Luke 23:17 Cross References - JMNT

17 [this vs. omitted by most texts, but is in some MSS: Now he was normally having an obligation to release one [prisoner] to them, in accord with {the} festival.]

Matthew 27:15

15 Now corresponding to [the] Feast (or: festival), the governor had normally been accustomed to release one prisoner to the crowd – whomever they had been wanting (desiring);

Mark 15:6

6 Now corresponding to [the] festival (or: feast), he was customarily releasing to them one prisoner – whomever they had been requesting by petition.

John 18:39

39 "Now for you people there is a joint custom of intimate friendship and intercourse, for our mutual use, to the end that I should release one man to you within (at; during) the Passover. Are you men therefore continuing deliberately intended and purposed to the end that I should release to you the king of the Jews (or: Judeans)?"

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.