1 A beginning of the good news, which is Jesus Christ, God's Son (or: [The] beginning of the message of ease and wellness which pertains to and has its source in Jesus Christ – Son of God).
Mark 1:1 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 3:17
17 And then – look and consider! – a Voice (or: sound) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: the sky and the heavens), repeatedly saying, "This is My Son, the Beloved One in Whom I take pleasure and imagine thoughts of well-being (or: This One exists being My dearly loved and esteemed Son, in Whom I approve)!"
Matthew 4:3
3 Then, upon approaching and facing [Him], the examiner (the one continuously testing and bringing ordeals) said to Him, "Since You are God's Son (or: If you continue existing being a son of and from God), speak so that these stones can become (or: should come to be) loaves of bread."
Matthew 14:33
33 Now the men within the little boat paid Him homage by kneeling down and with obeisance kissing toward Him – some reverently kissing His feet – while one after another was saying, "Truly, You are God's Son (or: In reality You exist being a son of God; You really are [the] Son, whose origin, quality and character is God)!"
Matthew 17:5
5 Now consider this! While he was still speaking, a cloud composed of light (or: a cloud full of light; a cloud radiating light; a luminous cloud; an illuminated cloud) suddenly brought shade upon them (or: cast a shadow over them; overshadowed, or enveloped them). And think of this! A Voice – from out of the midst of the cloud – progressively saying, "This Man continues existing being My Son! The Beloved One (or: The One exemplifying and expressing My love) within Whom I think good thoughts (or: in Whom I imagine thoughts of wellness and ease; in Whom I appear well; in Whom I approve and of Whom I have a good opinion). Make it a habit to listen, to continue paying attention, and then to [really] hear Him (implies: obey Him)!"
Luke 1:2-3
2 just and correspondingly as the original (the from [the] beginning) eyewitnesses (= personal examiners) and assistants (deputies and subordinates – "under-rowers," or, those under orders) of the Word (message; idea; Logos; Reason; thought) gave, and give, [them] over to us,
3 it seems [necessary; important; a good idea] also for (or: to) me – having followed alongside and accompanied closely from the earlier period – to write to (or: for) you, most excellent Theophilus (or: most mighty friend and lover of God; or: O man most strongly loved of God), all things consecutively (or: point by point; systematically) [and] accurately (or: with details exact), (or: – having from above {i.e., in descending order} intensively traced and investigated on all things – to write for you in logical order and with precise details {the course and movement}...),
Luke 1:35
35 Then, giving a decided response, the agent (messenger) says to her, "A set-apart (or: holy) breath-effect (or: a consecrated wind; or: sacred spirit and attitude; [The] Holy Spirit) will continue coming upon you, and a power (ability; or: [the] Power) which has its source and origin in (or: which pertains to; or: which has the qualities and characteristics of; or: which is) [the] Most High will continue casting a shadow upon you. For that reason, also, the Set-apart One (or: holy thing) being progressively generated and born will continue being called God's Son (or: a son of God; 'Son of God').
Luke 2:10-11
10 And so the agent (messenger) says to them, "Stop being afraid (or: Do not continue fearing)! Look, and consider this – for you see, I, myself, am now bringing and announcing good news (a message of ease and wellness) to and for you folks: great joy which will progressively be for all the people (or: will continue existing in the entire general public),
11 "that a Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness, and to your original state, condition and position) was birthed and brought forth to, for and among you folks today, within the town of David, Who is (exists being) Christ [the] Lord (or: [the] Lord Christ; or: an Anointed Lord, Master and Owner; an Anointed One, a Lord; = Messiah, [the] Lord)!
John 1:14
14 And so The Word (the Idea; the Thought; the Reason; the Discourse; the Message; The Collected Expression of Rational Logic; The Logos; = the meaning, plan and rational purpose of the ordered universe) births Itself flesh (or: became flesh; came to be [in] flesh; came into existence being flesh; = God's thought, the ground of all real existence, became projected into creation as an immanent power within the world of mankind, inhabiting flesh), and lives in a tent, within us (or: set up a tent and tabernacled among us), and we view (attentively gaze at; looked at so as to contemplate) Its (or: His) glory (Its manifestation which calls forth praise; Its appearance which creates and effects opinions in regard to the whole of human experience; = His manifest presence): a glory (= prestige and importance; reputation and opinion-forming appearance) as of an only-begotten one at a father’s side (or: [the] glory from [the presence of the] Father, as a uniquely-born One), full of grace and truth (filled with favor as well as reality and genuineness).
