1 Kings 11:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Bvt kynge Salomon loued manye outlandysh wemen: the doughter of Pharao: and of the Moabytes, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonytes and Hethites,

Genesis 6:2-5

2 that sonnes of god saw the daughters of men that they were fayre, and toke vnto them wyues, which they best lyked among them all. 3 And the Lorde sayde: My spirite shall not alway striue wyth man, for they are flesh. Neuerthelesse I wyl geue them yet space, an .C. & .xx. yeres. 4 There were tyrantes in the world in those dayes. For after that the chyldren of god had gone in, vnto the daughters of men, & had begotten them chyldren, the same chyldren were the mightiest of the world, & men of renowne. 5 And whan the Lord saw that the wekednesse of man was encreased vpon the erth, & that al the ymaginacion & thoughtes of his hert was only euell contynually,

Leviticus 18:18

18 Thou shalt not take a wyfe & her syster therto, to vexe her that thou woldest open her secrettes as long as she lyueth.

Deuteronomy 17:17

17 Also he shall not haue to many wyues lest his hert turne away, neither shal he gather hym siluer & gold to much.

1 Kings 3:1

1 Then Salomon drewe affinite wt Pharao kynge of Egypte, and toke Pharaos doughter, and brought her into the citie of Dauid vntyll he had made an ende of buildinge his owne house, and to the house of the Lorde, and the walles of Ierusalem rounde about.

1 Kings 11:8

8 And lykewyse dyd he for all hys outlandyshe wyues which burnte cense, and offered vnto theyr Goddes.

Nehemiah 13:23-27

23 And at the same tyme sawe I Iewes, that maryed wyues of Asdod, Ammon & of Moab, 24 and theyr chyldren spake halfe in the speache of Asdod, and could not speake in the Iewes language, but by the tonge myghte a man perceyue euerye people. 25 And I reproued them, & cursed them, and smote certaine men of them, and pluckte them vp, and toke an othe of them by God: Ye shall not gene youre doughters vnto theyr sonnes, neyther shal ye take theyr doughters vnto youre sonnes, or for your selues. 26 Dyd not Salomon the king of Israel synne there in? & yet among many Heythen was there no kynge lyke hym, and he was deare vnto hys God, and God made hym kynge ouer al Israel, and yet neuertheles outlandyshe wemen caused hym to synne? 27 And shall we then obeye vnto you, to do all thys greate euyll, & to transgresse agaynst oure God, and marye straunge wyues?

Proverbs 2:16

16 That thou mayest be deliuered also from the straunge woman, & frome her that is not thyne owne: whiche geueth swete woordes,

Proverbs 5:8-20

8 Kepe thy way far from her, and come not nye the dores of her house. 9 That thou geue not thyne honoure vnto another, and thy yeares to the cruell. 10 That other men be not filled wt thy goods & that thy labours come not in a strang house. 11 Yea that thou mourne not at the last (when thou hast spent thy body & goods) 12 and then say: Alas why hated I nourtoure? why dyd my herte despys correction. 13 Wherfore was not I obedyente vnto the voyce of my teachers, & herkened not vnto them that infourmed me? 14 I am come almoste into all mysfortune, in the middest of the multytude and congregacion. 15 Drinke of the water of thine owne wel, and of the riuers that runne out of thine owne springes. 16 Let thy welles flowe out abroad, that ther may be ryuers of water in the stretes: 17 but let them be only thyne owne, and not strangers wyth the. 18 Let thy well be blessed, and be glad wyth the wyfe of thy youth. 19 Louyng is the hind, & frendly is the Roo: let her brestes alway satisfye the, and holde the euer content wyth her loue. 20 My sonne, why wilt thou haue pleasure in an harlotte, and embrace the bosome of another woman?

Proverbs 6:24

24 that they maye kepe the from the euell woman, and from the flattering tong of the harlot:

Proverbs 7:5

5 that she may kepe the from the starnge woman, and from the harlot which geueth swete wordes,

Proverbs 22:14

14 The mouth of an harlot is a depe pyt, wherein he falleth that the Lorde is angrye wyth all.

Proverbs 23:33

33 So shall thyne eyes loke vnto straunge wemen, and thyne herte shal muse vpon froward thyngs.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.