1 And as the Philistines fought agaynst Israel, the men of Israell fleed awaye from the Philistines, and fell doune deade in mount Gelboe.
2 And the Philistines folowed after Saul and hys sonnes, and slewe Ionathas, Abinadab and Melchisua Sauls sonnes.
3 And the battel went sore agaynst Saul, in so much that shoters wt bowes had founde hym, & he was sore wounded of the shoters.
4 Then sayde Saul vnto hys harnesbearer: draw out thy swerde and thrust me thorow therwyth lest these vncyrcumcised come thrust me troughe and make me a mockinge stocke of me. But hys harnesbearer woulde not, for he was sore afrayed. Wherfore Saul toke a swerde and fel vpon it.
5 And when hys harnesbearer sawe that Saul was dead, he fell lykewyse vpon hys swerde and dyed wyth hym.
6 And so Saul dyed and hys thre sonnes and hys harnesbearer, and therto all hys men, that same daye together.
7 When the men of Israel that were in the other syde the valeye, and they of the other syde Iordan, hearde that the men of Israell were put to flyghte, and that Saul and hys sonnes were deade, they left the cytyes, & ran awaye, and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.
8 On the morow when the Philistines were come to strippe them that were slaine, they founde Saul and hys thre sonnes lyinge in mount Gelboe.
9 And they cut of hys head, and strypped him out of his harnesse, & sent into the land of the Philistines euery where, to publyshe in the houses of their Goddes & to the people.
10 And they hanged vp hys harnesse in the house of Astaroth, but they hanged vp hys carkase on the walles of Bethsan.
11 When the enhabyters of Iabes in Galaad hearde therof, what the Philistines had done to Saul,
12 they arose as manye as were men of warre and went all nyght and toke the karkasse of Saul & the karkases of hys sonnes from the walles of Bethsan & brought them to Iabes and burnt them there
13 and toke theyr bones & buryed them vnder a Tree at Iabes, & fasted seuen dayes.
1 Samuel 31 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 35:8
8 Then dyed Debora Rebeccas norsse, & was buryed beneth Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called the oke of lamentation.
Genesis 49:23
23 The shoters haue enuyed hym and chydd wt hym and hated hym,
Genesis 50:10
10 And when they came to the felde of Atad beyonde Iordane, there they made great & exceadyng sore lamentacion. And he mourned for his father .vij. daies.
Exodus 20:5
5 Se that thou neither bowe thy self vnto them neither serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelouse God, & viset the synne of the fathers vppon the chyldren vnto the thyrd and fourth generacion of them that hate me:
Leviticus 26:32
32 And I wyl brynge the lande vnto a wyldernesse: so that your enemies whych dwell therin shal wonder at it.
Leviticus 26:36
36 And vpon them that are left a liue of you I wyl sende a fayntnes into theyr hertes, in all the land of their enemies: so that the sound of a leaf that falleth, shall chase them & they shall flee as though they fled a swerde, and shall fal, no man folowyng them.
Deuteronomy 28:33
33 The frute of thy lande and all thy laboures shall a nacion which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt but suffre vyolence only & be oppressed alwaye:
Joshua 17:11
11 And Manasses had in Isacar and in Aser, Bethsean, and her tounes: and the enhabitoures of Dor, with the tounes pertaining to the same, and the enhabitoures of Endor, with the tounes of the same: and the enhabitoures of Thaanath with her tounes, and the enhabitoures of Magedo with the tounes of the same, euen thre countreys:
Judges 1:27
27 Neyther dyd Manasses expelle Bethsean wyth her tounes, nether Tanaach wyth her tounes, neyther the enhabytoures of Dor wt her tounes, neyther the enhabytours of Ieblaam with her tounes, neyther the enhabitours of Magedo wyth her tounes, and so the Cananites went to and dwelt in the sayde lande.
Judges 2:13
13 And so they forsoke the Lorde, and serued Baal and Astharoth.
Judges 6:2
2 And when the hand of the Madianites was sore vpon Israel, the children of Israel made them dennes in the mountaynes & caues & strong holdes.
