7 Now whenever they may complete (finish; make an end of) their witness (or: testimony), the little animal (or: beast) – the one repeatedly climbing up (or: ascending) out of the Deep – will proceed making war (or: do battle) with them, and will progressively overcome (or: conquer) them, and then will proceed in killing them.
Revelation 11:7 Cross References - JMNT
Luke 13:32
32 And yet He replied to them, "After going on your way, say to this fox (or: jackal), 'Look and take note! I continue throwing out demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences) and finishing off (or: completing) healings today and tomorrow, and then on the third day I am proceeding in being brought to the purposed goal and destiny (or: I am progressively being finished and made fully functional).
John 17:4
4 "I Myself glorify (or: brought a good reputation and a manifestation which called forth praise to) You upon the earth (or: the Land), finishing and perfecting (bringing to its goal, purpose, destiny and fruition) the Work (the Deed; the Act) which You have given to (or: in; for) Me, to the end that I could do (or: would perform) [it].
John 19:30
30 Then, when Jesus received the cheap sour wine, He said, "It has been finished (or: It has been brought to its goal and end), and now stands complete (having been accomplished, perfected, ended and now is at its destiny)!" – and so, bowing [His] head, He gave over the Spirit (or: handed over [His] spirit and life-force; or: surrendered to the side the Breath-effect).
Acts 20:24
24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God).
2 Thessalonians 2:8-9
8 And then (at that time) the lawless person (the unlawful one; the one without law; the man who violates the Law; the person being contrary to custom) will be uncovered (unveiled; disclosed), whom the Lord Jesus will take back up again (or: lift up; reading 'anaireo' with Nestle, Tasker & Concordant texts; Griesbach & other MSS read 'analisko': consume, use up, expend) by the Spirit (Breath-effect) of His mouth, and will deactivate (render inoperative and useless; make inert) by the manifestation (the bringing of light upon and setting in full and clear view, causing an appearance) of his (or: its; or: His) presence –
9 whose presence is continuously existing in correspondence to (or: in line with; in the sphere of; on the level of) the adversary's (opponent's; or: satan's) in-working activity (or: is constantly in accordance with the operation of the “adversary” or satan), in all power (or: within all ability) as well as signs and wonders of falsehood (or: which are a lie),
2 Timothy 4:7
7 I have contended the beautiful contest in the racecourse (or: I have with agony struggled, wrestling in the ideal combat {the fine fight} in the public games); I have finished the race (ended the racecourse; reached the goal of my contest; I have fought to the finish); I have kept (observed; watched over; guarded; kept in custody) the faith, trust, confidence and loyalty.
Revelation 9:1-2
1 And then the fifth agent (messenger) sounded a trumpet, and I saw a star – having fallen from out of the sky (or: heaven) into the Land (earth) – and the key of the well (cistern; shaft; pit) of The Deep was given to him. [note: the abyss, or, the Deep; that which is very deep so as to be considered bottomless; used in Gen. 1:2 (LXX), “darkness {was} up upon (or: over) the Deep, and God’s Spirit was bearing (conducting) Himself over upon the water;” used of “the fountains of the Deep” in Gen. 8:2 (LXX); of “springs of the Deep” in Deut. 8:7; used in Deut. 33:13 (LXX), “And to Joseph he said, ‘His land is of the blessing... from the springs of the Deep below;’” and in Ps. 104:2-6 (LXX), “Who dost robe Thyself with light as a garment.... Who covers His chambers with waters; Who makes the clouds His chariot... The Deep, as a garment, is His covering;” Ps. 107:23-26 (LXX), “They that go down to the sea.... these have seen the works of the Lord, and His wonders in The Deep;” Ps. 148:7, 8, “... and all Deeps.... the things continually performing His Word;” Isa. 63:13, “He led them through the Deep, as a horse through the wilderness...”]
2 And he opened up the well (shaft; pit) of The Deep and smoke ascended out of the well (shaft), as smoke of a great furnace (or: kiln – for smelting, firing earthen ware or baking bread), and the sun and the air were darkened from out of the smoke of the well (or: shaft).
