Song of Songs 5:4 Cross References - MSB

4 My beloved put his hand to the latch; my heart pounded for him.

Genesis 43:30

30 Joseph hurried out because he was moved to tears for his brother, and he went to a private room to weep.

1 Kings 3:26

26 Then the woman whose son was alive spoke to the king because she yearned with compassion for her son. “Please, my lord,” she said, “give her the living baby. Do not kill him!” But the other woman said, “He will be neither mine nor yours. Cut him in two!”

Psalms 110:3

3 Your people shall be willing on Your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn, to You belongs the dew of Your youth.

Song of Songs 1:4

4 Take me away with you—let us hurry! May the king bring me to his chambers. We will rejoice and delight in you; we will praise your love more than wine. It is only right that they adore you.

Isaiah 26:8-9

8 Yes, we wait for You, O LORD; we walk in the path of Your judgments. Your name and renown are the desire of our souls. 9 My soul longs for You in the night; indeed, my spirit seeks You at dawn. For when Your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

Acts 16:14

14 Among those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.

2 Corinthians 8:1-2

1 Now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the churches of Macedonia. 2 In the terrible ordeal they suffered, their abundant joy and deep poverty overflowed into rich generosity.

2 Corinthians 8:16

16 But thanks be to God, who put into the heart of Titus the same devotion I have for you.

Philippians 2:13

13 For God it is who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.

1 John 3:16-17

16 By this we know what love is: Jesus laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.