1 Corinthians 1:19 Cross References - Matthew

19 For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll caste awaye the vnderstandinge of the prudent.

Job 5:12-13

12 Which destroyeth the deuyces of the sotyll, so that they are not able to performe the thinges that they take in hande: 13 whyche compasseth the wyse in theyr owne craftynesse, and ouerthroweth the councell of the wycked?

Isaiah 19:3

3 And Egypt shalbe choked in her selfe. When they aske councel at their goddes, at their prophetes, at their sothsayers & witches, then will I brynge their councell to naught.

Isaiah 19:11

11 Yea the vndiscrete Princes of Zoan, the councel of the wise Senatoures of Pharao, shall turne to folyshenesse. Those that darre boast & saye of Pharaos behalfe: I am come of wyse people,

Isaiah 29:14

14 therfore will I also shewe vnto thys people a maruelous, terryble, and great thing (Namelye thys:) I wyll destroye the wysdom of theyr wyse, & the vnderstandynge of theyr learned men shall peryshe.

Jeremiah 8:9

9 therfore shall the wyse be confounded, they shalbe afrayed and taken: for lo, they haue caste oute the worde of the Lorde: what wysdom can then be among them?

1 Corinthians 3:19

19 For the wysdome of this worlde is folyshnes wyth God. For it is wrytten: he compaseth the wyse in theyr craftynes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.