48 So the kynge made Daniel a greate man, and gaue hym many & greate gyftes. He made hym ruler of all the countrees of Babylon, and Lorde of all the nobles, that were at Babylon.
Daniel 2:48 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 41:39-43
39 wherfore Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: for as moch as God hath shewed the al this, there is no man of vnderstandyng or of wysdome lyke vnto the.
40 Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house, and acordyng to thy worde shall al my people obeye: only in the kynges seate wyll I be aboue the.
41 And he sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde, I haue set the ouer all the lande of Egypte.
42 And he toke of hys rynge from hys fyngre, and put it vpon Iosephs fyngre, and arayed him in rayment of bysse, & put a golden cheyne about hys neck
43 & set him vpon the best charet that he had saue one. And they cryed before hym Abrech, & that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer al the land of Egypte.
Numbers 22:16-17
Numbers 24:11
11 and now gette the quyckly vnto thy place. I thought that I would promote the vnto honour, but the Lorde hath kept the backe from worshyp.
1 Samuel 17:25
25 And euery man of Israel sayde: Se ye this man that is come forthe, euen to reuile Israel he is come. And to hym that beateth hym wyll the Kynge geue great ryches, and wyl geue hym hys daughter therto, ye and make hys fathers house fre in Israel.
1 Samuel 25:2
2 And there was a man in Maon, whose catel was in Carmell, and the man was excedynge myghtye, and had thre thousand shepe and a thousande gootes. And he was sheringe his shepe in Carmel.
2 Samuel 19:32
32 which Berselai was a very aged man, euen foure skore yeares olde, and had prouyded the kynge of sustenaunce whyle he laye at Mahanaim: for he was a man of verye great substaunce.
2 Kings 5:1
1 Naaman capitaine of the hoste to the kynge of Siria, was greate wyth his mayster and wel taken: for thorow him the Lorde saued Siria. And he was an actiue man & yet a leper.
Job 1:3
3 Hys substaunce was .vij.M. shepe .iij.M. camels .v.C. youck of oxen .v.C. she asses, & a very greate housholde: so that he was one of the moste principall men amonge all them of the east countre.
Jeremiah 5:5
5 Therfore wil I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them: yf they knowe the waie of the lord and the iudgementes of oure God. But these (in like maner) haue broken the yocke, and burste the bandes in sonder.
Daniel 2:6
6 But yf ye tell me the dreame & the meanynge therof, ye shall haue of me gyftes, rewardes & greate honoure: onely, shew me the dreame and the sygnifycacyon of it.
Daniel 3:1
1 Nabuchodonosor the kynge caused a golden Image to be made whiche was .lx. cubytes hye, & sixe cubytes thycke. This he made to be set vp in the feld of Dura in the lande of Babylon,
Daniel 3:12
12 Now are there certayne Iewes, whome thou haste set ouer the offyces of the lande of Babylon, namely, Sydrach, Mysach & Abednago. These men (O kynge) regarde not thy commaundement, yea they wyll not serue thy Goddes, nor bowe them selues to the golden Image, that thou haste set vp.
Daniel 3:30
30 So the kynge promoted Sidrach, Misach, and Abednago, in the land of Babylon.
Daniel 4:9
9 O Balthasar, thou prince of southsayers: For so muche as I knowe, that thou haste the spryte of the holy Goddes, and no secrete is hyd from the: tell me therfore, what the vysyon of my dreame (that I haue sene) maye sygnifye.
Daniel 5:11
11 For why? there is a man in thy kingdome, that hath the spryte of the holy Goddes within him, as it was sene in thy fathers dayes. He hath vnderstandynge and wysdome like the Goddes. Yea the kynge Nabuchodonosor thy father made thys man chefe of the sothsayers, charmers, Caldees, and deuilconiurers,
Daniel 5:16
16 Then heard I saye, that thou canste expounde darcke thynges, and declare harde doutes. Well then, yf thou canst reade thys wrytynge, and shewe me the meanynge therof: thou shalte be clothed with purple, haue a cheyne of golde aboute thy necke, and rule the thyrde parte of my kyngdome.
Daniel 5:29
29 Then commaunded Balthazar, to clothe Daniel wyth purple, to hange a cheyne of golde aboute hys necke, and to make a proclamacyon concerning him: that he shulde be the ruler of the thyrde parte of hys kyngedome.