1 Kings 13 Cross References - Matthew

1 And beholde, there came a man of God out of Iuda with the worde of God, to Bethel, as Ieroboam stode by the aulter to offer, 2 and cryed agaynst the aultare at the commaundement of the Lorde, and sayde: aultare, aultare, thus sayth the Lorde. Beholde a chylde shall be borne of the house of Dauid, Iosiah by name, which vpon the shall offer the pryestes of the hyllaultares that sacrifyce vpon the, & shall burne mennes bones vpon the. 3 And he gaue them the same tyme a sygne sayinge: thys is the sygne of that the Lorde hath promysed. Beholde the aultare shal rent and the ashes that are in it, shall fall out. 4 And when the kynge hearde the saying of the man of God which he cryed agaynste the aulter in Bethel, he stretched oute hys hande from the aultare, sayinge: holde hym. And hys hande which he put forth towarde hym, dryed vp, that he coulde not pull it in agayne to hym, 5 and the aulter claue, and the ashes ran out of the aultar accordyng to the token which the man of God had geuen at the commaundemente of the Lorde. 6 And the kyng aunswered and sayd vnto the man of God: Oh pray vnto the Lorde thy God, & make intercession for me, that my hand maye be restored me agayne. And the man of God besought the Lord and hys hande came to hym agayne as well as before. 7 Then sayd the kyng vnto the man of god: come home wyth me, and refreshe thy selfe, & I wyll geue the a rewarde. 8 But the man of God aunswered the kynge: yf thou woldeste geue me halfe thyne house, I wolde not go wt the neyther wold I eat meat or dryncke water in thys place. 9 For so was it charged me, thorow the worde of God & sayde to me: eate no bread nor drincke water nor turne agayne by the same waye thou wentest. 10 And so he wente another waye and returned not by the waye he came to Bethel. 11 And there dwelt an olde Prophet in Bethel, whose sonnes came and tolde hym all the workes that the man of god had done that daye in Bethel, and the wordes which he spake vnto the kynge they told their father also. 12 And theyr father sayde to them: what waye went he? for hys sonnes had sene what waye the man of God wente which came from Iuda. 13 Then sayde he to his sonnes: sadle myne asse. And they sadled hym an asse. And he gat hym vp theron, 14 and wente after the man of God, and founde hym sittynge vnder an Ocke, and sayde vnto hym: arte thou the man of God that camest from Iuda? And he sayde, yea. 15 Then he sayde to hym: come home wyth me, and eate breade. 16 And the other sayd again I maye not returne wyth the, to go with the, neyther maye I eate breade or drynke water with the in thys place. 17 For it was sayd to me by the commaundement of the Lorde, eate no bread nor dryncke water in thys place, nor turne agayne by the waye thou wentest. 18 And the olde Prophet sayde vnto hym: I am a prophet as wel as thou, and an angel spake vnto me with the worde of the Lorde saying: bring hym agayne with the to thyne house, and let hym eate breade and drincke water, & yet lyed vnto hym. 19 And so the other went agayn wyth him & ate bread in his house & drancke water. 20 And as they sate at the table, the worde of the Lorde came vnto the prophete that brought hym agayne. 21 And he cryed vnto the man of God that came from Iuda, saying: thus sayth the Lorde: because thou hast dysobeyed the mouthe of the Lorde, and haste not kepte the commaundement which the Lorde thy God commaunded the, 22 but camest backe agayne & haste eaten breade, and droncke water in the place in whiche he bade that thou shuldeste eat no bread, nor drincke water: therfor thy carkasse shal not come vnto the sepulchre of thy fathers. 23 And when he had eaten breade & droncke, he sadled an asse for the Prophete whiche he had brought agayne. 24 And as he iorneyed a Lyon met hym by the waye, and slue hym, & his carkasse laye a longe in the waye, & the asse stode therby, & the Lyon stode by the course also. 25 And men that passed by, saw the carkasse caste a longe in the waye, and the lyon standyng therby, & went and tolde it in the toune where the olde Prophet dwelt. 26 And when the Prophete that brought hym backe agayne from the waye, hearde thereof, he sayde: it is the man of God whiche disobeyed the mouthe of the Lorde. And therfore the Lorde hath deliuered hym vnto the Lyon whiche hath rente hym, and slayne hym, accordyng to the word of the Lorde, whiche he sayde to hym. 27 And he sayde to hys sonne: sadle me an asse: & so they dyd. 28 And he wente and founde the bodye cast alonge in the waye, and the asse and the lyon standynge therbye. And the lyon had not eaten the carkasse nor hurte the asse. 29 And he toke vp the bodye of the man of God, and put it vpon the asse, and brought it agayne, & came to the cytye of the olde Prophete to lament him, and to burye hym. 30 And he layde hys bodye in hys owne graue, and lamented ouer hym, Oh my brother. 31 And when he had buryed hym, he spake to hys sonnes sayinge: when I am dead, se that ye burye me in the sepulchre wherein the man of GOD is buryed and laye my bones by hys. 32 For the sayinge which he cryed at the byddynge of the Lorde agaynste the aultare in Bethell, and agaynste all the houses of hylaultares which are in the cytyes of Samarye, shall come to passe. 33 How be it for all that, Ieroboam turned not from his wicked waye: but turned awaye & made of the lowest of the people priestes of the hyll aultares. Whosoeuer wold, he fylled theyr handes, and they became pryestes of the hylaultares. 34 And thys doynge was synne vnto the house of Ieroboam, euen to destroye it, & to put it away from of the face of the earth.

Genesis 3:1-3

1 Bvt the serpent was sutyller than al the beastes of the felde, whych the Lord God had made: & sayd vnto the woman: yea hath God sayd in dede, ye shall not eate of al maner trees in the garden? 2 And the woman sayd vnto the serpent, of the frute of the trees in the garden we may eate, 3 but of the frute of the tree that is in the myddes of the garden (sayd God) se that ye eate not, & se that ye touch it not, lest ye dye. 4 Then sayd the serpent vnto the woman: tush ye shal not dye: 5 but god doth know that when so euer ye should eate of it, your eyes should be opened, & ye should be as god, & know both good & euel. 6 And the woman saw that it was a good tree to eate of, and lusty vnto the eies, & a pleasant tree forto geue vnderstandynge. And toke of the frute of it & ate, & gaue vnto her husband also wt her, & he ate. 7 And the eyes of bothe them were opened, that they vnderstode howe that they were naked. Than they sowed figge leues together and made them apurns.

Genesis 18:5

5 And I wyll fet a morsell of breed, to comforte youre hartes withal. And than go your wayes, for euen therfore are ye come to youre seruaunt. And they answered: Do euen so as thou hast said.

Genesis 19:11

11 And the men that were at the doore of the house, they smotte wyth blyndnesse both small and greate: so that they coulde not fynde the doore.

Exodus 4:3-5

3 And he sayd cast it on the grounde, and it turned into a serpente. And Moyses ranne away from it. 4 And the Lord sayd vnto Moyses, put forth thyne hand & take it by the tayle. And he put forth hys hand & caught it, and it became a rodde agayne in his hand, 5 that they may beleue that the Lorde God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the God of Iacob hathe appeared vnto the.

Exodus 4:8-9

8 If they wyl not beleue the neither hear the voyce of the firste token: yet wyll they beleue the voyce of the second token. 9 But and if they wyll not beleue the two sygnes, neyther herken vnto thy voyce, then take of the water of the riuer and poure it vpon the dry land. And the water which thou takest out of the ryuer shall turne to bloude vpon the drye land.

Exodus 5:3

3 I knowe not the Lord, neyther wyll let Israell go. And they sayed: the God of the Hebrues hath mett wyth vs: lett vs go (we praye the) thre dayes iourney into the deserte, that we may sacrifice vnto the Lord our God: lest he smyte vs eyther with pestilence, or wyth sworde.

Exodus 5:6

6 And Pharao commaunded the same day vnto the taskemasters ouer the people, & vnto the officers saying:

Exodus 7:2

2 Thou shalt speake all that I commaunde the & Aaron thy brother shall speake vnto Pharao: that he sende the children of Israel out of his land.

Exodus 7:10

10 Then went Moses & Aaron in vnto Pharao, and dyd euen as the Lorde had commaunded. And Aaron cast forth his rodd before Pharao, and before hys seruauntes, & it turned to a serpent.

Exodus 8:8

8 Then Pharao called for Moses & Aaron and sayed, praye ye vnto the Lorde that he maye take away the frogges frome me and from my people, and I wyll lette the people goo, that they maye do Sacrifice vnto the Lorde.

Exodus 8:12-13

12 And Moses & Aaron went out from Pharao, & Moses cryed vnto the Lord vpon the appointment of frogges whych he had made vnto Pharao. 13 And the Lord dyd accordinge to the saying of Moses. And the frogges died out of the houses, courtes and feyldes.

Exodus 8:28

28 And Pharao said: I wyl let you goo, that ye may do sacrifice vnto the lord your God in the wildernes: onely go not farre awaye, & se that ye pray for me.

