2 and cryed agaynst the aultare at the commaundement of the Lorde, and sayde: aultare, aultare, thus sayth the Lorde. Beholde a chylde shall be borne of the house of Dauid, Iosiah by name, which vpon the shall offer the pryestes of the hyllaultares that sacrifyce vpon the, & shall burne mennes bones vpon the.
1 Kings 13:2 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 32:1
1 Heare O heauen, what I shal speake, and heare O earth, the wordes of my mouth.
1 Kings 13:32
32 For the sayinge which he cryed at the byddynge of the Lorde agaynste the aultare in Bethell, and agaynste all the houses of hylaultares which are in the cytyes of Samarye, shall come to passe.
2 Kings 22:1-2
1 Iosiah was .viij. yeare old when he beganne to raygne, & he raygned .xxxi. yeare in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name was Ididah the doughter of Adaiah of Bezecath.
2 And he dyd that semed ryghte in the syght of the lord, & walked in al the wayes of Dauid his father, & bowed neither to the right hande or to the lefte.
2 Kings 23:15-18
15 Moreouer the aulter that was at Bethel, the hylaulter made by Ieroboam the sonne of Nabath whyche made Israel synne, both the aulter and also the hyll he brake doune, and burnt the hyll and stampte it to pouder, and burnt the groue.
16 And as Iosiah turned hym selfe, he spyed the graues that were in the mounte, and set and fet the bones oute of the graues, and burnt them vpon the aulter and poluted it accordynge to the worde of the lord that the man of God had proclamed, whiche openly had denounced the same thinges.
17 Then the kynge saide: what meaneth younder graue stone that I se? And the men of the citye tolde hym: it is the sepulchre of the man of God, whyche came from Iuda and openlye denounced the selfe same thynges that thou hast done to the aulter of Bethel.
18 And he said: let hym be: se that noman moue hys bones. And so his bones scaped wyth the bones of a Prophete that came oute of Samaria.
2 Chronicles 34:1
1 Iosiah was made Kyng when he was .viij. yere olde, and he raigned in Ierusalem .xxxi. yere.
2 Chronicles 34:4-7
4 so that they brake doune the aulters of Baals euen in his presence, and the ydoles that were vpon them, he caused to be destroyed. And the groues, kerued Images, & Images of metall he brake and made dust of them, and strawed it vpon the graues of them that had offered to them.
5 And he burnt the bones of the priestes vpon the aulters, & clensed Iuda and Ierusalem.
6 And euen so dyd he in the cyties of Manasseh. Ephraim, Simeon & of Nephthali therto. And in the wyldernesses of them roundabout
7 he plucked a sondre the aulers & the groues and dyd beate them and stampe them to poudre, & bete doune the ydoles thorowout all the lande of Israell: & then returned to Ierusalem agayne.
Isaiah 1:2
2 Heare O heauen, herken O earth, for the Lord speaketh: I haue norysshed & brought vp chyldren, and they are fallen awaye from me.
Isaiah 42:9
9 shewe yow these newe tydynges, and tell you them or they come, for olde thynges also are come to passe.
Isaiah 44:26-28
26 But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfill the councell of my messaungers. I saye to Ierusalem: turne agayne: And to the cyties of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places.
27 I saye to the ground: be drie. And I drye vp thy water floudes.
28 I saye to Cyrus: thou art myne herd man: so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, & to the temple: be thou fast grounded.
Isaiah 46:10
10 In the beginning of a thynge, I shewe the ende therof: & I tell before, thynges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplyshed, & fulfylleth all my pleasure.
Isaiah 48:5-7
5 Neuertheles I haue euer sence the beginning shewed the of thinges for to come, and declared them vnto the, or euer they came to passe: that thou shouldest not saye: myne Idoll hathe done it, my carued or caste ymage hath shewed it.
6 Heare and consyder all these thynges whether it was ye that prophecyed them: But as for me, I tolde the before at the beginning, new and secrete thinges that thou knewest not of.
7 And some done nowe not of olde tyme, whereof thou neuer heardest, before they were brought to passe, that thou canst not saye: I knewe of them.
Isaiah 58:1
1 And therfore crye now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce like a trompet, and shewe my people their offences, and the house of Iacob their synnes.
Jeremiah 22:29
29 O thou earth, earth, earth: heare the worde of the Lorde:
Ezekiel 36:1
1 Thou sonne of man, prophecie vpon the mountaynes of Israel, & speake: Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye mountaynes of Israell:
Ezekiel 36:4
4 Therfore heare the worde of the Lorde God, O ye mountaynes of Israell: Thus sayeth the Lorde God vnto the mountaynes and hilles, valleys and dales, to the voyde wildernesses & desolat cytyes, whiche are spoyled, & had in derisyon on euery syde, amonge the resydue of the Heathen:
Ezekiel 38:4
4 and wil turne the about, and put a bytte in thy chawes: I will bringe the forth & all thine hoost, both horse and horsemen whiche be all weapened of the beste fashion: a great people, that handle altogether speares, shyldes, and swerdes:
Luke 19:40
40 He aunswered and sayed vnto them: I tell you, yf these shoulde holde theyr peace, the stones woulde crye.