Luke 6:20 Cross References - JMNT

20 And then He, Himself, lifting up His eyes into the midst of (or: = looking penetratingly and squarely at) His disciples, began saying, "Happy and blessed [are you] poor and destitute folks! – because God's reign (or: sovereign influence and activity; kingdom) is now yours (or: belongs to you, as a group).

Matthew 5:2-12

2 So opening His mouth, He began teaching them, progressively saying, 3 "The destitute folks [are] happy in spirit and attitude, because the reign of the heavens is continually belonging to, and made up of, them (or: Blessed [are] those dependent for support on the Spirit, for the kingdom from the sky and the atmosphere is continuing to pertain to them; The people who need to beg for sustenance [are made] happy by the Breath-effect because the effect of the sovereignty of the heavens is being a source in and for them; The financially poor folks [exist being] happy with an attitude that the sovereign influence and activity from the atmospheres continuously exists with reference to them)! 4 "Those constantly grieving and mourning [are] happy and blessed because [other MSS: now that] they, themselves, will habitually be called alongside to receive relief, aid, encouragement and comfort! 5 "‘The kind, considerate, gentle, mild-tempered, humane and nonviolent folks (people who do not use force) [are] happy and blessed because they, themselves, ‘will proceed to be inheriting the Land (or: be receiving and enjoying an allotment of the earth)! [Ps. 37:11] 6 "The people being habitually hungry and constantly thirsty for the fairness, equity, right relationship and justice which characterize a rightwised state of being within the Way pointed out (or: = for covenant inclusion) [are] happy and blessed, because they themselves will continue feeding and drinking [of these things] until they are filled and satisfied! 7 "The folks who are merciers (who give and show mercy) [are] happy and blessed, because they, themselves, will repeatedly be given and shown mercy! 8 "Those who are clean in the heart [are] happy and blessed, because they, themselves, will progressively see God! (or: = The folks that have had the core of their beings made clean [are] happy people, in that they will continue to see God [in everything]!) 9 "The ones who make peace and create shalom [are] happy and blessed because they, themselves, will continue being called God's sons (or: termed 'sons of and from God')! 10 "Those being ones having been pressed forward, chased or persecuted for the sake of fairness, equity, [covenant] relationships or justice which comes from the Way pointed out [are] happy and blessed because the reign of the heavens continually belongs to them (or: for the kingdom of the heavens is continuing to pertain to them; because the reign and sovereign activities from the atmosphere and sky is being a source in and for them)! 11 "You folks are and continue to be happy (and: blessed) people! Now whenever people may denounce, reproach, heap insults on and persecute or chase you folks, and while continuously lying, may even say every bad thing (spreading malicious gossip; [other MSS: every misery-gushed utterance]) down against you – for the sake of Me, 12 be continuously rejoicing and repeatedly express extreme exultation, because your wage (compensation; reward) [is] much (large; great), within the heavens (or: atmospheres [that surround you])! You see, they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.

Matthew 11:5

5 "The blind folks are habitually seeing again, and the lame and crippled folks are continually walking about. The lepers are one-after-another being cleansed, and deaf people are habitually hearing. [Isa. 35:5-6] Even dead people are one-by-one being awakened and raised up [Isa. 26:14] and the poor folks, the destitute ones, are continually having the good news of ease and wellness announced to them. [Isa. 61:1]

Matthew 12:49-50

49 Then, stretching out His hand upon [the assembly of] His disciples, He said, "Look at, and consider – My mother and My brothers! 50 "You see, whoever may be doing the will, intent, purpose and desire of My Father – the One within and in union with [the] heavens (or: in the midst of [the] atmospheres) – that very person is My brother and sister and mother!"

Matthew 25:34

34 "At that time (or: point), the King (or: Reigning One) will proceed saying to the folks at [the places to] His right, 'Come here, you folks having received words of ease and wellness from (or: spoken well of by; or: having received the blessing of; or: bearing thoughts, ideas, expressions and the Word of goodness from) My Father! At once come into possession of the inheritance of, and enjoy the allotment of, [the period of, place of, or realm of] the reign (or: kingdom; influence and activity of sovereignty) having been prepared and made ready from a founding (a casting down [as of a foundation; or: of seed]) of a system (or: of [the] adorned arrangement; of an arranged order; of [the] world).

Mark 3:34-35

34 Then, glancing around at the men still sitting in a circle around Him, He proceeds to say, "Look and take note of (or: See and consider) My mother and my brothers (= siblings)! 35 "Whoever may do (perform) the will, intent and purpose of God (or: should construct what God wants and desires) – this one is (exists being) My brother and sister and mother!"

