2 Corinthians 1:6 Cross References - JMNT

6 Now whether we are being continually squeezed and compressed, or oppressed in tribulation, over and on behalf of your assistance (or: a calling to [His] side for relief, aid and comfort) and deliverance (salvation, rescue, health, wholeness and restoration), or whether we are repeatedly being given relief, intimate assistance, comfort and encouragement over and because of your assistance and comfort – referring to [that aid and encouragement] which is continuously performing inward work and operation within the midst of [that] persistent remaining under in endurance of the very effects of experiences and results of sufferings which we, ourselves, are habitually experiencing, or suffering –

Acts 21:5

5 So when there came to be the days to furnish us (fit us out [with provisions] and put us in appropriate condition), after going out, we continued on our journey – all of them, together with women and children, progressively sending us forward and accompanying us till outside of the city. Then, kneeling upon the beach (or: seashore), after speaking toward having things go well for us (or: praying)

Romans 5:3-5

3 So not only this, but further, we also keep on being proud of and boasting within the pressures, while exulting in ordeals, afflictions and tribulations, having seen and thus knowing that the pressure (or: the ordeal, affliction or tribulation) is habitually producing (working down; accomplishing) a relentless remaining (or: abiding and dwelling) under [situations and circumstances] (or: humble and persistent endurance and fortitude as we get through it, as well as the patient ability to give support). 4 Yet the remaining and abiding under [produces] a quality of being approved by testing (= maturity of character); in turn, the quality of being approved by testing [produces] expectation and hope. 5 Now the expectation (or: expectant hope) does not habitually bring down shame (disgrace; dishonor; thus: disappointment), because God’s love (the urge toward reunion and the unambiguous, uniting acceptance from God) has been poured out in a gush and shed forth so that it now floods within our hearts, permeating the core of our being, through the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; Sacred Attitude) being given to us (in us; for us).

Romans 8:28

28 Now [look], we have seen, and thus know and are aware, that to those habitually or progressively loving God – to the folks being called and invited according to [the] purpose (or: for, in and with the people progressively experiencing love for God – in, with, by and for the people being invited down from an advanced placing, congruent with a design and corresponding to a before-placing and a prior setting forth) – He is constantly working all things together into good and is progressively working all humanity together into that which is advantageous, worthy of admiration, noble and of excellent qualities. [with other MSS: Yet we know that God is continuously joining everything together (or: working together with everything) into goodness by those continuously loving God'85]

1 Corinthians 3:21-23

21 Hence (or: And so), let no one continue boasting in people (in humanity), for all people are yours (or: all things pertain to you), 22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas; whether [the] world (System of culture, religion, economy and politics or government), or life, or death; whether things standing or having been placed within [your situation], or things being about to be (impending things), all people and all things [are] yours (or: everything pertains to you, belongs to you, and [is] from you folks), 23 yet you folks [are] Christ's – yet Christ [is] God's! (or: Now you have your source and origin in [the] Anointed, and [the] Anointed has His source and origin in God; or: But you belong to [Messiah]; [Messiah] belongs to God.)

2 Corinthians 1:4

4 the One continuously calling us to receive aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement at [His] side (or: the One habitually functioning as our Paraclete) upon [the occurrence of] all our squeezing pressure (or: our every affliction, tribulation and oppression), [then directing and leading] us into the [sphere or situation] to in turn continue able – and to constantly have power – to keep on performing as paracletes in repeatedly giving aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement for those within the midst of every pressure (oppression; squeezing, affliction and tribulation) – [and this] through means of the [same] assistance with which we, ourselves, are being constantly called alongside by God to receive as aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement [from Him] (or: from which we, ourselves, are habitually being given the services of the Paraclete by God) –

