Matthew 7:1 Cross References - JMNT

1 "Stop separating-off, dividing-out and making distinctions (or: Do not have a habit of evaluating or judging) so that you folks may not be separated-off, evaluated or judged.

Matthew 7:2

2 "You see, within and with whatever aspect of separating-off, effect of evaluation, result of discrimination, or produce of judgment you folks are habitually or normally separating-off, dividing-out, discriminating, evaluating and judging, you will be judged (etc.). And further, within and with whatever measure or standard you folks are using or applying, it will be used to measure you, and that standard will be applied to you (or: = you will receive in the same proportion that you give).

Matthew 7:5

5 "O hyper-critical one [cf 6:2, above]! First extract the rafter (log; plank) from out of your own eye, and then you will proceed to be seeing clearly to extract the speck (splinter) from out of your brother's eye.

Luke 6:37

37 "And stop (or: do not continue) separating and judging, and then under no circumstances can you folks be separated and judged; and stop (or: do not continue) pointing down against right relationships and opposing fairness and equity and acting against the Way pointed out and condemning, and then under no circumstances can you be unjustly opposed, condemned or pointed down [at]. Be habitually releasing, and you will proceed being released.

Luke 6:41

41 "So why are you constantly staring at and observing the small sliver of wood or straw that [is] in your brother's eye, yet the rafter (beam; timber) in your own eye you continuing not to notice or consider (bring the mind down on)?

Romans 2:1-2

1 Wherefore (or: Because of which) you continue to be without a defense or an excuse, O human – everyone continually judging (pronouncing a judgment; separating, evaluating and making decisions; determining) – for within that which you continue judging the other person (or: the different one), you are correspondingly evaluating (or: commensurately deciding about; condemning) yourself, since you who are continually judging are constantly performing (committing; practicing) the very same things! 2 Now we have seen and thus know (or: are aware) that result of God’s judgment (decision rendered; separation; determination) is down from, in line with and accords to Truth and reality, [coming] upon those habitually performing or committing such things.

Romans 14:3-4

3 The person habitually eating the one thing must not constantly make nothing out of (= look down on) the person not eating. And the person not normally eating the one thing must not constantly make a decision about (separate away from; make a distinction between; pass judgment on) the one habitually eating, for God reaches toward him and takes him in His arms (receives him as a companion and a friend, and has taken him as a partner). 4 You, who are the person constantly judging (separating away; making a distinction or a decision about) another man's house-servant (domestic)! By (In; To; For; With) his own Lord (Master; Owner) he continues standing, or, he is falling. Yet he will repeatedly be made to stand, for you see, the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] is constantly able (perpetually powerful) to make him stand.

Romans 14:10-13

10 But you! Why are you constantly judging (discriminating against; separating away; making a decision about) your brother (= fellow believer; or: = fellowman)? Or why are you also habitually making light of (making nothing out of; setting at naught; treating with scorn or contempt) your brother? For you see, we will all continue standing in attendance alongside on God's elevated place (platform or stage which is ascended by steps, from which one speaks in a public assembly; or: we will all repeatedly present ourselves at the seat, dais or throne which is God [some MSS: Christ]), 11 for it has been written, "I, Myself, am continuously living. The Lord [= Yahweh] is saying that in Me (by Me; to Me; for Me) every knee will repeatedly bend in worship, or, to sit down (or: I live, says the Lord, because every knee will repeatedly bend to sit down in Me), and every tongue will continue to agree, bind itself and promise to God (speak out of the same word in God; publicly acclaim/acknowledge God; openly profess by God)." [Isa. 45:23] 12 Consequently, then, each one of us will continue giving a word (presenting a message; rendering an account) about himself to God (or: for God; by God; in God). 13 No longer, then, should we continue judging (making decisions about; discriminating against; separating away) one another, but rather, to a greater extent you folks must decide this: not to continue placing (or: setting) the stumbling-block (that which results in tripping) for or in the brother; neither a snare (a trap-spring; a cause for tripping or becoming trapped).

1 Corinthians 4:3-5

3 Now to (or: for) me, it is of little importance (a very trivial matter) that I am being constantly critiqued (sifted, critically reviewed and evaluated; put up for judgment) by you folks, or by a human day (= day of reckoning; man's tribunal or day in court). In contrast, by habit, neither do I set myself up for critique (or: review, evaluate or judge myself). 4 For, in and regarding (or: [as] to; for) myself, I have been conscious of nothing; but yet in this I have not been set forth as (or: made to be) fair and equitable (just and rightwised with right relationship in the Way pointed out). Now the One continually setting me up for evaluation (sifting, reviewing and deciding about me) is [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]. 5 Hence (or: And so), do not be constantly evaluating (or: stop judging, making decisions about or critiquing) anything before [its] season (before a fitting, due or appointed situation; prior to a fertile moment): until the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] would come – Who will continue giving light to (or: shine upon and illuminate) the hidden things of the Darkness (or: the hiding things which are things in the shadows and dimness of obscurity), and will progressively set in clear light (or: manifest) the intentions and purposes (designs, dispositions, motives and counsels) of the hearts – and then the praise and applause from God will repeatedly be birthed (will happen; come into being) in each human (or: for every person)!

James 3:1

1 My brothers (= fellow members), do not continue to become many teachers (or: stop becoming a bunch of instructors; or: let not many of you folks proceed to be made teachers), seeing, and knowing, that we shall receive [a] greater effect from the decision (or: will take more intense scrutiny and evaluation; will get a stronger result of the separation; will receive heavier judgment),

James 4:11-12

11 Brothers (= believers in God’s household) do not be continuously (or: stop constantly) speaking down (or: gossiping or babbling; wearing someone down by talking; talking a person down) against one another. The one habitually speaking down against a brother (= a fellow believer, or, a fellow Israelite; or: = a member of God’s household), and continuously judging (separating and making decisions about) his brother, is continuously speaking down against law, and thus keeps on judging (making separations and then decisions about) law. Now if you continue judging law, you are not being a performer (a doer) of law, but rather, a judge (one who makes separations and decisions). 12 There is one Lawgiver and Separator (Decider; Evaluator; Judge): the One being continuously able and powerful to deliver (rescue; heal; save; restore to wholeness), as well as to cause loss (or: bring a condition of utter ruin; or: cause [something or someone] to be lost; or: destroy). So you, who are you, the one continuously judging the one near you (repeatedly separating the neighbor; or: presently making decisions about [your] associate)?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.