Mark 14:61 Cross References - JMNT

61 Yet He continued silent and from considered decision did not respond anything. Again, the chief priest continued inquiring of Him and proceeds saying to Him, "Are you the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), the son of the Blessed One?"

Matthew 3:17

17 And then – look and consider! – a Voice (or: sound) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: the sky and the heavens), repeatedly saying, "This is My Son, the Beloved One in Whom I take pleasure and imagine thoughts of well-being (or: This One exists being My dearly loved and esteemed Son, in Whom I approve)!"

Matthew 8:29

29 So look and consider! They cried out, repeatedly saying, "What [does this mean] for us and for You, O Son of God? Do (or: Did) You come here to test us or to cause us pain or distress before the appointed season (or: before the right situation; before the fertile moment)?"

Matthew 11:3-5

3 said to Him, "Are You the One progressively coming (or: the ongoingly coming One), or are we – or should we be – constantly projecting an opinion and a hope into the future about a different one?" 4 And so, giving a considered response, Jesus said to them, "After traveling on your way, report back to John what you men are continuing to hear, and are repeatedly seeing: 5 "The blind folks are habitually seeing again, and the lame and crippled folks are continually walking about. The lepers are one-after-another being cleansed, and deaf people are habitually hearing. [Isa. 35:5-6] Even dead people are one-by-one being awakened and raised up [Isa. 26:14] and the poor folks, the destitute ones, are continually having the good news of ease and wellness announced to them. [Isa. 61:1]

Matthew 16:16

16 Now Simon Peter, making a discerning and decided reply, said, "You, Yourself, continue being the Anointed One (the Christ; = the Messiah), the living God's Son!"

Matthew 26:63-64

63 Yet Jesus continued silent. And so the high (ruling; ranking) priest said to Him, "I now bind you to speak out an oath in accord with the living God (or: Down from the living God, I am now exorcising you; or: I now bind you by oath in correspondence with the living God) that you should say to us if you, yourself, are the Christ (the Anointed one; = the Messiah) God's son (= the one having the same relationship to God and to the people as did Israel as a nation, or Israel's king)?" 64 Jesus is then saying to him, "You yourself are saying [it] (or: are [so] saying)! Moreover, I am now saying to you people, from now (this present moment) on you folks will proceed to be seeing ‘the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological Messiah figure; the representative human) continuously sitting at the right [hand] ’ of the Power, and ‘progressively coming (or: repeatedly coming and going) upon the clouds of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven).’" [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1]

Matthew 27:12-14

12 And then, during the [situation] for Him to be repeatedly accused by the chief (ranking) priests and elders, in public assembly, He gave back no reply of judgment on even one thing (or: He answered nothing; = He made no comment on the charges and gave no rebuttal). 13 At that point, Pilate speaks up, saying, "Are you not hearing or listening to how many [charges] they continue testifying against, and bringing evidence down on, you?" 14 And yet He gave no decided reply to him – not even to one, single saying (= charge; or: with not even one declaration), so that the governor continues very astonished (or: baffled) and progressively fills with wonder (or: amazement).

Mark 14:61-63

61 Yet He continued silent and from considered decision did not respond anything. Again, the chief priest continued inquiring of Him and proceeds saying to Him, "Are you the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), the son of the Blessed One?" 62 Now Jesus said, "I am (or: I, Myself, am [He]) [some later MSS and quotes by Origen, read: You are saying that I am])! And furthermore, you men will proceed seeing the Son of the Man (the human's son; the Human Being) by habit (or: continue) sitting at (or: forth from the midst of) [the] right [hand; section] of the Power, and progressively (or: repeatedly; as by habit) coming (or: coming and going) with the clouds of the atmosphere (or: the sky; the heaven)." [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1] 63 But at this the chief priest, ripping and tearing his inner garments (tunics; clothes), is then saying, "What need of witness or evidence do we still continue having?

Mark 15:2

2 So Pilate asked Him, "You [spoken emphatically, perhaps with disbelief] are the king of the Judeans?" Now He, giving a decided reply, is then saying to him, "You yourself are now saying [it] (or, may = If you say so; or: You [spoken emphatically] are presenting this thought and idea)."

Mark 15:4-5

4 Yet Pilate continued with questioning Him again, saying, "Are you continuing giving no definite reply about anything? Consider how many charges and accusations they keep on bringing down on (or: against) you!" 5 But Jesus no longer made a response about anything – so that Pilate continued to be amazed (filled with wonder, astonishment and marvel).

