6 Againste hym came Nabuchodonozor kynge of Babilon & bounde him in fetters to carye him to Babilon.
2 Chronicles 36:6 Cross References - Matthew
2 Kings 24:1-2
1 In his dayes came Nabuchodonozor kynge of Babylon, & Iehoakim became his seruaunte thre yeare, and then turned and rebelled agaynst him.
2 And the Lorde sent vpon hym men of warre oute of Caldey, out of Siria, oute of the Moabites, & from the children of Ammon: and sent them into Iuda, to destroye it, accordyng to the sayinge of the Lorde whiche he spake by hys seruauntes the Prophetes.
2 Kings 24:5-6
2 Kings 24:13-20
13 And he caryed oute thence all the treasure of the house of the Lorde, and the treasure of the kynges house, and brake all the vesselles of goulde, whyche Salomon kynge of Israel had made, in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde.
14 And he caried awaye all Ierusalem, and all the Lordes, and all the men of myghte, to the nombre of ten thousande into captyuyte, and all craftes men and Ioyners, none remaynynge saue the poore people of the lande.
15 And he caryed awaie Iehoacin to Babilon, and the kynges mother, and the kynges wyues, & hys chambrelaynes, and the mightye of the lande caryed he awaye from Ierusalem to Babilon.
16 And al the men of actiuite to the nombre of seuen thousande, & craftesmen and ioyners a thousand, all stronge & apte for warre,
17 dyd the kyng of Babilon bring to Babilon to dwell. And the kinge of Babilon made Mathaniah hys fathers brother, king in his stead, and chaunged his name and called him Zedekiah.
18 Zedekiah was .xxi. yeare olde when he beganne to raygne, & he raygned a .xi. yeare in Ierusalem. His mothers name was Hamital the doughter of Ieremiah of Lobnah.
19 And he dyd euyl in the sight of the lorde, in al pointes lyke to Iehoakim.
20 For throughe the wrath of the Lorde it so chaunsed to Ierusalem and Iuda, vntyl he had cast them out of hys syghte. And the sayde Zedekiah rebelled agaynst the king of Babylon.
2 Chronicles 33:11
11 Wherfore the Lorde brought vpon them the Capitaynes of the hoste of the Kynge of Assur, which toke Manasseh in an holde and bounde him with chaynes & caryed hym to Babylon.
Jeremiah 25:9
9 lo, I wyll sende out, call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will bringe them vpon this lande, & vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, & will vtterly rote them oute. I wyll make of them a wyldernesse, a mockage and a continuall deserte.
Ezekiel 19:5-9
5 Now when the damme sawe, that all her hope and comforth was awaye, she toke another of her whelpes, and made a lyon of him
6 which went amonge the lyons, and became a fearce lion, learned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke:
7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waste. In so muche that the whole lande and euery thinge therin, were vtterlye desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roarynge.
8 Then came the Heathen together on euery side oute of all countreyes againste him, layed their nettes for him, and toke him in their pitte.
9 So they bounde him with chaynes, and brought him to the kinge of Babilon: which put him in preson, that his voyce shoulde nomore be hearde vpon the mountaynes of Israel.
Daniel 1:1-2
1 In the thyrde yeare of the raygne of Iehoakim kinge of Iuda, came Nabuchodonosor kyng of Babylon vnto Ierusalem, & beseged it
2 and the Lord deliuered Iehoakim the kinge of Iuda into his hande, with certayne ornamentes of the house of God, whiche he caryed awaye vnto the lande of Sennar, to the house of his God, and there he broughte them into hys Goddes treasurye.
Habakkuk 1:5-10
5 Beholde, amonge the Heathen, & loke well: wondre at it, and be abashed: for I wyll do a thynge in youre tyme, whiche thoughe it be tolde you, ye shall not beleue.
6 For lo, I wyll rase vp the Caldees, that bitter and swifte people: whiche shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possessyon of dwellyng places, that be not theyr owne.
7 A grymme and boysteours people is it, these shall sit in iudgement, and punish.
8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euenynge. Theyr horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle.
9 They come all to spoyle: oute of them commeth an easte wynde, whiche bloweth and gathereth theyr captyues, lyke as the sande.
10 They shall mocke the kynges, and laughe the princes to scorne. They shal not set by any stronge holde, for they shall laye ordynaunce agaynst it, and take it.