10 But Esther shewed not her people nor her kynred: for Mardocheus had charged her that she shoulde no tell it.
Esther 2:10 Cross References - Matthew
Esther 2:7
7 and he noryshed Hadasah (that is Esther) hys vncles doughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and she was a fayre and beutiful Damosel. And when her father and mother dyed, Marchodeus receyued her as hys own doughter.
Esther 2:20
20 And as yet had not Esther shewed her kinred & her people, according as Mardocheus had bidden her: for Esther dyd after the worde of Mardocheus, like as when he was her tutoure.
Esther 3:8
8 And Haman sayde vnto kyng Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abroade & dispersed amonge all people in all the landes of thyne empire, & their lawe is contrary vnto all people, & they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profet to suffre them after this maner.
Esther 4:13-14
13 Mardocheus bad say again vnto Esther: thynke not to saue thyne owne lyfe, whyle thou arte in the kynges house before all Iewes:
14 for yf thou holdest thy peace at this tyme, then shall the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce out of another place, and thou and thy fathers house shalbe destroied. And who knoweth wheter thou art come to the kyngedome, for this tymes sake?
Esther 7:4
4 for we are sold I & my people bothe to be destroyed, to be slayne & to perish: & would god we were solde to be bondmen & bondwemen, then would I hold my tonge, so should not the enemye be so hye to the kynges harme.
Matthew 10:16
16 Beholde I sende you forth as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues.
Ephesians 6:1
1 Chyldren obeye youre fathers and mothers in the Lorde: for so is it ryght.