Exodus 9:18-25

18 beholde, to morow this tyme I wyl send down a mighty great hayle: euen such one as was not in Egipt sence it was grounded vnto this time 19 Sende therefore and fette home thy beastes and all that thou hast in the feyld. For vpon all the men and beastes whyche are founde in the felde and not brought home, shall the haile fall and they shall dye. 20 And as manye as feared the worde of the Lorde among the Seruauntes of Pharao, made theyr seruauntes and theyr beastes flee to house: 21 and they that regarded not the word of the Lord lefte theyr seruauntes and theyr Beastes in the fyelde. 22 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses: stretch forth thyne hand vnto heauen, that there maye be haile in al the land of Egypt: vpon man & beast, & vpon all the herbes of the fielde in the feld of Egypt. 23 And Moses stretched out his rodd vnto heauen, & the Lorde thondered and hayled, so that the fyre ran a longe vpon the ground And the Lord so hayled in the land of Egypt, 24 that there was hayle & fyre mingled with the hayle, so greauouse, that there was none suche in all the Lande of Egypte, sence people inhabited it. 25 And the hayle smote in the lande of Egypte al that was in the fyeld both man and beaste. And the hayle smote al the herbes of the field, and broke al the trees of the felde:

Exodus 9:28

28 Pray ye vnto the Lord, that the thonder of God & hayle may cease, and I wyll let you go, and ye shall tarye no lenger.

Exodus 10:17

17 Forgyue me yet my sinne only thys once, & pray vnto the Lord your God that he may take away from me thys death onely.

Exodus 12:32

32 And take youre shepe and your oxen wt you as ye haue sayd, & departe & blesse me also.

Exodus 28:41

41 and thou shalt put them vppon Aaron thy brother and on hys sonnes wyth him & shalt anoynte them & fill their handes and consecrate them that they may ministre vnto me.

Leviticus 10:2

2 and ther went a fyre out from the Lord, and consumed them, & they dyed before the Lorde. 3 Then Moses sayed vnto Aaron: this is that the Lorde spake saying: I wyl be sanctified in them that come nye me, & before all the people I wil be glorified. And Aaron helde hys peace.

Leviticus 10:5

5 And they went to theym, and caried them in their albes out of the host, as Moses bade.

Leviticus 26:30

30 And I wyll destroy your alters bylt vpon hye hylles, and ouerthrow youre images and caste youre carkasses vpon the bodyes of your idolles, and my soule shall abhorre you.

Numbers 1:51

51 And when the tabernacle goth forth the Leuites shall take it downe: and when the tabernacle is pitched they shal set it vp: for if any straunger come nere, he shal dye.

Numbers 3:10

10 And thou shalt appoynt Aaron and his sonnes to wayte on theyr priestes office: & the straunger that cometh nye, shal dye for it.

Numbers 12:13

13 And Moses cryed vnto the Lord sayinge: Oh God, heale her.

Numbers 16:23-35

23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge, 24 speake vnto the congregation and saye: Get you awaye from aboute the dwellynge of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram. 25 And Moses rose and wente vnto Dathan and Abiram, & the elders of Israel folowed him. 26 And he spake vnto the congregation saying: depart from the tentes of these wicked men & touche nothynge of theyrs: lest ye peryshe in al theyr synnes.

Numbers 16:26

26 And he spake vnto the congregation saying: depart from the tentes of these wicked men & touche nothynge of theyrs: lest ye peryshe in al theyr synnes. 27 And they gate them from the dwellynge of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram on euerye syde. And Dathan and Abiram came oute and stode in the dore of theyr tentes wyth theyr wyues, theyr sonne and theyr children. 28 And Moses sayed hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sente me, to do all these worckes, & that I haue not done them of mine own mynd: 29 If these men dye the commen death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men, then the Lorde hathe not sent me. 30 But and if the Lorde make a newe thyng, and the earth open hyr mouth & swalowe theim, and all that pertayne vnto them, so that they go downe quicke vnto hel: then ye shal vnderstand, that these men haue rayled vpon the Lord. 31 And assone as he hadde made an ende of speakyng al these wordes, the ground cloue a sunder that was vnder them, 32 and the earth opened hyr mouth and swalowed them and theyr houses, and al menne that were wyth Corah and al theyr goodes. 33 And they and all that pertained vnto them, went downe aliue vnto hell, and the earth closed vppon theim and they peryshed from amonge the congregation. 34 Ad all Israel that were aboute them fledde at the cry of them. For they said: The earth myght haply swalow vs vp also. 35 And there came out a fyre from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fyftye men that offered cense.

Numbers 16:40

40 to be a remembraunce vnto the children of Israel, that no straunger which is not of the seed of Aaron, come nere to offer cense before the Lord, that he be not made lyke vnto Corah and hys companye: as the Lord sayd vnto hym by the hand of Moses.

Numbers 17:5

5 And hys rodde whome I chose, shall blossome: So I wyl make cease from me the grudgynges of the chyldren of Israel whyche they grudge agaynst you.

Numbers 17:12-13

12 And the chyldren of Israell spake vnto Moses sayinge: beholde, wee are destroyed and all come to nought: 13 for whosoeuer cometh nye the dwellynge of the Lorde, dyeth. Shall we vtterlye consume away.

Numbers 20:12

12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses & Aaron: bicause ye beleued me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the chyldren of Israel, therfore ye shall not brynge thys congregation into the land which I haue geuen them.

Numbers 20:24

24 lett Aaron be putt vnto hys people, for he shall not come into the lande whiche I haue geuen vnto the chyldren of Israel: bicause ye disobeied my mouth at the water of strife.

Numbers 21:7

7 And the people came to Moses and sayed: we haue sinned, for we haue spoken agayust the Lord and againste the, make intercession to the lorde, that he take away the serpentes from vs. And Moses made intercession for the people.

Numbers 22:13

13 And Balam rose vp in the mornyng and sayd vnto the Lordes of Balac: get you vnto your land, for the Lorde wyll not suffer me to go wt you.

Numbers 22:18

18 And Balam answered and sayd vnto the seruauntes of Balac. If Balac would gyue me hys house ful of syluer and gold, I can go no further then the worde of the Lorde my God, to do lesse or more. 19 Neuertheles tarye ye here al nyght: that I may wete, what the Lorde wil say vnto me once more.

Numbers 22:21

21 And Balam rose vp early & saddeled hys asse & went wyth the Lordes of Moab.

Numbers 22:35

35 And the angel sayed vnto Balam, go wyth the men: but in any myse, what I saye vnto the, that saye. And Balam went with the lordes of Balac.

Numbers 23:4-5

4 And God came vnto Balam, & Balam sayed vnto hym: I haue prepared .vij. alters & haue offered vpon euerye alter, a bullock and a ram. 5 And the Lorde put a sayinge in Balams mouth and sayd: go agayne to Balac & say on thys wyse.

Numbers 23:5

5 And the Lorde put a sayinge in Balams mouth and sayd: go agayne to Balac & say on thys wyse.

Numbers 23:10

10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob and the numbre of the fourth parte of Israell. I pray God that my soul may dye the death of the rightuous and that my laste ende may be lyke his.

Numbers 23:16

16 And the Lorde mette Balam and put wordes in hys mouth and sayd: go agayne vnto Balac and thus say.

Numbers 24:2

2 and lyfte vp hys eyes and loked vpon Israel as he laye wyth hys tribes, and the spirite of God came vppon hym.

Numbers 24:4

4 and the manne whose eye is open hath sayed: he hath sayd whych heareth the words of God & seeth the visions of the almyghty, whiche falleth downe: & hys eyes are opened.

Numbers 24:13

13 If Balac would giue me his house full of syluer and gold, I can not passe the mouth of the Lorde, to do eyther good or bad of myne owne mynde. What the Lord saith, that must I speake.

Numbers 24:16-24

16 and he hath saied that heareth the wordes of God & hath the knowledge of the most hie & beholdeth the vision of the almyghtye, and when he falleth downe hath his eyes opened 17 I se him but not now, I behold hym but not nye. There shall come a starre of Iacob and ryse a scepter of Israel, which shal smite the costes of Moab and vndermine all the chyldren of Seth. 18 And Edom shalbe hys possession, and the possession of Seir shall be theyr enemies, and Israel shall do manfully. 19 And out of Iacob shal come he that shal destroye the remnaunt of the cityes. 20 And he loked on Amaleck and began hys parable and sayd: Amaleck is the first of the nations, but hys later ende shall peryshe vtterli. 21 And he loked on the Kenites, & toke his parable and sayd: stronge is thy dwellynge place & put thy neste vpon a rocke. 22 Neuerthelater thou shalt be a burnyng to Kain, vntyl Assar take the prisoner. 23 And he toke hys parable & sayed. Alas, who shal lyue when God doth this? 24 The shyppes shal come out of the cost of Chittim & subdue Assur and subdue Eber, & he him selfe shal perish at the laste.

Deuteronomy 13:1-3

1 If there aryse amonge you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames, and gyue the a sygne or a wonder,

Deuteronomy 13:1

1 If there aryse amonge you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames, and gyue the a sygne or a wonder, 2 and that signe or wonder whyche he hath said come to passe and then say: let vs go after straunge Goddes whyche thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them: 3 herken not vnto the wordes of the prophete, or dreamer of dreames. For the Lord thy God tempteth you to wete whether ye loue the Lord your God wt all youre hertes & wyth all your soules.

Deuteronomy 13:3

3 herken not vnto the wordes of the prophete, or dreamer of dreames. For the Lord thy God tempteth you to wete whether ye loue the Lord your God wt all youre hertes & wyth all your soules.

Deuteronomy 13:5

5 And the prophete or dreamer of dreames shal dye for it bicause he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lorde your God whyche brought you out of the land of Egipt & deliuered you out of the house of bondage, to thrust the out of the waye whiche the Lord thy God commaunded the to walke in: and so thou shalte put euyl away from the.

