Acts 25:19 Cross References - JMNT

19 "but instead they continued holding (or: having) certain questions aimed at him concerning [their] own reverencing of the animistic powers (or: fear of demons [Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence] and unseen powers) and about a certain Jesus – a person having died – whom Paul keeps on alleging to be alive (or: was continuing in claiming to be living now).

Acts 1:22

22 "beginning from the immersion originated by John (or: John's baptism) until the day in which He was taken back up (or: received again), away from us – one of these is to become a witness (one who gives testimony and presents evidence) together with us, in regard to His resurrection."

Acts 2:32

32 "God resurrected (raised; made to stand back up again) this Jesus – of which and of Whom we are all witnesses (folks who saw what happened and who now give evidence and testimony)!

Acts 17:22-23

22 So Paul, being made to stand in the middle of the Areopagus, affirmed [to them], "Men (some scholars suggest that this term = Ladies and Gentlemen), Athenians! I continue watching and observing you people as [being] most reverencing of the animistic powers (or: more religious than usual in regard to the fear of demons [Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence] and unseen forces), 23 "for while passing through, and then continuing in contemplation during carefully observing one after another of your religious objects (items of reverence; effects of veneration, devotion and worship), I also found an elevated spot within which it had been inscribed, 'To (or: For) an Unknown (or: Unknowable) God.' To Whom then, while continuing ignorant, you make it a habit to give reverent worship and dutiful support, this One am I myself presently announcing (bringing down a clear proclamation of) to you folks (or: Therefore, to what you people continue unknowingly giving godly devotion, this same One do I myself continue publishing among you).

Acts 17:31

31 "In accord with that, He set (or: established) a Day within which He is progressively about to continue evaluating and deciding about (or: judging) the inhabited area [of the Empire], in fairness and equity (in union with rightwised relationships for making things right and in accord with the Way pointed out; also: = based upon covenant principles; or: = as being in covenant) – within a Man, [D adds: Jesus,] Whom He definitely marked out, furnishing faith to all people (providing trust and assurance for all mankind; tendering loyalty in all) by raising Him back up from the midst of dead ones."

Acts 18:15

15 "Yet since it is the results of questions and controversies concerning a word (or: a message; a thought; an idea) and names, or even a law or custom of that which relates to you people, you yourselves will proceed seeing [to it]! I myself am neither wishing nor intending to be a judge of these matters!"

Acts 18:19

19 So they came down opposite unto (or: arrived into the midst of) Ephesus and [D adds: on the next sabbath] he left those folks there, yet he himself, upon entering into the synagogue, had dialogues and reasoned with the Jews.

Acts 23:29

29 I found him being presently accused (or: indicted) concerning questions of their Law, but having not even one charge worthy of death or of bonds (or: imprisonment).

Acts 25:7

7 So at his coming to be present, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood round about him progressively bringing down many and weighty reasons for accusations and results of charges against [him] – which they were having no strength of argument to demonstrate or prove,

Acts 26:22-23

22 "But then, all of a sudden obtaining the help and assistance from God which was right on target, I have taken a stand – and still stand until this day – repeatedly testifying (attesting and giving evidence) to both small and great, continuously saying nothing outside of those things which both the Prophets and Moses spoke (or: speak) of progressively being about to be birthed (or: to continue happening) – 23 "since the Christ (the Anointed One) [is] a suffering [Messiah] (or: [is] subject to suffering) – since He, [the] first one forth from a resurrection of dead people, is presently about to, as a herald, be repeatedly and progressively announcing Light to the public – both to and for the People [= the Jews and Israel] as well as to, for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; the Goyim; the Gentiles)."

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

3 For I handed on (or: give over as tradition) to you, among [the] first (or: primary) things, that which I also accepted and embraced: that Christ died over [the situation and circumstances of] our failures (on behalf of our mistakes and sins) – corresponding to the Scriptures – 4 and that He was buried, and that He has been awakened and raised in (or: on) the third day, and He remains thus – corresponding to the Scriptures –

1 Corinthians 15:14-20

14 So if Christ has not been awakened and raised up, our message which we preach [is] consequently empty and without content – and your [other MSS: our] faith and trust [is] empty and vacuous, 15 and further, we [thus] continue to be found being false witnesses, from and concerning God, because we bring testimony and evidence down from God that He awakened and raised up the Christ – Whom, consequently, He did not raise up, if indeed dead ones are not really being habitually (or: periodically; one after another) awakened and raised up! 16 For if dead ones are not habitually (or: presently, one after another; periodically) being awakened and raised up, neither has Christ been awakened and raised up. 17 And if Christ has not been awakened and raised up, your faith and trust exists being devoid of success and results – you are still within the midst of and in union with your mistakes, failures and sins! 18 Consequently, also, those falling asleep within the midst of and in union with Christ lose themselves (or: loose-away and destroy themselves). 19 If we are (or: exist being) folks having placed an expectation in Christ within this life only, we are, of all humanity (or: mankind; people), the ones most to be pitied and in need of mercy and compassion. 20 Yet now – at this present time! – Christ is roused and awake from having been raised up from out of the midst of dead people: a Firstfruit (= the first of the harvest; the Sheaf Offering, signally the beginning of the harvest [Lev. 23:10]) of those having fallen asleep, and are yet sleeping (reposing).

Revelation 1:18

18 "even The Living One (or: and now, the One continuously living), I also brought Myself to be (or: birthed Myself) [to be] a dead one (or: I also came by Myself to be dead), and now, Look and consider! I am living on into the ages of the ages (or: the unspecified and indefinite time periods of the eons), and I constantly hold (or: have; possess) the keys of Death and of the Unseen (Greek: hades)."

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.