Mark 11:28 Cross References - JMNT

28 and they began saying to Him, "Within what authority are you continuing to do these things and engage in these activities?"

Acts 7:27-28

27 "But the one presently hurting (and: treating unfairly) the associate (or: neighbor) pushed him away, saying, 'Who established you (set you down) [as the] ruler and judge (or: arbitrator) upon us? 28 "'You... you are not presently desiring or intending to lift me up (= kill me) in the same manner as you lifted up (= killed) the Egyptian, yesterday – are you?' [Ex. 2:14]

Acts 7:38-39

38 "This one is the man coming to be in the midst of the called-out community which was our fathers within the desert (which consisted of our ancestors in the desolate places of the wilderness) – along with the agent (or: messenger), the one continuing in speaking to him in Mount Sinai – he who received continuously living little Words (or: thoughts; ideas; verbal expressions; oracles) to give to you folks [other MSS: to us] (or: to grant for you people; to deliver among you; to bestow in you) – 39 "to whom our fathers were not willing to become obedient with submissive hearing, but to the contrary, they pushed [him] away and within their hearts they were turned around, into Egypt (or: to which [words] our ancestors were not wanting or intending to be birthed submissively obedient in hearing [them], but rather, they thrust [them] away – and thus they were turned back to Egypt, in the midst of their hearts),

Acts 7:51

51 "'Stiff-necked (= Obstinate and proud) men' and 'people uncircumcised in hearts and ears!' [Ex. 32:9; Lev. 26:41] You yourselves are ever repeatedly falling in opposition against (or: are always by habit resisting and clashing with) the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit; Sacred Attitude)! as your fathers (or: ancestors), so also you folks!

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.