Deuteronomy 13:13-18

13 that certayne (beyng the children of Belial) are gone out from among you & haue moued the enhabiters of their citi saying: let vs go and serue straung Goddes whiche ye haue not knowne. 14 Then seke & make searche and enquire diligently. If it be true and the thynge of a surety that suche abhomination is wrought among you: 15 then thou shalt smite the dwellers of that city with the edge of the swerde, & destroye it mercilesse and all that is therin, 16 & euen the very cattell therof wyth the edge of the swerd. And gather al the spoile of it into the myddes of the streates thereof, and burne with fyre boeth the city and al the spoyle therof euery whyt vnto the Lord thy God. And it shal be an heape for euer & shal not be built agayne. 17 And se that there cleaue nought of the dampned thing in thyne hand that the Lord maye turne from his fearce wrathe and shewe the mercye and haue compassion on the, and multiplye the, as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers: 18 when thou haste herkened vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God, to kepe all hys commaundementes whych I commaund the thys day so that thou do that which is right in the eyes of the Lord thy God.

Deuteronomy 18:20

20 But the prophete which shall presume to speake ought in my name whych I commaunded not to speake, and he that speaketh in the name of straunge goddes, the same prophete shal dye.

Deuteronomy 18:22

22 When a prophete speaketh in the name of the Lorde, yf the thynge folow not nor come to passe, that is the thyng whych the Lord hath not spoken. But the Prophete hath spoken it presumptuously: be not aferde therfore of hym.

Deuteronomy 32:1

1 Heare O heauen, what I shal speake, and heare O earth, the wordes of my mouth.

Judges 5:10

10 ye that ryde on goodly Asses, and sitte in iudgement. And ye that walcke by the wayes make dytyes.

Judges 6:11-12

11 And the Angel of the Lorde came and sate vnder an Ocke in Ephrah, that pertayned vnto Ioas the father of the Eserytes. And his sonne Gedeon pressed out whete out of the eares in a presse, for to flee from the Madianites. 12 And the angel of the Lord apeared vnto him, & sayd: the Lorde is with the, thou man of myght.

Judges 6:17

17 And he answered him, yf I haue found grace in thy syght, then shew me a sygne, that thou art the Lorde that talketh with me.

Judges 10:4

4 And he had .xxx. sonnes that rode on .xxx. Asse coltes, & had .xxx. cytyes for them, which are called the tounes of Iair vnto this daye, & are in the lande of Galaad.

Judges 13:3

3 And the Angel of the Lord apeared vnto his wyfe and sayd vnto her: Behold, thou art barren and bearest not: But thou shalt conceyue and beare a sonne.

Judges 13:15

15 Then sayde Manoah vnto the Angell of the Lord, graunte vs to tarye vntil we haue made redye a kyd and haue set it before the.

Judges 17:12

12 And Micah fylled the hande of the Leuite, and the younge man became his prieste, and continued in the house of Micah.

Judges 19:21

21 and he brought hym into hys house, and gaue foder vnto hys Asses. And they wasshed their fete, and dyd eate and dryncke.

1 Samuel 2:34

34 And this shalbe a sygne vnto the, that shal come vpon thy two sonnes, Hophni and Phinehes: euen in one daye they shal dye bothe of them.

1 Samuel 4:18

18 And when he made mencyon of the arcke of God, Eli fell from of hys stole backwarde towarde the gate, and hys necke brake, & he dyed: for he was olde & vnweldye and he had iudged Israel fourtye yeares.

1 Samuel 9:7-8

7 Then said Saul to his lad yf we go what shall we bryng the man? For our bread is all spent out of our hampers, and there is no nother present to bryng the man of God, what haue we? 8 And the young man aunswered Saul agayne & sayde: I haue found about me the fourth part of a Sicle, that will we geue the man of God to tell vs oure waye.

1 Samuel 10:11

11 And all that knewe him before when they sawe that he prophesied among the Prophetes, they sayd eche to other: what is happened vnto the sonne of Cis? Is Saule also among the Prophetes?

1 Samuel 12:19

19 Then sayde all the people vnto Samuel: praye for thy seruauntes vnto the Lorde thy God, that we dye not: for we haue synned in askyng vs a kynge, besyde all the synnes that euer we dyd.

1 Samuel 12:23

23 Moreouer God forbydde that I shulde synne agaynste the Lorde in leuyng praiyng for you and to shewe you the good and ryghte way.

1 Samuel 13:13-14

13 Then sayde Samuel to Saul, thou hast done folyshly & hast not kept the commaundement of the Lorde thy God whiche he commaunded the. For at thys tyme wolde the Lord haue stablished thy kyngdom vpon Israel for euer. 14 But nowe thy kyngedome shall not continue. The Lord hath sought him a man after his own hert, & hath commaunded hym to be a captayne ouer hys people: because thou hast not kepte that which the Lorde commaunded the.

1 Samuel 15:19

19 And wherfore hast thou now not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde. But dydest turne to the praye & haste wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lord?

1 Samuel 15:22

22 Then sayde Samuel: hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacryfyces & offerynges, as he hath that thou shouldest obeye hys voyce? Beholde, to obeye is better then offeryng, and to geue heade is better then the fat of rammes.

1 Samuel 15:22-24

22 Then sayde Samuel: hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacryfyces & offerynges, as he hath that thou shouldest obeye hys voyce? Beholde, to obeye is better then offeryng, and to geue heade is better then the fat of rammes. 23 For rebellyousnesse is as the synne of witchcrafte, & stoburnesse is wyckednesse and Idolatrye. Because therfore thou hast cast awaye the worde of the Lorde, therfore hath the Lorde caste awaye the also, from beynge Kynge. 24 Then sayde Saul to Samuel: I haue sinned, for I haue trespaced the mouthe of the Lorde, and thy wordes, because I feared the people and obeyed theyr voyce.

2 Samuel 6:7

7 And the Lorde was wrath wyth Ozah and God smote hym in the same place for hys faulte, & there he dyed by the arcke of God.

2 Samuel 12:9-11

9 Wherfore hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Vrias the hethyte with the swerde, and hast taken hys wyfe to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym wyth the swerde of the chyldren of Amnon. 10 Now therfore the swerd shal neuer depart from thyne house, because (saythe the Lorde) thou hast despysed me, and taken the wyfe of Vrias the Aethite, to be thy wyfe.

2 Samuel 12:10

10 Now therfore the swerd shal neuer depart from thyne house, because (saythe the Lorde) thou hast despysed me, and taken the wyfe of Vrias the Aethite, to be thy wyfe. 11 Thus saith the Lorde: beholde I wyl stere vp euyl against the euen of thyne owne house & wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and geue them vnto thy neyghboure, which shal slepe with them in the syght of the sonne.

2 Samuel 12:14

14 Howe be it because in doynge this deede thou hast geuen the enemyes of the Lorde a cause to rayle, the chyld that is borne the shall dye surelye.

2 Samuel 19:26

26 And he said: my Lorde kinge, my seruaunt deceyued me. For thy seruaunt sayde: that I woulde haue mine Asse sadled to ride theron, for to go to the king because thy seruaunt is lame.

2 Samuel 24:13

13 And Gad came to Dauid and shewed him and sayde vnto hym: whether wilt thou haue seuen yeares hunger in thy lande, or that thou flee thre monethes before thyne enemies, and they folowyng the, or that there be thre daies pestilence in thy lande. Now vnderstand and se, what worde I shal brynge agayne to hym that sent me.

1 Kings 12:22

22 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Semeiah the man of God sayinge:

1 Kings 12:26

26 And Ieroboam thought in hys hert: now myght the kyngdome returne to the house of Dauid agayne.

1 Kings 12:29

29 And he put the one in Bethel, and the other in Dan. 30 And that doynge, was a cause of synne. And the people went before the one as farre as Dan. 31 And he made houses of hyllaulters, and made of the lowest of the people priestes whiche were not of the sonnes of Leui.

1 Kings 12:31-33

31 And he made houses of hyllaulters, and made of the lowest of the people priestes whiche were not of the sonnes of Leui. 32 And Ieroboam made a feast the .xv. daye of the .viij. moneth like vnto the feast that was in Iuda, and offered on the aultare. And so dyd he in Bethell, to offer vnto the calues that he had made. And he put in Bethel the pryestes of the hyll aultares whiche he had made. 33 And he offered vpon the aulter whiche he had made in Bethell, the .xv. daye of the .viij. moneth, which he had ymagined of hys owne hert: and made a solempne feaste vnto the chyldren of Israel, and wente vp to the aultare to burne sacrifyce.

1 Kings 13:1

1 And beholde, there came a man of God out of Iuda with the worde of God, to Bethel, as Ieroboam stode by the aulter to offer, 2 and cryed agaynst the aultare at the commaundement of the Lorde, and sayde: aultare, aultare, thus sayth the Lorde. Beholde a chylde shall be borne of the house of Dauid, Iosiah by name, which vpon the shall offer the pryestes of the hyllaultares that sacrifyce vpon the, & shall burne mennes bones vpon the. 3 And he gaue them the same tyme a sygne sayinge: thys is the sygne of that the Lorde hath promysed. Beholde the aultare shal rent and the ashes that are in it, shall fall out.

1 Kings 13:5

5 and the aulter claue, and the ashes ran out of the aultar accordyng to the token which the man of God had geuen at the commaundemente of the Lorde.

1 Kings 13:8-9

8 But the man of God aunswered the kynge: yf thou woldeste geue me halfe thyne house, I wolde not go wt the neyther wold I eat meat or dryncke water in thys place. 9 For so was it charged me, thorow the worde of God & sayde to me: eate no bread nor drincke water nor turne agayne by the same waye thou wentest.

1 Kings 13:9-9

9 For so was it charged me, thorow the worde of God & sayde to me: eate no bread nor drincke water nor turne agayne by the same waye thou wentest.