John 1:34
34 "And so I myself have seen and given witness, and thus now bear testimony, that this One is God’s Son (or: continuously exists being the Son which is God; or: the Son having the character and qualities of God; or: the Son from God)."
John 1:49
49 Nathaniel considered and replied to Him, "Rabbi, You – You are the Son of God! You – You are Israel’s King!"
John 3:16
16 "For thus God loves the world (the universe; the ordered arrangement; the organized system [of life and society]; or: = all mankind), so that He gives His uniquely-born [with other MSS: the only-begotten] Son, (or, reading wste as an adverb: You see, in this manner God loves the sum total of created beings as being the Son: He gives the Only-begotten One; or: reading wV te: For you see, [it is] in this way [that] God loves the aggregate of humanity – even as it were His Son: He gives the uniquely-born One), to the end that all (or: everyone) – the one habitually believing, putting confidence and trusting into Him – would not lose or destroy himself, or cause himself to fall into ruin, but rather can continuously have (or: would habitually possess and hold) eonian life (age-durative life with qualities derived from the Age [of the Messiah]; living existence of and for the ages). [note 1): I have here given the “fact” sense of the aorist tense of the verbs “love” and “give” rather than the simple past tense. The statement by Jesus is a “timeless” fact of God; it signifies that the object of His love and His gift (that object being the cosmos, the universe, the world of men and created beings) is in view as a whole, and both the love and the gift are presented as fact, as one complete whole (punctiliar) which exists apart from any sense of time (i.e., coming from the realm or sphere of the “eternal,” or, “the Being of God;” note 2): Paul Tillich defines "love" (agape): the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence; acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object; – Systematic Theology III, pp 134-138]
John 6:69
69 – and we ourselves have trusted and are now convinced so as to now be believing, and we by personal, intimate experience have come to know that You Yourself ARE (or: continuously exist being) God’s Holy One (or: the Sacred One from God; the Set-apart One which is God)."
John 20:31
31 Yet these things have been written to the end that you folks can (or: may; would) continue trusting and keep on believing [other MSS: should come to trust and believe] that Jesus is the Christ (Anointed One; [= Messiah]), God's Son (or: the Son of The God), and so that continually trusting, having conviction and believing, you can continuously hold (may progressively have) life [other MSS: eonian life (or: life whose source and realm is the Age; age-lasting life)] within (or: within the midst of) and in union with His Name.
Acts 1:1-2
1 Indeed, I made (did; composed) the first account (word; narrative; message; laid out and arranged collection of thoughts, ideas, expressions and statements; logos), O Theophilus (or: O friend and lover of God; or: O man loved of God), concerning everything (or: about all the things) which Jesus both began to continuously do (or: started to progressively make or construct) and to habitually and progressively teach,
2 until a (or: [the]) day in which He was taken (or: received) back up again, after – through a set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit) – imparting the goal withinthe folks sent off with a mission (giving the end in view to the emissaries; investing mature directives for the commissioned representatives), whom He selected (picked out and chose) for Himself,
Romans 1:1-4
1 Paul, Jesus Christ’s slave (or: a slave servant of and from [the] Anointed One, Jesus; a slave belonging to Jesus [the] Anointed [= Messiah]), a called person, one sent forth with a mission (or: an ambassador or emissary by invitation), being one having been marked off by boundaries (parted away and determined by bounds; separated away and limited off; delineated; defined) unto God’s good news (or: into a message of goodness and well-being which is God),
2 which He Himself previously promised through His prophets, within [the] set-apart writings (or: holy and sacred Scriptures),
3 about (concerning; with reference to) His Son – the One coming into existence (or: birthing Himself) from out of David’s sperm (or: Davidic seed; = David's descendant), down from and in the line of succession of flesh (or: = in the sphere of the natural realm);
4 the One being bounded (marked off, thus defined; separated, and so designated; divided away, and so determined; or: appointed) God’s Son (or: a Son Who is God; or: a Son from, or having the character and qualities of, God; = God's Regent, cf Ps. 2; 2 Sam. 7:14) immersed within the midst of power and in union with ability, down from (or: corresponding to and on a level with; in the sphere of) a Breath-effect of set-apartness (or: an attitude of holiness and sacredness; a spirit pertaining to being set apart) forth from out of a resurrection (a standing back up again) from among dead folks – Jesus Christ, our Lord (Master and Owner),
Romans 8:3
