4 We, then (or: consequently), were buried together (entombed together with funeral rites) in Him (or: by Him; with Him), through the immersion (baptism) into the death, to the end that just as (or: in the same manner as) Christ was roused and raised forth from out of the midst of dead folks THROUGH (through means of) THE GLORY (the glorious manifestation of splendor which calls forth praise; the notion; the renown; the reputation; the imagination) of The Father (or: which is the Father), thus also we can walk around (or: we also should likewise conduct ourselves and order our behavior) within newness of life (in union with life characterized by being new in kind and quality, and different from that which was former).
Romans 6:4 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 28:2-3
2 And – notice, and consider! – a great (= strong) earthquake suddenly occurred, for you see, an Agent of [the] Lord (= Yahweh's messenger) – upon stepping down (or: descending) from out of the midst of [the] atmosphere (or: heaven; [the] sky) and approaching – rolled away the stone from the door and was then sitting on top of it.
3 Now his outward appearance was, and continued being, as lightning (or: a bright beam radiating from a lamp) – and his clothing bright-white, as snow.
John 2:11
11 This beginning of the signs Jesus performed (did; made; constructed; accomplished; produced) within Cana, of the Galilee [district], and set His glory in clear light (or: and manifested His splendor so as to create a reputation; and gave light in a manifestation which calls forth praise and has its source in Him).
John 2:19-20
19 Jesus considered then responds to them, and says, "Loosen (or: Undo, and thus, destroy or demolish) this Sanctuary (Shrine; Divine Habitation; = the Temple consisting of the holy place and the holy of holies), and within three days I will proceed to be raising it up."
20 Then the Jews (= religious authorities) say, "This Sanctuary was built (constructed to be the House) and erected in (or: over a period of) forty-six years – and now you... you will proceed to be raising it up within three days?!"
John 11:40
40 Jesus proceeds saying to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would trust and believe you will be habitually seeing God's glory (God's manifestation which calls forth praise; or: a notion which is God; God’s reputation; the vision and fancy of God; God’s expectation; the imagination of God)?"
Acts 2:24
24 "Whom God resurrected (raised up; caused to stand back up again), after loosing (untying; = releasing and freeing from) the birth-pangs (or: -throes) of the death (or: the Death; [or, with D and other witnesses: after destroying the cords of the Unseen {Hades}]) – corresponding to the fact that it was not possible for Him to be held fast by it (or: it was not continuing to be powerful or capable for Him to be possessed under its strength). [comment: death gives birth to life]
Romans 6:3
3 Or are you continuing to be ignorant (are you remaining without experiential knowledge; do you continue not knowing) that as many of we who are immersed (or: were at one point baptized) into Christ Jesus are immersed (or: were then baptized) into His death?
Romans 6:9
9 having seen and thus knowing and perceiving that Christ, being aroused and raised forth from out of the midst of dead folks, is no longer dying. His death is no longer exercising ownership (or: Death is no longer being lord or exerting mastery pertaining to Him; or: Death, from Him, is no longer functioning as a lord),
Romans 6:19
19 I am speaking humanly because of the weakness or sickness of your flesh (or: = your human condition; or: = the self that had been distorted by the System): for even as you folks presented (placed and provided alongside) your members [as; being] slaves by (for; in; to) the Uncleanness and by (for; in; to) the Lawlessness, [leading] into that Lawlessness, in this manner (or: thus) now you folks must place (provide and present) your members alongside [as] slaves of the Way pointed out (slaves of rightwised relationship in fair and equitable dealings; slaves of justice and righteousness) [leading] into the quality and sphere of being set-apart (or: into a holy consecration and a state of being sacredly different).
Romans 7:6
6 But now (at the present time), we [= Israel] are (or: were instantly) rendered inactive (brought down to living without labor, released from employment, made unproductive; discharged) away from the Law (= the Torah; [some MSS add: of Death]), dying within that in which we were constantly being held down (held in possession and detained), so that it is [for] us to be habitually performing as slaves within newness of spirit (a newness pertaining to spirit and has its source in the Breath-effect; freshness and new quality of attitude) and not in oldness (obsoleteness; outdatedness) of Letter (or: not in outwornness of what is written).