1 Kings 13:11

11 And there dwelt an olde Prophet in Bethel, whose sonnes came and tolde hym all the workes that the man of god had done that daye in Bethel, and the wordes which he spake vnto the kynge they told their father also.

1 Kings 13:16-17

16 And the other sayd again I maye not returne wyth the, to go with the, neyther maye I eate breade or drynke water with the in thys place. 17 For it was sayd to me by the commaundement of the Lorde, eate no bread nor dryncke water in thys place, nor turne agayne by the waye thou wentest.

1 Kings 13:17

17 For it was sayd to me by the commaundement of the Lorde, eate no bread nor dryncke water in thys place, nor turne agayne by the waye thou wentest.

1 Kings 13:20-21

20 And as they sate at the table, the worde of the Lorde came vnto the prophete that brought hym agayne. 21 And he cryed vnto the man of God that came from Iuda, saying: thus sayth the Lorde: because thou hast dysobeyed the mouthe of the Lorde, and haste not kepte the commaundement which the Lorde thy God commaunded the,

1 Kings 13:21-21

21 And he cryed vnto the man of God that came from Iuda, saying: thus sayth the Lorde: because thou hast dysobeyed the mouthe of the Lorde, and haste not kepte the commaundement which the Lorde thy God commaunded the, 22 but camest backe agayne & haste eaten breade, and droncke water in the place in whiche he bade that thou shuldeste eat no bread, nor drincke water: therfor thy carkasse shal not come vnto the sepulchre of thy fathers.

1 Kings 13:25

25 And men that passed by, saw the carkasse caste a longe in the waye, and the lyon standyng therby, & went and tolde it in the toune where the olde Prophet dwelt. 26 And when the Prophete that brought hym backe agayne from the waye, hearde thereof, he sayde: it is the man of God whiche disobeyed the mouthe of the Lorde. And therfore the Lorde hath deliuered hym vnto the Lyon whiche hath rente hym, and slayne hym, accordyng to the word of the Lorde, whiche he sayde to hym. 27 And he sayde to hys sonne: sadle me an asse: & so they dyd.

1 Kings 13:30

30 And he layde hys bodye in hys owne graue, and lamented ouer hym, Oh my brother.

1 Kings 13:32

32 For the sayinge which he cryed at the byddynge of the Lorde agaynste the aultare in Bethell, and agaynste all the houses of hylaultares which are in the cytyes of Samarye, shall come to passe.

1 Kings 14:10

10 therfore beholde I wil bring euyll vpon the house of Ieroboam, and wyll stryke from Ieroboam al that pysseth against the wall, and whatsoeuer is in preson or forsaken in Israel, and wyll take awaye the remnaunt of the house of Ieroboam, as men take awaye a dong hyll, tyll it be consumed.

1 Kings 14:13

13 Howe be it al Israell shall mourne hym, and burye hym, for thys onely of all Ieroboam shall come to the sepulchre, because in hym there is founde goodnesse towarde the Lorde God of Israell in the house of Ieroboam.

1 Kings 15:29-30

29 And as sone as he was kynge, he slue all the house of Ieroboam and lefte hym naught that brethed, vntyll he had put him cleane out, agreyng vnto the sayinge of the Lorde whiche he spake by hys seruaunt Ahiah the Silonite, 30 for the synne of Ieroboam wherwith he synned and made Israel synne, and for his angeringe wherwyth he angred the Lorde God of Israel.

1 Kings 16:24

24 And he bought the hyl of Samaria of one Semar for two hundred talentes of syluer, and buylt in the hyl, & called the name of the cyty which he had built Samaria after the name of Semar the Lorde of the hyll.

1 Kings 17:4

4 dryncke of the ryuer for I haue commaunded the rauens to fede the herte.

1 Kings 17:6

6 And the rauens brought hym breade and fleshe euery mornyng and euery euenynge, and he drancke of the broke.

1 Kings 19:4

4 And he went a dayes iourney into the wildernesse, and when he was come sat doune vnder a Ginaper tree, and desyred for his soule, that he myght dye, and saide, it is nowe ynough O Lorde, take my soule, for I am no better then my fathers.

1 Kings 20:35

35 Then a certaine man of the children of the Prophetes said vnto his felow with the word of the Lorde, smyte me I pray the. And the man woulde not smyte him. 36 And he sayde, because thou hast not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde: beholde, as sone as thou arte departed from me, a lyon shal slaye the. And as sone as he was departed from him, a lyon found him and slue him.

1 Kings 22:28

28 Then Micheah sayde: yf thou come safe agayne, the Lorde hath not spoken in me. And he sayde moreouer, herken to ye people euery one of you.

1 Kings 22:35

35 And the battel encreased that daye, and the kynge continued in hys charet before the Sirians and dyed at euen. And the bloude ranne out of the wounde into the botome of the charet.

2 Kings 2:24

24 And he turned backe and loked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lorde. And there came two Beares out of that wood, & tare .xlij. of the boies.

2 Kings 5:15

15 Then he turned agayn to the man of God and al hys company with him, and came and stode before him and sayde. Behold, I know that there is no God in all the worlde, but in Israel. And now I praye the take a blessynge of thy seruaunt. 16 But he sayde: as surely as the Lord lyueth, before whome I stand, I wil receyue none. And the other would haue constrayned him to receyue: but he woulde not do it.

2 Kings 5:26-27

26 And he sayde: wente not myne herte with the, when the man turned & came of hys charet agaynste the? Is it a tyme to receyue syluer & to receyue garmentes, olyue trees, vineyardes, oxen, shepe menseruauntes & maid seruauntes? 27 The leprosye therfore of Naaman claue vnto the, & vnto thy seede for euer. And he went out from hym a leper as whit as snowe.

2 Kings 6:18-20

18 And when the soudyars came doune to him: Elizeus prayed vnto the Lorde & sayde. Smyte thys people wyth blyndnesse. And he smote them wyth blyndnes accordyng to the desyre of Elizeus. 19 Then Elizeus said vnto them this is not the waye, nor thys is not the toune: But folowe me, and I wyll bryng you to the man ye seke. And he led them to Samaria. 20 When they were come to Samaria, Elyzeus sayde: Lorde, open theyr eyes & let them se. And the Lorde opened theyr eyes that they sawe. And behold they were in the myddes of Samaria

2 Kings 10:31

31 But Iehu cared not to walcke in the lawe of the Lorde God of Israel wyth all hys hert for he departed not from the synnes of Ieroboam whiche made Israel synne.

2 Kings 17:21

21 And Israel deuyded them selues from the house of Dauid, and made Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat kynge. Which Ieroboam thruste Israel awaye from the Lorde, and made them synne a great synne.

2 Kings 20:8

8 Then sayde Hezekiah to Isaiah: what is the signe, that the Lorde will heale my, & that I shall go vp into the house of the Lorde the thyrd daye?

2 Kings 22:1-2

1 Iosiah was .viij. yeare old when he beganne to raygne, & he raygned .xxxi. yeare in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name was Ididah the doughter of Adaiah of Bezecath. 2 And he dyd that semed ryghte in the syght of the lord, & walked in al the wayes of Dauid his father, & bowed neither to the right hande or to the lefte.

2 Kings 23:15-18

15 Moreouer the aulter that was at Bethel, the hylaulter made by Ieroboam the sonne of Nabath whyche made Israel synne, both the aulter and also the hyll he brake doune, and burnt the hyll and stampte it to pouder, and burnt the groue. 16 And as Iosiah turned hym selfe, he spyed the graues that were in the mounte, and set and fet the bones oute of the graues, and burnt them vpon the aulter and poluted it accordynge to the worde of the lord that the man of God had proclamed, whiche openly had denounced the same thinges.

2 Kings 23:16-19

16 And as Iosiah turned hym selfe, he spyed the graues that were in the mounte, and set and fet the bones oute of the graues, and burnt them vpon the aulter and poluted it accordynge to the worde of the lord that the man of God had proclamed, whiche openly had denounced the same thinges. 17 Then the kynge saide: what meaneth younder graue stone that I se? And the men of the citye tolde hym: it is the sepulchre of the man of God, whyche came from Iuda and openlye denounced the selfe same thynges that thou hast done to the aulter of Bethel.

2 Kings 23:17-18

17 Then the kynge saide: what meaneth younder graue stone that I se? And the men of the citye tolde hym: it is the sepulchre of the man of God, whyche came from Iuda and openlye denounced the selfe same thynges that thou hast done to the aulter of Bethel.

2 Kings 23:17-19

17 Then the kynge saide: what meaneth younder graue stone that I se? And the men of the citye tolde hym: it is the sepulchre of the man of God, whyche came from Iuda and openlye denounced the selfe same thynges that thou hast done to the aulter of Bethel. 18 And he said: let hym be: se that noman moue hys bones. And so his bones scaped wyth the bones of a Prophete that came oute of Samaria.

2 Kings 23:18

18 And he said: let hym be: se that noman moue hys bones. And so his bones scaped wyth the bones of a Prophete that came oute of Samaria.

2 Kings 23:18-19

18 And he said: let hym be: se that noman moue hys bones. And so his bones scaped wyth the bones of a Prophete that came oute of Samaria. 19 And therto all the houses of the hilaulters of the cities of Samaria whiche the kynges of Israel had made, to angre wyth all: Iosiah put out of the way, and dyd to them in al pointes as he dyd in Bethel.

2 Chronicles 9:29

29 And the rest of the actes of kyng Salomon both fyrste and last are wryten in the boke of Nathan the Prophete and in the prophesie of Ahiah the Silonite and in the vysyons of Iadi the sear of visyons agaynst Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat.