Judges 9:54
54 Then Abimelech called hastelye vnto the younge man that bare hys harnes, and sayde vnto him: drawe thy swerde and slee me, that men saye not of me, a woman slewe him. And hys ladde thrust hym thorowe, and he dyed.
Judges 14:3
3 Then hys father and mother sayde vnto him, is there neuer a woman of the douhgters of thy brethren, among al my people, but that thou muste go and fette a wyfe of the vncircumcised Philistines? And Samson sayd vnto hys father, geue me thys woman for she pleaseth me well.
Judges 16:23-24
23 Then the Lordes of the Philistines gathered them together, for to offer a solempne offringe vnto Dagon their God, and to reioice: for they sayd, our God hath deliuered Samson oure enemie into oure handes.
24 And when the people sawe hym, they praised their God: for they sayd oure God hath delyuered into our handes oure enemye, that destroied oure countreye and slue manye of vs.
1 Samuel 4:10-11
10 And the Philistines fought, and Israel was put to the worsse and fledde, euery man into his tent. And there was a myghty great slaughter, so that there were ouerthrowen of Israel, thyrtye thousande fotemen.
11 And the arcke of God was taken, and the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni & Phinehes were dead.
1 Samuel 7:3
3 And Samuel spake vnto al Israel, saying: yf ye become agayne vnto the Lorde wyth al youre hertes, then put awaye the straunge Goddes from among you, & Astharoth, & prepare your hertes vnto the Lorde, & serue hym alone, & so shal he rydde you out of the handes of the Philistines.
1 Samuel 11:1-11
1 Then Nahas the Ammonite came & beseged Iabes in Galaad. And al the people of Iabes sayd vnto Nahas: make a couenaunte wyth vs & we wylbe thy seruauntes.
2 And Nahas the Amonite said: herto will I make a couenaunt wt you, euen to thrust oute all youre ryght eyes, that I may bring that shame vpon al Israel.
3 Then said the elders of Iabes: geue vs .vij. dayes respite that we maye send messengers vnto al the coastes of Israell. And then yf there come no man to help vs, we wyll come out to the.
4 Then came the messengers to Gabaah where Saul dwelte, & tolde his tidinges in the eares of the people. And al the people lyfte vp theyr voyces & wept.
5 And behold Saul came followyng his oxen oute of the felde, & asked what ayled the people to wepe. And they told hym the tydynges of the men of Iabes.
6 Then came the spryte of God vpon Saul, when he hearde those tidinges, & he was exceding angrye.
7 And toke a youke of oxen & hewed them in peces, & sent them thorowout al the coastes of Israel by the handes of messengers saying: whosoeuer cometh not forth after Saul & after Samuel, so shall hys oxen be serued. Then the feare of the Lord fel on the people, & they came out as it had ben but one man.
8 And when they were nombred in Bezek the children of Israel were thre hundred thousand, & the men of Iuda thyrtye thousand.
9 And they sayd vnto the messengers that came, so say vnto the men of Iabes in Galaad: to morow by that tyme, the sunne be hote, ye shall haue helpe. And the messengers came & shewed the men of Iabes, & they were glad.
10 And then the men of Iabes sayde: to morowe we wil come out vnto you, that ye maye do with vs al that pleaseth you.
11 And on the morowe Saul put the people in thre partes. And they came in vpon the host in the morning watche, & slue the Ammonites, vntill the heat of the day. And they that remayned, shattered, so that two of them were not left together.
1 Samuel 11:15
15 And the people went to Galgal & made Saul kyng there, before the Lorde in Galgal. And there they offered peace offerynges before the Lorde. And there Saul and all the people reioysed excedinglye.
1 Samuel 12:17
17 is it not now wheteheruest. And yet for al that, I wyl call vnto the Lorde, and he shall sende thunder and rayne. Wherby perceyue and vnderstand how that your wyckednes is great which ye haue done in the syght of the Lorde in askyng you a Kynge.
1 Samuel 12:25
25 But and yf ye shall do wyckedlye, then shall both ye and your King therto peryshe.
1 Samuel 13:2
2 he chose him thre thousand men out of Israel. Two thousand were wyth Saul in Machmas & mount Bethel, & a thousande wyth Ionathas in Gabaah Beniamin. And the rest of the people he sent, euery man to hys owne house.