Luke 4:18

18 " [The] Lord's [= Yahweh's] Breath-effect (or: [The] Spirit of [the] Lord; or: a spirit from [Yahweh]; or: a spirit and attitude which is [the] Lord) [is] upon Me [Old Syriac MS: you], on account of which He anointed Me [Syriac: you] to bring and proclaim good news (a message of ease and wellness) to destitute folks – and so He has sent Me off as an emissary (a missionary; one commissioned as His representative) to cure and heal folks with [their] heart having been crushed, to publicly proclaim, as a herald, to (for; among) captives a release and liberation (a letting go away) and to (for; among) blind folks a seeing again (a recovery of sight), to send away with a mission those having been shattered by oppression, in a state of release and liberation,

Luke 6:20-24

20 And then He, Himself, lifting up His eyes into the midst of (or: = looking penetratingly and squarely at) His disciples, began saying, "Happy and blessed [are you] poor and destitute folks! – because God's reign (or: sovereign influence and activity; kingdom) is now yours (or: belongs to you, as a group). 21 "Happy and blessed folks [are] those at the present time being constantly hungry! – because you folks will be progressively fed until satisfied. Happy and blessed [are] the folks presently crying! – because you will proceed to be laughing. 22 "You people continue existing being happy and blessed whenever mankind (people; humanity) may hate you or treat you with ill-will, and whenever they may mark you off by boundaries, so as to separate you, and may even insult or denounce [you], or defame [your] character and reputation, and then may even throw out your (collective, or, individual) name as worthless, harmful or wicked – on account of the Son of the Man (= the eschatological Messianic figure; or: = Adam's son; the Son of mankind). 23 "You folks be continuously rejoicing and then jump for joy (or: frisk about) within that day, for, look and consider! – the wage and reward (or: the compensation) belonging to you folks [is] much (or: vast; great) within the midst of and in union with the heaven (or: in the atmosphere)! You see, their fathers (= ancestors) kept on treating the prophets the very same way (or: repeatedly did to the prophets in accord with the same things). 24 "Nevertheless, tragic will be the fate for you rich (wealthy) folks, because your call to the side for help, supporting influence, encouragement and consolation continues being some distance away and is presently estranged (or: = your times of prosperity are over), and you currently have the fullness of what is due you.

Luke 12:32

32 "Stop fearing (or: Do not continue being wary), little flock, because it delights the Father (or: because the Father thought it good, and thus, approved) to give the rule (reign; kingship; kingdom; sovereign influence and activities) to you folks.

Luke 13:28

28 "Whenever you may [other MSS: will] see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – as well as all the prophets – within the midst of God's reign (or: sovereign activities and influence; kingdom), yet you yourselves, one after another, being thrown outside, the weeping and the grinding (or: gnashing) of the teeth (= the sorrow and regret) will be [out] there, in that place.

Luke 14:15

15 Now on hearing these things, someone of the fellow guests (a certain one of those lying back together [at the meal]) said to Him, "Whoever will continue eating bread (= a meal) within God's reign (kingdom; royal rule and domain) [will be] happy, blessed and fortunate."

Luke 16:25

25 "But Abraham said, 'Child (or: Born one; or: Descendant), be reminded that within your life (or: lifetime) you took away (or: received from; or: got in full) your good things (or: the good things that pertain to you; the good things that had their source in you), and Lazarus likewise the bad things (the [experiences] of poor quality; the worthless things; the harmful and injurious [treatments]; the [conditions] as they ought not to be). But at the present time, here he continues being called alongside and given relief, aid, comfort and consolation, yet you yourself continue being given pain.

John 7:48-49

48 "Not anyone from out of the rulers (chiefs; leaders) or from out of the Pharisees put trust, confidence or belief into him, do they? 49 "But this crowd, which is having no habitual, experiential or intimate knowledge of the Law, continues being those under a curse (are those upon whom a curse rests)." [comment: they said this because they viewed the "crowd" as people who did not keep the Law]

Acts 14:22

22 progressively establishing (fixing and making to stand) the souls (inner lives) of the disciples (or: students), repeatedly calling [them] alongside to give relief, aid and comfort while encouraging [them] to continue abiding and remaining within the midst of the faith (or: trust; confidence; loyalty; reliance; conviction; assurance), and [saying] that, "It continues binding and necessary for us to enter into the reign of God (or: God's kingdom; the sovereign activities which are God) through the midst of many pressures, squeezings, tribulations, afflictions and oppressions."

1 Corinthians 1:26-29

26 For, take a comprehensive look at (or: as an indicative: you folks are progressively observing and seeing) your calling (or: vocation; social role, position or station) brothers, that [there are] not many wise folks – according to flesh (or: corresponding to a flesh [system of philosophy or religion]; on the level of [the estranged human situation]; = having their origin in the sphere of a self oriented toward a controlling System), not many powerful ones (those with ability), not many well-born ones (ones born to ease and profit; those of noble birth; folks with good genes or genealogy), 27 but to the contrary, God collects His thoughts and speaks forth (or: selects and picks out; chose) the stupid things (or: the foolish ones) of the organized System (the world of religion, culture and its secular society; or: the cosmos; the universe), to the end that He could (or: would; may) habitually disgrace and bring shame down on the wise ones; and God collects His thoughts and speaks forth (or: selects, picks out and chooses) the weak things (or: the powerless or sickly ones) of the System (world; arranged order), so that He would bring disgrace and shame down on the strong things (or: the robust and mighty ones), 28 and God collects His thoughts and speaks forth (or: selects, picks out and chooses) ignoble things (or: those of no family; those without known ancestry; the base ones; or: the things that are unborn or have not happened; the occurrences that have not come to be) pertaining to the controlling System (or: from the world or government, politics, religion, culture; of the realm of the secular), and those that are looked down on, despised and regarded as having come from out of nothing – even those being nothing (or: not existing; the things [which] are not) – in order that He could make ineffective (may bring down to idleness and uselessness) the existing things (= [systems of government and religion] presently being), 29 so that no flesh [nature, government or religious system] [including, or at] all – could boast in God's sight or presence (or: before God).

