Exodus 32:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 And whan the people saw that it was long or Moses came down out of the mountaine, they gathered theym selues together and came vnto Aaron and sayd vnto him. Vp and make vs a God to goo before vs: for of thys Moises the felow that brought vs out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become.

Genesis 19:14

14 And Lot went out & spake vnto hys sonnes in lawe which shuld haue maryed his doughters, & sayde: stonde vp & get you out of thys place, for the Lord wyl destroy the cyte. But he semed as though he had mocked, vnto his sonnes in lawe.

Genesis 21:26

26 And Abimelech answered I wyst not who dyd it: Also thou toldest me not, nether herde I of it, but thys daye.

Genesis 39:8

8 But he denyed & sayde to her: Beholde, my master woteth not what he hath in the house wt me, but hath commytted all that he hath to my hande.

Genesis 44:4

4 And when they were oute of the cytie & not yet farre away, Ioseph said vnto the ruelar of his house: vp and folowe after the men and ouertake them, and say vnto them: wherfore haue ye rewarded euel for good?

Genesis 44:15

15 And Ioseph sayde vnto them: what dede is thys which ye haue done? wyst ye not that soche a man as I can prophesye?

Exodus 13:21

21 And the Lord went before them by daye in a pyler of a clowde to leade them the waye: and by nyghte in a pyler of fyre to geue them lyght: that they myght goo both by day and nyght.

Exodus 14:11

11 Than sayde they vnto Moses? were there no graues for vs in Egypte, but thou muste brynge vs awaye for to dye in the wyldernesse? wherfore hast thou serued vs thus, for to carye vs out of Egypte?

Exodus 16:3

3 & sayd vnto them: wolde to God we had dyed by the hand of the Lorde in the lande of Egypte, when we sat by the fleshpottes, & eate bred our belyes ful, for ye haue brought vs out into this wyldernesse to kyl thys holy multitude for honger.

Exodus 20:3-5

3 Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage neyther any similitude that is in heauen aboue either in the earth beneth, or in the water that is beneth the earth. 5 Se that thou neither bowe thy self vnto them neither serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelouse God, & viset the synne of the fathers vppon the chyldren vnto the thyrd and fourth generacion of them that hate me:

Exodus 24:18

18 And Moyses went into the mountayne. And Moyses was in the mounte .xl. dayes. and .xl. nyghtes.

Exodus 32:7

7 Then the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: goo get the downe, for thy people whyche thou broughtest oute of the lande of Egypte

Exodus 32:11

11 Then Moyses besoughte the Lorde hys God and sayde: O Lorde, why shoulde thy wrath waxe hote vpon thy people whiche thou hast brought out of the Lande of Egipt wt great power and with a mighty hande?

Exodus 33:3

3 that thou maist go into a land that floweth with mylke and honye. But I wyl not go amonge you my selfe, for ye are a styfnecked people: leste I consume you by the waye.

Exodus 33:14-15

14 And he sayde: my presence shal goo wyth the, and I wyll geue the rest. 15 And he sayde: If thy presence goo not wyth me, carye vs not hence

Deuteronomy 4:15-18

15 Take hede vnto youre selues diligentlye as pertaynynge vnto youre Soules, for ye sawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde spake vnto you in Horeb out of the fire lest ye marre your selues 16 & make you grauen ymages after whatsoeuer likenes it be: whether after the lykenesse of manne or woman 17 or any maner beaste that is on the earth or of anye maner fethered foule that flyeth in the ayre, 18 or of anye maner worme that creapeth on the earth or of anye maner fish that is in the water beneth the earth.

Deuteronomy 9:9

9 after that I was gone vp into the mount, to fett the tables of stone the table of an appoyntment whych the Lord made wyth you. And I abode in the hyll .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes, & neyther ate bread nor dranke water.

Deuteronomy 9:11-12

11 And when .xl. daies and .xl. nightes were ended, the Lorde gaue me the two tables of stone, the tables of the testament, 12 and sayde vnto me. Vp, and get the downe quyckely from hence, for the people whych thou hast broughte out of Egypte, haue marred them selues. They are turned attonce out of the waye, whych I commaunded them, & haue made them a God of metall.

Joshua 7:13

13 Vp & sanctifye the people and byd them to sanctifye them selues against the morowe for so sayth the Lorde God of Israel, the excommunicacyon is amonge you Israel, and therfore ye cannot stande before youre enemyes, vntyll ye haue put the excommunicacyon from amonge you.

Hosea 12:13

13 By a prophete the Lorde brought them oute of Egipt, and by a prophet he preserued them.

Micah 6:4

4 Because I brought the from the lande of Egypte, and delyuered the out of the house of bondage? Because I made Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lede the?

Matthew 24:43

43 Of this be sure, that if the good man of the house knewe what houre the these woulde come, he would suerlye watche, and not suffer his house to be broken vp.

Matthew 24:48

48 But and if that euyll seruaunt shall saye in his herte, my maister wyll defer hys commynge,

Acts 7:40

40 saiynge vnto Aaron: Make vs Gods to go before vs. For this Moises that broughte vs out of the lande of Egipte, we wote not what is become of him.

Acts 17:29

29 For as muche then as we are the generacyon of God, we ought not to thinke that the God hede is lyke vnto golde, syluer, or stone grauen by crafte and ymagynacyon of man.

Acts 19:26

26 Moreouer ye se & heare that not alone at Ephesus, but almoste thorough out al Asia, this Paule hath persuaded and turned away muche people: saying that they be not Goddes, whiche are made wyth handes.

2 Peter 3:4

4 and say. Where is the promes of hys comminge? For sence the fathers dyed, al thinges continue in the same estate, wherin they were at the beginninge.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.