Luke 22:67-71

67 "If you are the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), tell us!" So He said to them, "If I should tell you, you folks would by no means believe Me (or: you certainly would not trust Me or put your faith in Me). 68 "Yet if I should be asking, there is no way you folks would make a decided reply or release Me. 69 "However, from the present time (from now on) the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = the expected Messiah) will be continuously ‘sitting out of the midst of God's right [hand] of power (or: permanently [positioned] on the right [hand] of the power of God).’" [Ps. 110:1] 70 So everyone [together] said, "Then you, yourself, are God's son!" (or: Consequently all asked, "Are you, yourself, therefore the Son of God?") Now He affirmed to them, "You, yourselves, are repeatedly saying that I am." (or: "Are you, yourselves, presently saying that I am?"; or: = a Greek idiom for, "Yes.") 71 So they said, "Why do we still continue having a need for a witness? (or: What further need do we now have of testimony?) For we ourselves heard [it] from his own mouth!"

John 1:34

34 "And so I myself have seen and given witness, and thus now bear testimony, that this One is God’s Son (or: continuously exists being the Son which is God; or: the Son having the character and qualities of God; or: the Son from God)."

John 1:49-51

49 Nathaniel considered and replied to Him, "Rabbi, You – You are the Son of God! You – You are Israel’s King!" 50 Jesus decidedly answers, and said to him, "Because I said to you that I saw you down under the fig tree, you are believing (or: trusting)? You will continue seeing greater things than these." 51 And He is further saying to him, "It is certainly true (or: Amen, amen; Most truly; Count on it). I am presently saying to you folks, you will proceed seeing the heaven (or: atmosphere; sky) being one that is opened back up again, and 'God’s agents repeatedly (progressively; continuously) ascending (stepping back up again) and habitually (progressively; continuously; repeatedly) descending (stepping down) ' [Gen. 28:12] upon the Son of the Man (or: Mankind’s Son; the Son of humanity; the Human Son; = the Human Being; = the eschatological Messianic figure)."

John 5:18-25

18 On this account, therefore, the Jews (= the religious authorities) were all the more continuing in seeking to kill Him off, because not only was He habitually loosing and destroying (or: breaking down; dismantling) the sabbath, but further, He was also repeatedly saying that God [is] His own Father – making Himself equal to God (or: the same thing as God; even, on the same level, in God). 19 Jesus therefore considered and replied, and began saying to them, "It is certainly so (Amen, amen; It is so, it is so)! I am now saying to you folks [that] the Son continues unable to do anything from Himself (or: the Son, from Himself, habitually has no power to be doing anything [independently]) except He can (or: unless He should) continue seeing something the Father is in process of doing (or: if not something He may presently observe the Father making, producing, constructing, or creating), for what things That One may likely be progressively doing (making; constructing; creating; producing), these things, also, the Son is likewise habitually doing (or: is in like manner constantly making, etc.). 20 "for the Father likes the Son (or: continuously has affection for and expresses friendship to the Son) and habitually points out (constantly shows; progressively exhibits) to Him (or: in Him; or: by Him) everything (or: all things) which He is constantly doing, and He will continue exhibiting in Him greater works than these (or: He will point out to Him greater acts than these), to the end that you folks may be constantly amazed (filled with astonishment and wonder). 21 "You see, just as the Father is habitually (repeatedly; constantly; presently) raising up the dead folks, and is repeatedly (continually; presently) making [them] alive, thus also, the Son is habitually (constantly; presently) making alive which ones He is presently intending (willing; purposing), 22 "for neither is the Father presently (progressively; constantly) separating and making a decision about (evaluating; judging) anyone, but rather, He has given all sifting and decision-making in the Son (or: has granted all judging by the Son; has handed over all evaluating of issues to the Son), 23 "to the end that everyone (or: all mankind) may continuously be honoring the Son (or: would habitually value, and constantly find worth in, the Son), correspondingly as they may be continually honoring the Father. The one not habitually honoring (valuing; finding worth in) the Son is not habitually honoring (valuing; finding worth in) the Father – the One sending Him." 24 "Most certainly (Amen, amen), I continue saying to you folks, that the person habitually listening to, repeatedly hearing and normally paying attention to My Word (or: My message; My communication of the thought and idea), and continuously trusting by (or: progressively believing in; habitually being loyal to) the One sending Me, presently continues holding (is continually possessing; is progressively having) eonian life (life having the character and qualities of the Age [of the Messiah]; age-lasting and eon-enduring life; life having its source in the Age; or perhaps: = life of the coming age), and is not repeatedly coming into a separating or a deciding (an evaluating; a judging), but rather, he has proceeded (has changed his place of residence; has changed his walk; has stepped over to another place) forth from out of the midst of 'the Death,' into 'the Life.' 25 "Count on it (Amen, amen), I am presently continuing to say to you folks that an hour is progressively (or: presently in process of) coming, and even now exists (or: = is now here), when the dead folks WILL be repeatedly hearing the voice of God’s Son (or: the Voice from, and which is, the Son of God; or: the voice of the Son, Who is God), and the ones hearing WILL proceed to be living!