Romans 8:11
11 Now since the Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude) of the One arousing and raising Jesus forth from out of the midst of dead folks is continuously housing Itself (making His abode; residing; making His home; by idiom: living together as husband and wife) within, and in union with, you folks, the One raising Christ Jesus forth from out of dead ones will also continue progressively giving Life to (or: will even habitually make alive) the mortal bodies of you folks (or: your mortal bodies) through the constant indwelling of His Spirit (or: the continual in-housing of His Breath-effect; the continuous internal residing of the Attitude, which is Him,) [other MSS: because of His habitually-indwelling Spirit] within and among you folks.
Romans 12:1-2
1 Consequently, brothers, I am repeatedly calling you folks alongside to exhort, implore and encourage you, through God's compassions to stand your bodies alongside (or: to set or place your bodies beside) [the] Well-pleasing, Set-apart (Holy; Different-from-the-usual), Living Sacrifice by God (or: in God; for God; to God; with God), [this being] your sacred service which pertains to thought, reason and communication (or: your reasoned and rational service; the logical and Word-based service from you folks).
2 And stop constantly conforming yourselves to (or, as passive: So then, quit being repeatedly molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with) this age [with other MSS: and not to be continuously configured to this age, or not to constantly remodel yourself for this age], but on the contrary, be progressively transformed (transfigured; changed in form and semblance) by the renewing (or: in the renewal; for the making-back-up-new again) of your mind [with other MSS: from The Mind; of the intellect; pertaining to the faculties of perceiving and understanding; of the mindset, disposition, inner orientation and world view] into the [situation and condition for] you folks to be habitually examining in order to be testing and, after scrutiny, distinguishing and approving what [is] God's will (design; purpose; resolve; intent): the good and well-pleasing, even perfect (finished, complete and destined)! (or: = the thing [that is] virtuous, satisfying and able to succeed in its purpose.)
Romans 13:13-14
13 As within [the] Day, we should (may; can) walk about (= live our lives) respectably (reputably; decently; with good form; mannerly; pleasing to look upon; presentably) – not in festive processions (or: orgies; revelries; excessive feastings; carousing) and collective drunkenness (intoxications); nor in beds (i.e., sexual interludes) and outrageous behaviors (vice; loose conduct; indecencies); not in strife (or: contentious disposition) and in jealousy (or: envy) –
14 but rather, you folks must clothe yourselves with (or: enter within and put on) the Lord, Jesus Christ, and stop (or: do not continue) making forethought (constructing provision; planning ahead; performing provident care) into excessive desires of the flesh (= into rushing upon emotions which pertain to the inner self or the estranged humanity; = into the setting of feelings and longings upon something of the human nature that is oriented to the System).
1 Corinthians 6:14
14 Yet God both aroused (awakened) and raised up the Lord, and He is presently and progressively (or: one-after-another repeatedly) arousing and raising us up [reading with p11.46*, A, D*, P and others; or: p46c2, B and others read: He suddenly aroused and raised us up (or: at one point arouses and raises us up); or: p46c1, Aleph, C, D2 and others read: He will continue raising us up] through His power and ability.
2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Consequently, since someone [is] within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with [the] Anointed One; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ), [there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of a different kind; [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New things have come into existence (have been birthed; or: It has become new things; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [note: cf Rev. 21:5]
2 Corinthians 13:4
4 For even though He was crucified from out of weakness (or: put to death on a torture stake forth from the midst of weakness), yet in contrast He is continuously living from out of the midst of God's power and ability. For you see, we ourselves also continuing being weak within (or: in union with) Him, but still we shall continue living together with Him from out of the midst of God's power and ability [which is also directed] into you folks.
Galatians 6:15-16
15 For you see [some MSS add: within Christ Jesus], neither circumcision nor uncircumcision continues being anything, but rather: a new creation (a founding and settling [as a village] with a new character, in a place that was wild and without order; a new act of framing and building).
