Galatians 3:23 Cross References - JMNT

23 So before the [time, or, event for] the Faith to come (or: prior to the coming of this trust, assurance and conviction), we were being continuously confined and held in custody under the watch of a guard, being folks constantly encircled, enclosed, shut up and locked together by and under Law, [with a view to, aimed and moving] into the Faith and Trust being about to be unveiled (or: revealed; disclosed),

Luke 10:23-24

23 And then, being turned toward the disciples, He said privately, "Happy and blessed [are] the eyes [that] are constantly observing and seeing the things which you folks are now continually observing and seeing, 24 "for I am now saying to you that many prophets and kings wanted (or: felt an intense desire) to see (catch a glimpse of; or: see [the picture] of) the things that you folks are now looking at and presently seeing – and yet they did (or: do) not at any point see [them]; also to hear the things that you folks are now hearing – and yet they did (or: do) not at any point hear [them].

Romans 3:19

19 But we know from having seen that whatever the Law ([Torah]; or: custom) continues saying, it continues speaking to and for those within the Law (or: custom) – to the end that every mouth may be shut (fenced in; hedged around; stopped; barred; silenced)! And so all the world (ordered System of religion, culture, economy, and government; or: secular society; or: = all humanity) can come to be "under fair and equitable dealings," in God (or: would become subject to a just decision and a pointing out of the Way, by God; or: should come to be liable to God, "under what is right"; or: may be brought to a just trial with God).

Romans 6:14-15

14 for your sin (your failure; your missing of the target) will not continue exercising mastery (or: You see, deviation from the goal shall not exert ownership and rule as your lord), for you folks are not under Law (or: do not exist being subject to [Torah] or custom), but rather under Grace (or: the Act which produced happiness, which was granted as a favor). 15 What, then? Should we (May we; Can we) occasionally sin (miss the target; fail), because we are not under law (subject to [Torah] or custom), but rather under grace (the act yielding happiness, granting joyous favor)? Certainly not (May it not come to be or happen)!

Romans 11:32

32 For you see, God encloses, shuts up and locks all mankind (everyone; the entire lot of folks) into incompliance (disobedience; stubbornness; lack of being convinced), to the end that He could (or: would; should) mercy all mankind (may make everyone, the all, recipients of mercy)!

1 Corinthians 9:20-21

20 So I come to be (or: became) as a Jew for (or: to; with) the Jews, to the end that I can (would; may) gain Jews; as under Law for (or: to; with) those under Law, to the end that I can (or: would; should; may) gain those under Law; 21 as without law (or: as lawless) – [though] not continually being without a law pertaining to God, but to the contrary, within a principle which is Christ (or: Christ's law; the custom which has the character and quality of Christ; or: [the] law which is [the] Anointing) – to those without law (for and with the lawless ones), to the end that I will progressively [other MSS: can; may; would] gain the folks without law (the lawless ones).

Galatians 3:19

19 Why, then, the Law [= Torah] of The Transgressions? It was at one point set aiming at, and thus provided a view to, grace and favor [D, F, G & others read: It was appointed for (or: set {beside}) grace] (or: Why, then, the Law? It was placed close and applied {imposed; added} on behalf of the walks to the side of [the path]; or: What, therefore [is] the Law [= Torah]? Something set, as a favor, face-to-face with the over-steppings and transgressions to the side of and beyond [the Way]) – being precisely arranged and thoroughly prescribed and mandated by injunction through means of agents (or: messengers; folks with the message) within the midst of [the] hand of a mediator (or: in an umpire's hand; within [the] hand of an arbitrator or an intermediary in a middle position) – as far as to where (or: until which place or time) the Seed would (or: should) come, to Whom and for Whom the promise had been made (or: in Whom He had been promised).

Galatians 3:24-25

24 so that, consequently, the Law (= Torah) had come to be (had been birthed into existence) and continued being our supervising guardian and attending escort [with a view to, aimed and moving] into Christ, to the end that we could (or: would) be made just, fair and equitable (rightwised; turned in the right direction and placed in right relationship within the Way pointed out; freed from guilt; also = included in covenant) from out of faith, conviction and trust. 25 So now with the coming of the Faith and Trust, we no longer continuously exist (or: are) under [the] supervising guardian or an attending escort [comment: = the Law; Torah]!