John 10:24

24 Then the Jews (= religious authorities) surrounded (or: encircled) Him, and began to say to Him, "Until when are you continuing to lift up our soul (= How long are you going to constantly keep us in suspense, or with high expectations)? If YOU (or: you yourself) are the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), openly (outspokenly; boldly and publicly, with freedom of speech, as a citizen) tell us!"

John 10:30-31

30 "I and the Father are (continuously exist being) ONE (or: I and Father: We are one thing [= essence, nature or being]; or: = unity; union)." 31 Then the Jews (= leaders of the Jewish religion) again picked up stones and brought them so that they could stone Him (pelt Him with stones; or: kill Him with stones).

John 10:36

36 "are you yourselves now saying to the One Whom the Father set apart (consecrated as holy) and sent forth as an Emissary (on a mission; as a Representative) into the organized System (into the world; into the cosmos; unto the realm of the secular; into the religious and cultural complex) – that 'You are blaspheming (speaking impious villainy and giving a false image [of God]),' because I said, 'I am (exist being) God's Son'?

John 18:37

37 Therefore Pilate said to Him, "Are you yourself not, then, a king? (or: So then... you are yourself a king!)" Jesus discerningly replied, "You yourself continue saying that I am a king. Into this [position, or purpose] I Myself have been born, and I have come into this System (world and culture; social arrangement) and continue being present: to the end that I could and should bear witness to Reality (or: give testimony to and evidence of the Truth). Everyone being (or: who is existing) from out of Reality (or: the Truth) is habitually hearing, progressively listening [and thus: continually obeys] My voice."

John 19:7

7 The Jews (= religious authorities) decidedly replied to him, "We, ourselves, are continuously holding (or: having) a Law, and corresponding (or: according) to the Law, he continues bound (indebted; obliged) to be dying away, because he makes (constructed; creates) himself God's son (or: [the] Son of God)!"

John 19:9

9 so he enters again into the headquarters (the Praetorium), and asks Jesus, "As for you, from what place are you? (or: From whom were you, yourself, born and what is your origin?)" Yet Jesus gives him no reply.

Acts 8:32

32 Now the passage (context) of the Scripture which he was reading was this: "As (or: Like) a sheep, He was led onto [the] slaughter, and as (or: like) a lamb [that is] set in position against the person shearing it [is] without a voice (or: mute; voiceless; = silent), in like manner He continues not to open up His mouth.

1 Timothy 1:11

11 [which is] in accord with (or: down from; in line with and on the level of) the good news of (or: the message of goodness and ease pertaining to) the glory and reputation of The Happy God, which I, myself, was persuaded to believe (or: upon Whom I am made to trust).

1 Timothy 6:15

15 which, in its own fitting situations (appropriate seasons; appointed occasions; fertile moments), will proceed to exhibit and point out The Happy and Only Able One (only Powerful One; alone Potent One): The King of those reigning as kings, and Lord (Master; Owner) of those ruling as lords,

1 Peter 2:23

23 Who, being repeatedly reviled (harshly and bitingly rebuked and insulted), was not reviling back (answering insult with insult; taking the position of harsh, biting rebuke); continuously (or: repeatedly) suffering (experiencing ill treatment), he was not threatening, but kept on giving [the situation] over to the One at His side: the One constantly sifting, separating and deciding (or: judging) fairly (equitably; following the Path of the Way pointed out, bringing situations to a rightwised condition),

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.