1 Samuel 22:14 Cross References - Matthew

14 And Ahymelech answered the kynge & sayde: who is so faythfull amonge all thy seruauntes as Dauid & therto the kinges sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy bidding, and is had in honoure in thyne house?

1 Samuel 17:25

25 And euery man of Israel sayde: Se ye this man that is come forthe, euen to reuile Israel he is come. And to hym that beateth hym wyll the Kynge geue great ryches, and wyl geue hym hys daughter therto, ye and make hys fathers house fre in Israel.

1 Samuel 18:13

13 And then Saul put Dauid from him and made hym a captayne ouer a thousand, and he wente oute and in before the people.

1 Samuel 18:27

27 And shortlye after Dauid arose wyth his men, and went, and slue of the Philistines two hundred men, and brought there foreskinnes, and satisfyed the Kynge thereof to be his sonne in lawe. And so Saul gaue hym Michol hys doughters to wyfe.

1 Samuel 19:4-5

4 And Ionathas spake the best of Dauid vnto Saul hys father and sayde vnto hym: lette not the kyng synne agaynst hys seruaunt Dauid, for he hath not synned agaynst the, and hys workes are to the warde very good. 5 For he dyd put hys lyfe in hys hande and slue the Philistine, and the Lorde gaue a great vyctorye to all Israell. And thou sawest it, & thou reioysedest, wherfore then shouldest thou sinne agaynst innocent bloude, and slee Dauid for nought?

1 Samuel 20:32

32 But Ionathas answered Saul hys father and sayde to hym: wherefore should he dye? what hath he done?

1 Samuel 21:2

2 And Dauid saide to Ahymelech the preast: the kinge hath commaunded me to do a certeyne thynge and sayde vnto me, let no man knowe where aboute I sende and what I haue commaunded the to do. And therefore I haue apoynted my seruauntes to suche and suche places.

1 Samuel 22:13

13 Then sayde Saul to hym: why haue ye conspyred against me, thou and the sonne of Isai, in so muche that thou hast geuen hym vitayle and a swerde, and hast asked councell of God for him, that he shoulde aryse against me, and lye awayte as it is come to passe thys daye.

1 Samuel 24:11

11 And moreouer my father, se yet the lap of thy cote in my hand. And in as muche as I killed the not to, when I cut of the lappe of thy cote, vnderstand and se, that there is nether euyl nor rebellyousnesse in me, & that I haue not synned agaynst the. And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it.

1 Samuel 26:23

23 The Lorde rewarde euery mannes ryghteousnesse and faythe: for the Lorde delyuered the into my hande this daye, but I woulde not laye myne hande vpon the Lordes anoynted.

2 Samuel 22:23-25

23 But I had all hys lawes in my syght, and turned my face from none of hys ordinaunces. 24 But was pure vnto him ward, & kept my self from wyckednesse. 25 And the Lorde dyd to me agayne, accordynge to my ryghteousnes, and after my purenesse that I had in hys sight.

Proverbs 24:11-12

11 Delyuer them that go into death, and are led away to be slayne, & be not negligent therin. 12 If thou wylt saye: I knewe not of it. Thinkest thou that he which made the herts, doth not consider it? & that he which regardeth thy soule, seyth it not? Shall not he recompence euerye man accordynge to his workes?

Proverbs 31:8-9

8 Be thou an aduocate, and stande in iudgement thy selfe, to speake for all such as be domme & socourles. 9 With thy mouth defende the thyng that is lawful and right, and the cause of the poore and helpelesse.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.