1 Corinthians 3:21-23

21 Hence (or: And so), let no one continue boasting in people (in humanity), for all people are yours (or: all things pertain to you), 22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas; whether [the] world (System of culture, religion, economy and politics or government), or life, or death; whether things standing or having been placed within [your situation], or things being about to be (impending things), all people and all things [are] yours (or: everything pertains to you, belongs to you, and [is] from you folks), 23 yet you folks [are] Christ's – yet Christ [is] God's! (or: Now you have your source and origin in [the] Anointed, and [the] Anointed has His source and origin in God; or: But you belong to [Messiah]; [Messiah] belongs to God.)

2 Corinthians 6:10

10 as those being repeatedly made anxious, sad, vexed, distressed or in pain, but yet ever rejoicing; as constantly being people that are poor, destitute and living as beggars, but yet repeatedly making many rich (or: enriching many folks); as those possessing (having or holding) nothing, and yet continuously possessing all things to the full (or: habitually having and retaining everything in a firm grasp; or: repeatedly holding fast to all folks)!

2 Corinthians 8:2

2 how that within the midst of much testing and proving which came through pressure, tribulation, oppression and affliction, the superabundance of their joy – also contrasted with the depth of their destitution (poverty, and/or life as beggars) – superabounds into the wealth (or: riches) of their singleness [of heart and purpose] and simplicity (un-complexity; or: openness and sincerity in generous sharing with others),

2 Corinthians 8:9

9 For you people continue knowing by experience the grace of Jesus Christ (or: the favor whose source and being is Jesus [the] Anointed), our Lord (Master; Owner), that although continuously existing being rich (wealthy), because of and for the sake of you folks He became destitute and led the life of a beggar, to the end that by and in the destitution and poverty of That One, you yourselves could (or: should; may; would) come to be rich (wealthy).

1 Thessalonians 1:6

6 and within much pressure (or: squeezing; oppression) you yourselves were birthed (produced, made to be) imitators of us and of the Lord, receiving (taking in hand) the Word (or: idea; thought; message;) with [the] joy of [the] set-apart Breath-effect (or: from [the] Holy Spirit; or: the Sacred Breath's joy; or: accompanied by gracious joy which is a sacred attitude),

2 Thessalonians 1:5

5 [This is] a display-effect (result of pointing-out; demonstration) of God's fair and equitable (just; in accord with the Way pointed out) deciding (separating for an evaluation or a judging), [leading] unto your being accounted worthy (deemed of equal value) of God's kingdom (or: the sovereign reign which is God), over (or: on behalf of) which you are also constantly having sensible experiences (or: normally feeling emotions; or: repeatedly suffering),

James 1:9-10

9 Now let the low (humble; not rising far from the ground) brother (or: fellow member/believer) continually boast (or: be habitually loud-mouthed) in his height (or: exaltation), 10 but the rich, in his lowness (or: humiliation; depression), because he will be progressively passing by as a flower of grass (or: = a wildflower).

James 1:12

12 Happy and blessed is the adult male [A and other MSS: person] who is continuously remaining under a proving (a putting to the proof; or: a trial; an ordeal), because upon being birthed approved (or: growing and becoming proved and accepted) he will continue laying hold of the circle of the life (or: life's crown; life's encirclement; the encirclement from this living existence; or: the wreath which is the Life) which He [some MSS: the Lord (= Yahweh or Christ)] Himself promised to those continuously loving Him.

James 2:5

5 Listen and hear, my beloved brothers! Did not God at one point choose (call and speak out; pick out; select) for Himself the poor folks in the System (or: Does not God Himself lay out and collect the beggars and those who slink and cower with wretchedness in the world of society, culture, religion and government) – rich folks in faith, trust, loyalty and conviction, and also heirs (those who possess by distribution of an allotment) of the reign and kingdom which He promised to and assured for those continually loving Him?

Revelation 2:9

9 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your works (deeds; actions) and pressure (squeezing; tribulation) and poverty – but rather, you are rich – and the blasphemy (slanderous speech; hindering of light) of those declaring themselves to be Jews – and yet they are not – but rather [are] a gathering-together (a synagogue) of the adversary (Greek: of satan; or: which is satan; or: from the adversary).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.