16 So as many as are habitually advancing [other MSS: will advance; can advance] in line by ranks, corresponding to this measuring rod (or: continue belonging to the rank living in conformity to this rule; or: shall in this standard progressively observe the rudimentary elements or elementary principles and walk in line with them), Peace (harmony; [= shalom]) and Mercy [are continually] upon them – even (or: that is) upon the Israel whose origin and source is God (or: God's Israel).
Ephesians 1:19-20
19 And further, [I pray that you may know] what [is] the continually surpassing greatness (or: the constantly transcendent, repeatedly overshooting and thrown-beyond huge extent) of His ability and power [being given] unto, and into, us the people continuously believing, progressively trusting and constantly loyal in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) the operation (or: energizing; internal working) of force (or: might) of His strength,
20 which is operative (or: which He exerted and inwardly worked) within the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), awakening and raising Him forth from out of the midst of dead folks and then seating Him within (or: = at) His right [hand] (or: in union with the place of honor, strength and receiving which is Him), within the things (or: among the folks, places or realms) situated upon the heavens (or: in the super-heavenlies; within the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials; among the folks [residing] upon the atmospheres),
Ephesians 2:5-6
5 even us, being continuously dead ones by (or: in; to; with) the results and effects of stumblings aside (wrong steps; offences) [p46 reads: ... in (to; by) the bodies; other MSS: by the failure (s) to hit the mark (sin/sins); B reads: within the stumblings aside and the cravings (lusts)], He made alive together by (or: joins us in common life with, for and in; [p46, B: within; in union with]) the Christ by Grace and joyous favor you continually exist, being folks having been delivered (rescued and saved, so that you are now safe; made whole)!
6 and He jointly roused and raised (or: suddenly awakens and raises) [us] up, and caused [us] to sit (or: seats [us]) together within the things situated upon [thus, above] the heavens (or: in union with the full, perfected heavenlies; or, although neuter: among those comprising the complete and perfected heavenlies; among the ones [residing] upon the atmospheres; in union with the celestials) within and in union with Christ Jesus,
Ephesians 4:17
17 This, then, I am continually saying and giving evidence of (or: attesting) within the Lord: no longer are you to be continuously walking [your path] (i.e., conducting yourself; adjusting your behavior) according to the way that the nations (the multitudes; the non-Israelites; the Gentiles; the ethnic or special or pagan groups) are continuously walking around (ordering their behavior) within the emptiness (vanity; frivolity; futility) of their mind (or: intellect),
Ephesians 4:22-24
22 to put off from yourselves [as clothing or habits] what accords to the former entangled manner of living (or: twisted up behavior): the old humanity (or: the past, worn-out person) the one continuously in process of being corrupted (spoiled; ruined) down from and in accord with the passionate desires (the full-covering, swelling emotions) of the deceptions (or: seductive desires)
23 and then to be continuously renewed (or: from time to time, or, progressively made young again) by (or: in; with) the spirit (or: attitude; breath-effect) of your mind (or: from the mind which is you),
24 and to enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the new humanity (or: the person that is new and fresh in kind and quality) the one in accord with and corresponding to God (or: the person at the Divine level) being formed (framed, built, founded and settled from a state of disorder and wildness; created) within the Way pointed out (or: in union with fair and equitable dealings with rightwised relationships, justice and righteousness; also = in covenant participation) and reverent dedication (or: benign relationship with nature) pertaining to the Truth (or: in intrinsic alignment with reality).
Ephesians 5:8
8 for you folks were once existing being darkness (dimness; obscurity; gloom; shadiness), yet (or: but) now [you are] light, within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
Philippians 3:17-18
17 Brothers (= Fellow believers; = My family), be progressively birthed to be joint-imitators of me (or: unite in becoming my imitators), and continually keep a watchful eye on and take note of those habitually walking about thus (i.e., those who thus live their lives), according as you folks continue having us as a pattern (model; example; type).
