10 for it continues (or: is repeatedly) necessary for us – the all (= the whole of humanity) – to be manifested in front of Christ's elevated place (a step, platform, stage, or place ascended by steps to speak in public assembly in the center of a city; or: = an official bench of a judge or public official), to the end that each one may himself take into kindly keeping, for care and provision (= be responsible for), the things [done] through (or: by means of; or: [during our] passing through [with]) the body – [oriented] toward what things he practices (or: she accomplished), whether good or bad, whether serviceable or inefficient, whether fair or foul, whether capable or careless. (or: for you see that it continues binding for us all to be set in light so as to be clearly seen in the presence of the judgment seat which is Christ, so that each should keep and provide for the things performed through the body, with a view to, and face to face with, what things [were practiced], whether virtuous or vile).
2 Corinthians 5:10 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 16:27
27 You see, the Son of the Man (or: mankind's son; or: = the Son of Adam; or: [the eschatological Messianic figure]; or: the Human Being) is presently about to continue progressively coming within the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) of His Father, with His agents (messengers). And at that time, He will proceed giving back (or: repaying; recompensing) to each one in corresponding accord with his practice, behavior and operation of business.
Matthew 25:31-46
31 "Now whenever the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; = the eschatological messianic figure; = the representative human) may come within His manifestation which calls forth praise (His glory; His good reputation) – as well as all the [other MSS add: set-apart (holy)] agents (folks with the message; messengers) with Him – at that time He will proceed sitting down upon a throne which has the quality and character of His praise-inducing manifestation (or: which has His glory as its source; or: which is His glory; or: which pertains to His good reputation).
32 "And next, all the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; people groups) will be progressively collected and gathered together in front of Him, and then He will continue marking off boundaries and separating them from one another, just as the shepherd is habitually separating [as in separate pens or groups] the sheep away from the kids (the immature goats). [note: this is something habitually done; both groups are clean animals, were used in sacrifices, and are a part of the shepherd's herd]
33 "And so, He will continue making the sheep, on the one hand, to stand at [places to] His right [note: the place of power and receiving], yet on the other hand, the kids (immature goats) at [places to His] left.
34 "At that time (or: point), the King (or: Reigning One) will proceed saying to the folks at [the places to] His right, 'Come here, you folks having received words of ease and wellness from (or: spoken well of by; or: having received the blessing of; or: bearing thoughts, ideas, expressions and the Word of goodness from) My Father! At once come into possession of the inheritance of, and enjoy the allotment of, [the period of, place of, or realm of] the reign (or: kingdom; influence and activity of sovereignty) having been prepared and made ready from a founding (a casting down [as of a foundation; or: of seed]) of a system (or: of [the] adorned arrangement; of an arranged order; of [the] world).
35 "You see, I was hungry (or: I hunger) and you folks gave (or: give) to Me [something] to eat; I was thirsty (or: I thirst), and you folks gave [something for] (or: cause) Me to drink; I was existing being a foreigner (or: stranger), and you people gathered Me together [with you] (= showed Me hospitality and oneness with your group);
36 " [I was/am] naked, and you people clothed (or: clothe) Me; I fell sick (or: become weak), and you folks carefully looked upon (or: = visit and look out for; took oversight of) Me; [I was/am] in prison (or: jail), and you came to Me (or: come and set your face on Me).
37 "At that point, the fair, just and rightwised folks who live in right relationship within the Way pointed out will proceed giving a considered response to Him, [together] saying, 'O Lord (Master), when did we see You continuing hungry, and we nourished [You], or continuing thirsty, and we gave [something for] (or: caused) [You] to drink?
38 "'And when did we see You a foreigner (or: stranger) and we gathered [You] and showed [You] hospitality, or naked and we clothed [You]?
39 "'Now when did we see You continuing sick and weak or in prison (or: jail), and we came to You?'
40 "And then, giving a decided reply, the King will proceed saying to them, 'I am truly now saying to (or: It is true, I now tell) you folks, Upon such an amount (or: = To the extent) that you did (or: do) and perform(ed) [it] to (or: for) one of these belonging to the least of My brothers (used collectively: = the members of My family; or: = those of My group or brotherhood), you did and perform [it] to and for Me!'
