26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generacyon of Abraham, and whosoeuer amonge you, feareth God, to you is this worde of saluacyon sente.
Acts 13:26 Cross References - Matthew
2 Chronicles 20:7
7 Art not thou oure God whiche diddest cast oute the enhabyters of this lande before thy people Israel, & gauest it to the seade of Abraham thy louer for euer?
Psalms 105:6
6 O ye sede of Abraham hys seruaunte, ye chyldren of Iacob hys chosen.
Psalms 147:19-20
Isaiah 41:8
8 And thou Israell my seruaunte: Iacob my electe sede of Abraham my beloued,
Isaiah 46:13
13 I shall brynge forth my ryghtuousnesse. It is not farre, and my health shall not traye longe awaye. I wyll laye health in Sion, and geue Israel my glorye.
Isaiah 48:1
1 Heare this, O thou house of Iacob: ye that are called by the name of Israel, and are come oute of one stocke with Iuda, whiche sweare by the name of the Lorde, & beare wytnesse by the God of Israell (but not with trueth & righte)
Isaiah 51:1-2
Matthew 3:9
9 And se that ye once thinke not to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to our father. For I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones rayse vp children vnto Abraham.
Matthew 10:6
6 But go rather to the lost shepe of the house of Israel.
Luke 1:69
69 And hath reysed vp an horne of saluacion vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid.
Luke 1:77
77 And to geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remissyon of synnes.
Luke 24:47
47 and that repentaunce and remissyon of synnes shoulde be preached in his name amonge all nacions. And must begynne at Ierusalem.
Acts 3:26
26 Fyrste vnto you hath God raysed vp his sonne Iesus, and hym he hath sent to blesse you, that euery one of you shuld turne from your wickednes.
Acts 4:12
12 Neither is ther saluacion in any other. Nor yet also is there any other name geuen to men wherin we muste be saued.
Acts 5:20
20 go, steppe forthe, and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this lyfe.
Acts 10:35
35 but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh rightuousnes, is accepted wyth hym.
Acts 13:15-17
15 And after the law and the prophetes we read, the rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them, saiyng: Ye men and brethren, yf ye haue anye sermon to exhort the people, saye on.
16 Then Paule stode vp, and beckened wyth the hande, and sayde: Men of Israell, and ye that feare God, geue audience.
17 The God of thys people chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they dwelt as straungers in the lande of Egypt, and with a myghtye arme brought them out of it,
Acts 13:43
43 When the congregacyon was broken vp, many of the Iewes & vertuouse conuertes, folowed Paule and Barnabas, which spake to them, and exhorted them to continue in the grace of God.
Acts 13:46
46 Then Paule and Barnabas wexed bolde, and sayed: it was mete that the worde of God shoulde fyrste haue ben preached to you. But seynge, ye put it from you, and thynke youre selues vnworthy of euerlastyng lyfe: lo, we turne to the gentyls:
Acts 16:17
17 The same folowed Paul and vs, & cryed, saiynge: These men are the seruauntes of the moste hye God, which shew vnto vs that waye of saluacyon.
Acts 28:28
28 Be it knowen therfore vnto you, that this saluation of God is sente to the gentyls, and they shall heare it.
Romans 1:16
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to all that beleue, namely to the Iewe and also to the gentyle.
2 Corinthians 5:19-21
19 For God was in Christe, and made agrement betwene the worlde and hym selfe, and imputed not theyr synnes vnto them, & hathe committed to vs the preachynge of the atonnement.
20 Nowe then are we messengers in the roume of Christ: euen as thoughe God dyd beseche you thorowe vs: So praye we you in Christes stede, that ye be atone with God,
21 for he hath made hym to be synne for vs, whiche knewe no synne, that we by hys meanes should be that ryghtuousnes whiche before God is allowed.
Ephesians 1:13
13 In whome also ye (after that ye hearde the worde of trueth. I meane the Gospel of your saluacyon, wherein ye beleued) were sealed with the holye spiryte of promes,
Colossians 1:5
5 for the hopes sakes, whiche is layde vp in store for you in heauen of whiche hope ye haue heard before by the true worde of the Gospe