2 Samuel 16:10 Cross References - Matthew

10 And the King sayde: what haue I to do with you ye sonnes of Zaruiah? let him curse: for the Lorde hath bydden him curse Dauid. And who dare presume to saye wherfore dothe he so?

Genesis 50:20

20 Ye thoughte euel vnto me, but God turned it vnto good to brynge to passe, as it is thys daye, euen to saue moche people a lyue.

2 Samuel 3:39

39 And I am thys daye tender, thoughe I be anoynted kyng. And these men the sonnes of Zaruiah be to good for me to rule? But the Lorde rewarde the doer of euyll accordynge to hys wyckednesse.

2 Samuel 19:22

22 And the Kynge sayd: what matter is betwene you and me ye sonnes of Zaruiah, that ye shoulde this daye be aduersaries vnto me? There shall no man dye this daye in Israel: for I know that I am thys daye kinge ouer Israel.

1 Kings 2:5

5 Moreouer thou wottest howe Ioab the sonne of Zaruiah hath serued me, and what he hath done to the two captayues of the Hostes of Israel: vnto Abner the sonne of Ner & vnto Amasa the sonne of Iether: how he slue them and shed the bloude of warre in tyme of peace, and put the bloude of warre vpon hys gyrdle that was about hys loynes and in hys shoes that were on his fete.

1 Kings 22:21-23

21 Then came forthe a spyryte & stode before the Lorde and sayde: I wyll deceyue him. 22 And the Lorde saide: wherwyth? And he saide: I wil go out and be a false spirit in the mouthes of all his Prophetes. And the Lord sayde: thou shalt deceyue hym, and also preuayle, go forth and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde, the Lord hath put a lyinge spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophetes: when in very deade the Lorde hath spoken euyll towarde the.

2 Kings 18:25

25 Moreouer thinkest thou, that I am come wythoute the byddynge of the Lorde to this place to destroye it? naye: the lord sayde to me, go vp to this lande & destroye it.

Job 9:12

12 If he be hasty to take enye thynge awaye, who will make hym restore it agayne? Who wyll saye vnto hym: what doest thou?

Ecclesiastes 8:4

4 Lyke as when a kynge geueth a charge, hys commaundemente is myghtye: Euen so who maye saye vnto hym what doest thou?

Lamentations 3:38-39

38 Out of the mouth of the mooste Hyghest goeth not euell and good? 39 Wherfore then murmureth the lyuynge man? let hym murmure at hys owne synne.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparison of whom al they that dwel vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth accordinge to hys wyl, among the powers of heauen & amonge the inhabytours of the earthe: and there is none that maye resyste hys hande, or say: what doest thou?

Matthew 16:23

23 Then tourned he about and sayd vnto Peeter: come after me Sathan, thou offendest me, because thou sauorest not godly thynges, but worldly thynges.

Luke 9:54-56

54 When his disciples Iames and Iohn sawe that, they sayde: Lorde, wilte thou that we commaunde that fyre come doune from heauen and consume them, euen as Helyas dyd? 55 Iesus turned aboute, and rebuked them sayinge: ye wote not what maner spirite ye are of. 56 The sonne of man is not come to destroye mennes lyues, but to saue them. And they wente to another toune.

John 18:11

11 Then sayed Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swerde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cup whiche my father hathe geuen me?

Romans 9:20

20 But O man, what arte thou whiche disputeste wyth God? Shall the worke saye to the workeman, why haste thou made me on thys fashion?

1 Peter 2:23

23 which when he was reuyled, reuyled not agayne: when he suffered, he threatened not: but commytted the cause to him that iudgeth ryghtuously,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.