41 "At that point, He will also proceed saying to those at the places on [His] left, ' [You] folks having been brought under the curse, continue proceeding on your way, away from Me, into the eonian fire (or: fire for an undetermined period of time; the fire which comes with the Age [of Messiah]; the fire pertaining to and having its source in the Age; the age-lasting fire; the fire having the quality and characteristics of the Age) – the one having been prepared and made ready in (or: by; with; for) the person who thrusts [something] through [folks] (the adversary; one who casts [something] through the midst and causes division; the 'devil') as well as in (or: by; with; for) his agents (messengers).
42 "'You see, I was hungry (or: I hunger) and you folks did (or: do) not give to Me [something] to eat; I was thirsty (or: I thirst), and you folks did not give [something for] (or: do not cause) Me to drink.
43 "'I was existing being a foreigner (or: stranger), and you people did (or: do) not gather Me together [with you] (= showed Me hospitality and oneness with your group); [I was/am] naked, and you did (or: do) not clothe Me; [I was/am] sick, weak and in prison (or: jail), and you folks did (or: do) not carefully look upon (or: = visit and look out for or take oversight of) Me.'
44 "At that point they will also proceed giving a considered response, one after another saying, 'O Lord (Master), when did we see you continuing hungry or thirsty, or a foreigner (a stranger) or naked, or weak and sick, or in prison (or: jail), and did not give You attending service (= perform as a deacon for You)?'
45 "At that time, He will continue making a decisive reply, continuing in saying to them, 'Truly (or: It is True; Amen), I now say to you folks, Upon such an amount (or: = To the extent) that you did (or: do) [it] not to (or: for) one of these least folks, neither did (or: do) you do [it] to (or: for) Me.'
46 "And so, these folks will continue going off (or: coming away) into an eonian pruning (a lopping-off which lasts for an undetermined length of time; an age-lasting correction and rehabilitation; a pruning which brings betterment and which has its source and character in the Age; a cutting off during the ages), yet the fair, just and rightwised folks who are in right relationship with people and are in accord with the Way pointed out [continue going off or coming away] into eonian life (life which has its source and character in the Age [of the Messiah]; life pertaining to the Age; or: the life of and for the ages).
Acts 10:42
42 "And He passed along the directive (the announced instructions) for us to publicly proclaim, as heralds – to, and among, the people – and to certify at once, by personal evidence, and to give testimony as witnesses that this Man is and continues being the very One having been definitely marked out and specified by God [as] He who decides ([the] Evaluator; a Separator for making decisions; Judge) concerning presently living folks, and currently dead people.
Acts 17:31
31 "In accord with that, He set (or: established) a Day within which He is progressively about to continue evaluating and deciding about (or: judging) the inhabited area [of the Empire], in fairness and equity (in union with rightwised relationships for making things right and in accord with the Way pointed out; also: = based upon covenant principles; or: = as being in covenant) – within a Man, [D adds: Jesus,] Whom He definitely marked out, furnishing faith to all people (providing trust and assurance for all mankind; tendering loyalty in all) by raising Him back up from the midst of dead ones."
Romans 2:5-10
5 Yet down from your hardness (or: in line with and in accord to your obstinacy) and an unrepentant heart (= unchanged thinking and affection in the center of your being) you habitually collect and lay up stores of personal emotion in yourself (or: progressively treasure up to yourself inherent fervor, passionate impulse and a mental bent or a disposition; or: periodically bank for yourself anger, indignation or wrath) within a day of personal emotion (fervor; passion; anger; etc.) and of an unveiling of a decision of rightwising from God (or: of a revealing of God’s verdict regarding fair and equitable dealing; of an uncovering of a just judgment which is God; of a disclosure of a separation for a decision having the character of the Way pointed out from God; disclosure from God's right evaluation),
6 Who will progressively award in each person (or: give back to each one; pay for each one) down from (in line with; in accord to; to the level of) his works (actions; deeds):
7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages).