1 Samuel 13:6
6 And when the men of Israel sawe them selues in a strayte, and that the people were accombred, they hyd themselues in caues, in preuy holes, in rockes dennes & pyttes.
1 Samuel 13:16
16 And Saul & Ionathas his sonne & the people that were founde with them, had theyr abydyng in Gabaah Beniamin. But the Philistines had pytched in Machmas.
1 Samuel 14:1-14
1 And it fell on a daye, that Ionathas the sonne of Saul sayd vnto hys young man that bare his harnes: come & let vs go ouer to the watche men of the Philistines that are younder on the other syde, & told not his father.
2 But Saul taryed in the vtmost parte of Gabaah vnder a pomegarnet tree, that was in Magron, & the people that were with hym were vpon a sixe hundred men.
3 And Ahiah the sonne of Ahitob Iehabodes brother, the sonne of Phinehes, the sonne of Eli, was the Lordes priest in Siloh & bare an Ephod. But the people wyst not that Ionathas was gone.
4 And in the way ouer by whiche Ionathas sought to go ouer vnto the garyson of the philistines, were there two sharpe rockes, euen one on the one syde, & the other on the other syde: the one called Bozez, & the other Seneh.
5 And the one leaneth northwarde toward Machmas, & the other southwarde toward Gabaah.
6 Then sayd Ionathas to the young man that bare hys harnesse: come & let vs go ouer vnto the standynge of these vncyrcumcysed, paraduenture the Lorde wyl worke with vs: for the Lorde is free to saue with manye or wyth few.
1 Samuel 14:6
6 Then sayd Ionathas to the young man that bare hys harnesse: come & let vs go ouer vnto the standynge of these vncyrcumcysed, paraduenture the Lorde wyl worke with vs: for the Lorde is free to saue with manye or wyth few.
7 And his harnesbearer sayde vnto hym: do all that is in thyne hert: set the forwarde: & se I am with the, as thyne hert lusteth.
8 Then sayde Ionathas: behold, when we go ouer vnto the men, & shewe oure selues vnto them:
9 yf they say on thys wyse to vs: tarye vntyl we come to you, then we wyl stand styl where we be & not go vp vnto them.
10 But & yf they so saye vnto vs: come vp vnto vs, then we wyl go vp, for the Lorde hath deliuered them into oure handes. And thys shalbe a sygne vnto vs.
11 And when they had bothe shewed them selues vnto the garison of the Philistines, the Philistines sayd: se the Ebrewes come out of the holes where thei had hidde them selues in.
12 And the men of the garison answered Ionathas & hys harnesbearer & sayde: come vp to vs, & we wyl shew you a thyng. Then sayd Ionathas vnto hys harnesbearer: come vp after me, for the Lord hath delyuered them into the handes of Israel.
13 And Ionathas clame vpon handes & fete, & hys harnesbearer after him. Then they fel before Ionathas, & his harnesbearer slue them after him.
14 And that fyrst slaughter which Ionathas and hys harnesbearer made was vpon a twentye men, within the compasse as it were about an halfe aker of land.
1 Samuel 14:22
22 And they also whiche had hydde them selues in mount Ephraim, as sone as they heard how that the Philistines were fledde, they folowed after them in battell.
1 Samuel 14:49
49 The sonnes of Saule were Ionathas, Iesui, and Melchisua. And hys two doughters were thus named: the elder was called Merob & the younger Michol.
1 Samuel 17:26
26 Then spake Dauid to the men that stode by and sayde: What shalbe done to the man that beateth thys Philistine, and taketh awaye the shame from Israel? for what is this vncircumcysed Phylystyne, that he shoulde reuyle the hoste of the lyuynge God?
1 Samuel 17:36
36 For bothe a Lyon and also a Beare hath thy seruaunt slayne. And this vncircumcysed Philistine shalbe as one of them, for hys railing on the hoste of the lyuyng God.
1 Samuel 17:51
51 he ranne and stode vpon the Philistine, and toke his swerd and drue it oute of his shethe, and slue hym & cut of his head therwyth. And when the Philistines sawe that theyr champyon was dead, they fleed.