2 Chronicles 11:15

15 And he ordeyned hym priestes of hyl aulters bothe to felde deuylles and also to the calues which he had made.

2 Chronicles 13:9

9 And haue ye not caste out the priestes of the Lord the sonnes of Aaron, & the Leuites, & haue made you priestes lyke the nacyons of other landes: euen whosoeuer cometh, and fylleth his hand with an oxe & seuen rammes, the same is made priest to them that are no Goddes.

2 Chronicles 16:10

10 Whervpon Asa was wrothe with the sear and put hym in the conuertynge house, for he was dyspleased wyth him because of that. Moreouer Aza oppressed certayne of the people the same ceason.

2 Chronicles 18:25-27

25 Then sayde the kynge of Israel: take ye Micheah & delyuer hym to Amon the gouerner of the citie, & to Ioas the kynges sonne, 26 & saye: thus saith the kinge: put this felow in preson, and fede him with bread & water of tribulacion, vntyl I come agayne in peace. 27 And Micheah said: yf thou come agayn in peace, then hath not the Lord spoken in me. And Micheah said moreouer: herken to ye people euery one of you.

2 Chronicles 21:19-20

19 And in processe of tyme, euen about the ende of two yeare hys guttes fell out by reason of his sycknesse, & so he dyed of euil diseases. But they made him no bonefire lyke the bonefires of his fathers. 20 When he beganne to raygne, he was .xxxii. yeare old, & raigned in Ierusalem .viij. yeare. And he walked not pleasauntly, & they buryed him in the cyty of Dauid, but not in the sepulchre of the kinges.

2 Chronicles 25:13

13 but the men of the armie which Amaziah had turned backe and wold not let go with his people to battell, ranne vpon the cities of Iuda from Samaria vnto Bethhoron and slue thre thousande of them and wanne moche spoyle.

2 Chronicles 25:15-16

15 Wherfore the Lorde was wroth with Amaziah & sent to him a prophete, & sayde to hym: why sekest thou the Gods of the people which were not able to delyuer theyr owne people out of thyne handes? 16 And as the prophet spake to him, he sayde to the prohhete: haue men made the of the kynges councell? cease, leste thou be beaten. And the prophete ceased and sayde: I am sure that God hath taken councell to destroye the, because thou hast done this, and obeyest not my councell.

2 Chronicles 26:18

18 And they stepte to Oziah the kynge & sayde to him: it pertayneth not to the Oziah to burne cense vnto the Lorde, but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrate for to burne incense. Come out of the sanctuarye, for thou hast trespaced, and it shalbe no worshepe to the before the Lorde God.

2 Chronicles 34:1

1 Iosiah was made Kyng when he was .viij. yere olde, and he raigned in Ierusalem .xxxi. yere.

2 Chronicles 34:4-7

4 so that they brake doune the aulters of Baals euen in his presence, and the ydoles that were vpon them, he caused to be destroyed. And the groues, kerued Images, & Images of metall he brake and made dust of them, and strawed it vpon the graues of them that had offered to them. 5 And he burnt the bones of the priestes vpon the aulters, & clensed Iuda and Ierusalem. 6 And euen so dyd he in the cyties of Manasseh. Ephraim, Simeon & of Nephthali therto. And in the wyldernesses of them roundabout 7 he plucked a sondre the aulers & the groues and dyd beate them and stampe them to poudre, & bete doune the ydoles thorowout all the lande of Israell: & then returned to Ierusalem agayne.

Ezra 4:10

10 & other of the people, whome the greate & noble Asenaphar broughte ouer, and set in the cytyes of Samaria, and other on this syde the water, and in Ceneeth.

Esther 6:13

13 and told Zares his wyfe & all his frendes, euery thyng that had happened him. Then sayde his wise men & Zares his wyfe vnto him: Yf it be Mardocheus of the sede of the Iewes, before whom thou hast begonne to fall, thou canst do nothynge vnto hym, but shalt fall before hym.

Job 23:12

12 I haue not forsaken the commaundemente of hys lippes, but loke what he charged me wt his mouth, that haue I shut vp in my herte.

Job 38:11

11 saying: Hytherto shalt thou come, but no forther, & here shalte thou laye doune thy proude & hye waues.

Psalms 26:9

9 O destroy not my soule wyth the sinners nor my lyfe with the bloudthursty.

Psalms 78:34

34 When he slewe them, they sought hym, & turned them early vnto God.

Psalms 105:15

15 Touch not myne anoynted, do my prophetes no harme.

Psalms 119:120

120 My flesh trembleth for feare of the, and I am afrayed of thy iudgementes.

Psalms 141:4

4 O let not myne herte be enclyned to any euell thyng, to be mynded as the vngodly or wicked men, lest I eate of suche thynges as please them.

Psalms 148:7-8

7 Prayse the Lord vpon earth, ye whalfysshes, and al depes. 8 Fyre and hayle, snow and vapors, wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde.

Proverbs 11:31

31 If the righteous be recompensed vppon earth, how much more then the vngodly and the sinner?

Proverbs 13:6

6 Ryghtuousnesse kepeth the innocente in the waye, but vngodlynesse shal ouerthrow the sinner.

Proverbs 22:13

13 The slouthful body sayeth: ther is a lyon wythoute, I myghte be slayne in the strete.

Proverbs 26:13

13 The slouthful sayeth: there is a leopard in the way, and a lion in the myddest of the stretes.

Ecclesiastes 8:10

10 For I haue oft sene the vngodly broughte to their graues, and fallen downe from the hye & glorious place: in so muche that they were forgotten in the cytye, where they were had in so hye and greate reputacyon. This is also a vayne thynge.

Isaiah 1:2

2 Heare O heauen, herken O earth, for the Lord speaketh: I haue norysshed & brought vp chyldren, and they are fallen awaye from me.

Isaiah 7:11-14

11 requyre a token of the Lorde thy God, whether it be towarde the depthe benethe or towarde the heyght aboue. 12 Then sayde Ahaz: I wyll requyre none, neyther will I tempte the Lorde. 13 The Lord aunswered: Then heare to, ye of the house of Dauid: Is it not ynough for you, that ye be greuous vnto men, but ye muste greue my God also? 14 And therfore the Lorde shall geue you a token of hym selfe: Beholde, a vyrgyn shall conceyue and beare a sonne, and shall call hys name Emmanuel.

Isaiah 9:15

15 By the heade, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle, the Prophet that preacheth lyes.

Isaiah 14:18-20

18 How happeneth it, that the kynges of all people lye, euery one at home in his owne palace, with worshyppe, 19 and thou art cast oute of thy graue, like a wild braunch: like as dead mens raiment that are shot thorow wyth the swerde: as they that go doune to the stones of the depe, as a deade coarse that is troden vnder fete: 20 and art not buryed with them? Euen because that thou hast wasted thy lande, and destroyed thy people. For the generacion of the wycked shalbe wythoute honoure foreuer.

Isaiah 38:6-8

6 and delyuer the and the cytie also, from the hande of the kynge of Assiria, for I wyll defende the citie. 7 And take the this token of the Lord, that he wyll do it, as he hath spoken: 8 Beholde, I will returne the shadowe of Ahaz dial, that now is layed out wyth the Sunne & brynge it ten degrees backe warde. So the Sunne turned ten degree backward, the which he was descended a fore.

Isaiah 38:22

22 Then sayd Hezekiah: O what a great thinge is this, that I shall go vp into the house of the Lorde.

Isaiah 42:9

9 shewe yow these newe tydynges, and tell you them or they come, for olde thynges also are come to passe.

Isaiah 44:26-28

26 But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfill the councell of my messaungers. I saye to Ierusalem: turne agayne: And to the cyties of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places. 27 I saye to the ground: be drie. And I drye vp thy water floudes. 28 I saye to Cyrus: thou art myne herd man: so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, & to the temple: be thou fast grounded.

Isaiah 46:10

10 In the beginning of a thynge, I shewe the ende therof: & I tell before, thynges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplyshed, & fulfylleth all my pleasure.

Isaiah 48:5-7

5 Neuertheles I haue euer sence the beginning shewed the of thinges for to come, and declared them vnto the, or euer they came to passe: that thou shouldest not saye: myne Idoll hathe done it, my carued or caste ymage hath shewed it. 6 Heare and consyder all these thynges whether it was ye that prophecyed them: But as for me, I tolde the before at the beginning, new and secrete thinges that thou knewest not of. 7 And some done nowe not of olde tyme, whereof thou neuer heardest, before they were brought to passe, that thou canst not saye: I knewe of them.

Isaiah 58:1

1 And therfore crye now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce like a trompet, and shewe my people their offences, and the house of Iacob their synnes.

Jeremiah 2:19

19 Thyne owne wickednesse shall reproue the, and thy turnynge awaye shal condemne the: that thou maiest know and vnderstand, how euyl and hurtful a thinge it is, that thou hast forsaken thy Lorde thy God, and not feared him, sayeth the Lorde God of Hostes.

Jeremiah 5:12

12 They haue denyed the Lord, & sayde: it is not he. Tush, there shall no mysfortune come vpon vs, we shall se nether swerd nor hunger.

Jeremiah 5:22-23

22 Feare ye not me, sayeth the Lorde? Are ye not ashamed, to loke me in the face? which bynde the sea wyth the sande, so that it can not passe hys boundes: For thoughe it rage, yet can it do nothynge, and thoughe the waues thereof do swell, yet maye they not go ouer. 23 But thys people hath a false and an obstinate herte, they are departed & gone awaye fro me.

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The Prophetes teache falsely, and the priestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therein. What wyll come thereof at the laste.

Jeremiah 11:12

12 Then shal the tounes of Iuda and the cytezyns of Ierusalem go, and call vpon theyr Goddes, vnto whom they made theyr oblacyons: but they are not able to helpe them in tyme of theyr trouble.