8 Yet, on the other hand, in those (to those; for those) out of a work for ambitious, factious or contentious purposes, and in (or: by) being continuously incompliant (disobedient; unwilling to be persuaded) to (or: by) the Truth (reality; veritable essence), but constantly compliant (obedient; persuaded) in, to, by and for the injustice (inequity; that which is not in accord with the Way pointed out), [there will be] personal emotion (or: inherent fervor; passionate impulse; anger; indignation; wrath; a habit of mind; a mental bent or disposition) and rushing of feelings (or: intense passion of the mind; violent breathing; glowing animation; turbulent commotion of the mind; or: rage; fury),
9 pressure (affliction; trouble; tribulation; ordeal) and squeezed narrowness (tight restriction; distress; anguish) – upon every soul of mankind which is persistently in himself working down and effecting the bad (the ugly; the worthless; the evil; the injurious; the bad situation; the worthless quality; the malicious intent) – both of a Jew, first, and also of a Greek (or: one of the Hellenist culture);
10 but yet glory (a manifestation of that which calls forth praise; a credible reputation) and honor (value; worth) and peace (or: harmony; [=Shalom]) in, to, for and with everyone habitually working and accomplishing in himself the Good (or: the virtuous and excellent) both in, to, and for a Jew, first, and also in, to and for a Greek (or: Hellenist);
Romans 6:12-13
12 Do not, then, let the Sin to continue reigning (or: Therefore, stop allowing the failure, the mistake, or the deviation from the goal to continue on the throne ruling as king) within your mortal body, [leading] into the continual listening in submissive obedience to its earnest desires (its full rushing of emotions, passions and lusts).
13 Also stop constantly placing your members (or: body parts) alongside (providing and presenting them) [as] tools (or: instruments) of injustice (disregard for what is right; activities discordant to the Way pointed out); but rather, you folks at once place yourselves alongside for disposal to God (or: stand yourselves with God, at [His] side; by and in God, present yourselves; set yourselves alongside [each other], for God) as it were being folks continually alive forth from out of the midst of dead ones, and your members [as] tools (instruments) of fair and equitable dealing in the Way pointed out in and by God (of justice and solidarity, for God; of being turned in the right direction, to God; of rightwised covenant relationships with God),
Romans 6:19
19 I am speaking humanly because of the weakness or sickness of your flesh (or: = your human condition; or: = the self that had been distorted by the System): for even as you folks presented (placed and provided alongside) your members [as; being] slaves by (for; in; to) the Uncleanness and by (for; in; to) the Lawlessness, [leading] into that Lawlessness, in this manner (or: thus) now you folks must place (provide and present) your members alongside [as] slaves of the Way pointed out (slaves of rightwised relationship in fair and equitable dealings; slaves of justice and righteousness) [leading] into the quality and sphere of being set-apart (or: into a holy consecration and a state of being sacredly different).
Romans 12:1-2
1 Consequently, brothers, I am repeatedly calling you folks alongside to exhort, implore and encourage you, through God's compassions to stand your bodies alongside (or: to set or place your bodies beside) [the] Well-pleasing, Set-apart (Holy; Different-from-the-usual), Living Sacrifice by God (or: in God; for God; to God; with God), [this being] your sacred service which pertains to thought, reason and communication (or: your reasoned and rational service; the logical and Word-based service from you folks).
2 And stop constantly conforming yourselves to (or, as passive: So then, quit being repeatedly molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with) this age [with other MSS: and not to be continuously configured to this age, or not to constantly remodel yourself for this age], but on the contrary, be progressively transformed (transfigured; changed in form and semblance) by the renewing (or: in the renewal; for the making-back-up-new again) of your mind [with other MSS: from The Mind; of the intellect; pertaining to the faculties of perceiving and understanding; of the mindset, disposition, inner orientation and world view] into the [situation and condition for] you folks to be habitually examining in order to be testing and, after scrutiny, distinguishing and approving what [is] God's will (design; purpose; resolve; intent): the good and well-pleasing, even perfect (finished, complete and destined)! (or: = the thing [that is] virtuous, satisfying and able to succeed in its purpose.)
Romans 14:10-12
10 But you! Why are you constantly judging (discriminating against; separating away; making a decision about) your brother (= fellow believer; or: = fellowman)? Or why are you also habitually making light of (making nothing out of; setting at naught; treating with scorn or contempt) your brother? For you see, we will all continue standing in attendance alongside on God's elevated place (platform or stage which is ascended by steps, from which one speaks in a public assembly; or: we will all repeatedly present ourselves at the seat, dais or throne which is God [some MSS: Christ]),
11 for it has been written, "I, Myself, am continuously living. The Lord [= Yahweh] is saying that in Me (by Me; to Me; for Me) every knee will repeatedly bend in worship, or, to sit down (or: I live, says the Lord, because every knee will repeatedly bend to sit down in Me), and every tongue will continue to agree, bind itself and promise to God (speak out of the same word in God; publicly acclaim/acknowledge God; openly profess by God)." [Isa. 45:23]
12 Consequently, then, each one of us will continue giving a word (presenting a message; rendering an account) about himself to God (or: for God; by God; in God).
