Mark 11:1 Cross References - JMNT

1 Now when they are drawing near unto Jerusalem – [close] unto Bethphage and Bethany, facing toward the Mount of Olives – He is in process of dispatching two of His disciples

Matthew 21:1-11

1 Later, when they got close to [the] Jerusalem [area], after they went into Bethphage, [then on] into the Mount of Olives, Jesus at that time sent off two disciples on a mission, 2 while saying to them, "Be proceeding on you way into the village – the one opposite [us], down within your [view] – and immediately you will be finding an ass: one having been tied, as well as a colt with her. Upon loosing [them], lead [them] to Me. 3 "And if anyone may say anything to you, you will say that the Lord (Master; owner [?]; = Yahweh [?]) is presently having a need of them, so he will at once proceed to be sending them off (or: ... and He will proceed sending them off [= back] right away)." 4 Now this whole event has happened (or: come to be) to the end that the [prophecy; oracle] spoken through the prophet would (could; should; may) be fulfilled – the one continuing in saying, 5 "Say to (or: Tell) the daughter of Zion, 'Look and consider – your King is progressively coming to you folks with a mild, gentle and friendly disposition, and [He is] mounted upon an ass, even upon a colt, the male offspring of a yoked beast of burden." [Zech. 9:9] 6 So, upon going their way and doing according as Jesus had arranged and placed in order together with, and for, them, the [two] disciples 7 led the ass and the colt, and then put (or: placed) [their] cloaks upon them. Then He sat on top of them. 8 Now most of the crowd spread out their cloaks and scattered their outer garments on (= carpeted) the path (way; road), yet others began cutting branches from trees and continued spreading and scattering [them] on (i.e., carpeting) the road. [cf Lev. 23:40; 2 Kings 9:13] 9 By now the crowds who were proceeding – progressively leading ahead of Him – as well as those who were continuing in following, kept on crying out, repeatedly saying, "O save us now by (or: Hosanna to) the Son of David! The One progressively coming in [the] Lord's [= Yahweh's] Name is One having been blessed with words of ease and wellness. O save us, among the highest ones (or: Hosanna within the midst of the highest places)!" [Ps. 118:25-26] 10 And then, after His entering into Jerusalem, all the city was shaken (set in commotion [as in an earthquake]; caused to tremble), one after another saying, "Who (or: What) is this?" 11 So the crowds kept on saying, "This is the prophet Jesus, the one from Nazareth of the Galilee [district]."

Matthew 21:17

17 And then, leaving them behind, He went out – outside of the city – into Bethany, and lodged there, spending the night in a court yard (or: camped there in a sheepfold).

Matthew 24:3

3 Now later, during His continued sitting on the Mount of Olives, His disciples approached Him, privately (in accord with His being in His own space and place), saying in turn, "Tell us, when will these things proceed in being, and what [is] the sign pertaining to Your presence, as well as (or: even) the combination of parts to one end (or: the bringing to one end together; the combined consummation; the joint, final act) of the age?"

Matthew 26:30

30 Later, after singing a hymn [= the Hallel: a psalm, or, psalms of praise and thanksgiving], they went out into the Mount of Olives.

Mark 6:7

7 [One day] He proceeded to call the twelve to Himself and began to be sending them off, two by two, and continued giving authority (or: permission; rights; potentials from out of being with freedom to act) pertaining to the unclean spirits (impure breath-effects [= ways of living?]; perhaps: unpruned attitudes) [as He sent them].

Mark 13:3

3 And then – [having come] into the Mountain of Olives – during His continued sitting with the temple complex in view, Peter, Jacob (James), John and Andrew began inquiring of Him, privately,

Mark 14:13

13 So He gives two of His disciples a mission and sends them off, and proceeds saying to them, "Be progressively off under [these instructions] into the city, and a person (a human) progressively carrying a small earthenware vessel (jar; pitcher) of water will be encountering (or: proceed meeting) you. Follow after him,

Luke 19:29-40

29 Then it came to pass, as He neared Bethphage and Bethany – at (or: facing toward) the mountain being normally called Olivet (or: the Mount of Olives) – [that] He sent off two of the disciples on a mission, saying, 30 "Be now going, under [these directions], down into the village facing [us] within which, after entering, you will find a colt tied [there] – one upon which not even one person at any time sat down. And then, after loosing [it], lead it [here]. 31 "And if anyone may be asking you, 'Why (For what [purpose]) are you now loosing [it]?' you will respond in this way, 'The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it.'" 32 So, after leaving, those who were sent off found [it] just as He told them. 33 Now upon their having loosed the colt, its owners said to them, "Why are you now loosing the colt?" 34 So they said, "The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it." 35 Then they led it to Jesus, and after throwing their cloaks (or: outer garments) upon the colt, they mounted Jesus on [it]. 36 Now then, during His traveling along, folks began strewing, scattering and spreading out their cloaks and outer garments on the path, under [Him]. 37 But at His already progressively drawing near to the road descending the slope from the Mount of Olives, the entire multitude of the disciples started continuously rejoicing – to be repeatedly praising God, in a great (or: loud) voice, concerning all of the powers and abilities (= works and deeds of power) which they had seen and perceived, 38 repeatedly and one after another saying, "Having been spoken well of and blessed [is] the One presently and progressively coming in [the authority of] and in union with the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh]: the King! [Ps. 118:26] Peace and shalom within the midst of heaven (or: in [the] atmosphere), and a manifestation which calls forth praise (or: glory and a good reputation) in union with the highest places, and in [the authority of the] highest Ones!" 39 Then some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him, "Teacher, at once give [your] valued advice to your disciples [to restrain and silence them]!" 40 And yet, giving discerning and decided response, He said, "I am now saying to you folks, If these people will proceed to be silent and continue keeping quiet, the stones will proceed crying out, screaming and exclaiming (or: breaking into cheers)!"

John 8:1

1 Now Jesus went on His way into the Mount of the Olives.

John 12:14-19

14 Now Jesus, finding a donkey colt (or: a small donkey, or, ass), sits down upon it – according as it stands, having been written, 15 "Do not continue fearing (or: Stop fearing), O daughter of Zion! Look and consider, your King is progressively coming – presently sitting upon a donkey's colt." [Zech 9:9] 16 Now His disciples did not notice, become personally aware of, or understand these things, at the first, but when Jesus was glorified and became renowned, they were then reminded that these things were written upon Him (= had been written about Him), and that they did these things for Him (or: to Him; with Him). 17 Accordingly, the crowd of common folks – the one constantly being with Him when He summoned Lazarus forth from out of the memorial tomb and raised him out of the midst of dead ones – kept on bearing witness and giving testimony. 18 [It was] on account of this, [that] the [other] crowd also came to meet with Him, because they heard [that] He had performed (done; made; produced) this sign. 19 So the Pharisees said among themselves (to one another), "You are observing (noticing; or, as an imperative: Be watching and considering) that your efforts are futile (that you men are benefiting nothing; = that you are getting nowhere). Look and consider! The world (or: Secular society; the system of our culture; = the inhabitants of our organized society; or: = Everyone) went off after (or: goes away behind) him!"

Acts 1:12

12 At that time they returned into Jerusalem from [the] mountain being normally called The Olive Grove (or: Olivet; or: = the Mount of Olives) – which is near Jerusalem – having a journey (or: path [to travel]) which corresponded to a sabbath's [allowable distance (= 2000 yards, just over a mile)].

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.