1 Samuel 17:54
54 And Dauid toke the head of the Philistine and brought it to Ierusalem: But he put his armoure in hys tente.
1 Samuel 18:1-4
1 And when he had made an ende of speaking vnto Saul, the soule of Ionathas was knit wyth the soule of Dauid. In so much that he loued hym as hys owne soule.
2 And Saul toke him that daye & would let hym go no more home to hys fathers house.
3 And Ionathas and Dauid bounde them selues the one to the other, for Ionathas loued him as hys owne soule.
4 And Ionathas put of his owne coote that was vpon hym, & gaue it Dauid, and therto hys mantel, hys swerde, his bowe and hys gyrdle.
1 Samuel 21:9
9 Then the priest answered: the swerde of Goliath the Philistine whom thou sluest in Ocdale, that is here wrapt in a cloth behynde the Ephod. Yf thou wilt take that, take it: for there is no nother saue that here. And Dauid sayde: there is none to that, geue it me.
1 Samuel 22:6
6 And Saul hearde of it: for Dauid was knowen and also the men that were wyth him. And as Saul sat in Gabaah vnder a groue vpon a hye bancke with hys speare in his hande, and al hys men about him,
1 Samuel 23:17
17 and said vnto hym: feare not, for the hand of Saul my father shall not fynde the, and thou shalt be kynge ouer Israell, and I must be next vnto the. And Saul my father therto knoweth that it shalbe so.
1 Samuel 28:1
1 And it chaunced in those dayes, that the Philistines gathered theyr hoste together to warre, entendyng to fyght with Israel. And Achis sayde to Dauid: Be sure, thou shalt go out with me in the host, and thy men also.
1 Samuel 28:4
4 And the Philistines gathered together and came and pytched in Sunam. And Saule and al Israell gathered together and pytched in Gelboe.
1 Samuel 28:15
15 And Samuel sayde to Saul: why hast thou vnquyeted me, to make me be brought vp? And Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philistines make warre agaynst me & God is departed from me & answered me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, to tell me what I shall do.
1 Samuel 28:19
19 And moreouer the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wyth the, into the handes of the Philistines. And to morow shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the host of Israel into the handes of the Philistines.
1 Samuel 29:1
1 The Philistines gethered all their hostes together vnto Apher. And Israell pitched by a fountayne in Iesrahel.
1 Samuel 31:4
4 Then sayde Saul vnto hys harnesbearer: draw out thy swerde and thrust me thorow therwyth lest these vncyrcumcised come thrust me troughe and make me a mockinge stocke of me. But hys harnesbearer woulde not, for he was sore afrayed. Wherfore Saul toke a swerde and fel vpon it.
2 Samuel 1:4
4 And Dauid sayd to him agayne: How hath it chaunced? tell me. And he sayde: the people fleed from the battell: & many of the people are ouerthrowen & dead: and Saul and Ionathas his sonne are dead therto.
2 Samuel 1:6
6 and the younge man that tolde hym, sayde: I was by chaunce in mount Gelboe. And se, Saul leaned vpon hys speare, and the charettes and horsemen folowed him at the heles.
2 Samuel 1:9-10
9 And he sayde vnto me: come on me & slee me: For anguyshe is come vpon me, and my lyfe is yet all in me.
10 And I went on hym & slue hym: for I was sure that he coulde not lyue, after that he was fallen. And I toke the croune that was vpon hys head and the Braselet that was on hys arme, and haue brought them vnto my Lorde hyther.
2 Samuel 1:12
12 And they mourned, wepte & fasted vntyll euen, for Saul and Ionathas hys sonne, & for the people of the Lorde, and for the house of Israel, because they were ouerthrowen with the swerde.
2 Samuel 1:14
14 And Dauid sayde vnto hym: How is it that thou wast not afrayed to laye thyne hande on the Lordes annoynted, to destroy hym?
2 Samuel 1:20
20 Tell it not in Geth: nor publyshe it in the streates of Askalon: lest the doughters of the Philistines reioyse, and that the doughters of the vncircumcysed triumphe thereof.