18 For you see – I was often telling you about them, yet now I am also presently weeping (lamenting) in saying it – many continue walking about (i.e., are living their lives) as enemies of the cross of the Christ (the Anointed One's execution-stake),
Colossians 1:9-12
9 And because of this (or: So that is why) we, from the day on which we heard, are not ceasing constant praying (thinking and speaking toward having things being well) over your [situation] and asking (or: making a request) on behalf of you folks, to the end that you may (or: would) be filled full with the entire contents of the accurate, full, experiential, intimate knowledge and insight of His will (His design, purpose, plan and intention; or: so that you may know and experience all that He wants you to know and experience) within the sphere of all wisdom and spiritual understanding (comprehension; a junction of that which is sent together; discernment; being able to make the pieces fit together).
10 [Thus we pray for you] to walk about worthily (i.e., to live your life with corresponding value) with regard to the Lord (the Owner; [= Yahweh or Christ]) [progressing] into all pleasing (or: into every desire to please; into the midst of entire pleasure) within every good work or virtuous action, while habitually bearing fruit and constantly being folks [that] are being progressively caused to grow and increase in the full, accurate, experiential and intimate knowledge of God (or: with God's full experience of intimate knowledge and insight; or: by the added insight and experiential knowledge which is God),
11 being continuously empowered in every ability (being ones progressively enabled within all power) corresponding to the strength of His glory (or: down from and in the sphere of the might pertaining to and having its source in His reputation or His manifestation of that which calls forth praise; or: = the strength coming from His manifested presence [= His Sh'khinah]) [leading] into every [situation of] persistent remaining under [difficulties] to humbly give patient support (or: unto all relentless endurance) and long-waiting before rushing into emotions (or: long endurance; a long time before breathing violently with passion; or: perseverance; tolerance towards others), accompanied by (or: together with) joy.
12 [We are folks who are] constantly giving thanks to the Father: the One calling you [other MSS: us] – as well as making [you; us] competent (sufficient; qualified; fit; suitable) – into the divided share of the lot of the inheritance (or: into the part and portion of the allotted possession) of the set-apart folks (or: pertaining to the holy ones; belonging to the saints; from the sacred people; which is the different-from-the-ordinary folks) within the Light;
Colossians 2:11-13
11 within Whom you folks were also circumcised (or: in union with Whom you are cut around and off) by (or: in; to; with) a circumcision not done by hands (not handmade): in the sinking out and away from (or: the stripping off and undressing of; the going out and away from) the body of the flesh (= the corporate body of the Jewish religion and national heritage; or: = the natural body, or, the body pertaining to the natural realm; or: = the estranged human nature and alienated self) – in the circumcision of the Christ (in Christ's circumcision; in the circumcision which was done to Christ; or: in the circumcision which is the Anointing),
12 being buried together in Him (jointly entombed with Him) – within the placing into (in the immersion and saturation, and its result; in the plunging for permeation; within the overwhelming; in the dipping into; within the baptism) – within the midst of Whom you folks were awakened and caused to rise up together through the faith which is (or: belonging to; coming from) the inward operation of God (or: the trust belonging to the effectual energizing from and which is God): the One awakening and raising Him up, forth from out of the midst of dead folks.
13 And you folks – continuously being dead ones within [other MSS: by] the results and effects of falls to the side, and in (or: by) the uncircumcision of your flesh (= physical bodies or national heritage; or: = estranged human nature and alienated self) – He makes (or: made) alive together: you [other MSS: us] jointly together with Him, gracing us and granting favor to us [for; in] all the effects of the falls and stumbling to the side (= false steps),
Colossians 3:1-3
1 Since, therefore, you folks were awakened and are raised up together in the Christ (or: If, then, you are aroused and raised with the Anointed One), be constantly seeking and trying to find the upward things (or: the things being above), where the Christ is (exists being), continuously sitting within the right [side] (or: at the right [hand]; = at the place of receiving, and in the place of honor and the power) of God.
2 Be constantly minding (thinking about; setting your disposition and sentiments toward; paying regard to) the upward things (or: the things above), not the things upon the earth,
3 for you folks died, and your life has been hidden so that it is now concealed together with the Christ, within the midst of God (or: in union with God).
