Mark 9:9 Cross References - JMNT

9 And then during their progressively descending (climbing down) from out of the mountain, He expressly gave a distinct explanation to them to the end that they should be relating (or: leading through the account of the incident) to no one what they saw – except whenever the Son of the Man (the Human Son; mankind's son) should arise (would stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead ones.

Matthew 8:4

4 Then Jesus continues saying to him, "See here. You may not tell [this] to even one person, but rather, proceed to depart, leading [yourself] under [this word]. [Then] show yourself to the priest and offer the gift which Moses arranged with a view to [this situation, which leads] into a witness to them and provides evidence for [everyone]."

Matthew 12:19

19 He will neither proceed to quarrel (strive; debate; be contentious) nor will He continue shouting (screaming or making outcry; causing clamoring; behaving loud-mouthed), nor yet will anyone continue hearing His voice [above the ambient noises] in the town squares or broad streets.

Matthew 12:40

40 "You see, just as Jonah was within the midst of the belly of the huge fish (or: sea monster) [for] three days and three nights [Jonah. 1:17], thus in this way will the Son of the Man (humanity's son; = Adam's son) continue being within the heart of the earth [for] three days and three nights.

Matthew 16:21

21 From that time on, Jesus [other MSS: Jesus Christ] began to progressively point out, exhibit and demonstrate to and for His disciples that it is necessary [for] Him – even continues being binding [on] Him – to go away into Jerusalem, and to experience and suffer many things from the elders and chief (or: ranking) priests, as well as the scribes (scholars and theologians of the Law), and then to be killed off – but also to be aroused and raised up on (or: during) the third day.

Matthew 17:9-13

9 Later, during their progressively walking down out of the mountain, Jesus gave an implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive), while saying, "You men should speak of the results of what was seen (or: tell the vision; speak of the sight) to no one until [the situation] where the Son of the Man (mankind's son; = Adam's Son; or: = the eschatological Messianic figure) could (or: should; would) be aroused and raised up out from among dead folks." 10 At this, the disciples questioned Him, in saying, "Why, in light of this (or: therefore), are the scribes (the scholars; the experts in the sacred Scriptures) constantly saying that it is binding (necessary) for Elijah to come first?" 11 So He, giving a decided answer, said, "Elijah is indeed progressively coming, and he will move all men (or: things) away from where they have been placed (or: put) down, and from what has been firmly established. 12 "Yet, I am continuing in telling you men that Elijah already comes and they do not recognize (or: fully know) Him. But even more, they perform on Him as many things as they wish and intend. (or: ... Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but rather, they did in him as much as they wanted.) In this way, even the Son of the Man (mankind's son; = Adam's Son; or: = the eschatological Messianic figure; or: the Human Being) is progressively about to continue experiencing [things] by them, even suffering under them." 13 At that point, the disciples put it together that He spoke to them about John the Immerser (or: baptist).

Matthew 27:63

63 as a group then saying, "Lord (or: Sir; Excellency), we are reminded that that straying (or: wandering; vagabond) deceiver said – while yet living, 'After three days I proceed being progressively aroused and raised up.'

Mark 5:43

43 Then He made a determination and fully arranged many things for them, so that no one would know this, and said something should be given to her to eat.

Mark 8:29-31

29 And then He continued inquiring of them, "But you yourselves, whom are you repeatedly saying Me to be?" So Peter, replying from discernment, is then decidedly saying to Him, "You Yourself are the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah) – the Son of God!" 30 Then with complete graciousness, He respectfully gave admonition to them to the end that they should be telling no one about Him. 31 Next He began to progressively teach them that it is necessary (it remains binding) for the Son of the Man (or: the son of man; = the Human Being) to experience (or: to be affected by; to suffer) many things, and after being put to the test, to be disapproved and rejected under and by the elders (older men, perhaps signifying members of the Sanhedrin), the head (or: chief; ranking) priests, and the scribes (Torah-teachers; experts in the Law; theologians), then to be killed-off – and yet, after three days, to stand back up again (or: to rise up, again).

Mark 9:30-31

30 And upon going out from there, they began traveling along through the Galilee [district], but He continued not intending that anyone should come to know [of it] (or: but during this time He was wanting no one to come to know about it), because He was continuing to teach His disciples. 31 Then He began saying to them, "The Son of mankind (The Son of the Man; the human's son) is in the process of being given over into the hands of humanity (or: into men's hands), and they will proceed in killing Him off. Then, having been put to death, after three days He will proceed to stand back up again (or: He will proceed in raising Himself up, again)."

Mark 10:32-34

32 Now they had been in the road, on the way progressively walking up into Jerusalem – and Jesus had been steadily leading the way ahead of them – and they began being filled with awe and continued being amazed, yet the folks who were still following along began fearing. Then, once again taking the twelve aside, He began to tell them the things [i.e., the events, the situations] that were progressively being about to be suddenly in step together with Him, and to at once converge on Him, 33 "Look here (or: See this), and consider. We are progressively walking up into Jerusalem, and then the Son of the Man (Mankind's Son; the son of humanity; or: = the Human Being) will proceed in being given over to the chief priests and to the scribes (the theologians who are experts in the Law and the Scriptures). Then they will proceed to condemn and sentence Him to death, and so will continue by giving Him over to the ethnic multitudes (the nations; = the pagans; the Gentiles). 34 "And those folks will repeatedly ridicule, mock, scoff at and make fun of Him, will repeatedly spit on Him and even repeatedly scourge (severely whip and lash) Him. Then they will proceed in killing [Him]. And yet, after three days He will progressively stand back up, again (or: will proceed arising again)."

Luke 24:46

46 And then He says to them, "Thus is has been written [other MSS add: and thus it continued binding] [about] the Christ (the Anointed One): He was to suffer, and then to rise (or: stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – on the third day –

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.