Revelation 11:3
3 "And I will continue giving to My two witnesses (or: I will progressively supply for My two witnesses), and they will proceed prophesying (functioning as prophets) a thousand two hundred sixty days, being clothed (or: cast around) [in; with] sackcloth."
Revelation 13:1-4
1 and then I saw (or: perceived) a little animal (a little creature or beast) progressively climbing up (or: repeatedly ascending) from out of the midst of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and ten bands (diadems; kingly ornaments) upon its horns, and blasphemous names (or, names [other MSS: a name] of slander, abusive speech and light-hindering injury) upon its heads.
2 Then the little animal (little creature or beast) which I saw was and continued to exist like a leopard, and yet its feet [were] as a bear's, and its mouth as a lion's mouth. Next the dragon gave its ability and power, its throne, and great authority (or: license) to it [i.e., to the little animal].
3 And one of its heads was as having been slaughtered unto death, and yet the blow of its death (or: its death-blow) was cured (or: tended; treated), and the whole Land (or: earth) followed after the little animal with fascinated wonder and admiration.
4 And so people worshiped (or: worship) the dragon because it gave (or: gives) authority to the little animal; and they worship the little animal, saying, "Who (or: What) [is] like the little animal (the little creature or beast)? And who (or: what) is able (continuously has power) to do battle (or: wage war) with it?"
Revelation 13:7
7 Next it was (or: is) given to it to wage war (or: was allowed to do battle) with the set-apart folks (holy people) and to overcome them. And authority was given (or: Then right and privilege from out of its being was allowed) to it upon every tribe and people and tongue and multitude (nation; ethnic group).
Revelation 13:11
11 Next I saw another little animal (little creature or beast), progressively stepping up out of the midst of the Land (or: earth), and it had two horns like a little lamb, yet it was, and continued, speaking as [the] dragon,
Revelation 13:16-17
16 And so it is continually making (causing; forming) all (everyone) – the little (small; = insignificant) ones and the great ones, the rich ones and the poor ones, the free ones and the slaves – to the end that they could (would; may; [some MSS: it will] give to them an imprinted mark-effect (an engraved work; emblem; result of sculpting; carve-effect [note: same root from which we get the word "character"]) upon their right hand, or upon their foreheads,
17 even to the end that a certain one would continually be unable (or: not anyone would be continually able) to buy or to sell if [he or she is] not the one continuously having the imprinted mark-effect (engraving; carve-effect) or the name of the little animal, or the number of its name.
Revelation 17:6-8
6 Then I saw the woman, being continuously drunk from out of the blood of the set-apart folks and from out of the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and seeing her I wondered (marveled) a great wonder (or: I wondered, “ [It is] a great marvel!”).
7 And the agent said to me, "Why do (or: did) you wonder (marvel)? I will proceed declaring to you the secret of the woman and of the little wild animal [which is] continuously bearing her aloft, [and] which has the seven heads and the ten horns.
8 "The little wild animal (beast) which you saw was existing, and does not exist (is not), and is about to repeatedly climb up (ascend) out of the Deep, and to repeatedly lead under (or: go away) into loss (destruction; state of being lost). And those continually dwelling down upon the Land (earth) – whose names have not been written upon the little Scroll of THE LIFE from [the] casting-down (foundation) of [the] world (ordered system) – will continue wondering (marvel), continually observing (beholding) the little wild animal, that it was continuously existing (it was), and it does not exist (is not), and it will proceed being present (exist alongside).
Revelation 19:19-20
19 And I saw the little wild animal (creature; beast), and the kings of the Land (earth), and their armies, having been gathered (assembled) to make war (or: do battle) with the One continually sitting upon the horse, and with His army.
20 And yet the little wild animal (beast) was pressed and caught (or: is arrested), and with him the false prophet (the lying prophet) – the one that did (or: who does) the signs in his presence (or: before him), in which he led astray (or: he deceives) the folks taking the imprinted mark (carve-effect) of the little wild animal, and continually worshiping its image – the two were cast (or: thrown) into the lake (or: basin; artificial pool; marshy area) of the Fire: the one continuously burning within the midst of [the] Deity (or: the lake of the fire which constantly burns in union with the Divine Nature).