21 Ye mountaynes of Gelboe, vpon you be nether dewe nor raygne, nor feldes whence heaue offerynges come. For there the shyldes of the myghtye were cast from them: the shyld of Saul, as though he had not bene anoynted wyth oyle.
2 Samuel 2:4
4 And the men of Iuda came and there anoynted Dauid kynge ouer the house of Iuda. When it was tolde Dauid, howe the men of Iabes in Galaad had buryed Saule,
2 Samuel 2:4-7
4 And the men of Iuda came and there anoynted Dauid kynge ouer the house of Iuda. When it was tolde Dauid, howe the men of Iabes in Galaad had buryed Saule,
2 Samuel 2:4-5
4 And the men of Iuda came and there anoynted Dauid kynge ouer the house of Iuda. When it was tolde Dauid, howe the men of Iabes in Galaad had buryed Saule,
5 he sent messengers vnto them & said vnto them: blessed are ye vnto the Lorde, that ye haue shewed suche kyndnesse vnto youre Lorde Saule, and haue buryed hym.
2 Samuel 2:5-5
5 he sent messengers vnto them & said vnto them: blessed are ye vnto the Lorde, that ye haue shewed suche kyndnesse vnto youre Lorde Saule, and haue buryed hym.
6 Wherfore the Lorde shewe you mercye and truthe agayne. And I wil do you good also, because ye haue done thys thynge.
7 And now let your handes stere them & playe ye the men, though your mayster Saule be deade. And finallye vnderstande that the house of Iuda haue anointed me kyng ouer them.
2 Samuel 17:23
23 And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not folowed, he sadelleth his asse, and arose, & gate hym home to hys owne house and to his own cytye, and put his housholde in order and hanged him selfe and dyed, and was buryed in the sepulchre of hys father.
2 Samuel 21:12-14
12 he went & toke the bones of Saul & of Ionathas his sonne, of the men of Iabes in Galaad, which they hath stolen from the strete of Bethsan, where the Philistines had hanged them in the dayes when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gelboe:
13 & he brought thence the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathas his sonne, and they fet awaye the bones of them that were hanged,
14 and buried them with the bones of Saul and Ionathas his sonne in the countrey of Beniamin, in Zela, in the sepulchre of Cis his father. And when they had performed all that the Kynge commaunded, God was then at one with the lande.
1 Kings 16:27
27 The rest of the actes of Amri which he did, and his power that he vsed, are wrytten in the chronicles of the kynges of of Israel.
1 Kings 22:34
34 And a certayne man drew a bow ignorantly and smote the kinge of Israel betwene the ribbes of his harnesse. Wherfore the kinge sayde vnto the dryuer of his charet, turne thy hande and carye me out of the host, for I am hurte.
2 Kings 25:7
7 And they slue the sonnes of Zedekiah before hys eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and fettered him, and caried him to Babylon.
1 Chronicles 8:33
33 And Ner begat Cis, and Cis Saul, & Saul begat Iehonathan, Melchisua, Abinadab & Isbaal.
1 Chronicles 9:39
39 And Ner begat Cis, & Cis Saul. And Saul begat Iehonathan, Melchisua, Abinadab & Esbaal.
1 Chronicles 10:1-12
1 And the Philistines fought agaynst Israel. And the men of Israel fled before the Philistines and were ouerthrowen & slayne in Mounte Gelboe.
2 And the Philistines folowed Saul and hys sonnes and slue Iehonathan, Abinadab and Melchisua the sonnes of Saul.
3 And the battell went sore agaynst Saul, in so moche that the shoters met hym, and he was wounded of the shoters.
4 Then sayde Saul to hys wepon bearer draw they swerde and thrust me thorowe therwyth, that these vncircumcised come not and do me shame. And his wepone bearer woulde not, but feared excedynglye. Wherupon Saul caught a swerde & fell vpon yt.
1 Chronicles 10:4
4 Then sayde Saul to hys wepon bearer draw they swerde and thrust me thorowe therwyth, that these vncircumcised come not and do me shame. And his wepone bearer woulde not, but feared excedynglye. Wherupon Saul caught a swerde & fell vpon yt.