Jeremiah 18:4

4 The vessell that the Potter made of claye, brake amonge hys handes: So he beganne a new, and made another vessell, accordynge to hys mynde.

Jeremiah 20:2-6

2 he smote Ieremye, & put hym in the stockes, that are by the hye gate of BenIamim, in the house of the Lorde. 3 The nexte daye folowynge Phashur brought Ieremye out of the stockes agayne. Then sayde Ieremy vnto hym: The Lorde shall call the nomore Phashur (that is excellent and increasynge) but Magor (that is fearfull and afrayed) euery where. 4 For thus sayeth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll make the afrayed, the thy selfe, and all that fauoure the: which shall peryshe wyth the swearde of their enemyes, euen before thy face. And I wyll geue whole Iuda vnder the power of the kynge of Babylon, which shall carie some vnto Babylon presoners, & slaye some with the swearde. 5 Moreouer, all the substaunce of this lande, all their precyous and gorgeous worckes, all costlynesse, & all the treasure of the Kynges of Iuda: wyll I geue in to the handes of their enemyes, which shall spoyle them, and carie them vnto Babylon. 6 But as for the (O Phashur) thou shalt be caried vnto Babylon with all thine housholde, & to Babylon shalt thou come, where thou shalt dye, and be buryed: thou & all thy fauourers, to whom thou hast preached lyes

Jeremiah 22:18-19

18 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde agaynst Iehoakim, the sonne of Iosiah kynge of Iuda: They shall not mourne for hym (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster: Nether shall they saye vnto hym: Alas syre, alas for that noble prynce.

Jeremiah 22:18

18 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde agaynst Iehoakim, the sonne of Iosiah kynge of Iuda: They shall not mourne for hym (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster: Nether shall they saye vnto hym: Alas syre, alas for that noble prynce. 19 But as an Asse shall he be buried, corrupte and be cast without the gates of Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 22:29

29 O thou earth, earth, earth: heare the worde of the Lorde:

Jeremiah 23:14

14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes of Ierusalem foule aduouterye, and presumptuous lyes. They take the moste shamefull men by the hande, flatryng them, so that they can not returne from their wickednes. All these wyth their cytesyns are vnto me, as Sodom, and as the inhabitours of Gomorre.

Jeremiah 23:17

17 They saye vnto them, that despyse me: The Lorde hath spoken it: Tush, ye shall prospere ryght well. And vnto all them, that walcke after the luste of their owne herte, they saye: Tushe, there shall no misfortune happen you.

Jeremiah 23:32

32 Beholde, here am I (sayeth the Lorde) agaynst those prophetes, that darre prophecye lyes, and dysceyue my people with their vanities, and myracles, whom I neuer sent, ner commaunded them. They shall do thys people greate harme, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 25:3

3 From the .xiij. yeare of Iosiah the sonne of Amon kynge of Iuda, vnto this present daye (that is euen .xxiij. yeare) the worde of the Lorde hath bene commytted vnto me. And so I haue spoken to you, I haue rysen vp early I haue geuen you warnyng in season, but ye wolde not heare me.

Jeremiah 26:8-11

8 Nowe when he had spoken oute all the wordes, that the Lorde commaunded hym to preach vnto all the people, then the Priestes, the Prophetes, and all the people toke holde vpon him, and sayde: thou shalte dye. 9 How darrest thou be so bolde, as to saye in the name of the Lord it shall happen to thys house as it dyd vnto Siloh? and this citie shalbe so waste, that no man shall dwell therein? 10 And when all the people were gathered aboute Ieremye in the house of the Lorde, the prynces of Iuda hearde of this rumoure and they came sone oute of the Kynges palace, into the house of the Lorde, and sat them doune before the new dore of the Lorde. 11 Then spake the priestes and the Prophetes vnto the rulers, & to all the people, these wordes: This man is worthy to dye, for he hath preached agaynste this citie, as ye youre selues haue hearde with youre eares.

Jeremiah 26:20-23

20 There was a Prophete also, that preached styflye in the name of the Lorde, called Vriah the sonne of Semeiah of Cariathiarim: this man preached also agaynst thys cytye and against this lande, accordynge to all as Ieremye sayth. 21 Nowe when Iehoakim the kyng wyth al the estate and prynces had hearde his wordes, the kynge went about to slaye hym. When Vriah perceyued that, he was afrayed, & fled, and departed into Egypte. 22 Then Iehoakim the kinge sente seruauntes into the lande of Egypte. Namely, Elnathan the sonne of Achabor, and certayne men with him into Egipte, 23 whiche fetched Vriah oute of Egypte, and brought hym vnto kyng Iehoakim that slewe hym with the sweard, and caste hys dead bodye into the comon peoples graue.

Jeremiah 28:15-16

15 Then sayde the Prophete Ieremye vnto the prophet Hananiah: Heare me (I praye the) Hananiah: The Lorde hath not sent the, but thou bringest this people into a false belefe. 16 And therfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll sende the out of the land, & within a year thou shalte dye because thou haste falsely spoken agaynste the Lord.

Jeremiah 28:16-16

16 And therfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll sende the out of the land, & within a year thou shalte dye because thou haste falsely spoken agaynste the Lord. 17 So Hananiah the Prophete dyed the same yeare in the seuenth moneth.

Jeremiah 32:29

29 For the Caldees shal come, and wynne this citie, and set fyre vpon it. And burne it, wt the gorgeous houses, in whose parlers they haue made sacrifice vnto Baal, and poured drinckeofferynges vnto straunge goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath.

Jeremiah 37:3

3 Neuerthelesse Zedekiah the Kynge sent Iehucal the sonne of Selemiah and Sophoniah the sonne of Maasiah the pryeste to the Prophet Ieremy, sayinge: O praye thou vnto the lord oure God for vs.

Jeremiah 38:4-6

4 Then sayd the princes vnto the king: Syr, we beseche you, let this man to be put to death: For thus he discoraged the handes of the soudyars that be in this cytie, & the handes of al the people, when he speaketh such wordes vnto them. This man verely laboureth not for peace of the people, but mischefe. 5 Zedekiah the kinge answered & sayde: lo he is in youre handes, for the king may denye you nothing. 6 Then toke they Ieremie, and cast him into the dongeon of Melchiah the sonne of Hamelech, that dwelt in the fore entre of the preson. And they let doune Ieremye wyth coardes into a dongeon, where there was no water, but myre.

Jeremiah 40:5

5 Yf thou canst not be contente to dwell alone, then remayne with Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam, the sonne of Saphan: whom the king of Babilon hath made gouernoure ouer the cities of Iuda, & dwell with him among the people, or remayne wheresoeuer it pleaseth the. So the chefe captayne gaue him his expenses with a rewarde, and let him go.

Jeremiah 42:2-4

2 and sayde vnto Ieremye the Prophet: O heare our peticion, that thou mayest pray for vs vnto the Lord thy God, and for the remnaunt, whereof there be very few left of manye, as thou seyst vs, 3 that the Lorde thy God may shew vs a way to go in & tell vs, what we shoulde do. 4 Then Ieremy the prophete said vnto them: I haue heard you. Behold, I wil pray vnto God your lorde, as ye haue required me: & loke what answere the lord geueth you, I shal certifye you thereof, & kepe nothing back from you.

Jeremiah 44:29

29 Take this for a token, that I wyll vyset you in this place, sayeth the Lorde, and that ye maye knowe, howe that I (wythoute doute) will perfourme my purpose vpon you, to punishe you.

Ezekiel 9:6

6 kyl and destroye bothe olde men and yonge, maydens, chyldren, and wyues. But as for those, that haue thys marcke Than vpon them: se that ye touche them not, & begynne at my sanctuarye. Then they began at the elders, whiche were in the temple,

Ezekiel 13:2

2 Thou sonne of man. Speake prophecye agaynst those Prophetes, that preache in Israel: & say thou vnto them that prophecye oute of theyr owne hertes: Heare the worde of the Lorde,

Ezekiel 13:9-10

9 Myne handes shall come vpon the Prophetes that loke out vayne thinges, & preache lies: thei shal not be in the councell of my people, nor writen in the boke of the house of Israel, neyther shall they come in the lande of Israel, that ye maye knowe, how that I am the Lorde God. 10 And that for this cause, they haue disceyued my people, and tolde them of peace, where no peace was. One setteth vp a wal, and they daube it with louse claye.

Ezekiel 13:16

16 These are the Prophetes of Israel, whiche prophecye vnto the cytye of Ierusalem, and loke oute vysyons of peace for them, where as no peace is, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 13:22

22 Seynge that with youre lyes ye discomforte the herte of the ryghteous, whome I haue not discomforted: Agayne. For so muche as ye corage the hande of the wycked, so that he maye not turne from hys wicked waye, and lyue:

Ezekiel 36:1

1 Thou sonne of man, prophecie vpon the mountaynes of Israel, & speake: Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye mountaynes of Israell:

Ezekiel 36:4

4 Therfore heare the worde of the Lorde God, O ye mountaynes of Israell: Thus sayeth the Lorde God vnto the mountaynes and hilles, valleys and dales, to the voyde wildernesses & desolat cytyes, whiche are spoyled, & had in derisyon on euery syde, amonge the resydue of the Heathen:

Ezekiel 38:4

4 and wil turne the about, and put a bytte in thy chawes: I will bringe the forth & all thine hoost, both horse and horsemen whiche be all weapened of the beste fashion: a great people, that handle altogether speares, shyldes, and swerdes:

Daniel 3:22

22 for the kynges commaundemente was so strate, and the ouen was exceadynge hote. As for the men that put in Sydrach, Mysach & Abednago, the flamme of the fyre destroyed them.