1 Corinthians 4:5
5 Hence (or: And so), do not be constantly evaluating (or: stop judging, making decisions about or critiquing) anything before [its] season (before a fitting, due or appointed situation; prior to a fertile moment): until the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] would come – Who will continue giving light to (or: shine upon and illuminate) the hidden things of the Darkness (or: the hiding things which are things in the shadows and dimness of obscurity), and will progressively set in clear light (or: manifest) the intentions and purposes (designs, dispositions, motives and counsels) of the hearts – and then the praise and applause from God will repeatedly be birthed (will happen; come into being) in each human (or: for every person)!
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
12 Everything is presently out-of-Being (or: authorized; allowed; permitted) to me and for me. But yet not everything proceeds to bear together for advantage, profit or help. Everything is authorized, permitted and out of [His] Being, but still I myself will not proceed in being brought under authority by anyone. (or: With and to me, all humanity is from the source of Being, and continues with right and privilege. However, all humanity is not habitually carrying together. With and to me, all humanity is from the source of Being, and continues with right and privilege, nonetheless, I will not continue being put in subjection to rights and privileges under any person or under any certain thing, pertaining to me.: or: Everyone has rights with me, but on the other hand, not all things are advantageous. Everyone has privilege with me, although, as for me, I will not proceed in being subdued under anyone's privilege.)
13 The foods (The things eaten) [are meant] for the stomach, and the stomach [is meant] for the things eaten, yet God will make both it and them useless and unprofitable (or: will also bring this and these down to being idle). Now the body [is] not for prostitution (or: sexual immorality; or: = idolatry), but rather for the Lord – and further, the Lord [is] in (or: for; with) the body.
14 Yet God both aroused (awakened) and raised up the Lord, and He is presently and progressively (or: one-after-another repeatedly) arousing and raising us up [reading with p11.46*, A, D*, P and others; or: p46c2, B and others read: He suddenly aroused and raised us up (or: at one point arouses and raises us up); or: p46c1, Aleph, C, D2 and others read: He will continue raising us up] through His power and ability.
15 Have you folks not seen so as to know that your [other MSS: our] bodies are (exist being) members (body parts) of Christ? Upon lifting up and carrying off (or: bearing away) the members (body parts) of the Christ, will I proceed (or: should or could I) then in making [them] members (body parts) of a prostitute? May it not come to be or happen (= Heaven forbid; = No way)!
16 Or, have you folks not seen so as to know that the man continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union) to (or: in) a prostitute exists being one body [with her]? For, He says, "The two will continue existing, being [joined] into one flesh." [Gen. 2:24]
17 Now the person continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union; in himself being continuously welded) to (or: in; with) the Lord exists being one spirit (or: one Breath-effect).
18 Constantly flee (Repeatedly take flight [from]) the prostitution. [note: this would also apply to idolatry in pagan temples which used prostitutes as part of the idol worship] The effect (or: result) of every sin (failure to hit the target; error; mistake) – whatsoever a person may do – exists being outside of the body. Yet the one habitually committing prostitution (practicing sexual immorality) is habitually sinning (sowing errors and mistakes) into his own body. [note: both his physical body, and the body of the called-out community]
19 Or, have you folks not seen so as to know that your body (or: the body of you folks) is a temple of the set-apart spirit (or: a sanctuary belonging to the Holy Spirit; a holy place and a holy of holies which pertains to the Sacred Breath; or: that the body, which is you folks, exists being a divine habitation which has the qualities and characteristics of the Holy Attitude) – within the midst of you (or: in union with you folks; or: among you people) – which you people constantly hold and progressively possess from God? And further, you are not folks belonging to yourselves (or: Also then, you people do not exist from yourselves),
20 for you people were bought, as at a marketplace: [there was] value and honor involved in the price (or: [you are] of value) (or: = for you were bought and paid for; or: for from a valuable price you folks were bought at market). By all means then, glorify God (bring a good reputation to God; manifest that which calls forth praise to God) within your body (or: within the midst of the body which you folks are)!
2 Corinthians 7:3
3 I am not now speaking with a view toward condemnation (a decision to bring [you] down), for I have said before that you folks continuously exist (or: are) within our hearts – into the [situations of both] to die together and to be continuously living together!