5 And when hys harnesbearer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell on a swerde also and dyed.
1 Chronicles 10:5
1 Chronicles 10:6
6 And thus Saul and hys thre sonnes and all hys house dyed together.
7 And when all the men that dwelt in the valeyes, saw how they fled, & that Saul and his sonnes were dead they forsoke theyr cyties & ranne awaye, and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.
8 And on the morow when the Philistines came to stripe the dead bodyes, they founde Saul and hys sonnes ouerthrowen in mounte Gelboe.
1 Chronicles 10:8
8 And on the morow when the Philistines came to stripe the dead bodyes, they founde Saul and hys sonnes ouerthrowen in mounte Gelboe.
9 And when they had stript hym they toke hys head and hys harnesse and sent them into the lande of the Philistines round aboute to shew tydynges vnto theyr Gods & to the people.
1 Chronicles 10:9-10
1 Chronicles 10:10-10
10 And they put hys harnesse in the houses of theyr Gods. But hys skulle they hanged in the house of Dagon.
11 And when all they of Iabes in Galaad hearde all that the Philistines had done to Saul,
12 all the men of warre arose & fet awaye the bodye of, Saul and the bodyes of hys sonnes and brought them to Iabes and buryed the bones of them vnder an ocke in Iabes, and fasted seuen dayes.
2 Chronicles 16:14
14 And they buryed hym in his owne sepulchre whiche he had made in the citie of Dauid, and layde hym in the bedde whyche he had filled with swete odoures of dyuerse kyndes, made by the crafte of the potecaryes. And they dyd exceadynge greate coste aboute buryeng of hym.
2 Chronicles 20:25
25 And Iehosaphat and hys people went to robbe awaye the spoyle of them and founde amonge them aboundaunce of goodes and rayment & of pleasaunt Iewelles, and caught from them more then they coulde carye awaye: so that they were thre dayes in gatherynge of the spoyle, it was so muche.
Ecclesiastes 9:1-2
1 For all these thynges purposed I in my mynd to seke out. The ryghtuous and wyse yea and their workes also are in the hande of God: and their is no man knoweth eyther the loue or hate of the thyng that he hath before him.
2 It happeneth vnto one as vnto another: It goeth wt the ryghtuous as wt the vngodli wt the good & cleane as wt the vncleane: wt him that offereth as wt him that offereth not: lyke as it goeth wyth the vertuous, so goeth it also wyth the sinner: As it happeneth vnto the periured, so happeneth it also vnto him that is afraied to be forsworne.
Jeremiah 9:25-26
25 Beholde, the tyme commeth (sayth the Lorde) that I will vyset all them, whose foreskinne is vncyrcumcysed.
26 The Egypcians, the Iewes, the Edomytes, the Ammonytes, the Moabites, and the shauen Madyanites, that dwell in the wildernes. For all the Gentyles are vncyrcumcysed in the fleshe, but all the house of Israell are vncyrcumcysed in the herte.
Jeremiah 34:5
5 but shalt dye in peace. Lyke as thy forefathers the kinges thy progenitours, were brente, so shalt thou be brent also, & in the mourninge they shall saye: Oh Lorde. For thus haue I determined sayeth the Lorde.
Ezekiel 44:7-9
7 seynge that ye haue brought in to my Sanctuary straungers, hauynge vncircumcysed hertes and fleshe, where thorow my Sanctuary is defyled, when ye offre me bred, fat, and bloude. Thus with all youre abhomynacyons ye haue broken my couenaunt,
8 and not kepte the holy ordinaunces of my Sanctuarye: but set kepers of my Sanctuary, euen after your owne mynde.
9 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God: Of all the straungers that dwell amonge the chyldren of Israell, no straunger (whose herte & fleshe is not cyrcumcysed) shall come within my Sanctuarye:
Hosea 13:10-11
Amos 2:14
14 so that the swifte shall not escape, nether the strong be able to do anye thynge: no, the gyaunt shal not saue hys owne lyfe.
Amos 6:10
10 So their next kynsfolkes and the dead buryers shall take them, and carye awaye theyr bones, and saye vnto hym, that is in the ynnermer house: is there yet any mo by the? And he shal answere: they are al gone, holde thy tunge (shal he say) for they wolde not remembre the name of the Lorde.