1 And Benhadad kynge of Siria gathered al his hoste together, and .xxxij. kinges wyth hym, with horse and charet, and went vp and beseged Samaria, and warred agaynst it.
1 Kings 20:1 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 14:1-5
1 And it chaunsed within a while that Amraphel king of Sinear Arioch king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomor king of Elam, & Thideal king of the nations,
2 made warre wyth the kynge of Bera, kyng of Sodome, and wyth Girsa kynge of Gomorra, and wt Sineab, king of Adama, & wyth Semeabar kyng of Zeboim, & wyth the kyng of Bela, whych Bela is called Zoar.
3 All these came togyther to the vale of Siddim, which is nowe the salt sea.
4 Twelue yere were they subiecte to Kynge Kedorlaomor, and in the .xiij. yere rebelled.
5 Therefore in the .xiiij. yere came Kedorlaomor, and the kynges that were wyth hym, and smote the Raphims in Astaroth Karnaim, and the Susims in Ham, and the Emims in Sabe Kariathaim,
Exodus 14:7
7 and toke .vi. hundred chosen charettes & all the charettes of Egypte and captaynes vpon al hys people.
Leviticus 26:25
25 I wyl send a swerd vpon you, that shall auenge my testament wyth you. And when ye are fledde vnto your cityes, I wyll sende the pestilence amonge you, ye shal be deliuered into the handes of your enemies.
Deuteronomy 20:1
1 When thou goest out to battel. agaynst thyne enemyes, & seyst horsses & charettes & people mo then thou, be not aferde of them, for the Lord thy God is wyth the which brought the out of the lande of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 28:52
52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cities, vntyll the hye & stronge walles be come doune wherin thou trustedest, thorow al the lande. And he shal besyege the in al thy cytyes thorow out all thy land which the Lord thy god hath geuen the.
Judges 1:7
7 Then Adonibezek sayd: thre score & .x. kynges hauynge theyr thombes & greate toes cut of, gathered theyr meate vnder my table: wherfore as I haue done so, God hath done to me agayne. And they brought him to Ierusalem and there he dyed.
Judges 4:3
3 And the chyldren of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charettes of yron, he oppressed the chyldren of Israel wyth power .xx. yeares.
1 Samuel 13:5
5 Then the Philistines gathered them selues together to fyghte wyth Israel, thyrtie thousand charettes and sixe thousande horse men with the other people lyke the sande by the sea side is in multitude and came vp & pytched in Machmas eastward from Bethauen.
1 Kings 15:18
18 Then Asa toke all the syluer and goulde that was lefte in the treasure of the house of the Lorde, and al the treasure of the kynges house and delyuered it vnto his seruauntes, and sent them to Benhadad the sonne of Tabremon the sonne of Hezion kynge of Siria, that dwelt at Damasco, saying:
1 Kings 15:20
20 And Benhadad herkened vnto kynge Asa, and sent the captaynes of the hostes whiche he had against the cities of Israel and smote Ahian, Dan, Abel called Beth Maacah and all Cerenoth with all the lande of Nephthali.
1 Kings 16:24
24 And he bought the hyl of Samaria of one Semar for two hundred talentes of syluer, and buylt in the hyl, & called the name of the cyty which he had built Samaria after the name of Semar the Lorde of the hyll.
1 Kings 20:16
16 And they went out at none when Benhadad was drinckynge stronge dryncke in the pauilions with the two and thyrtye kynges that holpe hym.
1 Kings 20:24
24 And this do: take the kinges awaye euery man out of his place, and put dukes in their roumes.
1 Kings 22:31
31 But the Kynge of Siria had commaunded the capitaynes of hys charettes of whych he had .xxxij. sayinge: fight neyther with smal nor greate, saue wyth the kinge of Israel onlye.
2 Kings 6:24-29
24 After this Benhadad kyng of Syrya gathered al the hoste, and went & beseged Samaria.
25 And there arose great darthe in Samaria: for they had beseged it, vntyll an asses head was worth foure skore sycles of syluer, and the fourth part of a Cab of doues dong worth fyue sycles.
26 And as the kyng of Israell walked vpon the walles there cryed a woman to hym, saying: helpe, my Lord Kyng.
27 And he sayde: Naye, the Lorde helpe the. But wherewyth shulde I helpe the, with corne or wyne?
28 Then sayde the kyng to her: what ayleth the? And she aunswered: thys woman here sayde to me, brynge thy sonne, and let vs eate hym to daye, and we wyll eate myne to morowe?
29 And so we dressed my sonne, and dyd eate hym. And I sayde to her another day, brynge thy sonne that we maye eate hym. But she had hyd her sonne.
2 Kings 8:7-10
7 After that Elizeus went to Damasco, Benhadad the kinge of Syrya beynge sycke. And one tolde the kynge, sayinge: The man of God is come hyther.
8 Then sayde the kynge to Hazael: take a present wyth the and go againste the man of God, and aske the Lorde by hym whether I shal recouer of thys my dysease or no.
9 And Hazael went to mete hym, & toke presentes wyth hym, euen of al the good thinges of Damasco, as muche as fourtye Cameles coulde beare, and came and presented himselfe before hym and sayde: thy sonne Benhadad Kynge of Syrya hath sent me to the, sayinge: shall I recouer of thys my dysease.
10 And Elizeus sayde to hym: go, and saye to hym: thou shalte recouer, howe be it the Lord hath shewed me that he shall surelye dye.
2 Kings 17:5-6
2 Chronicles 16:2-4
2 Whervpon Asa fet oute syluer and goulde oute of the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and of the kynges house, & sent it to Benhadad kynge of Siria that dwelt at Damasco, and sayde.
3 There is a confederacion betwene me and the, and so was betwene my father & thine, wherfore I haue sent the siluer and goulde, that thou go and breake thyne appoyntment wyth Baasa kynge of Israel, that he maye departe from me.
4 And Benhadad graunted vnto kyng Asa, and sent the captaynes of hys armye agaynste the cities of Israell. And they bet Aion, Dan, Abelmaim and all the store cities of Nephtali.
Ezra 7:12
12 Vnto Esdras the priest and scribe in the lawe of the God of heauen, peace and salutacyon.
Isaiah 10:8
8 for he sayth: are not my princes al kinges?
Isaiah 37:24
24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lord, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe: I couer the hye mountaynes, and sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wyll I cut downe the hye Cedre trees & the fayreste Fyrre trees. I will vp into the heyght of it, & into the chefest of his tymbre woddes.
Jeremiah 49:27
27 I wyll kyndle a fyre in the walles of Damascus, whiche shall consume the palace of Benhadad.
Ezekiel 26:7
7 For thus sayeth the Lord God: Beholde, I will bringe hither Nabuchodonozor (which is the Kynge of Babylon, and a kinge of kinges) from the North vpon Tire, with horses charettes, horsmen, and with a greate multytude of people.
Daniel 2:37
37 O kynge, thou arte a kynge of kynges: For the God of heauen hath geuen the a kyngdome, ryches, strengthe and maiestye:
Amos 1:4
4 But I wyll sende a fyre into the house of Hazael, the same shal consume the palaces of Benadab.