Mark 10:23 Cross References - JMNT

23 Then, after glancing around, Jesus proceeds speaking His thoughts to His disciples, "How difficultly and fretfully – as with those being peevishly hard to satisfy or please with regard to food – will those constantly holding (possessing; having) the effects of a wealth of money and useful things proceed entering into the kingdom of God (or: the sphere and realm of God's reign as King; the sovereign influence and activity which is God)!"

Matthew 18:3

3 and said, "Truly (or: Depend on it; Amen) I am now saying to you men, If you folks are not turned around [from going in this direction, or reverse your present trend of thinking] and may birth yourselves (or: become) like little children, you can (or: may; would) by no means enter into the heavens' reign (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres; or: heaven’s sovereignty).

Matthew 19:23-26

23 So Jesus said to His disciples, "It is so (or: Truly; Count on it), I am now saying to you men, it is with things that are disagreeable and difficult for those who are hard to please that a rich and wealthy person will progressively enter into the reign of the heavens (or: the heavens' kingdom; or: the sovereign rule pertaining to the atmospheres). 24 "Now again (or: Furthermore), I continue saying to you folks, it is easier for a camel to squeeze through a needle's eye (hole) than for a rich, wealthy person to enter into God's reign (or: kingdom influence and sovereign activities)." 25 Now upon listening and hearing [this], the disciples continued for a while being exceedingly struck out of themselves (= surprised and astonished so as to be knocked out of their normal perceptions and assessments of life), one after another saying, "Who, consequently, is normally able to be kept safe or rescued (delivered or saved)?" 26 So Jesus, gazing at and seeing within [the group], says to them, "With humans (Alongside people) this continues being impossible. But with God (or: at God's side) all things [are] possible."

Mark 3:5

5 Then glancing around at them with swelling emotion from His natural disposition (or: with indignation), being increasingly grieved and experiencing pain and sorrow with [them] at the petrifying of their [collective] heart (also: the covering-over of their heart with a hard, thick layer of flesh), He next says to the man, "Stretch out your hand!" So he stretched [it] out, and his hand was at once restored to its former condition.

Mark 5:32

32 Yet He continued looking around to see the woman who was (or: had been) doing this.

Mark 10:15

15 "Truly (or: It is so; Count on it; Amen), I am now saying to you folks, Whoever may not welcome and receive as in one's arms the kingdom of God (or: God's reign and actions) as a little or young child, can under no circumstances (or: may in no [other] way) enter into it."

Luke 18:24

24 Now upon seeing and perceiving him, Jesus said, "How difficultly – as with disagreeable squeamishness concerning food – are the folks who are habitually having money (or: the results of needs-based acquisitions) progressively going their way into God's reign (kingdom; royal rule; sovereign activities).

John 3:5

5 Jesus decisively replies, "Certainly that is so. I am now saying (laying it out; = pointing out) to you, unless anyone (or: someone) may be born forth from out of water and spirit (or: – as well as Breath-effect and attitude –) he continues being unable (he remains having no power) to enter into God’s realm (or: reign; kingdom; sovereign activity and influence).

1 Corinthians 1:26

26 For, take a comprehensive look at (or: as an indicative: you folks are progressively observing and seeing) your calling (or: vocation; social role, position or station) brothers, that [there are] not many wise folks – according to flesh (or: corresponding to a flesh [system of philosophy or religion]; on the level of [the estranged human situation]; = having their origin in the sphere of a self oriented toward a controlling System), not many powerful ones (those with ability), not many well-born ones (ones born to ease and profit; those of noble birth; folks with good genes or genealogy),

James 2:5

5 Listen and hear, my beloved brothers! Did not God at one point choose (call and speak out; pick out; select) for Himself the poor folks in the System (or: Does not God Himself lay out and collect the beggars and those who slink and cower with wretchedness in the world of society, culture, religion and government) – rich folks in faith, trust, loyalty and conviction, and also heirs (those who possess by distribution of an allotment) of the reign and kingdom which He promised to and assured for those continually loving Him?

James 4:4

4 Adulterers and adulteresses (= Folks unfaithful to Christ or God as your husband)! Have you not seen, and are you not aware, that the System's friendship (the affection whose source is this world of religion, secular culture, economy and government) is a source of enmity with God (or: hostility and active hatred with regard to God; [Aleph reads: exists being alienation to God])? Whoever, then, may have been made to want (to intend; to purpose) to be the System's (or: world's) friend is continuing to be established (habitually set down; progressively rendered or constituted) [as] God's alienated and hostile person.

2 Peter 1:11

11 For thus (in this way) the Path of entrance (or: the place and act of the Way unto) into the center or midst of the eonian reign (or: the Kingdom pertaining to and having the character and qualities of the Age; the for-the-ages sovereign influence and actions) of our Lord and Savior (or: Owner and Deliverer), Jesus Christ [= [the] Messiah], will continue being richly furnished and fully supplied for you (in you; to you).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.