Colossians 3:10
10 and then [be] suddenly clothing yourselves with (or: entering within) the new one (the fresh one which existed only recently), the one being continuously (or: repeatedly; habitually; progressively) renewed (made back up new again, in kind and character) into full, accurate, added, intimate and experiential knowledge and insight which is down from and corresponds to the image (an exactly formed visible likeness) of its Creator (of the One framing and founding it from a state of wildness and disorder),
Colossians 4:1
1 Owners (Masters; Lords), continuously hold at your side and present the right (the just; the fair; the equitable) and the equal (what is the same as something else) to and for [your] slaves – [from] having seen, and thus knowing, that you folks also continuously have an Owner (Master; Lord) within heaven (or: [the] atmosphere; [other MSS: {the} heavens {or: atmospheres}]).
1 Peter 3:21
21 [into] which, also, an echo of correspondent form (or: a copy; an antitype; an impress which answers back; in place of the type or pattern) is now progressively delivering (rescuing) you folks (or: repeatedly bringing you to safety): immersion (submersion and envelopment which brings absorption and permeation to the point of saturation) – not [the] putting off of [the] filth (removal of dirt) away from [the] flesh (= not baptism or bathing of the physical body, or the removal of the alienated false persona), but rather – the result of a full inquiry into the midst of God (or: the effect of an added request unto God; or: = a further quest into “the Divine Mystery” – Paul Tillich) made by a good conscience (from an excellent joint-knowing; in relation to virtuous co-knowledge). [It saves you and it is made] through means of [the] resurrection of Jesus Christ,
1 Peter 4:1-2
1 Christ, then, having undergone experiences and suffering in flesh (or: being physically and emotionally affected to the point of suffering) over us (or: over our [situation] and for our sakes), you folks also arm and equip yourselves with the same mental inclination (idea; thought; way of thinking; frame of mind; attitude), because the person [thus] suffering or going through physical or emotional experiences which affect him in [the] flesh (or: = by [his] estranged humanity or alienated self) has in and for himself put a stop to failures, errors and mistakes (or: sins) [or, with other MSS: has been caused to cease from sin],
2 [and comes] into the [condition or situation] to no longer live out the additional remaining course [of his] time within [the] flesh (= in the natural realm) in the midst of (or: in union with) [the] full passions (or: for [the] over-desires; to [the] rushings of emotions upon things) of humans (or: pertaining to or originating in mankind), but to the contrary, in God's will (or: for God's intent; to God's purpose).
2 Peter 1:4-9
4 [It is] through means of which things – the precious (valuable; honorable) and greatest effects of the promises – [that] He has been freely given (or: has presented Himself as a gift) to us, to the end that through these [gifts], you folks would come to be (or: could come into existence being; should be born) people of common-being from a divine essence and nature (or: folks having a partnered share that is based upon a common existence from a divine born-instinct and native condition; or: fellow participants of a germination which is divine), while fleeing from the corruption (ruin; decay) within the dominant System (or: that is united with the secular realm; or: centered in the ordered world of society, religion, culture, economy and government; or: in the center of the aggregate of mankind), [which is] in the midst of passionate cravings (rushing emotions; lusts; violent over-desires; [or, with p72 & Aleph: fleeing the strong desire of corruption within the world]).
5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor);
6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance);
7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection.
8 You see, these things are constantly subsisting (or: supportively sub-governing; humbly ruling; beginning from below) as a possession in you folks [or, with A and others: are continually existing alongside being present for you] and are repeatedly being more than enough (abounding) – neither [being] inactive (or: ineffective) nor unfruitful (or: unproductive). He is continually setting [these] down and causing [them] to stand in accord [in you] unto the accurate, additional (or: full), experiential and intimate knowledge of our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.
9 You see, the person in whom these things are not continuously present exists being (or: is) blind, constantly closing his or her eyes, taking hold of forgetfulness of (or: receiving oblivion in regard to) the cleansing from his/her old sins (mistakes of the past; former failure; [other MSS: from the results and effects of his/her former sins and errors]).
1 John 2:6
6 The person habitually speaking [thus, as though] to be constantly abiding (remaining; dwelling) within Him, is continuously under obligation himself also to go on walking about (= behaving and conducting his life) just as That One (or: on the level and in the sphere as [He]) walked (or: walks; = lives His life).