1 Kings 11:7 Cross References - Matthew

7 After that Salomon buylt an aulter for Chamos the abhomynacyon of the Moabytes in the hyll that standeth before Ierusalem, & vnto Moloch the abhomynacyon of the chyldren of Ammon.

Genesis 33:2

2 And he put the maydens and theyr chyldren formost, & Lea & hir children after, & Rahell & Iosephe hindermost.

Leviticus 20:2-5

2 tell the chyldren of Israel, whosoeuer he be of the chyldren of Israel or of the straungers that dwell in Israel, that geueth of hys seed vnto Moloch he shall dye for it: the people of the lande shall stone him with stones. 3 And I wyl set my face vpon that felowe, and wyll destroy him from among hys people: because he hath geuen of hys seed vnto Moloch, for to defyle my sanctuary & to polute my holy name. 4 And thoughe that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from that felowe, when he geueth of hys seed vnto Moloch, so that they kyll hym not: 5 yet I wyll put my face vpon that man and vpon hys generacyon, and wyll destroy hym and all that goo a whooryng wyth him and commyt hordome wyth Moloch from amonge their people.

Leviticus 26:30

30 And I wyll destroy your alters bylt vpon hye hylles, and ouerthrow youre images and caste youre carkasses vpon the bodyes of your idolles, and my soule shall abhorre you.

Numbers 21:29

29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chamos ye ar vndone. His sonnes are put to flyght and hys daughters broughte captyue vnto Sehon kynge of the Amorites.

Numbers 33:52

52 se that ye dryue out all the inhabiters of the lande before you, and destroye their chappelles and all their Images of Metall, and plucke downe all their alters buylte on hylles:

Deuteronomy 13:14

14 Then seke & make searche and enquire diligently. If it be true and the thynge of a surety that suche abhomination is wrought among you:

Deuteronomy 17:3-4

3 so that they haue gone & serued straung Gods and worshypped them, whether it be the sunne or mone or any thing contayned in heauen which I forbade, 4 and it was told the and thou hast heard of it: then thou shalt enquire diligently. And if it be true and the thynge of a suretye that suche abhomination is wrought in Israell then

Deuteronomy 27:15

15 Cursed be he that maketh anye carued ymage or ymage of metall (an abhominacion vnto the Lord, the worke of the hands of the craftesman) and putteth it in a secret place: and all the people shall answere & saye Amen.

Judges 11:24

24 Naye, but what people Camos thy God dryueth out, that land possesse thou. But whatsoeuer nacyons the Lorde oure God expelleth, that land ought we to enioye.

2 Samuel 15:30

30 And Dauid went vp on mount Oliuet & wepte as he wente, and had hys head couered & went therto barefote. And all the people that was wyth him, had euery man hys head couered, and as they went wepte also.

2 Kings 21:2-3

2 And he dyd that displeased the Lorde, euen after the abhominacions of the Heathen whyche the Lorde caste oute before the chyldren of Israel. And he went 3 and buylt the hilaulters agayne, which Hezekiah hys father had destroyed. And he reared vp aulters to Baal and made groues, as dyd Ahab kinge of Israel. And he bowed him selfe vnto all the hoste of heauen and serued them.

2 Kings 23:10

10 And he defyled Topheth also, whiche is the valeye of the children of Hennom, because noman shoulde offer hys sonne or hys doughter in fyre to Moloch:

2 Kings 23:13-14

13 And the hilaulters that were before Ierusalem on the ryght hande of the mounte Mashith, whyche Salomon kynge of Israel buylt to Astharoth the abhominacion of the Zidons and to Chamos the abhominacyon of the Moabites, and to Milchom the abhomynacyon of the children of Ammon, the kynge defyled: 14 and brake the ymages and cut doune the groues, and fylled the places with the bones of men.

Psalms 78:58

58 And so they greued hym with theyr hye places, & prouoked him with their ymages.

Isaiah 44:19

19 They pondre not in their myndes, for they haue nether knowledge ner vnderstandyng, to thyncke thus: I haue brent one pece in the fyre: I haue baked bred with the coles there of, I haue rosted flesh with all, & eaten it: shall I now of the resydue make an abhomynacyon, & fall downe before a rotten pece of wodd?

Jeremiah 48:13

13 And Moab shalbe ashamed of Chamos, lyke as Israel was ashamed of Bethell, wherein she put her truste.

Ezekiel 18:12

12 he greueth the poore & nedy: he robbeth and spoiled: he geueth not the detter his pledge againe he lyfteth vp his eyes vnto Idols, & medleth with abhominable thinges:

Ezekiel 20:28-29

28 For after I had brought them in to the lande, that I promysed to geue them, when they sawe euery hye hyll and the thicke trees: they made their offerynges, and prouoked me with their oblacyons, makinge swete sauoures there, and poured oute their drynckeofferynges. 29 Then I asked them: what haue ye to do withall, that ye go thyther? And therefore it is called the hye place vnto thys daye.

Daniel 11:31

31 He shall set myghty men to vnhalowe the Sanctuary of strength, to put doune the daylye offerynge, and to set vp the abhomynable desolacyon.

Daniel 12:11

11 And from the time forth that the dayly offeringe shalbe put doune & the abhominable desolacyon set vp, there shalbe a thousande two hundreth & .xc. dayes.

Zechariah 14:4

4 Then shall his fete stand vpon the mount olyuete, that lyeth vpon the east syde of Ierusalem. And the mount olyuete shal cleue in two, eastward & westward, so that there shalbe a great valley: & the half mount shal remoue toward the north, & the other toward the south.

Matthew 26:30

30 And when they had sayde grace, they went oute into mounte oliuete.

Acts 1:9

9 And when he had spoken these thynges whyle they beheld, he was taken vp, and a cloud receiued him vp out of their sighte,

Acts 1:12

12 Then returned they vnto Hierusalem from mounte Oliuete, whiche is nie to Hierusalem counteynynge a saboth dayes iorney.

Acts 7:43

43 And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch, & the star of your God Remphan, figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I wil translate you beyonde Babylon.

Revelation 17:4-5

4 And the woman was arayed in purple & rose coloure, and decked wyth golde, precious stones and pearles, and had a cuppe of golde in her hand full of al abominacions and fylthines of her fornicacion. 5 And in her forhead was a name wrytten, a mystery, great Babylon the mother of whoredome and abominacions of the earth.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.