man shoulde be saued. But for the electes sake which he hath chosen, he hath shortened those dayes.

Luke 10:39

39 And this woman had a syster called Marye whiche sate at Iesus fete, and hearde his preachynge.

Luke 20:8

8 And Iesus sayde to them: neyther tell I you by what authorite I do these thinges.

Acts 3:19

19 Repent ye therfore and turne, that youre synnes maye be done awaye. When the tyme of refreshing commeth, which we shall haue of the presence of the Lorde,

Acts 4:5

5 And it chaunced on the morowe that theyr rulars, and elders, and scribes,

Acts 4:8

8 Then Peter full of the holy ghost sayed vnto them: ye rulars of the people, and elders of Israel,

Acts 10:35

35 but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh rightuousnes, is accepted wyth hym.

Acts 17:30

30 And the tyme of thys ignoraunce God regarded not. But now he byddeth all men euerye where repent,

Acts 22:3

3 I am verely a man which am a Iewe borne in Tharsus, a citie in Cicil: neuerthelesse yet brought vp in thys citie at the fete of Gamaliel, and informed diligentlye in the lawe of the fathers, and was feruent mynded to godwarde, as ye all are this same day,

Acts 26:20

20 but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco, and at Hierusalem and through out all the coastes of Iewry, and to the gentyls, that they should repent, & tourne to God, and do the ryght workes of repentaunce.

Acts 27:24

24 sayinge. Feare not Paule, for thou muste be broughte before Cesar. And lo, God hath geuen vnto the all that sayle wyth the.

Romans 1:21-23

21 in as muche as when they knewe God, they glorifyed him not as God, neither were thankful, but waxed full of vanities in theyr Imaginations, and their folishe hertes were blinded. 22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became foles, 23 and tourned the glorye of the immortall God, vnto the the similitude of the Image of mortall man, and of byrdes, and foure foted beastes, and of serpentes.

Romans 1:28

28 And as it semed not good vnto them to be a knowen of God, euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a leud minde, that they should do those thinges, whiche were not comly,

Romans 1:30

30 backbiters, haters of God, doers of wronge, proude, bosters, bryngers vp of euyll thinges, disobedient to father and mother,

Romans 2:5

5 But thou after thyne harde herte that can not repente, heapeste the together the treasure of wrath againste the daye of vengaunce, when shall be opened the rightuous iudgement of God,

Romans 6:21

21 What fruit had ye then in those thynges, where of ye are nowe ashamed. For the ende of those thynges is deathe.

Romans 8:7

7 Because that the fleshlye minde is enemy agaynste God: for it is not obediente to the lawe of God, neyther can be.

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde the kyndnes and rigorousnes of God on them which fell, rygorousnes: but towardes the kyndnes, yf thou contynue in hys kyndnes. Or els thou shalte be hewen of,

1 Corinthians 10:11

11 Al these thinges happened vnto them for ensamples, and were written to put vs in remembraunce, whom the endes of the world are come vpon.

Galatians 6:5

5 For euery man shal beare his owne burthen.

Galatians 6:7

7 Be not deceyued, God is not mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape.

Ephesians 4:18

18 blynded in theyr vnderstandynge, beynge straungers from the lyfe whiche is in God thorowe the ignoraunce that is in them, because of the blyndnes of theyr hertes:

Ephesians 5:5

5 For this ye knowe, that no whormonger, other vncleane persone, or couetous person, whyche is the worshypper of Images, hath anye inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christe and of God.

Colossians 1:21

21 And you (which were in tymes past straungers and enemyes, because your myndes were set in euyl workes) hath he now reconciled

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

9 euen hym whose commynge is by the workynge of Sathan, with all liynge power, signes and wonders:

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

9 euen hym whose commynge is by the workynge of Sathan, with all liynge power, signes and wonders: 10 and in all deceyuablenes of vnryghtuousnes, amonge them that peryshe: because they receyued not the loue of the truethe, that they myght haue bene sayed.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

10 and in all deceyuablenes of vnryghtuousnes, amonge them that peryshe: because they receyued not the loue of the truethe, that they myght haue bene sayed. 11 And therfore God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shoulde beleue lyes:

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

11 And therfore God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shoulde beleue lyes: 12 that all they myghte be damned which beleued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnryghtuousnes.

Hebrews 3:12

12 Take hede brethren, that there be in none of you an euyll herte in vnbeleue, that he shoulde departe from the lyuinge God:

Hebrews 8:10

10 For thys is the testament that I will make wyth the house of Israel: After those dayes sayth the Lorde: I wyl put my lawes in their myndes, and in theyr hertes I wyl wryte them and I wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By faythe Noe honoured God, after that he was warned of thynges whiche were not sene, and prepared the arcke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whiche arcke, he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the rightuousnes that commeth by faythe.

