Acts 20:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 After the rage was ceased: Paule called the disciples vnto him, & toke his leaue of them, & departed for to go into Macedonia.

Genesis 48:10

10 And the eyes of Israel were dymme for age, so that he coulde not well see. And he brought them to hym, and he kyssed them and embraced them.

1 Samuel 20:41-42

41 And as sone as the lad was gone, Dauid arose out of a place that was to ward the south and fell on hys face to the grounde & bowed hym selfe thre tymes. And they kyssed ether other and wepte together, but Dauid more abundantly. 42 And Ionathas sayde to Dauid: go in peace, whyche we haue sworne both of vs in the name of the Lord sayinge: the Lorde be betwene the and me, and betwene thy sede and myne for euer. And he rose and departed. And Ionathas went into the towne.

Acts 11:26

26 And when he had founde hym, he brought him vnto Antioche. And it chaunced that a whole yere they had theyr conuersation with the congregation there, and taught much people: in so much that the disciples of Antioche were the fyrst that were called christians.

Acts 16:9

9 And a visyon appeared to Paule in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia, and prayed hym, saiynge: come into Macedonia, and helpe vs.

Acts 19:21

21 After these thynges were ended, Paul purposed in the spyryte, to passe ouer Macedonia and Achaia, and to go to Ierusalem, saiynge: After I haue ben there, I must also se Rome.

Acts 19:23-41

23 The same tyme there arose no lytell ado about that way. 24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a siluersmith, whiche made siluer shrynes for Diana, was not a litel beneficial vnto the craftes men. 25 Whiche he called together with the workemen of like occupacion, & sayde: Syrs: ye knowe that by thys crafte we haue vauntage. 26 Moreouer ye se & heare that not alone at Ephesus, but almoste thorough out al Asia, this Paule hath persuaded and turned away muche people: saying that they be not Goddes, whiche are made wyth handes. 27 So that not onelye thys our craft cometh into pacel to be set at nought: but also that the temple of the great Goddas Diana shoulde be despised, and her magnificence should be destroied, which al Asia, and the world worshyppeth. 28 When they hearde these sayinges, they were full of wrath, and cryed oute sayinge: Great is Diana of the Ephesyans. 29 And all the cytye was on a rore, and they rushed into the commune hal wyth one assent, & caughte Gayus and Aristarcus, men of Macedonia, Paules companyons. 30 When Paul woulde haue entered in vnto the people, the dyscyples suffered hym not. 31 Certayne also of the chiefe of Asia, whiche were hys frendes, sent vnto him, desiringe hym that he woulde not prease into the commen hall. 32 Some cryed one thynge, and some another, and the congregacyon was all oute of quyete, and the more parte knewe not wherfore they were come together. 33 Some of the company drewe forth Alexander, the Iewes thrusting hym forwardes. Alexander beckened with the hand, & would haue geuen the people an aunswere. 34 When they knewe that he was a Iewe, there arose a shoute almost for the space of two houres, of all men cryinge, greate is Diana of the Ephesyans. 35 When the towne clarke had ceased the people he saied: ye men of Ephesus, what man is it that knoweth not how that the cytye of the Ephesyans is a worshypper of the great God as Diana, and of the ymage, which came from heauen. 36 Seyng then that no man sayth her agaynst, ye oughte to be contente, & to do nothyng rashlye, 37 for ye haue brought hether these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet despysers of your Godas. 38 Wherfore yf Demetrius and the craftes men, whiche are wyth him haue any saiynge to any man, the law is open, and there are rulars let them accuse one another. 39 Yf ye go aboute any other thynge, it may be determined in a lawful congregacion. 40 For we are in ieoperdy to be accused of this dayes busines. For as much as there is no cause wherby we may geue a rekening of this concourse of people. 41 And when he had thus spoken he let the congregacyon departe.

Acts 20:10

10 Paule wente doune and fell on hym, and embrased hym, and sayed: make nothynge a do, for hys lyfe is in hym.

Acts 20:37

37 And they wept al aboundauntly, and fell on Paules necke, & kyssed him

Acts 21:5-6

5 And when the dayes were ended, we departed and went our wayes, & they al brought vs on our way, with theyr wyues and children, tyll we were come out of the citye. And we kneled doune in the shore and prayde. 6 And when we had taken our leaue one of another, we toke shyp, and they returned home agayne.

Romans 16:16

16 Salute one another with an holye kysse. The congregacyons of Christe salute you.

1 Corinthians 16:5

5 I wyl come vnto you after I haue gone ouer Macedonia. For I wyl go throughout Macedonia.

1 Corinthians 16:20

20 Al the brethren grete you. Grete ye one another wyth an holy kysse.

2 Corinthians 7:5

5 For when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on euerye syde. Outwarde was fyghtynge, inwarde was feare.

2 Corinthians 13:12

12 Grete one another in an holy kysse.

1 Thessalonians 5:26

26 Grete all the brethren wyth an holy kysse.

1 Timothy 1:3

3 And I besought the to abyde styl in Ephesus, when I departed into Macedonia, euen so do, that thou commaunde some, that they teache no nother wyse:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.