Ecclesiastes 5:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 Where as much ryches is, there are many also that spende them away. And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, sauyng that he may loke vpon them with hys eyes?

Genesis 12:16

16 which entreated Abram wel for hir sake, so that he had shepe oxen, & he Asses, men seruauntes, mayd seruantes, she asses, and camels.

Genesis 13:2

2 Abram was verye ryche in cattell, syluer, & golde.

Genesis 13:5-7

5 Lot also which went with him, had shepe, cattell, and tentes: 6 so that the Land was not able to receyue them, that they myght dwell togither, for the substaunce of theyr riches was so greate, that they coulde not dwel togyther. 7 And there fell a stryfe betwene the herdmen of Abrams cattell, and the herdmen of Lots cattell. Moreouer the Cananites & the Pheresytes dwelled at that tyme in the land.

Joshua 7:21-25

21 I sawe amonge the spoyle a goodlye Babylonyshe garment, and two hundred sicles of syluer, and a tonge of golde of fyftye sicles weyghte: and I coueted them, and I toke them. And beholde they lye hydde in the earthe in my tente and the syluer there vnder. 22 And then Iosua sent messengers whiche ranne vnto the tent. And behold, it was hidde in hys tent, and the syluer there vnder. 23 And they toke them oute of the myddest of his tent, and brought them vnto Iosua, and vnto all the thyldren of Israel, and powred them oute before the Lorde. 24 And Iosua toke Acan the sonne of Zareh, and the syluer, and the garment, and the tonge of golde, and hys sonnes and hys doughters, hys oxen, asses, shepe, hys tente and all that he had, and all Israell wyth him, & brought them vnto the valeye of Acor. 25 And Iosua sayde: In as muche as thou hast troubled vs, the Lorde shal trouble the thys daye. And all Israell stoned hym wyth stones, and burnt them wyth fyre, and ouerwhelmed them wyth stones.

1 Kings 4:22-23

22 And Salomons fode was in one day thyrtye quarters of manchet floure and thre skore quarters of mele: 23 ten stalled oxen, & twentye out of the pastures & an hundred shepe and gootes, besydes, hertes, buckes and buballes & fat pultrye.

1 Kings 5:13-16

13 And kynge Salomon areysed a trybute thorowe out al Israel. And the trybute was thyrty thousand men, 14 which he sent to Lybanon, ten thousand a monethe by coursse, so that they were one moneth in Lybanon, and two monethes at home. And Adoniram was ouer the trybute. 15 And Salomon had thre skore & ten thousande that bare burdens, & threskore and ten thousande that hewed in the mountaynes 16 besydes the Lordes he had, to ouer se the worcke, in nombre thre thousande & thre hundred, whiche ruled people that wrought in the worcke. 17 Moreouer there were at my table an hundred and fyftye of the Iewes and rulers, whiche came vnto me, from among the Heythen, that are aboute vs. 18 And there was prepared me dayly an oxe, and syxe chosen shepe, and byrdes, and euer once in ten dayes a greate summe of wyne. Yet requyred not I the lyuynge of a captayne for the bondage was greuous vnto the people.

Psalms 119:36-37

36 Enclyne myne herte vnto thy testymonies, and not to couetousnes. 37 O turne awaye myne eyes, leste they behold vanite, and quycken me in thy way.

Proverbs 23:5

5 Why wylt thou set thyne eie vpon the thing, which sodenly vanysheth awaye? For ryches make them selues wynges, & take their flight lyke an Aegle into the ayre.

Ecclesiastes 6:9

9 The syght of the eyes is better, then that the soule shoulde so departe awaye. How be it thys is also a vayne thynge and a dysquyetnesse of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 11:9

9 Be glad then (O thou yong man) in thy youth, and let thine herte be mery in thy yonge daies: folowe the wayes of thine owne herte, and the luste of thyne eyes: but be thou sure, that God shall brynge the into iudgement for all these thinges.

Jeremiah 17:11

11 The dysceytfull maketh a nest, but bryngeth forth no yonge. He commeth by ryches, but not ryghtuously. In the middest of his life must he leaue them behinde hym, and at the last be founde a very foole.

Habakkuk 2:13

13 Shall not the Lorde of hostes brynge thys to passe, that the laboures of the people shal be brent wyth a greate fyre, & that the thynge wherevpon the people haue weeryed them selues, shall be lost?

1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world (as the luste of the fleshe, the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father, but of the world.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.