Hebrews 11:16

16 But nowe they desyre a better, that is to saye an heauenlye. Wherfor God is not ashamed of them euen to be called theyr God: for he hath prepared for them a cytye.

Hebrews 12:6-11

6 For whom the Lord loueth, hym he chasteneth: yea, and he scourgeth euerye sonne that he receyueth. 7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not? 8 Yf ye be not vnder correccyon (whereof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue? 10 And they verely for a few dayes, nurtered vs after their owne pleasure, but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we myght receyue of hys holynes. 11 No maner chastisynge for the presente tyme semeth to be ioyeous, but greuous: neuerthelesse afterwarde, it bryngeth the quyet frute of ryghtuousnes vnto them whiche are therein exercysed.

James 4:8-10

8 Drawe nye to God, and he wyll drawe nye to you. Clense youre handes ye synners, and purge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. 9 Suffer afflictyons: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge and youre ioye to heauynes. 10 Cast doune your selues before the Lorde, and he shal lyfte you vp.

James 5:16

16 Knoweledge youre fautes one to another; and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghtuous man auayleth muche yf it be feruente.

1 Peter 2:8

8 and a stone to stomble at, and a rocke to offende them whiche stomble at the word, and beleue not that whereon they were set. 9 The Lorde knoweth howe to deliuer the Godlye out of temptacion, and howe to reserue the vniuste vnto the daye of iudgement for to be punyshed,

2 Peter 2:15

15 and haue forsaken the ryght waye, and are gone astray folowing the waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor, whiche loued the rewarde of vnrightuousnes,

1 John 2:29

29 If ye knowe that he is rightuous, knowe also that he whiche foloweth rightuousnes, is borne of hym.

1 John 3:7

7 Babes let no man deceiue you. He that doth rightuousnes is rightuous, euen as he is righteous.

1 John 3:10

10 In this are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuil. Whosoeuer doth not rightuousnes, is not of God, neyther he that loueth not his brother.

Jude 1:19

19 These are makers of sectes fleshlye, hauynge no spyryte.

Revelation 2:14

14 But I haue a fewe thinges against the, that thou hast there, them that maintaine the doctryne of Balam, whiche taught in Balake, to put occasyon of synne before the chyldren of Israel, that they shoulde eate of meate dedicate vnto ydoles & committe fornicacion.

Revelation 6:4-8

4 And there wente out another horsse that was red, and power was geuen to him that sate theron, to take peace from the earth, and that they should kyl one another. And there was geuen vnto hym a greate swerde. 5 And when he opened the thyrde seale, I hearde the thyrde beast say: come and se. And I behelde, and lo a blacke horsse: and he that sate on him, had a payre of balances in hys hand. 6 And I heard a voyce in the myddes of the .iiij. beastes say: a measure of wheat for a penye, and .iij. measures of barly for a peny, and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not. 7 And when he opened the fourth seale, I heard the voyce of the fourth beaste saye: come and se. 8 And I loked, and behold a pale horsse, and hys name that sate on him was death, and hell folowed after him, and power was geuen vnto him ouer the fourth parte of the earth, to kyll with swerd and wyth honger, and wyth death, that cometh of vermen of the earth.

Revelation 15:4

4 Who shal not feare. O Lorde, & glorify thy name? For thou only arte holy and al Gentyls shal come and worshippe before the for thy iudgementes are made manifeste.

Revelation 16:3-6

3 And the seconde angel shed oute his vial vpon the sea, & it turned as it were into the bloud of a dead man, & euery liuing thing dyed in the sea. 4 And the thyrde angel shed out his vial vpon the riuers & fountaines of waters & they turned to bloud. 5 And I heard an angel say: Lord which art & wast, thou art rightuous & holy, because thou hast geuen such iudgementes, 6 for they shed out the bloud of sainctes, & prophetes, & therfore hast thou geuen them bloud to drinke, for they are worthy.

Revelation 16:6

6 for they shed out the bloud of sainctes, & prophetes, & therfore hast thou geuen them bloud to drinke, for they are worthy.

Revelation 19:19-21

19 And I sawe the beast and the kynges of the earth, & theyr warriers gathered together to make battayl against him that sat on the horse & agaynst hys souldyers. 20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophete that wrought miracles before him with which he deceyued them that receiued the beastes marke, & them that worshipped his Image These both were cast into a ponde of fyre burnyng with brimstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swerd of him that sate vpon the horse, which swerd proceded out of his mouth & all the foules were fulfilled with their flesh.

Revelation 21:7

7 He that ouercometh, shal inherete all thynges, & I wilbe his God, & he shall be my sonne.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.