2 Corinthians 4:15-18

15 for you see, all things [are] (the whole – everything – [is]) because of you folks, to the end that the grace (the boon and influence of gracious favor, joy, kindness and goodwill) – increasing and becoming more than enough through the greater part (the majority) of the people – can (should; would) cause the benefits of grace (or: the wellness of grace; or: the attitude of gratitude; or: the expression of thanksgiving) to be surrounding in superabundance, [leading] into God's glory (or: [proceeding] into the praise-inducing manifestation of God)! 16 For this reason we do not habitually behave with a bad attitude, or perform in a worthless manner, or act from out of a mood that is poor in quality, or become discouraged. But to the contrary, even if (or: since also) our outside person (or: outer humanity) is being progressively wasted away (is constantly being decayed and brought to ruin and corruption), certainly our inside [person] (= inner humanity or self) is day by day (or: from day to day; on a daily basis) being progressively made new again (or: renewed) in kind and quality so as to have a different character that is fresh and effective. 17 So you see, the momentary light [aspect or character] (or: lightness) of the pressure and squeezing (the affliction, oppression and tribulation) is progressively working down in us a corresponding and consecutively transcending eonian weight of glory (or: is repeatedly producing for us a heavy burden of glory, down from one over-casting on into another over-cast, each of which pertains to the Age; or: is now accomplishing with us an according, age-lasting weight of a good reputation – [each] a transcending one [leading] into [another] transcending one; or: is continuously effecting in us – on the level of “surpassing leading into surpassing” – a weight which has the quality of the realm of [Messiah's] Age, and which belongs to a manifestation which calls forth praise), 18 while we are not constantly fixing our gaze on or carefully noting the things that are being constantly seen or repeatedly observed, but rather, [we are continuously looking at] those things not being constantly seen or repeatedly observed, because the things being constantly seen and observed [are] for a season (temporary; set toward a certain situation; transient), but those things not being habitually seen or observed pertain to and have their source in the Age ([are] eonian; [continue] age-lasting).

2 Corinthians 5:5

5 Now the One working this down, producing and fashioning us into this very [situation is] God, the One giving to us the down payment (earnest; pledge; first installment) of the Breath-effect (or: which is the Spirit and the Attitude).

2 Corinthians 12:15

15 So I myself most gladly shall spend (pay the expenses) – even be completely spent (exhausted; bankrupted) – over (on behalf of) your souls. Even if I am constantly loving you excessively, I am habitually being loved less. (or: And since I am continuously loving you more abundantly {or: too much}, am I being loved less?)

Ephesians 3:13

13 Wherefore I myself continually ask (or: request) not to be constantly despondent (or: repeatedly fainthearted) within my pressures and squeezings on behalf of you folks (or: over your [situation]).Whatever, it is [for] your glory and reputation (or: something which is a manifestation which calls forth praise with regard to you).

Philippians 1:19

19 For I am aware (have seen and thus know) that this will continue stepping away into deliverance (rescue; health and wholeness; salvation) for me (and: in me) through your request and the supply (support; provision) of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (or: from the attitude pertaining to and having the characteristics of Jesus Christ; of the Breath-effect which is Jesus, [the] Anointed),

2 Timothy 2:10

10 Because of this [fact], I continue remaining under to support all people and to patiently endure all [situations], on account of (= for the sake of) the selected and picked-out folks (the chosen-out people; the elect group; the choice ones), to the end that they, also, may hit the target of deliverance (rescue; health and wholeness; salvation) – that [which is] within Christ Jesus (or: the one pertaining to Jesus, resident within Christ: inherent in the Anointing) – together with glory (or: an appearance; an opinion; an imagination; a manifestation which calls forth praise) which has the characteristics and qualities of the Age (or: eonian glory; an age-lasting reputation).

Hebrews 12:10-11

10 You see, on the one hand, they were instructing (educating; disciplining; child-training) and continued thus toward a few days (= for a little while), according to and in line with that [which] normally was seeming [right] to them (or: was being in line with the opinion [held] by them). Yet on the other hand, upon this [instruction, arrangement and alignment] He is continuously bringing [things; situations] together (progressively collecting unto profitability) – unto this: to mutually partake of His set-apartness (or: to take by the hands together, share and mutually receive from the holiness and sacredness which is Him). 11 Now on the one hand, all discipline (instruction; child-training; education) with a view to (or: face to face with) what is presently at hand, does not at the time seem to be joyous or fun, but to the contrary [is] painful and full of sorrow and grief; however afterwards (or: subsequently), to, for, in and by those having been gymnastically trained (exercised without clothing; = working-out while stripped of self-works) through it, it is constantly and progressively yielding fruit which has the character and qualities of peace and harmony – which equates to fair and equitable dealings in rightwised relationships which are in line with the Way pointed out, and justice (also: = from covenant inclusion and participation).

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.