1 Kings 17:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 And he went and dyd accordynge vnto the worde of the Lorde: he went and dwelt by the broke Karith that lyeth before Iordan.

1 Kings 19:9

9 & entred there into a caue & lodged there al night. And then the word of the lord came to him and sayde: what doest thou here, Eliah?

Proverbs 3:5

5 Put thy trust in the Lord wyth all thyne hert, and leane not vnto thyne own vnderstandinge.

Matthew 16:24

24 Iesus then sayde to hys disciples. If anye man will folow me, let hym forsake hym selfe, and take vp hys crosse and folowe me.

John 15:14

14 Ye are my frendes, yf ye do whatsoeuer I commaunde you.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.