3 You see, [because of] the powerlessness and inability of the Law (from the written code; = associated with Torah) – within which it kept on making [folks] weak and feeble ([note: the active voice]; but as an intransitive: in which [incapability] it was constantly falling sick and continued being without strength) through the flesh (= the alienated self oriented toward the System; or: = Torah culture and cultus, with boundary-marker observances) – in sending His own Son (or: by sending the Son, Who is Himself) within a result of a likeness of flesh that is connected with sin (or: in an effect of being made similar to sin’s flesh; = in union with a result from being made like the alienated existence that is marked by failure), and concerning sin (or: encircling failure and error; to address a missed target; surrounding deviation; [note: or, as a technical term for the sin offering: = to be the sin-offering; see: Lev. 4:32; 5:6-9; 2 Chron. 29:24; Ps. 40:6; Ezk. 42:13, LXX]), God gives a commensurate decision from a corresponding negative evaluation which falls in line with and follows the pattern which divides down (or: condemned; gives a down-oriented verdict; passed down a sentence on and gave judgment against) the Sin within the flesh [system] (or: the failure, the error, the miss of the target and the deviation [which is] in union with the human condition; or: = the mistake of the estranged, System-dominated self),
Romans 8:32
32 Surely (or: Actually; In fact; Certainly), He Who at one point did not spare (or: spares not) His own Son, but further, over [the situation] of us all (or: on behalf of all of us), He at one point handed Him over (or: gives Him up [into the hands of another]), how will He not also, in grace and joyous favor, freely be constantly and progressively giving all things (or: The Whole) to us, together with Him?
Hebrews 1:1-2
1 Long ago (or: In the old days), in many parts (or: fragments; divided portions; = bit by bit) and in much-traveled ways consisting of many turns and directions, God, having spoken to (or: by; in; with) the fathers – in (= through; in [the words of]) the prophets –
2 upon [the] last of these days spoke to us in a Son whom He placed (or: sets) [as; to be] Heir of all (or: One who receives all humanity as an allotment; or: heir of all things; or: One who received everything as his allotted inheritance) through Whom He also made the ages (or: formed and constructed the various designated periods of time [which compose existence, as well as God's influence and activities]);
1 John 1:1-3
1 The One who was continuously existing from [the] beginning (or: He Who was progressively being parted away from Headship and Rule). The One whom we have listened to, and still hear; the One whom we have seen, and now yet perceive with our eyes (or: in our eyes); the One whom we gazed upon as a public spectacle (as an exhibit in a theater) and our hands handled (felt about for and touched) – groping around the Word of the Life (or: the Logos, which is the Life; the thought which pertains to life; the Idea from the Life; the message which has the character and qualities of the Life; the Reason which belongs to the Life; [note: I have treated ho as the definite article in the first four phrases here and in vs. 3; many treat it as a neuter relative and render it: That which])
2 And the Life was manifested (or: is brought into the clear light and made visible) and we have seen, and still observe, and are repeatedly testifying (bearing witness; giving evidence) and in a message are constantly reporting to you folks the Life which has the character and qualities of the Age (or: the life of, for and pertaining to the ages; eonian life) which Certain [Life] was continuously existing [oriented and proceeding] toward (or: was face to face with) the Father, and was manifested (or: is made visible) to us, in us, by us, and for us.
3 The One whom we have seen, and still now see, and we have heard, and now continue listening to and hearing, we are also constantly reporting to you, to the end that you, too, may be continuously having common being and existence (or: would be progressively holding partnership and participation) with us. And yet, our common being and existence (or: participation; fellowship; partnership; sharing) [is] with the Father, even with His Son (or: as well as with the Son from Him; or, in apposition: and with the Son which is Him), Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:11-12
11 And so this is the evidence (or: exists being the testimony, witness and attested affirmation): that God gives (or: gave; grants) Life pertaining to, and having the quality of the Age (life whose source is the Age [of Messiah]; eonian life; Life of, for and on through the ages) to, for and in us, and this very Life continuously exists within His Son (or: is in union with the Son which is Him)!
12 The one continually holding (or: constantly having; progressively possessing) the Son continuously holds (constantly has; progressively possesses) the Life. The person not continuously holding (constantly having) God's Son does not now have (or: hold) the Life. [comment: it seems that the Son is the Life]