Galatians 4:1-5

1 Now I continue saying, for (or: upon [the length of]) as much time as the heir (the apparent possessor of the distributed allotment) is progressing from being an infant to a minor (one having either no ability, or no right, to speak; = continues being under legal age) he continues essentially differing nothing from a slave, [though] continuously being owner (lord and master) of everything (of all), 2 but further, he exists being under those to whom the trust is committed (guardians; ones entrusted with control and right to turn upon their charges) and house managers (stewards; administrators) until the father's previously set [time or situation]. 3 Thus also we ourselves, when we were progressing from infants to minors, we continued being folks having been enslaved under (or: by) the System's elementary principles (the rows, ranks and series of the organized system of culture, economy, government in secular society and religion, as well as of the world and universe; or: the rudimentary things pertaining to the cosmos). 4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law, 5 to the end that He could (or: would) buy out (ransom; redeem; reclaim [from slavery]) those under [the] Law – so that we could and would receive and take away into possession the placing in the condition of a son (or: the deposit of the Son; the setting in place which is the Son; the constituting as a son; the placing in the Son).

Galatians 4:21

21 Go on telling me, those of you constantly wanting or intending to be under Law (or: exist [controlled] by a legalistic custom or system, or [Torah]), do you not continue listening to and hearing the Law (or: paying attention to the [Torah])?

Galatians 5:18

18 Yet since (or: if) you folks are continuously being led in spirit (by [the] Spirit; to [the] Spirit; with a Breath-effect), you do not exist (you are not) under Law [= Torah; = the flesh system of works].

Hebrews 11:13

13 Down from faith (or: In line with confidence; Corresponding to trust; In the sphere of loyal allegiance and faithfulness) all these folks died off, not taking hold of (or: receiving; [other MSS: not being ones carrying off to themselves for kindly keeping]) the promises, but still, after seeing them forward at a distance, and drawing them to themselves and clinging to them, even speaking alike (saying the same thing; confessing in verbal agreement) that they are, and continue being, strangers and sojourners (or: foreigners and alien residents living in a foreign place) upon the land (or: earth).

Hebrews 11:39-40

39 And yet all these folks, being given testimony (being attested by witnesses) through their faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, did not at any point bring to themselves (or: acquire) God's Promise (the promise of and from God; the Promise, which is God), 40 He Himself foreseeing (looking ahead of time and planning) something superior (stronger and better) concerning us, so that they would not be made perfect (brought to the destined goal; made complete; finished; made mature) apart from us.

Hebrews 12:2

2 turning [our] eyes away from other things and fixing them (or: looking away) into Jesus, the Inaugurator (First Leader; Prime Author) and Perfecter (Finisher; the Bringer-to-maturity and fruition; He who purposes and accomplishes the destiny) of the faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, Who, instead of and in place of the joy (or: in the position on the opposite side from the happiness) continuously lying before Him (or: lying in the forefront within Him; lying ahead for Him), remained under a cross – despising shame (or: thinking nothing of [the] disgrace) – and has sat down and now continues seated, remaining in the right [hand] of (or: = in union with the place of receiving at; = at the place of power and honor, which is) God's throne.

1 Peter 1:11-12

11 constantly searching into which season or what kind of situation the Spirit of Christ (or: Christ's spirit; or: the Breath-effect which is the Anointed One), resident within them, was continuing to point to, making [it] evident and clearly visible, repeatedly testifying (witnessing; giving evidence) beforehand about the effects of the experiences and results of the sufferings [projected] into Christ, and the glories (the manifestations which call forth praise; the good opinions and reputations; the appearances of things) after these things, 12 to which folks (or: in which ones) it was unveiled (revealed; disclosed) that not to or for themselves, but to and for you people, they had been progressively dispensing and serving them – which things are now announced (or: which tidings were brought back) to you through those announcing (proclaiming; bringing and communicating) the message of well-being and goodness (or: good news) to you within [or, with other MSS: by] a set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: sacred spirit) being sent forth from [the] atmosphere (or: heaven) – into which things agents (or: messengers; folks that had the message) are habitually and earnestly desiring (are constantly in full passion and craving) to stoop down beside and look (or: peer; peek) inside, so as to obtain a clearer and more accurate view.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.