Daniel 3:27-28

27 Then the dukes lordes and nobles, and the kynges councell came together to se these men, vpon whom the fyre had no maner of power in theyr bodyes: In so much that the very hearre of theyr head was not burnte, & theyr clothes vnchaunged: Yea there was no smel of fyre felt vpon them. 28 Then spake Nabuchodonosor, and sayde: Blessed be the God of Sidrach, Misach and Abednago, whiche hath sente his aungel, & defended hys seruauntes, that put their trust in him: that haue altered the kynges commaundement: and yeoparde theyr bodyes thervpon, rather then they wolde serue or worshyp any other God, excepte theyr owne God onelye.

Daniel 6:22-24

22 My God hath sent his aungell whiche hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why? myne vngiltinesse is founde oute before him. And as for the, O Kinge, I neuer offended the. 23 Then was the kinge exceadinge glad, and commaunded to take Daniel out of the denne. So Daniel was broughte oute of the denne, and no maner of hurte was found vpon him. For he put his trust in his God. 24 And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the king commaunded to bringe them, and to cast them in the lyons denne: them, their children and their wiues. So the Lyons had the maystry of them, and brake all their bones a sonder, or euer they came at the grounde.

Amos 5:19

19 Yea lyke as when a man runneth from a lyon, and a beer meteth with him: or when he commeth into the house, and leaneth hys hande vpon the wall, a serpent diteth hym.

Amos 6:11

11 Beholde, the Lorde is mynded to smyte the greate houses, so that they shall decaye: & the lytle houses, that they shall cleue a sunder.

Amos 7:10-17

10 Vpon this sent Amasiah the prest to Bethell vnto Ieroboam the kynge of Israel, sayinge: Amos maketh the house of Israel to rebell agaynst the, the lande can not awaye with his wordes. 11 For Amos sayeth, Ieroboam shall dye with the swearde, and Israel shall be led awaye captyue oute of theyr owne land. 12 And Amasiah sayde vnto Amos: Get the hence (thou that caust se so well) & fle into the lande of Iuda: get the there thy lyuynge, and prophecye there: 13 and prophecye no more at Bethell, for it is the kynges chapell, and the kynges courte. 14 Amos aunswered, and sayde to Amasiah: As for me I am neyther Prophet, nor prophetes sonne: but a keper of catell. Now as I was breakinge downe molberies, and goyng after the catell, 15 the Lorde toke me, and sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, and prophecye vnto my people of Israel. 16 And therfore, heare thou now the word of the Lorde: Thou sayest: prophecye not agaynst Israell, & speake nothing agaynst the house of Isaac. 17 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lord: Thy wyfe shalbe defyled in the cytye, thy sonnes and daughters shall be slayne with the swearde, & thy lande shalbe measured out with the lyne. Thou thy selfe shalt dye in an vnclene lande, & Israel shalbe dryuen out of hys owne countre.

Malachi 1:10

10 Yea, what is he amonge you, that wyll do so muche as to shut the dores, or to kindle the fire vpon myne aulter for naught? I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the Lord of hostes: and as for the meatofferynge, I will not accepte it at your hande. 11 For from the rysynge vp of the sunne vnto the goynge doune of the same, my name is greate amonge the Gentyles: yea, in euery place shall there sacryfice be done, & a cleane meatoffering offered vp vnto my name: for my name is great among the heathen, sayeth the Lorde of hostes.

Matthew 4:10

10 Then sayd Iesus vnto him. Auoide sathan. For it is wrytten, thou shalt worshippe the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serue.

Matthew 5:44

44 But I say vnto you loue your enemies. Blesse theim that cursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them which doo you wronge and persecute you,

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false Prophetes, whiche come to you in shepes clothing, but inwardly they are rauenynge wolues.

Matthew 7:22

22 Many will saye to me in that daye: Maister, maister, haue we not in thy name prophesied? And in thy name haue cast out deuylles? And in thy name haue done many miracles?

Matthew 12:38-40

38 Then aunswered certaine of the scrybes and of the Phariseis sayinge. Master, we woulde fayne se a sygne of the. 39 He aunswered and said to them: The euyll and aduouterous generation seketh a sygne, but there shal no sygne be geuen to them, saue the signe of the prophete Ionas. 40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales bellye: so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the herte of the earth.

Matthew 16:23

23 Then tourned he about and sayd vnto Peeter: come after me Sathan, thou offendest me, because thou sauorest not godly thynges, but worldly thynges.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall aryse false Christes, and false prophetes, and shall do great myracles and wonders. In so much that if it were possyble the very electe should be deceiued.

Matthew 25:40

40 And the kinge shall aunswere and saye vnto theym: verelye I saye vnto you: in as much as ye haue done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it vnto me.

Matthew 26:57

57 Then all the disciples forsoke hym and fled. And they toke Iesus, and ledde hym to Cayphas the hye Priest, where the Scribes & the Elders were assembled.

Mark 6:11

11 And whosoeuer shal not receyue you nor heare you, when ye departe thence, shake of the dust: that is vnder your fete, for a witnesse vnto them. I say verely vnto you, it shalbe easier for Zodome and Gomoree at the daye of iudgement, then for that citie.

Mark 6:23

23 And he sware to her, whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto the halfe of my kyngdome.

Mark 14:44-46

44 And he that betrayed him, had geuen them a generall token saiyng: whosoeuer I do kysse, he it is: take hym & leade him awaye warely. 45 And assone as he was come, he went straighte waye to hym, and sayed vnto him: mayster, and kyssed him. 46 And they layde theyr handes on hym, and toke him.

Mark 16:20

20 And they wente forth and preached euerye where. And the Lorde wrought with them, and confyrmed the word wt miracles that folowed.

Luke 3:19-20

19 Then Herode the Tetrarche (when he was rebuked of him for Herodias his brothers wyfe and for al the euyls, which Herode had done) 20 added this aboue al, and laied Ihon in prison.

Luke 6:10

10 And he behelde them al in compasse, and sayde vnto the manye: Stretche forth thy hande. And he dyd so: & his hande was restored, and made as whole as the other.

Luke 6:27-28

27 But I say vnto you which heare: loue your enemyes. Do good to them which hate you. 28 Blesse them that coursse you. And praye for them which wrongfully trouble you.

Luke 16:22-23

22 And it fortuned that the begger dyed, and was caryed by the Angels into Abrahams bosome. The ryche man also dyed and was buryed. 23 And beynge in hell in tormentes, he lyfte vp hys eyes, and sawe Abraham a farre of, & Lazarus in his bosome,

Luke 19:40

40 He aunswered and sayed vnto them: I tell you, yf these shoulde holde theyr peace, the stones woulde crye.

Luke 23:34

34 Then said Iesus: father forgeue them, for they wote not what they do. And they parted his rayment, and cast lottes.

John 2:18

18 Then aunswered the Iewes & saied to him: what token shewest thou vnto vs, seyng that thou dost these thinges?

John 4:4-5

4 And it was so that he must nedes go thorowe Samaria. 5 Then cam he to a citie of Samaria called Sichar, beside the possessyon that Iacob gaue to hys sonne Iosephe. 6 And there was Iacobs wel, Iesus then weried in hys iorny, sate thus on the wel. And it was about the .vi. houre:

John 4:34

34 Iesus saied to them: my meate is to do the wil of him that sent me. And to fynishe his workes.

John 11:51

51 Thys spake he not of hym selfe, but beynge hye Prieste that same yeare he prophesyed that Iesus shoulde dye for the people,

John 13:17

17 Yf ye vnderstande these thynges, happye are ye yf ye do then.

John 13:20

20 Verelye verelye I saye vnto you. He that receyueth whomesoeuer I sende, receyueth me. And he that receyueth me, receyueth him that sent me.

John 15:9-10

9 As the father hath loued me, euen so haue I loued you. Continue in my loue. 10 Yf ye shal kepe my commaundementes, ye shall byde in my loue, euen as I haue kepte my fathers commaundementes, and abyde in hys loue.

John 15:14

14 Ye are my frendes, yf ye do whatsoeuer I commaunde you.

John 18:6

6 But assone as he had sayd vnto them: I am he, they went backwardes, and fell to the grounde.

Acts 4:19

19 But Peter and Iohn aunswered to them and sayd: whether it be ryght in the syght of God to obey you more then God, iudge ye.

Acts 5:1-10

1 A certain man named Ananyas with Saphira his wyfe solde a possession, 2 and kept awaye parte of the price (hys wyfe also beyng of counsel,) and brought a certain parte, and layd it doune at the Apostles fete. 3 Then said Peter. Ananias, how is it, that Sathan hath fylled thyne hert, that thou shouldest lye vnto the holy ghost, and kepe awaye part of the pryce of the lyuelod: 4 Pertained it not vnto the onelie, and after it was solde, was not the price in thine owne power? Howe is that, thou hast conceiued this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lied vnto men, but vnto God. 5 When Ananias hearde these wordes, he fell doune and gaue vp the ghost. And great feare came on all them that hearde these thinges. 6 And the younge men rose vp, and put him a parte and caryed hym out, and buried him. 7 And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of thre houres after that hys wyfe came in, ignoraunt of that whiche was done. 8 And Peter sayed vnto her: Tell me, gaue ye the lande for so much? And she said: ye for so much. 9 Then saied Peter vnto her: why haue ye agreed together to tempte the spiryte of the Lorde? Beholde, the fete of them whiche haue buried thy husbande, are at the dore, and shal cary the out. 10 Then she fell doune straighte waye at his fete, and yelded vp the ghoste. And the yonge men came in and founde her dead, and caryed her out & buried her by her housbande.

