John 10:14 Cross References - JMNT

14 "I Myself am the Ideal (the Beautiful; the Fine) Shepherd, and I intimately know Mine by experience, and Mine are now intimately coming to know (or: progressively are intimately knowing) Me by experience,

John 10:11

11 "I Myself am the Ideal Shepherd (the Beautiful Protector of and Provider for the sheep). The Ideal (Fine; Beautiful) Shepherd continually places His soul over the sheep (or: habitually sets [p45 & others: gives] His soul-life and His entire being for, and on behalf of the situation of, the sheep).

John 10:27

27 "because My sheep are constantly hearing and listening to [implying: obeying] My voice, and I Myself am progressively (or: continuously) knowing them by intimate experience, and they are progressively (or: habitually) following Me,

John 17:3

3 "Now THIS is (or: exists being) eonian life (living existence of and for the ages; life pertaining to the Age [of Messiah]): namely, that they may progressively come to intimately and experientially know You, the only true and real (genuine) God – and Jesus Christ, Whom You send forth as an Emissary (or: as well as Jesus [as the] Anointed One, whom You sent off as a Representative).

John 17:8

8 "because I have given to them the gush-effect (results of the flow; spoken words; sayings; declarations) which You gave to Me and give in and by Me, and they themselves took and received [them], and they intimately and experientially know truly (or: with reality) that I came out from beside You (or: went forth from Your presence), and they trust, believe and are convinced that You, Yourself, sent Me forth as an Emissary (or: Representative).

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying),"Light will shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight)!" [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential knowledge of God's glory – in a face of Christ (or: [is] He Who gives light in union with our hearts, [while] facing toward an effulgence and a shining forth which is an intimate knowing of the praise-inducing manifestation whose source and origin is God, and which is God, [while] in union with face to face presence of Christ [other MSS: Jesus Christ]).

Ephesians 1:17

17 to the end that the God of (or: pertaining to; or, reading the genitive as in apposition: Who is) our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory, might give (suddenly impart) to you a spirit (or: breath-effect; attitude) of wisdom and revelation (unveiling; uncovering; disclosure) within the midst of a full, experiential and intimate knowledge of Himself (or: in a full realization of Him; or: within and in union with His full, personal knowledge; or: resident within an added insight from Him, and which is Him),

Ephesians 3:19

19 and thus to know and gain insight by intimate experience the love of, from, and which is, Christ [that is] continuously transcending (overshooting; being thrown over and beyond; surpassing) personal experiential knowledge and insight, so that you folks would be filled unto all the effect of the fullness of God and the result of the filling from God (or: could be filled up, unto the saturation point, with the result from the entire contents of God; or: into all God's full extent; or: unto all the effects pertaining to God's filling [you]).

Philippians 3:8

8 But further – indeed, then, as a matter of fact – I even am habitually considering (or: regarding) all things (all; everything) to be a loss (a disadvantage; a bad bargain; damage; a forfeit; a penalty) because of (on account of; for the sake of) the thing that is constantly holding things above and thus having all-surpassing value and superiority: that which pertains to and comes from the experience of the intimate knowledge of my Lord, Jesus Christ (or: of Christ Jesus, my Owner) – on account of and for the sake of Whom I undergo loss of (experience the forfeit of; receive as a disadvantage) all things (everything; the whole life-experience, environment and possessions) and I continue considering (or: regarding) them to be [either] a lot of refuse and filth (pieces of dung; a pile of manure) [or] things that are cast away from the table to the dogs (garbage), to the end that I may have the advantage of Christ (or: could maintain the gain of the Anointing; enjoy the assets of or make a profit from [Messiah]),

2 Timothy 1:12

12 For (Because of; In view of) which cause I am also continuously experiencing (also: feeling; being affected by; suffering) these things. But still, I am not feeling shame (or: I am not experiencing embarrassment), for I have seen and thus know by Whom I have believed and now put my trust (or: in Whom I have relied and continue placing confidence), and I have been persuaded and am continuing convinced that He is able (He continues being powerful) to watch over, guard and protect – on into that Day – the deposit placed alongside of me (or: what is entrusted to my charge).

2 Timothy 2:19

19 Nevertheless (or: However), God's firm and solid deposit which is placed down (a deposit of money; treasure; or: a foundation; basis) stands, continuing to hold (or: have) this seal: " [The] Lord [= Yahweh] knows (or: knew) by intimate experience those being of Him (or: the ones that belong to Him; those having Him as their source), " [Num. 16:5; Nah. 1:7] and: "Let everyone repeatedly naming the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] (or: by habit using the Lord's name) stand away from (withdraw from; keep away from) injustice (that which is unfair and inequitable, which negates relationship and does not correspond to the Way pointed out).” [Num. 16:26]

1 John 5:20

20 yet we have seen and thus know that God's Son has arrived and is continuously here, and He has given thorough understanding (comprehension; faculty of thought; intelligence; intellectual capacity; input throughout the mind) to the end that we would constantly know [other MSS: so that we do constantly know] by experience the True One (or: the true, the real and the genuine), and we constantly exist within and in union with the True One (or: in the real [situation]; in the midst of Reality): within His Son, Jesus Christ. This One is the True (Real; Genuine) God, and Life pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age (or: life having its source in the Age [of Messiah]; eonian life; Life of, for and on through, the ages).

Revelation 2:2

2 I have seen, and thus know, your [note: the pronouns and verbs are singular] works (acts; deeds), and your exhausting labor, and yourremaining-under (patient endurance), and that you are not able (have no power) to bear up (lift up to carry) evil ones (worthless ones; those of bad quality), and you put to the proof those declaring themselves to be envoys (representatives; "apostles")and they are not – and youfound them false (liars; deceivers);

Revelation 2:9

9 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your works (deeds; actions) and pressure (squeezing; tribulation) and poverty – but rather, you are rich – and the blasphemy (slanderous speech; hindering of light) of those declaring themselves to be Jews – and yet they are not – but rather [are] a gathering-together (a synagogue) of the adversary (Greek: of satan; or: which is satan; or: from the adversary).

Revelation 2:13

13 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) where you are continually dwelling (settling down for an abode)where satan’s seat (or: the adversary's throne and place of power) [is]! – and yet you are constantly strong in (or: getting into your power) My Name, and did not deny (disown) My Faith in the days in which Antipas, My faithful witness (or: martyr), who was killed alongside you folks: where satan dwells (where the adversary continuously has his abode).

Revelation 2:19

19 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your [singular] acts (deeds; works), and love (urge toward reunion; participating acceptance), and faith (reliability), and service, as well as persistent remaining-under for support (relentless, humble endurance); and your last acts (works) [are] more than the first ones,

Revelation 3:1

1 "Next, to (or: in; for) the agent of (or: messenger from; person with the message pertaining to) the called-out community within Sardis, write: 'The One having (or: holding) the seven spirits and attitudes of God – and (or: even) the seven stars – is presently saying these things, I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your works (actions; deeds) [and] that you have a name (= reputation) that you are living, and yet you are dead!

Revelation 3:8

8 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your [note: pronouns & verbs are singular] actions (works; deeds). Consider! I have given before you an open door (or: a door having been opened in your sight) which no one is able (or: has power) to shut, because you continue holding a little power (having a little ability), and you keep watch over (guard) MyWord, and you do not deny (or: disown) My Name.

Revelation 3:15

15 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your [singular] works (acts), that you are (continue being) neither cold nor boiling hot (or: zealous): O that you were being cold, or boiling hot (zealous)!

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.