1 On one of the days during His continuing in teaching the people within the Temple courts (or: grounds), as well as declaring the good news of ease and wellbeing, it then happened [that] the chief (or: leading; ranking) priests and the theologians (scribes; Torah-teachers; scholars) – together with the elders – suddenly took a stand upon the scene.
Luke 20:1 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 21:23-27
23 Later, after His coming into the Temple courts and grounds, the chief and ranking priests – as well as the elders (or: older men) of the people – came up to Him while [He was] in the process of teaching. They, one after another, proceeded saying, "In what kind of authority (or: In association with sort of customary law) are you continuing to do these things?" And then, "Who gave this authority (right; privilege) to you?"
24 So Jesus, making a discerning response, says to them, "I, Myself, will proceed also asking you one question (thought; word), which, if you folks can (or: should; would) tell Me, then I also will continue in telling you in what kind of authority (or: in association with what sort of customary law) I am constantly doing these things:
25 "The immersion (baptism; = ceremonial washing) which pertained to and was done by John – from what source or origin was it being; from out of heaven (or: from [the] Atmosphere), or from out of the midst of humans (mankind; people)?" Now they began reasoning and discussing among themselves, one after another saying, "If we should say, 'From out of heaven,' he will say to us, 'Why (Through what cause or situation) did you not trust or put faith in him?'
26 "Yet if we should say, 'From out of humans,' we continue fearing about the crowd (= are afraid of how the crowd might react), for they all are in the habit of holding John as a prophet."
27 And so, giving a determined reply to Jesus, they said, "We have not seen and so we do not know (or: We are not aware)." He also affirms to them, "Neither am I, Myself, laying it out or saying to you folks within what kind of authority (right; privilege; customary law) I continue to do these things.
Matthew 26:55
55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "You folks come out as upon a robber (highwayman) or an insurrectionist – with knives, swords, staffs and clubs – to jointly seize (or: apprehend) Me. Daily I used to habitually sit facing you men within the Temple grounds, constantly teaching, and you did not take hold of Me (= lift a hand against Me or attempt to arrest Me).
Mark 11:27-33
27 Later, they proceed coming again into Jerusalem. Then, during His progressively walking around within the midst of the temple grounds (or: courts), the chief (or: ranking) priests, the scribes (theologians; experts in the Law; scholars) and the elders (or: older men) proceed to be coming toward Him,
28 and they began saying to Him, "Within what authority are you continuing to do these things and engage in these activities?"
29 So Jesus said to them, "I Myself will proceed also asking you men one word (one question from reasoned thought; = one point). You folks respond to me from your considered deliberation (or: decided opinion), and I will continue saying to you within what authority I continue doing these things and engaging in these activities:
30 "The immersion [performed] by John (or: John's baptism): was it from out of heaven (or: from [the] atmosphere), or forth from humans, as a source? Give to me a decided reply (or: a definite answer)."
31 So they began reasoning with themselves in face to face dialogues, eventually saying, "If we should say, 'From out of heaven (or: atmosphere),' he will proceed in saying, 'Why (Through what reasoning or situation), then, did you men not trust him (or: it) or believe in him (or: it)?'
32 "But on the other hand, should we say, 'Forth from humans'?" They had been fearing the crowd, for everyone (all [the] folks) continued holding John as being real – that he was a prophet (or: progressively had it that John in reality was a prophet),
33 and so, giving a considered response, they proceed saying to Jesus, "We have not seen (have not perceived; have not been aware), so we do not know." Then Jesus, with a decided reply, proceeds to say to them, "Neither am I Myself now laying out My thoughts in saying to you within what authority or right I continue doing these things and engaging in these activities."
Luke 8:1
1 Later it occurred that He Himself then began making His way through city by city and village by village, in consecutive order, repeatedly making public proclamation as a herald, and constantly bringing and declaring God's sovereign reign (or: kingdom; the influence and activity of the ruling which is God) as good news of ease and well-being – and together with Him, the twelve,
Luke 19:47-48
47 Later, He was repeatedly teaching, daily, within the midst of the Temple courts and grounds. But the chief (or: ranking) priests and the scribes (scholars; Torah experts; theologians) – along with the foremost folks (or: leaders) of the people – kept on trying to find [a way] to destroy Him,
48 and yet they were not finding the [solution for] what they could do, for you see, all the people – continuously listening – kept hanging on His [words].
John 18:20
20 Jesus considered and replied to him, "I Myself have publicly (outspokenly with boldness and freedom of speech which is the right of a citizen) spoken in the System (or: to the world of religion, culture, economics and government). I at all times taught in a synagogue, and within the Temple courts, where all the Jews are habitually coming together, and I have spoken nothing within a hidden place.
Acts 4:1
1 Now during their continued speaking to the people, the chief (or: ranking) priests, the officer of the Temple guard (= the Controller of the Temple), and the Sadducees stood near them, in opposition, and at last took a stand upon [the scene],
Acts 6:12
12 And so they stirred up (agitated; moved and shook together like an earthquake) the people – as well as the elders and the scholars (scribes; theologians of the Law) – and so, having been standing near upon [him], they, as a group, suddenly took him by force (gripped, seized and snatched him) then led [him] unto the Sanhedrin (High Council).