Galatians 6:7-8
7 Do not be continually led astray (or: Stop being caused to wander and being deceived); God is not one to be sneered at (to have a nose turned up at; to be scorned, mocked or treated like a fool), for "whatever a person is in the habit of sowing, this also he will reap,"
8 because the person continually sowing into the flesh of himself (= his estranged inner being), will progressively reap corruption (spoil; ruin; decay) forth from out of the flesh (= the estranged inner being); (or: the one habitually sowing into the flesh [system], of himself will continue to reap decay from out of the flesh [system];) yet the one constantly sowing into the spirit (or: the Breath) will be progressively reaping eonian life (life having the characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; or: life from the Age that lasts on through the ages) forth from out of the spirit (or: the Spirit; the Breath; the attitude).
Ephesians 6:8
8 having seen and thus knowing (perceiving; being aware; recognizing) that each person, if he or she may do some good thing (perform some virtuous act; produce some excellence and quality), this she, or he, will continue receiving for herself, or himself, for kindly keeping alongside of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]: whether slave, whether free.
Colossians 3:24-25
24 having seen, and thus, knowing that you folks will receive back from the Lord [Yahweh or Christ] and take away the corresponding compensation of, from and which consists in the enjoyment of the allotted inheritance. Be constantly slaving for Christ, the Owner (Lord; Master) [or, with other MSS, and as an indicative: For you are constantly performing as a slave in (or: by; with) the Lord, in {the} Anointed One].
25 Certainly, the person habitually doing wrong (constantly acting unjustly or inequitably; repeatedly being unfair and walking contrary to the Way pointed out) will continue receiving in himself what he wrongly does (or: will progressively take for his own dealing what inequity and unfairness he did) – and there is no partiality (favoritism; consideration because of personal appearance or of the face presented; receiving of a facade; taking of personage into account).
1 Peter 4:5
5 Such folks will continue rendering an account (or: giving back a reason) to the One readily and continually judging (separating and making a decision about) [p72: prepared to judge; other MSS: constantly holding {Himself} in readiness to judge] living folks and dead ones,
Jude 1:14-15
14 But Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied to these folks, saying, "Behold, the Lord [=Yahweh] came (or: comes and goes) within His set-apart myriads (or: in union with innumerable holy multitudes, which are Him),
15 to form a separation (or: make a decision; construct a distinction; perform a sifting and a judging) which corresponds to and falls in line with all people (to the level of everyone), and to test (or: search thoroughly) the irreverent folks concerning all their irreverent works (activities; deeds) which they irreverently did, and concerning all the hard things which irreverent outcasts (folks in error; sinners; failures; folks who make mistakes and miss the target) spoke against Him."
Revelation 2:23
23 And I will proceed killing her children within death, and all the called-out assemblies shall know that I am the One continuously searching the kidneys and hearts, and I will continue giving to each one of you down from (in accord to; in the sphere of; to the level of) your [plural] actions (deeds; works).
Revelation 20:11-15
11 Next I saw a great bright, white throne, and the One continuously sitting upon it from Whose face the earth (or: ground; Land) and the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) flee (or: at once fled). And a place is not found for them (or: And then no position was discovered by them or found in them).
12 Then I saw the dead folks – the great ones and the little ones – standing before the throne. And scrolls are (or: were) opened up. And then another scroll is opened up, which is of (or: the one pertaining to; or: from) The Life. And the dead ones are judged (were evaluated) from out of the things having been written within the scrolls, according to their works (down from their actions; on the level of their deeds).
13 And the sea gives (or: suddenly gave) [up; back] the dead folks within it, and death and the Unseen give (or: = the grave gave) [up; back] the dead folks within them. And they are judged (evaluated) according to their works (in correspondence with their actions; in line with their deeds).
14 Next the Death and the Unseen (or: = the grave) are cast (or: were thrown) into the lake (or: basin; artificial pool) of the Fire (or: the marshy area where there is fire). This is the second death: the lake of the Fire (or: the basin which is fire).
15 So if anyone is not found (or: was not found) written within the scroll of The Life, he is cast (or: was thrown) into the lake of the Fire (or: the artificial pool having the character and quality of the Fire; the marshy area from the Fire; the shallow basin, where there is fire).
Revelation 22:12
12 "Consider this! I am continuously (habitually; progressively) coming quickly (swiftly), and My wage (reward for work; compensation; recompense) [is] with Me, to give back (give away; render; pay) to each one as his work is (= what he deserves).