9 Then he propos'd this parable, concerning those who had a great opinion of their own justice, and look'd with contempt upon others.
Luke 18:9 Cross References - Mace
Luke 7:39
39 which the Pharisee, who had invited him, observing, he thus argued with himself, if this man were a prophet, he could not but know that the woman, who is so busy with him, is a person of a loose character.
Luke 10:29
29 but he being desirous to clear himself, said to Jesus, but what is meant by our neighbour?
Luke 15:2
2 at which the Pharisees and Scribes murmured, saying, this man gives access to men of bad character, and eats with them.
Luke 15:29-30
29 how many years have I serv'd you, without having ever disobey'd your orders? and yet you never bestow'd a kid upon me, to make merry with my friends:
30 whereas this son of yours, who has eat up his fortune among a pack of loose creatures, is no sooner come but you must kill the fatted calf for him.
Luke 16:15
15 but he said to them, you pretend to piety before men, which, however they may admire, is an abomination to God, who knows your real temper.
Luke 18:11
11 the Pharisee in a standing posture pray'd thus by himself, O God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men, a robber, a cheat, an adulterer, or like that Publican.
Luke 19:7
7 upon seeing this, they all murmur'd, saying, he is going to be treated by a dissolute person.
John 7:47-49
John 8:48
48 The Jews answered, and said to him, are we not in the right to say, that you are a Samaritan, and are really mad?
John 9:28
28 then they reviled him, and said, thou art his disciple; but we are Moses disciples.
John 9:34
34 they answered, you were a vicious fellow from your very birth, and do you pretend to preach to us? and then they excommunicated him.
Acts 22:21
21 but the Lord said to me, "be gone, for I will send you far hence, even to the Gentiles."
Romans 7:9
9 then it was I once liv'd secure; but when the prohibition came, sin exerted it self, and I was in a dying condition:
Romans 9:31-32
Romans 10:3
3 because being ignorant of the justice which is of God, and going about to establish a justification of their own, they have not submitted themselves to that which is of God.
Romans 14:10
10 why then dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou think contemptibly of thy brother? since we shall all of us be brought before the judgment-seat of Christ.
Philippians 3:4-6
4 which I might do more justly than any other man can pretend to:
5 being circumcised the eighth day, of the family of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew by descent, by sect a Pharisee.
6 if zeal is to be regarded, I persecuted the church; if the integrity prescrib'd by the law, I am without reproach;