11 Then Moyses besoughte the Lorde hys God and sayde: O Lorde, why shoulde thy wrath waxe hote vpon thy people whiche thou hast brought out of the Lande of Egipt wt great power and with a mighty hande?
Exodus 32:11 Cross References - Matthew
Numbers 11:11
11 And Moses sayde vnto the Lorde: wherfore dealest thou so cruelly wyth thy seruaunte? wherfore do I not fynde fauoure in thi sight seynge that thou puttest the weyght of thys people vpon me?
Numbers 16:22
22 And they fel vpon theyr faces and sayd O most myghty God of the spirites of al fleshe, one man hath sinned, and wilt thou be wroth with al the multitude?
Deuteronomy 9:18-20
18 And I fell before the Lord: euen as at the fyrst tyme .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes & neither ate breade nor dranke water ouer all your synnes which ye had sinned in doynge wickedly in the sight of the Lord & in prouokyng hym.
19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and fearcenes wherwith the Lorde was angry wyth you, euen to haue destroyed you. But the Lorde hearde my peticion at that tyme also.
20 The Lorde was very angry with Aaron also, euen for to haue destroyed hym: But I made intercession for Aaron also the same tym
Deuteronomy 9:26-29
26 But I made intercession vnto the Lord & sayed O Lorde God, destroye not thy people & thyne enheritaunce whyche thou haste delyuered thorowe thy greatenes and whych thou hast brought out of Egypte with a myghty hand
27 Remembre thy seruauntes Abraham, Isaac, & Iacob, & loke not to the stubburnes of thys people nor to their wyckednes & synne:
28 leste the land whence thou broughtest them saye: Bycause the Lorde was not able to brynge them into the lande whyche he promised them and bycause he hated them, therfore he caried them out to destroy them in the wyldernes.
29 Moreouer they are thy people and thine enherytaunce, whyche thou broughteste oute wyth thy myghty power & wyth thy streatched out arme.
Psalms 74:1-2
1 An instruccion of Asaph. O God, wherfore doest thou cast vs so cleane away? why is thy wrath so hoote agaynste the shepe of thy pasture?
2 O thynke vpon thy congregacion, whome thou hast purchased from the beginnyng: the stafe of thyne enheritaunce, whome thou hast redemed, euen this hyll of Sion wherein thou dwellest.
Psalms 106:23
23 So he sayde he wuld haue destroyed them had not Moses hys chosen stand before him in that gappe: to turne awaye his wrathfull indignatyon, lest he should destroy them.
Isaiah 63:17
17 O Lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye? wherfore hast thou hardened our hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one with vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake that are of the generacion of thine heretage.
Jeremiah 12:1-2
1 O Lorde, thou art more rightuous then that I shulde dyspute with the: Neuertheles, lett me talke wyth the in thynges resonable. How happeneth it, that the waye of the vngodlye is so prosperous: and that it goeth so well with them, which (without eny shame) offende and lyue in wyckednesse?
2 Thou plantest them, they take rote, they growe, and brynge forth fruite: They booste moch of the, yet doest thou not punish them.