Acts 6:12-14

12 And they moued the people and the elders and the scribes: and came vpon him and caught hym, 13 and brought him to the counsell and brought forth false witnesses whiche sayde. This man ceaseth not to speake blaspemous wordes against thys holy place, and the lawe, 14 for we hearde him saie: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place, and shal chaung the ordinaunces, which Moises gaue vs.

Acts 7:60

60 And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voice: Lord laye not thys sinne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken: he fel a slepe.

Acts 8:2

2 Then deuout men dressed Stephan, & made great lamentation ouer hym.

Acts 8:18-20

18 When Simon saw that thorow laiyng on of the Apostles handes on them, the holy ghoste was geuen, he offred them money 19 saiyng: Geue me also this power, that on whomsoeuer I put the handes, he may receiue the holy ghost. 20 Then sayd Peter vnto him: thy money perishe with the, because thou wenest that the gift of God maye be obteyned wt money.

Acts 8:24

24 Then aunswered Simon, and said: praye ye to the Lord for me, that none of these thinges, which ye haue spoken fal on me.

Acts 9:4-5

4 & he fell to the earth, and hearde a voice saiyng to him: Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me? 5 And he saide: what art thou Lorde? And the Lorde saide: I am Iesus whom thou persecutest it shalbe hearde for the to kycke agaynste the prycke.

Acts 13:8-11

8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so was hys name by interpretacyon) withstode them, & sought to turne awaye the ruler from the faith. 9 Then Saul which also is called Paul being full of the holy ghost set hys eyes on hym, 10 & sayde. O full of all subteltie and disseytfulnes the chylde of the deuyll, and the enemye of all ryghteousnes, thou ceasest not to peruerte the strayghte wayes of the Lorde. 11 And nowe beholde the hande of the Lorde is vpon the, and thou shalbe blynde, and not se the sunne for a season. And immediatlye there fell on hym a myste and a darcknes, and he wente about sekynge them that shoulde leade hym by the hande.

Acts 16:26

26 And sodenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundacion of the pryson was shaken, and by and by all the dores opened, and euery mannes bondes were loused.

Romans 12:14

14 Blesse them whiche persecute you: blesse, but cursse not.

Romans 12:21

21 Be not ouercome of euyl: But ouercome euil with goodnesse.

Romans 16:17

17 I beseche you brethren, marke them which cause diuisyon, and geue occasyons of euyl, contrary to the doctryue which ye haue learned: and auoyd them. 18 For they that are such, serue not the Lorde Iesus Christ: but theyr owne bellyes, and with swete preachynges & flatterynge wordes deceyue the hertes of the innocentes.

1 Corinthians 1:22

22 For the Iewes require a signe, and the Grekes seke after wisdom.

1 Corinthians 4:11-12

11 Euen vnto this daye we honger and thyrst, and are naked, and are boffetted wyth fystes, and haue no certayne dwellinge place, 12 and labour workinge wyth oure handes. We are reuiled, & yet we blesse. We are persecuted and suffer it.

1 Corinthians 5:11

11 But nowe I writte vnto you, that ye companye not together, if anie that is called a brother be a fornicatour, or couetous, or a worshiper of ymages, eyther a raylar, either a drounkard, or an extorcionar: with him that is such, se that ye eate not.

1 Corinthians 11:30

30 For this cause manye are weake and sycke amonge you, and manye slepe. 31 Yf we had truely iudged our selues, we should not haue ben iudged. 32 But when we are iudged of the Lorde, we are chastened, because we shoulde not be dampued wyth the worlde.

1 Corinthians 13:2

2 And though I could prophecye, and vnderstande all secretes, and all knowledge: yea, yf I had all fayth so that I coulde moue mountaines out of theyr places, and yet had no loue, I were nothing.

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I feare leste as the serpente begyled Eue thorowe hys suttelty, euen so youre wyttes shoulde be corrupte from the synglenes that is in Christe.

2 Corinthians 11:9-10

9 And when I was present with you, and had nede, I was greuous to no man, for that whiche was lackynge vnto me, the brethren whiche came from Macedonia, supplyed: and in all thynge I kept my selfe that I shoulde not be greuous to you, & so wyl I kepe my selfe. 10 Yf the trueth of Christe be in me, thys reioysynge shall not be taken from me in the regyons of Achaia.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For these false Apostles are disceytfull workers, and fashyon them selues lyke vnto the Apostles of Christe. 14 And no maruail for Satan hym selfe is chaunged into the fashyon of an angell of lyghte. 15 Therfore it is no greate thynge, thoughe hys mynysters fashyon them selues as thoughe they were the mynisters of rightuousnes, whose end shalbe accordynge to theyr dedes.

2 Corinthians 11:27

27 in laboure and trauayle, in watchyng often, in hunger, in thyrste, in fastynges often, in colde, and in nakednes.

Galatians 1:8-9

8 Neuerthelesse thoughe we oure selues, or an Angell from heauen, preache any other Gospell vnto you then that whiche we haue preached vnto you, holde hym as accurssed. 9 As I haue sayed before, so saye I nowe agayne, yf anye man preache any other thynge vnto you, then that you haue receyued, holde hym accursed.

Ephesians 5:11

11 and haue no fellowshyp wyth the vnfruitfull workes of darckenes: but rather rebuke them.

Philippians 4:12-13

12 I can both cast doune my selfe. I can also excede. Euery where, and in all thinges I am instructed, both to be ful, and to be houngrie, to haue plentie, and to suffre nede. 13 I can do al thinges thorowe the helpe of Christe whiche strengtheth me.

1 Thessalonians 4:15

15 And thys saye we vnto you in the worde of the Lorde, that we whyche lyue and are remaynynge in the commynge of the Lorde, shal not come yerre they which slepe.

1 Timothy 3:5

5 For yf a man can not rule hys owne house, howe shall he care for the congregacion of God.

2 Timothy 3:13

13 But the euyll man and disceyuers shal waxe worsse & worsse whyle they deceyue, and are deceyued them selues.

Hebrews 11:33-34

33 which thorowe fayth subdued kingdomes wrought ryghtuousnes, obtayned the promyses, stopped the mouthes of Lyons, 34 quenched the vyolence of fyre, escaped the edge of the swearde, of weake were made stronge, waxed valyaunte in fyght, turned to flyghte the armyes of the alientes.

Hebrews 12:28-29

28 Wherfore yf we receyue a kingdom which is not moued, we haue grace, wherby we may serue God, and please hym wyth reuerence & Godly feare. 29 For our God is a consumynge fyre.

James 5:16-18

16 Knoweledge youre fautes one to another; and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghtuous man auayleth muche yf it be feruente. 17 Helias was a man mortall, euen as we are, and he prayed in hys prayer, that it might not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares & sixe monethes. 18 And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, and the earthe broughte forth her frute.

1 Peter 4:17-18

17 For the time is come that iudgemente must beginne at the house of God. Yf it fyrst begynne at vs, what shal the ende be of them, whiche beleue not the Gospel of God?

1 Peter 4:17

17 For the time is come that iudgemente must beginne at the house of God. Yf it fyrst begynne at vs, what shal the ende be of them, whiche beleue not the Gospel of God? 18 And yf the rightuous scasly be saued, where shal the vngodly and the sinner appere?

1 Peter 5:2

2 se that ye fede Christes flocke, which is amonge you, takinge the ouersight of them, not as though ye were compelled therto, but wyllingly, not for the desire of fylthy lucre, but of a good minde,

2 Peter 2:1

1 There were false prophetes among the people, euen as there shalbe false teachers amonge you, which priuilie shal bringe in damnable sectes, euen denyenge the Lorde that hath bought them and bringe vpon them selues swyft dampnacion,

2 Peter 2:16

16 but was rebuked of hys iniquitye. The tame and dome beaste, speakinge with mannes voice, forbade the folishnes of the Prophete.

2 Peter 2:18-19

18 For when they haue spoken the swellinge wordes of vanitie, they begyle with wantonnes thorowe the lustes of the fleshe, them that were cleane escaped, but nowe are wrapped in errours. 19 They promis them libertie, and are them selues the bonde seruauntes of corrupcyon. For of whomsoeuer a man is ouer come, vnto the same is he in bondage.

1 John 4:1

1 Ye beloued, beleue not euery spirite, but proue the spirites whether they be of God, or not, for manye false prophetes are gone out into the world.

2 John 1:10-11

10 Yf there come any vnto you, and bringe not this learninge, him receiue not to house, neither byd hym God spede. 11 For he that biddeth him God spede, is partaker of his euyll dedes.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold I make them of the congregacion of Sathan, which cal them selues Iewes and are not, but do lye: Beholde: I wyl make them that they shal come and worshyppe before thy fete, and shal knowe that I loue the.

Revelation 3:19

19 As manye as I loue, I rebuke and chastes. Be feruent therfore and repente.

Revelation 8:3

3 And another angel came and stode before the aultare hauynge a golden senser, and muche of odoures was geuen vnto hym, that he shoulde offer of the prayers of al sainctes vpon the golden aultare, which was before the seate.

Revelation 11:5

5 And yf any man wyl hurte them, fire shal proceade out of theyr mouthes, and consume theyr enemyes. And yf anye man wyll hurte them this wyse muste he be killed.

Revelation 18:4

4 And I hearde another voice from heauen say: Come awaye from her my people, that ye be not partakers in her sinnes, & that ye receiue not of her plages.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophete that wrought miracles before him with which he deceyued them that receiued the beastes marke, & them that worshipped his Image These both were cast into a ponde of fyre burnyng with brimstone:

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